Saint Sava Church - Belgrade - Serbia
Saint Sava Church - Belgrade - Serbia 2017
Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade (Crypt and Dome Mosaic)
The Church of Saint Sava (Serbian: Храм светог Саве/Hram svetog Save) is a Serbian Orthodox church located on the Vračar plateau in Belgrade. It is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world and ranks among the largest church buildings in the world.
The basement contains a crypt, the treasury of Saint Sava, and the grave church of Saint Lazar the Hieromartyr.
The central dome mosaic depicts the Ascension of Jesus and represents Resurrected Christ, sitting on a rainbow and right hand raised in blessing, surrounded by four angels, Apostles and Theotokos. The total painted area of the dome is 1,230 m2 (13,200 sq ft), it is one of the largest curved area decorated with the mosaic technique.
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Serbia: Putin, Vucic witness mosaic completion ceremony in Church of St. Sava
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Serbian President Alexander Vucic took part in the completion ceremony of the mosaic image in Serbian Orthodox temple of St. Sava in Belgrade on Thursday.
The presidents inserted the missing mosaic elements into the icon of Jesus Christ.
The heads of the two countries added small pieces of the mosaic into the tricolour nimbus, symbolizing the commonwealth of Russia and Serbia.
The man behind the restoration project, an artist of the Russian Federation Nikolai Mukhin jokingly invited Putin to become a member of the mosaic brigade. In response, the president asked when the next salary was going to be, but, laughing, stressed that such things would always be done disinterestedly.
The artists of the project asked the presidents to leave autographs on the sketch of the image of the Saviour.
Arriving at the temple, Putin and Vucic also set candles to one of the icons, and then went to inspect its decoration.
Upon leaving the Orthodox temple, the President of Russia took a microphone and said to thousands of people standing in the square near the temple - Thank you for your friendship.
The Church of Saint Sava is one of the largest Orthodox cathedrals in the world. At the moment, it creates a mosaic that will become the largest in the world by area. About 125 thousand people gathered in the square near the church.
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Video ID: 20190117 053
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Cathedral of Saint Sava - Belgrade, Serbia
Cathedral of Saint Sava - Belgrade, Serbia
Church of Saint Sava, Belgrade HD
Temple of Saint Sava, Belgrade, Serbia
Temple of St. Sava is the largest Serbian Orthodox church, the largest Orthodox place of worship in the Balkans and one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.
Temple of Saint Sava - Catedrala Sfântu Sava - Hram svetog Save (Belgrade, Serbia)
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The temple, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world (after some, the largest), is a symbol of the Serbian people, raised in honor of Saint Sava, the spiritual patron of Serbia. Saint Sava (Свети Сава - Sveti Sava), 1175 - 1235, Orthodox monk and son of a Serbian ruler, has the merit of being realized in 1217 the Serbian National Church self-governing, being its first archbishop. He was also the creator of Serbian literature and legislation, the founder of a monastery on Mount Athos, a diplomat, etc. The cathedral was built on the ashes of the relics of Saint Sava burned exactly in this place in 1494 at the command of the Ottoman Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha to humiliate and kneel the faith and thirst for freedom of the Serbs. Wanted by Serbs since 1894, the sanctuary was built very hard, in 65 years (between 1939-2004, with interruption between 1941-1958). The Temple of Saint Sava is made in Byzantine-Serbian style, its architecture being inspired by the St. Sophia cathedrals in Constantinople and Christ the Savior in Moscow. In short, we can specify that it is 80 m high, on the roof are 18 golden crosses (of which the one on the central dome is 12 m high and 4 tons weight), four bell-towers that hold 49 bells and can easily shelter 10,000 people. As a special technical achievement it is worth mentioning the central dome with a diameter of 35 m and 4,000 tons weight, built on the ground and raised to the final position in 20 days. I also noticed the support received from the Orthodox Russia (inspiration, design, bronze statue of Saint Sava, consistent financial help, mosaic specialists ...) Opened with great pomp on May 10, 2004 (the day of the burning of Saint's Sava relics), the building is still in the works for decoration. These do not refer to a simple painting but to grandiose mosaics totaling 17,000 square meters (572 icons of saints), works that are expected to be completed in 2022. For this reason the large church is closed to the public, but you can visit the basement transformed into church and sheltering fragments of the vestments of Saint Sava. Although conceived as a hall for cultural-religious activities, the church in the basement impresses greatly. Near the temple there is a small but beautiful Church also dedicated to Saint Sava (Crkva Svetog Save), a historical and art monument erected in 1935 and housing the remains of Patriarch Varnava.
Music: Serbian Orthodox Choral Association - Akatist Bogorodici (Acathist to the Holy Virgin)
Catedrala, una dintre cele mai grandioase biserici ortodoxe din lume (după unii, cea mai mare), este un simbol al poporului sârb, ridicat în cinstea Sfântului Sava, patronul spiritual al Serbiei. Sfântul Sava (Свети Сава - Sveti Sava), 1175 – 1235, fiu de domnitor sârb și călugăr ortodox, are meritul de a fi realizat în 1217 Biserica Națională Sârbă autecefală, fiind primul ei arhiepiscop. De asemenea, el a fost creatorul literaturii și legislației sârbe, fondator al unei mănăstiri pe Muntele Athos, diplomat etc. Catedrala a fost construită pe cenușa moaștelor Sfântului Sava arse exact în acest loc în anul 1494 la porunca Marelui Vizir otoman Sinan Pașa pentru a umili și îngenunchea credința și setea de libertate a sârbilor. Dorită de sârbi încă din anul 1894, catedrala-simbol a fost construită însă foarte greu, de-a lungul a 65 de ani (între anii 1939-2004, cu întrerupere între anii 1941-1958). Este realizată în stil bizantino-sârbesc, arhitectura ei fiind inspirată de catedralele Sfânta Sofia din Constantinopol și Hristos Mântuitorul din Moscova. Are 80 m înălțime, pe acoperiș sunt 18 cruci aurite (din care cea de pe domul central are 12 m înălțime și 4 tone), patru turle-clopotniță care adăpostesc 49 clopote și poate găzdui cu ușurință 10.000 de oameni. Ca realizare tehnică este de amintit domul central având diametrul de 35 m și 4.000 tone, construit la sol și ridicat pe poziția finală timp de 20 de zile. De asemenea, am remarcat sprijinul primit din partea Rusiei ortodoxe (sursă de inspirație, proiectare, statuia de bronz a Sfântului Sava, ajutor financiar consistent, specialiștii mozaicari ...) Inaugurată cu mare fast în ziua de 10 mai 2004 (ziua arderii moaștelor Sfântului Sava), clădirea este încă în lucru pentru realizarea decorațiilor. Acestea nu se referă la o ”simplă” pictură ci la grandioase mozaicuri totalizând 17.000 m2 (572 icoane de sfinți), lucrări care se preconizează a fi terminate în 2022. Din această cauză biserica mare este închisă publicului, dar se poate vizita subsolul transformat în biserică și adăpostind fragmente din veșmintele Sfântului Sava. Deși gândită ca sală pentru activități culturale-religioase, biserica de la subsol impresionează foarte mult. Lângă catedrală se găsește o mică dar frumoasa Biserică închinată de asemenea Sfântului Sava (Crkva Svetog Save), monument istoric și de artă ridicat în anul 1935 și adăpostind moaștele Patriarhului Varnava.
Orthodox Church of Saint Sava, Belgrade, Serbia
Church of Saint Sava the bigest Orthodox Church located in Belgrade, Serbia. The place you must visit.This is just one part of it, the rest is under construction.
Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade, Serbia
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Church of Saint Sava Belgrade
Church of Saint Sava, Belgrade - Easter 2017
Saint Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church ; Belgrade,Serbia,Europe
Look at the artistic photos of our capital,Belgrade :
/ I plan to create a site about religion. All big religions are petals of only one Flower. People have forgotten that they are not alone in the cosmos and that some other higher power rules us from above,which can be called by various names. It is God,or universal Mind,as we can read often in it whatever you want,God is one for all and we are all very closely connected. As representatives of this civilization,people have alienated themselves from God. Their level of awareness is low, they run only for profit,forgetting to be compassionate,to help the weak,they are turning greedy.Hence,they do not work on raising the level of personal spirituality,as a civilized moment demands.The man is almost completely alienated from nature and does not function according to natural,cosmic laws which have been given to this civilization as a code. Another reason is the full materialization of the world, money is the most important thing, spirituality is generally a matter of one's image, not the essence of being.Therefore Planet punishes with floods,cyclones,misery,fear,illness.. There is hatred and negative information inside people.All this will lead to great cataclysm.However,there is not going to be the end of civilization in 2012 as we have read in many magazines and heard some statements from people who consider themselves prophets.There are going to be natural disasters at first and then our Planet will react.A quantitative leap of civilization follows.Whoever manages to accustom himself in a new dimension is going to remain.In the decades to follow,money will not have value,only the personal growth of each individual will count.How well we built our inner being for achieving earthly task for which we were born.
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St Sava Belgrade Serbia
When the Serbs in Banat rose up against the Ottomans in 1594, using the portrait of Saint Sava on their war flags, the Ottomans retaliated by incinerating the relics of St. Sava on the Vračar plateau in Belgrade. Grand Vizier Koca Sinan Pasha, the main commander of the Ottoman army, ordered for the relics to be brought from Mileševa to Belgrade, where he set them on fire on 27 April. Monk Nićifor of the Fenek monastery wrote that there was great violence carried out against the clergy and devastation of monasteries. The Ottomans sought to symbolically and really, set fire to the Serb determination of freedom, which had become growingly noticeable. The event, however, sparked an increase in rebel activity, until the suppression of the uprising in 1595. It is believed that his left hand was saved; it is currently held at Mileševa.
The Church of Saint Sava was built near the place where his relics were burned. Its construction began in the 1930s and was completed in 2004. It is one of the largest churches in the world.
Keliling kota Belgrade - Serbia #2 saint sava Church and Museum Nicholas tsela
Keliling kota Belgrade - Serbia #2 saint sava Church and Museum Nicholas tsela
Church of Saint Sava, Belgrade Serbia
Last time when i came the church in 2011, it is still constructing. If you you close this area I suggest to visit the Chuch. Next to the chuch is the national Library. I liked the library more
Giant Sveti Sava Temple - Belgrade
I moved on from Nis to Belgrade. On my first full day I visited the Sveti Sava temple, The second largest temple in the world which is still under construction now. I also visted the impressive Kalemegdan fortress.
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Dawn over Sava river (Belgrade, Serbia)
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The Church of Saint Sava| Living in Serbia #belgrade #serbia
The Church of Saint Sava, Hram svetog Save, is located in Vračar, close to Slavija Square, Trg Slavija, and Autokomanda. The literal translation of Hram svetog Save is the Temple of Saint Sava. Hram is the largest Serbian Orthodox church in Serbia, and its copper dome can be seen when approaching the city. Situated in a beautiful park, locals and tourists visit daily to worship, sightsee, socialize and relax next to a magnificent and spiritual landmark.
Be sure to check out my previous video below, about Vračar neighborhood.
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IKSON- Harmony
Harmony by Ikson
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Temple of Saint Sava - Belgrade, Serbia, Oct.2013
Zvona, Hram Sv.Save- St.Sava Church,Belgrade-Serbia
12h, velika zvona hrama Sv.Save,Beograd