Castle Stolzenfels in Koblenz, Germany
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Schloß Stolzenfels bei Koblenz am Rhein
Schloß Stolzenfels bei Koblenz am Rhein. Außen und Innenaufnahmen vom 03.02.2013.
Schloss Stolzenfels ,Koblenz Castle in Germany
A Beautiful Castle, Schloss Stolzenfels in Koblenz in the Rheinland Pfalz,Germany.
Cruising along the Loreley - Part 3 - Schloss Stolzenfels Castle, Koblenz, Germany
Nederlandse ondertiteling - English spoken
Stolzenfels Kasteel (Duits: Schloss Stolzenfels) is een voormalig middeleeuws burchtkasteel (Burg) veranderd in een paleis, in de buurt van Koblenz op de linkeroever van de Rijn, in de deelstaat Rijnland-Palts, Duitsland. Stolzenfels was een verwoest 13e-eeuws kasteel, begiftigd met de Pruisische kroonprins, Frederik Willem in 1823. Hij liet het herbouwen als een 19e-eeuws paleis in neogotische stijl. Tegenwoordig maakt het deel uit van het UNESCO-werelderfgoed Boven Midden-Rijndal. Het oorspronkelijke kasteel in Stolzenfels werd gebouwd als fort door de prins-bisschop van Trier, vervolgens Arnold II. von Isenburg.
Stolzenfels Castle (German: Schloss Stolzenfels) is a former medieval fortress castle (Burg) turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Stolzenfels was a ruined 13th-century castle, gifted to the Prussian Crownprince, Frederick William in 1823. He had it rebuilt as a 19th-century palace in Gothic Revival style. Today, it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley. The original castle at Stolzenfels was built as a fortification by the Prince-Bishop of Trier, then Arnold II. von Isenburg.
Schloss Stolzenfels, Koblenz
Schloss Stolzenfels ereilte das Schicksal vieler Burgen: der Pfälzische Erbfolgekrieg legte sie in Schutt und Asche. Es ist dem preußischen Kronprinzen und späteren König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. zu verdanken, dass die ehemalige Höhenburg heute als wichtigstes Bauwerk der Preußischen Rheinromantik zu besichtigen ist. Besucher spazieren heute durch den vom preußischen Gartendirektor Peter Joseph Lenné entworfenen Landschaftspark hinauf zum Schloss.
The fate of many castles befell Stolzenfels Castle: the Palatine War of Succession reduced it to ashes. It is thanks to the Prussian crown prince, later King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, that the former castle built on a hill can today be visited as one of the most important works of Prussian Rhine Romanticism. Visitors now walk up to the Castle through the landscape park designed by the Prussian head of gardening Peter Joseph Lenné.
Sin embargo, Stolzenfels sufrió el destino de muchos otros castillos, ya que acabó destruido durante la guerra de los Nueve Años. Debemos agradecer al príncipe heredero y posterior Rey Federico Guillermo IV que el antiguo castillo sea en la actualidad uno de los edificios más importante del Romanticismo del Rin prusiano. Los visitantes pasean hacia el castillo por los jardines diseñados por el director de jardines prusiano Peter Joseph Lenné.
Schloss Stolzenfels- ein Portrait
Dieser Film enstand als Auftragsarbeit der Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe RLP im Sommer 2012.
schloss stolzenfels castle koblenz Rhein germany
Schloss Stolzenfels, romantisches Schloss am Rhein ,romantic castle rhinevalley koblenz, Weltkulturerbe Unesco am Burgenweg, Jakobsweg, Rheinischen Sagenweg am Rhein, Rheinsteig
Places to see in ( Koblenz - Germany ) Schloss Stolzenfels
Places to see in ( Koblenz - Germany ) Schloss Stolzenfels
Just a few kilometres from the centre of Koblenz rises the Stolzenfels Castle in the district of the same name, high above the left bank of the Rhine. Built in the 19th century from the ruins of a 13th century fort, the castle with its park and gardens is culturally, historically and artistically one of the most important achievements of Prussian Rhine Romanticism.
Stolzenfels Castle is a former medieval fortress castle turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Stolzenfels was a ruined 13th-century castle, gifted to the Prussian Crownprince, Frederick William in 1823. He had it rebuilt as a 19th-century palace in Gothic Revival style. Today, it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley.
The original castle at Stolzenfels was built as a fortification by the Prince-Bishop of Trier, then Arnold II. von Isenburg (de).[1] Finished in 1259, Stolzenfels was used to protect the toll station on the Rhine, where the ships, at the time the main means of transportation for goods, had to stop and pay toll (later moved to Engers). Over the years it was extended several times (notably in the 14th century), occupied by French and Swedish troops in the Thirty Years' War and finally, in 1689, destroyed by the French during the Nine Years' War.
By 1842, the main buildings and the gardens were finished. On 14 September of that year, Frederick Wiliam, since 1840 King of Prussia, inaugurated his new summer residence in a great celebration with a torchlight procession and medieval costumes. Inauguration of the Gothic chapel occurred in 1845 during a visit by Queen Victoria (who began to build Osborne House the same year and Balmoral Castle three years later). Work on the interior of Stolzenfels castle was completed in 1850.
Among those who had worked on the designs for the palace and the gardens were Johann Claudius von Lassaulx (de), Karl Friedrich Schinkel (draft), Friedrich August Stüler (building) and Peter Joseph Lenné (garden). Stüler was later also commissioned to rebuild Hohenzollern Castle in Swabia for the king (1850–67). After the First World War, the castle became state-owned. After the Second World War, it was assigned to the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege – Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser, today: Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz, Direktion Burgen Schlösser Altertümer.
( Koblenz - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Koblenz . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Koblenz - Germany
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Koblenz Stolzenfels Castle Schloss am Rhein Rhine Germany
Eine Hommage an Koblenz-Stolzenfels, das Schloss Stolzenfels und die Stadt Koblenz am Rhein im Weltkulturerbe Oberes Mittelrheintal
Schloss Stolzenfels bei Koblenz
Stolzenfels Castle in S. Koblenz, Germany
Stolzenfels Castle grounds in December of 2013
RZ-Serie Von Burg zu Burg: Mit der Drohne über Schloss Stolzenfels
In der Serie Von Burg zu Burg stellen wir Burgen und Schlösser im RZ-Land vor. Bitte am Rädchen hohe Qualität auswählen! Mehr unter
Deutschland.Der Mittelrhein 2019. Koblenz. Schloss Stolzenfels
Deutschland.Der Mittelrhein 2019. Koblenz. Schloss Stolzenfels
Let's Play Stronghold - Sehr Schwer - Koblenz Stolzenfels - Part 2 (German)
Autsch... also bei der Verteidigung von Koblenz Stolzenfels haben wir einiges an Arbeit vor uns.
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KOBLENZ, GERMANY VLOG| Best places to go to Koblenz| Adobeau Vlog #6
Koblenz is a very charming city, it's well-known as one of the place to dock for the famous rhine river cruise. One of the most recommended route is from here to Rudesheim. There are dog-friendly cruises around, but we didn't make it on time.
Places that we visited:
Stolzenfels Castle:
Entrance Fee: 5 euros per person, no dogs allowed inside the rooms and garden.
Parking: Free
Entrance Fee: 14.80 euros, including a round trip ride on the cable car. Foods are not allowed inside the cable car.
Parking: 10 euros for 8 hours, DB BahnPark ParkPlatz Bannhof P1
Entrance Fee: None
An Nam Asia Fusion, Korean and BBQ
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Stolzenfels Koblenz Rhein Mosel Germany
Stolzenfels castle Koblenz rhinevalley Germany Koblenz an Rhein und Mosel, Urlaub am Rhein, Koblenz-Stolzenfels im Weltkulturerbe der Unesco oberes Mittelrheintal
Stolzenfels Castle
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Stolzenfels Castle is a former, medieval fortress castle turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Stolzenfels was a ruined 13th-century castle, gifted to the Prussian Crownprince, Frederick William in 1823.He had it rebuilt as a 19th-century palace in Gothic Revival style.Today, it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley.
About the author(s): NordNordWest
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 de (CC BY-SA 3.0 de)
Author(s): NordNordWest (
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Top 18. Best Tourist Attractions in Koblenz - Travel Rhineland Palatinate, Germany
Top 18. Best Tourist Attractions and Beautiful Places in Koblenz - Travel Rhineland Palatinate, Germany: Seilbahn Koblenz, Deutsches Eck, Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, Schloss Stolzenfels, Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung, Basilica of St. Castor, Historiensäule, Jesuitenplatz, Gorresplatz, Liebfrauenkirche, Kurfurstliches Schloss, Herz Jesu Kirche, Balduinbrucke, Romanticum, Alte Burg, DB Museum Koblenz, Florinskirche, St. Johannes der Taufer
Schloß Stolzenfels.wmv
Wurde vom Kronzprinzen und späteren König Friedrich Wilhelm IV renoviert
in den Jahren 1836-1842 Architekt Carl Friedrich Schinkel
Deutschland.Der Mittelrhein 2019. Koblenz.Schloss Stolzenfels
Deutschland.Der Mittelrhein 2019. Koblenz.Schloss Stolzenfels