Schloss Wolfsburg 4K
Einen Besichtigung Wert. Sehr schönes Schloss und Schlosspark.
Gibt ein Museum und Restaurant.
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Schloss Wolfsburg // 4k
Aufnahmen im Herbst vom Schloss Wolfsburg mit dem F550
Schloss Wolfsburg
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Schloß Wolfsburg mit Stadtmuseum
Namensgeber und Wahrzeichen der jungen, bald 80 Jahre alten Stadt Wolfsburg ist das Schloss Wolfsburg. Dieses wurde als Burg vor mehr als sieben Jahrhunderten von den Rittern aus dem Geschlecht derer von Bartensleben errichtet, um 1600 erfolgte der Um- und Ausbau zu einem prächtigen Schloss der norddeutschen Renaissance. Seit Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts waren die Schlossherren die Grafen von der Schulenburg. Ihre Wolfsburger Linie begründete die Ehe der Erbtochter Anna Adelheit Catharina aus der Familie derer von Bartensleben mit Adolf Friedrich Reichsgraf von der Schulenburg. Die ökonomische Grundlage der Wolfsburger bildete die regional weitreichende Gutswirtschaft. Erst mit der Errichtung von Volkswagenwerk und Stadt 1938 änderte sich die land- und forstwirtschaftlich geprägte Struktur. Auf den Gütern unter anderem der Wolfsburger Schlossherren entstanden eine moderne Automobilfabrik sowie die Quartiere für die Werksarbeiter und deren Familien.
Schloss Wolfsburg - Beautifull Castle
Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
The place is full of history. It has a small museum which is very interesting.
Wolfsburg Castle (Schloss Wolfsburg) is one part of the Old City of Wolfsburg, whose center it once was. It is surrounded by parks, baroque garden and half-timbered houses.
Schloss Wolfsburg is the castle that gave the city of Wolfsburg its name. In the time it was built it served more of a representative role than that of a protective castle and thus was built a little more for beauty than for pragmatism.
The real attraction of this castle is on one hand the surrounding park area and on the other hand the multitude of events taking place here.
So this is the place to go if you want to spend some time in beautiful surroundings. Also, if there is an event taking place here it is usually worth going to see what it is, many cultural events are free or accessible for a small fee and usually the castle and its surroundings are somehow involved in the events. Personally I have seen some of the best HipHop concerts on the square inside the castle...
Nevertheless the castle itself is ofd course interesting as well. There are some tours available but they are not very frequent and you should check in advance if they will take place. The museum attached to the castle showcases some of its history as well as the history of the surrounding villages and settlements over the known time periods and is also worth a visit.
Schloss Wolfsburg 2007
Amedeo Ariano presenta il concerto di Sergio Cammariere,
Schloss Wolfsburg 2007
Places to see in ( Wolfsburg - Germany )
Places to see in ( Wolfsburg - Germany )
Wolfsburg is the fifth largest city in the German state of Lower Saxony. Located on the River Aller northeast of Braunschweig, it lies about 75 km east of Hanover and 230 km west of Berlin.
( Wolfsburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Wolfsburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Wolfsburg - Germany
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Wolfsburg is quite a modern city having been built, in the main, in 1938 on to house workers from the newly built VW factory. However, it's castle dates from 1600 and today houses the Stadtmuseum. It has a rundown of the city's history from 1938, when the VW plant was founded, to the present day. There's also a small regional history museum and two art galleries that host rotating exhibitions
AutoStadt. AutoStadt is the home of Volkswagen AG. AutoStadt theme park is a city in itself and offers entertainment, dining, tours, driving, and more. Visit the website to plan your day or days at the AutoStadt in Wolfsburg.
A visit to the Phaeno Science Center is an absolute must. It is a new building designed by Zaha Hadid and is a breathtaking and revolutionary space.
Verein für Leibesübungen Wolfsburg e. V., commonly known as VfL Wolfsburg or Wolfsburg, is a German sports club based in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony. The club grew out of a multi-sports club for Volkswagen workers in the city of Wolfsburg.
Schloss Wolfsburg
Wolfsburg is 75 years old. It is famous for its Volkswagen factory. It was named after Schloss Wolfsburg. It dates from 1600 and was built as a noble residence for the Bartensleben family. Schloss Wolfsburg houses the Stadt Museum, with displays on Wolfsburg's history, and two art museums. Schloss Wolfsburg is the place where different city shows take place. I was lucky to see How milk becomes cheese. You can read about it here
Schloss Wolfsburg - Beautifull Castle
Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
The place is full of history. It has a small museum which is very interesting.
Wolfsburg Castle (Schloss Wolfsburg) is one part of the Old City of Wolfsburg, whose center it once was. It is surrounded by parks, baroque garden and half-timbered houses.
Schloss Wolfsburg is the castle that gave the city of Wolfsburg its name. In the time it was built it served more of a representative role than that of a protective castle and thus was built a little more for beauty than for pragmatism.
The real attraction of this castle is on one hand the surrounding park area and on the other hand the multitude of events taking place here.
So this is the place to go if you want to spend some time in beautiful surroundings. Also, if there is an event taking place here it is usually worth going to see what it is, many cultural events are free or accessible for a small fee and usually the castle and its surroundings are somehow involved in the events. Personally I have seen some of the best HipHop concerts on the square inside the castle...
Nevertheless the castle itself is ofd course interesting as well. There are some tours available but they are not very frequent and you should check in advance if they will take place. The museum attached to the castle showcases some of its history as well as the history of the surrounding villages and settlements over the known time periods and is also worth a visit.
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Wolfsburg The City
Wolfsburg The City gibt einen tollen Einblick in die Stadt und zeigt, was Wolfsburg zu bieten hat!
본격 힐링 영상! 독일 볼프스부르크 성 & 공원. germany Schloss Wolfsburg & park
본격 힐링 영상! 독일 볼프스부르크 성 & 공원. germany Schloss Wolfsburg & park
Recommended Wolfsburg | Discover Germany
Since 1972, Liesel Wirths has been guiding travelers through the city. Her first recommendation is the view from the roof of the City Hall. Further tips are Wolfsburg Castle and the Allersee lake. See more in Video on Demand.
Wolfsburg, Germany: Hageberg, Wohltberg, Hohenstein, Stadtmitte - A39, Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße - 4K
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Wolfsburg (Google-Maps):
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S
Lens: Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 8-18 mm F2.8-4
Upload quality front videos: UHD (3840x2160) 30/60p, 80-100Mbit/s
Inside car sound recorded with: Zoom H4n Pro
Car Type / Autotyp: Hyundai i10 (64kW)
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Ihr habt ein Schloss?? - Sehenswürdigkeiten Wolfsburg
Björn Hoffmann ist quasi-einheimischer Wolfsburger und kennt deshalb natürlich die spannendsten Ecken der „Autostadt“ - von Schloss Wolfsburg, das namensgebend für die Stadt ist, über den Stadtwald Steimker Berg bis hin zum Allerpark. Das VW-Werk und die bekannte Autostadt dürfen bei einer Städtereise Wolfsburg selbstverständlich auch nicht fehlen. WMG Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH:
Zum Blogartikel:
Mein Deutschland-Reiseblog:
Schloss Castle Wolfsburg Germany in year 2004
Das ist mein Wolfsburg mit Katharina Schubert
Die Schauspielerin Katharina Schubert war in Ihrer neuen Heimat Wolfsburg unterwegs und zeigt Einblicke in die beeindruckend junge Stadt.
Hier gibt's die Sendetermine:
VW Museum in Wolfsburg, Germany!
Visited Volkswagen AutoMuseum in Wolfsburg, Germany!
Zu Fuß durch Wolfsburg | Video des Tages
Seit 1972 führt Liesel Wirths Reisende durch die Stadt. Ihre erste Empfehlung ist der Ausblick vom Dach des Rathauses. Weitere Tipps sind das Schloss Wolfsburg und der Allersee.
A ride through Wolfsburg, Germany
Yes, it´s a Volkswagen! A movie from 2005 when I visited Germany to test drive the new Golf R32.
Wolfsburg City
Wolfsburg – miasto na prawach powiatu w środkowych Niemczech w kraju związkowym Dolna Saksonia, na wschód od Hanoweru i na północ od Brunszwiku. Leży na trasie szybkiej kolei ICE (Hanower-Berlin), przy autostradzie A39 i nad ważną drogą wodną Mittellandkanal – Kanałem Śródlądowym umożliwiającym bezpośrednie połączenie miasta z systemem wodnym Łaby i Odry. Liczy ok. 120,5 tys. mieszkańców (2008). Ośrodek przemysłu samochodowego – zakłady Volkswagena