Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Scots Portal
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Scots Portal
The most famous architectural element of the church is its north portal (the Schottenportal), which occupies a full third of the north wall, and is richly decorated with both ornamental and figural sculptures. The proper interpretation of this sculptural program has been debated since the beginning of the 19th century. In the 1990s it was suggested that only the tympanum, archivolt, and jambs formed an original composition of the 12th century, while the remaining portions of the Schottenportal were assembled from spolia during the Renaissance. While this theory would have absolved art historians of the duty of interpreting the program as a unified whole, it has not met with wide acceptance. Indeed, a thorough examination of the structure seems to have demonstrated conclusively that the entire portal was assembled in the late 12th century, simultaneously with the construction of the second church.
The portal is divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically. At the lowest level, the door is framed at the center by richly decorated jambs, at each side of which stands a flat field interspersed with various relief sculptures. The second level is occupied by the tympanum and archivolt at the center and by blind arcades with caryatids at right and left. At the top, a frieze showing Christ with the twelve apostles stands at the middle, while figureless blind arcades stand at either side. The interpretation of the tympanum is relatively uncontroversial: it portrays Christ, at the center, flanked by Sts. James and John. Numerous explanations for the remaining figures have been proposed; here only that of Richard Strobel has been presented.
There are various indications that the left side, as one faces the portal, is more highly regarded than the right. Its entablature carries a rich interlace, while that at right is undecorated; the arcade in the middle zone is filled by a row of human heads, while that at right is filled with those of animals. The central sculpture in the lowest zone at left, which is set on a throne and projects significantly from the ground, clearly represents Mary with the Christ child; the former, as the new Eve, holds an apple, while the latter holds the book of life. The reliefs at either side show human figures caressing each other, that is, in attitudes of harmony. The corresponding central figure on the lowest zone at right, on the other hand, is bracketed by aggressive, hostile beasts; this may represent the Antichrist.
However, if the central figures at left and right are understood to stand for good and evil, respectively, the reliefs beneath them seem to represent a reversal of the situation. At left, a dragon is shown swallowing a lion, while at the lowermost level a siren appears, a symbol of temptation. At right, a crocodile is shown swalling a hydrus, wrapped in a ball of clay. According to a medieval legend, the hydrus, once inside, would destroy the crocodile from within; the story was understood to represent the Harrowing of Hell. At the lowermost level monks are depicted with gospel books in hand, thus pilgrims and missionaries. Therefore, if the central figures at left are auspicious, while those at right carry negative connotations, the exact opposite situation prevails at the lowest levels.
( Regensburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Regensburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg - Germany
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Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Goliathhaus
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Goliathhaus
The Goliathhaus in Goliathstraße 4 in the old town of Regensburg is a crenellated former patrician castle. The house name probably dates from the 12th century and designated the predecessor, which served as a hostel of the so-called Goliades . This hostel is said to have been called Golias or Goliath House, a name that was then adopted as the Goliath House in 1260.
The monumental mural, created in 1573 by Melchior Bocksberger depicting the scene David versus Goliath so that does not count as the namesake of the building. Goliath symbolizes in it the haughty merchant who loses against the honest merchant (= David ). The early Gothic The building with gothic window arcades was since 1290 the seat of the patrician family Thundorfer.
Since 1990 the Tower Theater, formerly founded by Peter Nüesch, has been housed in the tower , which was taken over in 2009 by the artist couple Martin Hofer and Susanne Senke. In June 2014, chef Anton Schmaus opened his Storstad restaurant in the Goliathhaus on the Watmarkt side, which was awarded a Michelin star in November 2014 by the 2015 Michelin Guide .
( Regensburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Regensburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg - Germany
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Regensburg - Donau Park - 05/05/2012 - Parte 2
Video do Donau Park.
Passeio no fundo de casa, com a bela vista do rio Danúbio.
Portal:Germany Top #17 Facts
Europe 2018 Episode 11: Regensburg
We last visited Regensburg over 20 years ago. This time we returned to some of our favorite sights and added some new ones. The 12th c. Steinerne Brücke (old stone bridge) spans the river, affording nice views of the town. A medieval tower is positioned at its south end.
The picturesque Altes Rathaus (old town hall) dates to the 14th century.
Nearby, the 15th c. Neue Waag (new weigh house) was the site of a famous meeting in 1541 between Protestant scholars, led by Melanchthon, and Catholic scholars, led by Van Eck. This conference was the last gasp attempt by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to restore religious unity between the two factions. Remarkably, the original group was able to agree on several points including justification by faith (although Rome quickly overruled this part of the accord) but the group never agreed on other key aspects such as church authority. As such, the failure of the conference sealed the fate of religious reconciliation in Germany and indeed all of Europe.
The Neue Waag is on Haidplatz, in the middle of which is the Justitiabrunnen (justice fountain).
Schottenkirche St Jakob (St James Scottish Church) is the oldest church in Regensburg, founded by Irish Monks c. 1100. It has a beautifully carved portal and an ancient Romanesque interior, all of it 12th c. construction. The portal, now protected by a glass enclosure, has busts of Christ, James, and John above the door. The figure at the bottom of one of the door jambs grasps the two stone grooves and pulls them around his neck as if it were a fabric scarf.
Dating to 1631, Dreieinigkeitskirche (Holy Trinity Church) was one of the first three Protestant churches constructed in staunchly Catholic Bavaria. Nearby is Neupfarrplatz with its own church and the Cathedral spires in the distance.
The Dom (St Peter’s Cathedral) is considered the finest Gothic church in Bavaria, constructed 13th - 16th c., with a magnificently carved west façade of 1395-1440. The interior boasts mostly 14th c. stained glass.
Niedermünster is a 12th c. church with Baroque decoration.
The so-called Romerturm (Roman Tower) in reality is not from the Roman era but a remnant of a 9th c. Imperial stronghold.
The Alte Kapelle (old chapel) dating to 1002 has a sumptuous Rococo interior.
Some 20 years ago, we had a memorable meal at the Historische Wurstkuchl (historic sausage kitchen) beside the river, and I wanted to relive the experience. I'm not usually a big fan of meat in tube form, but their wood-grilled sausage recipe was once again delicious. It dates back to the 14th c., as does the kitchen itself. Flood markings record the water levels over the centuries.
The video ends with a series of still photos, many of which were taken by my wife, Pam.
The Befreiungshalle, (Liberation Hall), Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany.
I came across this memorial unexpectedly in Kelheim Bavaria purely by accident. I had booked a hotel nearby and drove into town for something to eat.
The Befreiungshalle, (Liberation Hall), was commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria to commemorate the victory over Napoleon in the Befreiungskriege (Wars of Liberation) of 1813–1815. The neoclassical monument is truly massive but I arrived late in the evening so did not get a chance to look inside.
GPS for car park: 48.91860°, 011.85577
Alien UFO Portal Caught On Germany 15th October 2017!!! Amazing Eyewitness!!
Alien, Real Aliens, 2017, UFO, Grey Alien, NASA, Humanoid, Alien Caught On Tape, UFO Release, Alien Footage, Area 51, UFO Sightings, Ghost, Thirdphaseofmoon, Ancient Alien
Die Neueröffnung der sanierten Porta Praetoria
Das einzige erhaltene Tor zu einem militärischen Lager, das sich aus der Zeit der antiken römischen Besatzung noch auf Bundesgebiet befindet, steht in Regensburg. Der Zahn der Zeit und der Abgas-Motoren hatten ihm in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugesetzt. Unter Führung der Brauerei Bischofshof und unterstützt mit hohen Bundesmitteln (2 Millionen Euro) sowie Fördermitteln der Stadt (300.000 Euro) konnte das Wahrzeichen nun einer öffentlichen Bestimmung übergeben werden.
Regensburg 2019
Ένα βίντεο με στιγμιότυπα από την εκδρομή μας στο Regensburg της Βαυαρίας τον Οκτώβρη του 2019.
Επισκεπτόμαστε μέρη όπως ο Ναός του Αγ. Στέφανου, τον καθεδρικό Ναό του Αγίου Πέτρου, το μουσείο γκολφ και περπατάμε στο ιστορικό κέντρο της πόλης όπου βρίσκεται η Haidplatz, το παλιό Δημαρχείο, ο πύργος Baumburger και το Runtlinger Haus. Διασχίζουμε επίσης την πέτρινη γέφυρα θαυμάζοντας τον Δούναβη και την πόλη από ψηλά.
Οι ταξιδιώτες:
Αθανασία - Μάνος
Bavarian Drummer gets Angry..holla the wood fairy!
there goes the dog crazy in the pan! thats an überbingo!
Ufo sighting 2017
Outside my work getting ready to clock in for 3rd shift at 9 pm. In buena park ca. I watched as it paused and the started to slowly move so I recorded it. My 6th ufo sighting within four years. I'll try to catch more on camera, don't always have one with me at time of sighting...
Video was forcibly edited by YouTube before uploading, insta gram won't allow me to upload video.
Original video you can see the light is much bigger and brighter, also the video is longer and in hd. Pm me for more details.
Berlin - Auf der MV haben wir sowohl Trainer, als auch Spieler verabschiedet! Macht't gut Männer - wir werden euch vermissen! #hahohe
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Hampton Court Flower Show 2011 Teil 2 von 15 - Lesestunde My Son Jack
Die Hampton Court Flower Show ist eine der grössten Gartenshows in England. Markus war zu Besuch und filmte alle Details, damit Sie einen kleinen Eindruck kriegen. Fahren Sie hin, es lohnt sich!
Falls Sie das Gedicht noch nicht kennen, hier präsentieren wir Ihnen den Englischen Klassiker My Son Jack.
Hier finden Sie alle weiteren Teile unserer Videoreihe der Hampton Court Flower Show 2011:
#461 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 1 von 15 - Garten und Gedichte
#462 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 2 von 15 - Lesestunde My Son Jack
#463 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 3 von 15 - Musik mit Casablanca Steps
#464 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 4 von 15 - Mehr Musik von den Casablanca Steps
#465 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 5 von 15 - Garten, Cider & Musik
#466 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 6 von 15 - Englische Gartenmöbel
#467 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 7 von 15 - Waitrose Messeaufbau
#468 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 8 von 15 - Wasserachse
#469 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 9 von 15 - Plant hunting
#470 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 10 von 15 - Surprisegarden mit Pilzen
#471 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 11 von 15 - Messeabbau
#472 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 12 von 15 - Pflanzenabtransport
#473 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 13 von 15 - Kräuter in Möbeln
#474 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 14 von 15 - Pflanzen-Möbelsymbiose
#475 Hampton Court Flower Show Teil 15 von 15 - Letzter Messetag
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Oldest synagogues in the World | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:41 1 Worldwide
00:01:47 1.1 Standing buildings
00:03:11 2 By country
00:03:20 2.1 Africa
00:03:29 2.1.1 Algeria
00:03:56 2.1.2 Egypt
00:04:20 2.1.3 Libya
00:04:38 2.1.4 Tunisia
00:05:31 2.1.5 South Africa
00:06:01 2.2 Asia
00:06:09 2.2.1 Afghanistan
00:06:27 2.2.2 India
00:09:18 2.2.3 Iraq
00:10:24 2.2.4 Israel
00:12:18 2.2.5 Jordan
00:12:34 2.2.6 Lebanon
00:13:40 2.2.7 Myanmar
00:14:06 2.2.8 West Bank
00:15:08 2.2.9 Syria
00:16:03 2.2.10 Turkey
00:18:05 2.3 Australia
00:18:49 2.4 Europe
00:21:59 2.4.1 Albania
00:22:41 2.4.2 Austria
00:24:59 2.4.3 Belarus
00:25:21 2.4.4 Bosnia
00:25:49 2.4.5 Croatia
00:27:36 2.4.6 Czech Republic
00:28:00 2.4.7 Denmark
00:28:15 2.4.8 France
00:29:44 2.4.9 Germany
00:30:26 2.4.10 Greece
00:31:02 2.4.11 Hungary
00:31:35 2.4.12 Ireland
00:32:10 2.4.13 Italy
00:33:42 2.4.14 Macedonia
00:34:49 2.4.15 Netherlands
00:35:22 2.4.16 Poland
00:36:38 2.4.17 Portugal
00:38:03 2.4.18 Romania
00:38:20 2.4.19 Russia
00:38:49 2.4.20 Spain
00:40:00 2.4.21 Slovenia
00:40:42 2.4.22 Ukraine
00:41:08 2.4.23 United Kingdom
00:42:04 2.5 North America
00:42:32 2.5.1 Canada
00:42:59 2.5.2 United States
00:44:43 2.6 South America and Caribbean
00:44:53 2.6.1 Recife, Brazil
00:45:24 2.6.2 Jamaica
00:46:03 2.6.3 Barbados
00:46:27 2.6.4 Argentina
00:46:52 2.6.5 Suriname
00:47:33 2.6.6 Curaçao
00:48:30 2.6.7 Sint Eustatius
00:48:56 2.6.8 St Thomas – United States Virgin Islands
00:49:16 3 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Synagogues may be considered oldest based on different criteria. Many very old synagogues have been discovered in archaeological digs. Some synagogues have been destroyed and rebuilt several times on the same site, so, while the site or congregation may be ancient, the building may be modern. Still other very old synagogue buildings exist, but have been used for many centuries as churches, mosques, or for other purposes. And some very old synagogues have been in continuous use as synagogues for many centuries.
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Mit dem Last-Minute-Ausgleich von Harry Kane gegen Schottland sichert sich England einen wichtigen Zähler im Kampf um die WM. Für Coach Gareth Southgate bedeutet der Treffer mehr.
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WWE MEETS HERTHA - Rusev - Kingston - Woods - Hertha BSC
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#hahohe #HerthaBSC #Hertha #football
Abonniert uns jetzt und verpasst kein einziges Video mehr. Die Zukunft gehört Berlin!
Berlin - Unsere letzten News.. Vor dem Spiel gegen Leverkusen #hahohe
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REDE INGO SCHILLER - Mitgliederversammlung - Hertha BSC
Berlin - Und die Bilanzen gibt es auch noch: Hier ist die Rede von Ingo Schiller! #hahohe
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