WOW: Putin Stops His Limo To Comfort Crying Girl And Take Photo With Her! Watch Until The End!
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Russian president Vladimir Putin visited the ice sculpture festival Around the World at the Peter and Paul Fortress. He looked at the exhibits and was photographed with visitors.
The festival represents all continents with their characteristic architecture, animals and plants, and the underwater world of the oceans. One piece represents the lifted spans of the bascule Palace Bridge, one of the most recognisable sights of St Petersburg, and a ship with scarlet sails almost eight metres tall.
On the same day, the President visited the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the family tomb of the imperial Romanov family, at the Peter and Paul Fortress. After touring the cathedral, Vladimir Putin was photographed with local residents and tourists.
In the early hours of January 7, the President attended the Christmas service at the Transfiguration Cathedral in St Petersburg.
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LIKE A BOSS: Putin Makes One Student Girl a Very Happy Person
Russian president Vladimir Putin jokes with youth and local residents.
Vladimir Putin took part in the unveiling ceremony for the monument to the Peacemaker tsar Alexander III. The monument has been erected in the Livadia Palace park. After the ceremony, the President had a brief conversation with the local residents and young people.
The monument is a gift from the Russian Artists’ Union. The author of the sculptural composition is sculptor Andrei Kovalchuk, head of the Artists’ Union, People’s Artist of Russia. The monument has been erected in the park of the Livadia Palace, where Emperor Alexander III liked to stay with his family. The four-metre-tall bronze monument was created at a plant in the Urals. Alexander III is presented as sitting on a tree stump, dressed in military uniform and resting on his sword, with a stele behind him topped with a double-headed eagle.
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Улица Георгиевская города Владимира
Улица Георгиевская города Владимира.
Улица Георгиевская находится рядом с Золотыми воротами в самом центре Владимира. Раньше эта улица была сердцем Нового города, здесь в 12 веке располагался двор князя Юрия Долгорукого. Им же была основана белокаменная церковь в честь Святого Георгия. По версии некоторых историков, улица получила своё название именно от неё.
В 2015 году Георгиевская обрела второе рождение. В День города открылись пешеходная зона и новые смотровые площадки. На одной из них можно встретить памятник художнику – напоминание о талантливых мастерах Владимирской школы живописи. Доброй приметой стало погладить клювик птички, сидящей на мольберте художника и словно наблюдающей за созданием городского пейзажа.
На улице расположено много строений 18 века. Старинное двухэтажное здание, рядом с Георгиевской церковью, раньше принадлежало городскому губернатору, в 1805 году там была основана первая городская аптека. Около неё расположился памятник фармацевту. По традиции нужно потереть его нос и лысину – для крепкого здоровья.
В тёплое время года с помощью ручного насоса прохожие на
Георгиевской улице смогут привести скульптуру в действие: из брандспойта начинает фонтанировать вода. Кроме того, открыта скульптурная композиция мальчишки-шалопая и напротив него – филёра (сыщика), который выглядывает из-за театральной тумбы. Новые арт-объекты оживили пешеходный маршрут и сформировали весьма колоритные и живописные уголки города.
Скульптуры на улице Георгиевской были созданы знаменитым
владимирским скульптором, членом Союза художников – Игорем Черноглазовым.
Film Neko drugo vreme je vremeplov kroz neke od najbitnijih, ali iščezlih prostora za zabavu i kreativno angažovanje mladih u Novom Sadu. Govori o mestima koja su od kraja '60-ih pa sve do prve polovine '90-ih godina omladini pružala mogućnosti da razvijaju svoju kreativnost, da uče, razmenjuju iskustva i ideje i da se druže. U filmu je predstavljeno šta je za omladinu Novog Sada nekad značila 'Tribina mladih', šta 'Dvadeset-četvorka', a šta 'Žuta kuća' i zašto ih danas više nema?
U filmu učestvuju: Slobodan Tišma, Ratko Radivojević, Branko Andrić - Andrla, Jasna Rajić, Branislav Babić - Kebra, Vladimir Radosinović - Radule, Vladimir Kozbašić - Pećinko i Zoran Pantelić.
Autor filma: Ana Lagator
producent: Milan Vračar
kulturanova, 2006.
Film A different time represents a timeline about some of the most important, but vanished places for youth gathering in Novi Sad. It tells a story about places that were used by young people to develop their creative side, to learn, exchange knowledge and ideas and to socialize. The film covers an important period from the 60s to the mid 90s. How important were Youth Forum, Studio 24 and Yellow House for the young people of that time and why are these places no longer present?
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1 Peter 4:8
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Spies Must Die. The Crimea - Episode 2. Military Detective Story. StarMedia. English Subtitles
Watch free russian tv shows with english subtitles
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Autumn 1944. Even though the Red Army is at the Reich’s door, Germany is refusing to accept defeat, and their only hope of victory is to physically eliminate the Allied leaders. In October, Senior Lieutenant Koshkin is killed in a skirmish with border officials during an identity check at the Kagul border. But before he dies, he manages to tell the SMERSH Colonel that he is an enemy saboteur heading for a meeting with a German agent at a military safe-house.
His confession prompts immediate action by Russian Counter-Intelligence as General Polunochenko reports the emergency to General Headquarters in Moscow. A Commissioner arrives from Moscow and informs General Polunochenko that Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill are scheduled to meet in Yalta in early 1945. It becomes clear that a subversive military group is trying to wreck the Allies’ negotiations.
Soviet Counter-Intelligence deploys a SMERSH Major to make the meeting at the safe-house in Koshkin’s place, and so begins a thorough investigation with severe and far-reaching consequences.
Type: TV series
Genre: military detective story
Year of production: 2008
Number of episodes: 8
Directed by: Anna Gres'
Written by: Mark Gres'
Production designer: Larisa Zhilko
Director of photography: Maksim Stepanov
Producers: Yuriy Minzyanov, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Al'bert Filozov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Leonid Gromov, Maksim Drozd, Aleksey Shevchenko, Anna Astrakhantseva, Viktor Perevalov, Dmitriy Persin
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Holohory village Gologory Гологори - Золочів Ukraine Castle Lviv Zolochiv Baron Hirsch
Нариси з історії села Гологори DOWNLOAD:
Гологори — село в Україні, в Золочівському районі Львівської області. Населення становить 658 осіб. Орган місцевого самоврядування — Гологірська сільська рада. Давніше було містечком. У селі річка Гнила Липа впадає у Золоту Липу. Бере початок на південній стороні від села Трудовач біля урочища Гологорський Ліс. Тече переважно на південний схід і в селі Гологори впадає в річку Золоту Липу, ліву притоку Дністра.
Gologory is a village founded in 1099 in Zolochiv district of Lviv region in Ukraine. It's population today is 658 people. Formerly it was a town called Duklya. In the village, the river Gnyla Lypa (Rotten Linden) falls into the Zolota Lipa (Golden Linden,) which then flows into the Dnister River and into the Black Sea. It's famous for its history, Orthodox and Catholic (Kościół ) churches, Jewish Synagogue and cemetery. There are many ancient tombstones as well as a monument to St. Mark, which stands on top of the hill in place of burial of Pasha of Batu Khan (a Mongol Khanate ruler and founder of the Golden Horde, a division of the Mongol Empire. Batu was a son of Jochi and grandson of Genghis Khan.,) as a symbol of victory of the battle with Tatar invaders (1442). Gologory obtained Magdeburg rights - a set of town privileges first developed by Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor (936–973) which regulated the degree of internal autonomy within cities and villages, granted by the local ruler. in the 13th and 14th centuries, Magdeburg rights were granted to more than a hundred cities, in Central Europe. In these lands, they were mostly known as the German or Teutonic law. This role remained until the old Germanic laws were successively replaced with the Roman law under the influence of the Imperial Chamber Court a judicial institution in the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, being a free city it was able to trade and develop culturally.
золота липа дністер gologoty holohory цвинтар галичина Археолог Трипільська культура Експедиція розкопки Чорне море гора Камула Буг карта tatar turkish Khan Memorial татарський хан Батый Бат хан орда коні Бату Batu Батий завершив похід на Захід у 1242 році, дізнавшись про смерть хана Угедея. Огодай Өгэдэй хаан Каган tribe січові стрільці упа війна сибір україна подорож львів дорога вода Львівська область замок Історія Українська мова школа євреї синагога князівство хроніка літопис поле битва Дукля суд століття заклад нацисти площа райком Фортифікація поляки костел Kółko rolnicze Farmer peasant срср гори Хмельницький право татари монахи церква став млин іконостас Галичина поховання руїни колгосп нквд союз каміння пам’ятники надгробні плити скульптор картинна галерея святий Марко стовп колона ярмарок каплиця Склеп культура торгування вулиця братство фігура незалежність жертви комуністи читальня бібліотека воля майдан святого Юра барон Хірш конфесія русини освіта східна Україна постерунок поліція аптека Дім Народний Січ Просвіта Луг населення Польща мазури храм споруда Лиса Гора рослини бароко Przeszlość і zabytki województwa Tarnapolskiego сенінський вольська Путівник Путеводитель wycieczka Потоцький герб рід магдебурзьке право Hirsch Львівська галерея мистецтв шляхтич скульптор Яків Тривалий Олеський замок стіни фортеця оборона Красне залізниця схід гарнізони наука криївка Дослідження, документи, матеріали Газета гетто київ Зашків Глиняни Тернопіль монастир листи Часопис ренесанс гончар ткач тесля столяр посуд полотно цегла шкіра мандрівник купці ремонт реставрація с. Ляцьке Червоне союз українок політика Караганда Кемерово Іркутськ могила хрест поселення вивезені держава господарство податки контингент народ герої Лопатинський український композитор лікар меморіальна колона Рибалка туризм відпочинок озеро природа Велика Вільшаниця ліс партизани повстанці джерело Гологори на історичних перепуттях Гологоры, Львовская область, Украина Паша титул
Holohory, Ukraine Gołogóry Goligor Gologory Golige Golgora גאָליגע
Zolochiv Castle Золочівський замок Jewish records Gesher Galicia Klein Austria-Hungary census book audiobook list education Galitzianer Гологірський Став Золочівський район сільська рада хан eastern Galicia Zlochow Genealogy of Halychyna birth History Center research archive cemetery monument tower sculpture relic Lviv Lwów Lemberg stones hill tombstone TURKISH village weegee
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Art Nouveau | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:04 1 Naming
00:05:49 2 History
00:05:58 2.1 Influences
00:09:19 2.2 Origins of Art Nouveau – Brussels (1893–1898)
00:13:54 2.3 Paris – Maison de l'Art Nouveau (1895)
00:15:29 2.4 Paris iExposition Universelle/i (1900)
00:18:02 3 Local variations
00:18:12 3.1 Art Nouveau in France
00:21:13 3.2 Art Nouveau in Belgium
00:23:49 3.3 iNieuwe Stijl/i in the Netherlands
00:27:01 3.4 Modern Style and Glasgow School in Britain
00:30:11 3.5 iJugendstil/i in Germany
00:34:29 3.6 Secession in Austria-Hungary
00:34:39 3.6.1 Vienna Secession
00:37:38 3.6.2 Hungarian iSzecesszió/i
00:41:17 3.6.3 Other variations
00:43:27 3.7 iStile Liberty/i in Italy
00:45:18 3.8 iModernismo/i in Spain
00:49:39 3.9 iArte Nova/i in Portugal
00:51:01 3.10 iJugendstil/i in the Nordic countries
00:51:11 3.10.1 Finland
00:53:11 3.10.2 Norway
00:54:22 3.10.3 Sweden and Denmark
00:54:59 3.11 iModern/i in Russia
00:59:00 3.12 iJūgendstils/i (Art Nouveau in Riga)
01:00:39 3.13 iStyle Sapin/i in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
01:01:26 3.14 iTiffany Style/i and Louis Sullivan in the United States
01:04:44 3.15 Art Nouveau in Argentina
01:06:17 3.16 Art Nouveau in the rest of the world
01:07:45 4 Characteristics
01:11:14 5 Relationship with contemporary styles and movements
01:13:00 6 Genres
01:13:26 6.1 Posters and graphic art
01:16:12 6.2 Painting
01:18:25 6.3 Glass art
01:21:53 6.4 Metal art
01:23:06 6.5 Jewellery
01:25:36 6.6 Architecture and ornamentation
01:29:03 6.7 Sculpture
01:30:09 6.8 Furniture
01:35:25 6.9 Ceramics
01:38:31 6.9.1 Mosaics
01:38:59 6.10 Textiles and wallpaper
01:41:07 7 Museums
01:42:12 8 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Art Nouveau (; French: [aʁ nuvo]) is an international style of art, architecture and applied art, especially the decorative arts, known in different languages by different names: Jugendstil in German, Stile Liberty in Italian, Modernisme in Catalan, etc. In English it is also known as the Modern Style (not to be confused with Modernism and Modern architecture). The style was most popular between 1890 and 1910. It was a reaction against the academic art, eclecticism and historicism of 19th century architecture and decoration. It was often inspired by natural forms such as the sinuous curves of plants and flowers. Other characteristics of Art Nouveau were a sense of dynamism and movement, often given by asymmetry or whiplash curves, and the use of modern materials, particularly iron, glass, ceramics and later concrete, to create unusual forms and larger open spaces. One major objective of Art Nouveau was to break down the traditional distinction between fine arts (especially painting and sculpture) and applied arts. It was most widely used in interior design, graphic arts, furniture, glass art, textiles, ceramics, jewelry and metal work. The style responded to leading 19-century theoreticians, such as French architect Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814–1879) and British art critic John Ruskin (1819–1900). In Britain, it was influenced by William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement. German architects and designers sought a spiritually uplifting Gesamtkunstwerk (“total work of art”) that would unify the architecture, furnishings, and art in the interior in a common style, to uplift and inspire the residents.The first Art Nouveau houses and interior decoration appeared in Brussels in the 1890s, in the architecture and interior design of houses designed by Paul Hankar, Henry Van de Velde, and especially Victor Horta, whose Hôtel Tassel was completed in 1893. It moved quickly to Paris, where it was adapted by Hector Guimard, who saw Horta's work in Brussels and applied the style for the entrances of the new Paris Metro. It reached its peak at the 1900 Paris Internationa ...
Pulkovo Airport
Pulkovo Airport is an international airport serving Saint Petersburg, Russia. It consists of one terminal, Terminal 1 which is located 23 km south of the city centre. The airport serves as a hub for Rossiya Airlines, and as focus city for Nordavia. Pulkovo International Airport is responsible for serving the citizens of Saint Petersburg, as well as the Leningrad Oblast: a total of 6,120,000 people.
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Trump's defense team arguments in Trump impeachment trial (Day 6)
Trump's legal team will begin laying out its case in depth, turning to several high-profile attorneys to argue against impeachment.
The lawyers revealed the broad outlines of their defense in a rare but truncated Saturday session, where they accused House Democrats of using the impeachment case to try to undo the results of the last presidential election and drive Trump from office.
The legal team is expected to pick up on that theme and also dive into areas that received negligible attention during the Democrats' presentation, including the now-concluded investigation into ties between Russia and Trump's 2016 campaign.
Kaunas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:40 1 Etymology
00:02:26 2 Folk history
00:03:12 3 Coat of arms
00:04:40 4 History
00:04:49 4.1 Early history
00:05:25 4.2 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
00:07:26 4.3 Russian Empire
00:10:00 4.4 Interwar Lithuania
00:18:59 4.5 Soviet occupation and the June Uprising
00:24:48 4.6 Nazi occupation
00:26:33 4.7 Jewish community of Kaunas
00:29:38 4.8 Soviet administration
00:32:43 4.9 Restored independence
00:34:44 5 Geography
00:35:09 5.1 Administrative divisions
00:35:21 6 Climate
00:36:44 7 Religion
00:37:37 8 Culture
00:40:03 8.1 Museums
00:42:01 8.2 Theaters
00:43:04 9 Parks, Leisure, and Cemeteries
00:44:40 10 Economy
00:49:39 11 Demographics
00:51:46 12 Municipality council
00:52:17 12.1 Mayors
00:54:00 13 Transportation
00:54:09 13.1 Airports
00:55:07 13.2 Highways
00:55:53 13.3 Bridges
00:57:06 13.4 Railways
00:58:00 13.5 Hydrofoil
00:58:24 13.6 Public transportation
00:59:48 14 Sports
01:02:25 15 Education
01:04:26 16 Annual events
01:05:27 17 Notable residents
01:05:36 18 Twin towns – sister cities
01:05:49 19 Honours
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kaunas (; Lithuanian: [ˈkɐʊˑnɐs] (listen); also see other names) is the second-largest city in Lithuania and the historical centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. In the Russian Empire, it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915.
During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius, the traditional capital, was considered part of Poland between 1920 and 1939. During that period Kaunas was nicknamed the Little Paris because of its rich cultural and academic life, fashion, construction of countless Art Deco and Lithuanian National Romanticism architectural-style buildings as well as popular furniture, the interior design of the time, and a widespread café culture. The city interwar architecture is regarded as among the finest examples of European Art Deco and has received the European Heritage Label. It contributed to Kaunas being named as the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to be designated as a UNESCO City of Design. Kaunas has been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2022, together with Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.The city is the capital of Kaunas County, and the seat of the Kaunas city municipality and the Kaunas District Municipality. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and is near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water in the whole of Lithuania.
Смерть Шпионам. Крым. 2 Серия. Spies Must Die. The Crimea. StarMedia. Военный Детектив
Все серии:
В основу сериала «Смерть шпионам-2» положены события Великой Отечественной войны - противостояние фашистской разведки и советской контрразведки во время подготовки к ялтинской конференции встреч глав государств-союзников.
На крымском полуострове действует диверсионный центр, задача которого сорвать переговоры союзников. Советская контрразведка решает навязать противнику свою игру. В военный санаторий отправляется майор СМЕРШа. Он предполагает, что опознавательным знаком для немецкого разведчика послужит коралловая бусина, нашитая на кисет диверсанта. Прибывший на место майор начинает своё расследование.
Autumn 1944. Even though the Red Army is at the Reich's door, Germany is refusing to accept defeat, and their only hope of victory is to physically eliminate the Allied leaders. In October, Senior Lieutenant Koshkin is killed in a skirmish with border officials during an identity check at the Kagul border. But before he dies, he manages to tell the SMERSH Colonel that he is an enemy saboteur heading for a meeting with a German agent at a military safe-house. His confession prompts immediate action by Russian Counter-Intelligence as General Polunochenko reports the emergency to General Headquarters in Moscow. A Commissioner arrives from Moscow and informs General Polunochenko that Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill are scheduled to meet in Yalta in early 1945. It becomes clear that a subversive military group is trying to wreck the Allies' negotiations.
Формат/Type: сериал/TV series
Жанр/Genre: военный шпионский детектив / military detective story
Год производства / Year of production: 2008
Количество серий / Number of episodes: 8
Режиссер / Directed by: Анна Гресь, Марк Гресь / Anna Gres', Mark Gres'
Сценарий / Written by: Марк Гресь / Mark Gres'
Оператор-постановщик / Director of photography: Максим Степанов / Maksim Stepanov
Продюсеры/Producers: Юрий Минзянов, Влад Ряшин Yuriy Minzyanov, Vlad Ryashin
В ролях / Cast: Денис Никифоров, Владимир Гостюхин, Анна Вартанян, Альберт Филозов, Алексей Шевченков, Леонид Громов, Валерий Афанасьев, Николай Иванов , Александр Олешко, Артур Ваха, Виктор Перевалов / Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Al'bert Filozov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Leonid Gromov, Maksim Drozd, Aleksey Shevchenko, Anna Astrakhantseva, Viktor Perevalov, Dmitriy Persin
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University of Pittsburgh | Wikipedia audio article
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University of Pittsburgh
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The University of Pittsburgh (commonly referred to as Pitt) is a state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was founded as the Pittsburgh Academy in 1787 on the edge of the American frontier. It developed and was renamed as Western University of Pennsylvania by a change to its charter in 1819. After surviving two devastating fires and various relocations within the area, the school moved to its current location in the Oakland neighborhood of the city; it was renamed as the University of Pittsburgh in 1908. Pitt was a private institution until 1966 when it became part of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education.
The university is composed of 17 undergraduate and graduate schools and colleges at its urban Pittsburgh campus, home to the university's central administration and 28,766 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The university also includes four undergraduate schools located at campuses within Western Pennsylvania: Bradford, Greensburg, Johnstown, and Titusville. The 132-acre Pittsburgh campus has multiple contributing historic buildings of the Schenley Farms Historic District, most notably its 42-story Gothic revival centerpiece, the Cathedral of Learning. The campus is situated adjacent to the flagship medical facilities of its closely affiliated University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), as well as the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Schenley Park, and Carnegie Mellon University.
The university has an annual operating budget of approximately $2 billion, which includes nearly $900 million in research and development expenditures. A member of the Association of American Universities, Pitt is the third-largest recipient of federally sponsored health research funding among U.S. universities in 2018 and it is a major recipient of research funding from the National Institutes of Health. It is the second-largest non-government employer in the Pittsburgh region behind UPMC. Pitt is ranked among the top research universities in the United States in both domestic and international rankings and it has been listed as a best value in higher education by several publications.Pitt students have access to arts programs throughout the campus and city and can participate in over 400 student clubs and organizations. Pitt's varsity athletic teams, collectively known as the Pittsburgh Panthers, compete in Division I of the NCAA, primarily as members of the Atlantic Coast Conference.