Secu Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- The Monastery Secu is located 22 km from the town Targu Neamt. The monastic complex is near the brook Secu on the foot of mountain Vasan. This monastery looks like a medieval city with thick walls of stone and defense towers.
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Sihastria Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- The Monastery Sihastria is situated in the north part of the Neamt County, at 22 km from the town Targu Neamt, on the road that connects Pipirig to Vatra Dornei. The road to the monastery leaves the main road after the first 15 km, runs nearby the river Ozana and crosses the valley of the brook called Secu. After 4 km you reach the Monastery of Secu and after another 3 km you see the Monastery Sihastria.
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Mănăstirea Secu ( Secu Monastery ) Neamt County, Romania, august 2017
Secu Monastery in Neamt County is 22 km from Targu Neamt and 4 km from Targu Neamt - Pipirig. Set in the vicinity of Secu Parc and at the foot of Mount Vasan, this monastic settlement appears to our eyes in the form of a medieval fortress, built with thick walls, defense towers and towers that rise like huge spears.
Secu Monastery is one of the old Orthodox monasteries in Neamt County. Located between the localities of Vanatori and Pipirig, the monastery was built in 1602 by the great Nestor Ureche, the father of the great chronicler Grigore Ureche, on the site of a small hermit, called the Zosima Hermitage, founded in 1564.
The Secu Monastery is a monastic hearth of intense spiritual life, whose age is almost five hundred years old. Around 1500, on the Feudal field of Neamt Fortress, on the valley of Secu River, a group of hermits will be established, who will then establish in 1530 under the leadership of the hieroschimonah Zosima, a monk from Neamt Monastery, the hermitage with the same name, The Zosima Hermitage .
Neamt Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- Situated in the village Vanatori, at 15 km north-west from the town Targu Neamt in a place near the brook Nemtisor, surrounded by green hills.
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Varatec Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- The monastery is situated in the commune Agapia, at 12 km from the town Targu Neamt and 40 km from the town Piatra Neamt in a small valley at the foot of mountain Stanisoara, at an altitude of 460 m.
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Neamt Monastery Moldova Romania
Neamt Monastery and Monastery from Moldova Romania
Bistrita Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- Located at a distance of 8 km on the west of Piatra Neamt town, on the national road number 15 to Bicaz, in the village Alexandru cel Bun, the monastery lasted for over 600 years despite the hardships of history. The monastery from Bistrita has a great historical and archeological value because its one of the oldest. Here we can find the tombs of some great Romanian princes.
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Mănăstirea SIHLA Monastery (Neamt County, Moldova, Romania)
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Sihla Monastery, located about 20 km west of Targu Neamt towards the top Obcina Sihlei is a nodal point in the monasticism of the Neamt Mountains, surrounded by other famous monasteries: Sihastria (Hermitage), Secu, Old Agapia, Agapia, Varatec, Horaita and others. Sihla Monastery is also famous thanks to Holy (Pious) Theodora, the first Romanian woman sanctified. At the end of seventeenth and early eighteenth century she lived in complete devotion alone in the wild, in a cave located very close to the monastery. Also, on the late twentieth century, here lived the father Paisie Olarul, known and sought as confessor. The beginnings of monasticism in the Sihla are lost in history, probably in the twelfth century. The first wooden church is raised here in 1742 by Cantacuzino boyars. In 1813 the church was rebuilt on a foundation of stone. It was renovated in 1973 and painted in oil in 1974. The church has a reliquary with the fragments relics of very important saints. After 1990, the monachal establishment suffering great improvements being renovated or built monks' cells, the bell tower, refectory, xenodochium and more. Above the monastery, under a huge rock, is The Church From A Fir, built in 1736. The church was painted in the same period and is unique in its size. Sihla Monastery and cave of Saint Theodora attract many pilgrims, despite the difficult conditions to got here.
Mănăstirea Sihla, situată la vreo 20 km vest de Târgu Neamț înspre vârful Obcinei Sihlei, este un punct nodal în monahismul din Munții Neamțului, fiind înconjurată de alte vestite mănăstiri: Sihăstria, Secu, Agapia Veche, Agapia, Văratec, Horaița și altele. Mănăstirea Sihla este de asemenea renumită datorită Sfintei (Cuvioasei) Teodora, cea dintâi româncă trecută în rândul sfinților. La sfârșitul sec. XVII și începutul secolului XVIII ea a trăit în deplină cucernicie, singură în sălbăticie, într-o peșteră situată foarte aproape de mănăstire. De asemenea, spre sfârșitul secolului XX, aici a viețuit părintele Paisie Olarul, binecunoscut și căutat duhovnic. Începuturile monahismului în zona Sihla se pierd în istorie, probabil în sec. XII. Prima biserică din lemn este ridicată aici în anul 1742 de către boierii Cantacuzini. În 1813 biserica este reconstruită pe o temelie de piatră. A fost refăcută în 1973 și pictată în ulei în 1974. În biserică se află un relicvariu cu fregmente din moaștele unor sfinți foarte importanți. După anul 1990 așezământul suferă mari îmbunătățiri fiind renovate sau construite chiliile călugărilor, clopotnița, trapeza, arhondaricul și multe altele. Deasupra mănăstirii, sub o stâncă uriașă, se găsește Biserica Dintr-un Brad, construită în anul 1736. Biserica a fost pictată în aceeași perioadă și este unică prin dimensiunile sale. Mănăstirea Sihla și peștera Sfintei Teodora atrag mulți pelerini, în ciuda condițiilor dificile de ajuns aici.
Muzica: Corul Psalmodia - Să se îndrepteze rugăciunea mea, Corul Athos - De Tine se bucură.
Ιερά Μονή Σέκου Ρουμανία - The Secu Monastery Romania - Mănăstirea Secu
Ιερά Μονή Σέκου Ρουμανία
Κτίσθηκε από τον Νέστορα Ουρέκι και την σύζυγό του Μητροφάνα το 1602. Αυτός ήταν πολιτικός άρχων της Μολδαβίας. Η κεντρική εκκλησία τιμάται στην Αποτομή της Κεφαλής του Τιμίου Προδρόμου και πανηγυρίζει στις 29 Αυγούστου εκάστου έτους.
Έξω του Καθολικού και δεξιά ευρίσκεται ο τάφος του μεγάλου μητροπολίτου της Μολδαβίας Βαρλαάμ, ο οποίος υπήρξε προστάτης της Ορθοδόξου Πίστεως και ο συγγραφεύς του πρώτου Κυριακοδρομίου στην κυριλλική γραφή και σε γλώσσα ρουμανική.
Η μονή του Σέκου είναι γνωστή από την ελληνική επανάστασι του 1821.
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The Secu Monastery
The Secu Monastery is an Orthodox monastery of monks, located in the village Pipirig, in Neamt County. The name of the religious sanctuary comes from the Secu River, situated at the base of Vasan Mountain.
The history of the monastery is closely related to the first hermits who settled in this area in the sixteenth century.
Although at one time it had 200 monks, the Secu Monastery faced the first obstacle of its existence in 1821, when the fights between Turkish and Etheria reached even Moldova. Thus, Etheria had forcibly occupied the holy place and the Turkish burned it because of this. Moreover, they killed 500 Etheria members hidden here, but also the 25 monks who had been taken hostage. However, in the coming years, the monastery was rebuilt and restored on the ruins left after the Turkish rage.
Also, pilgrims can visit the small museum at the Secu Monastery. It is open in summer and in winter it can be opened at request. Among the most outstanding objects the monastery owns, we mention the Icon of the Mother of God Ciprita that was given by Vasile Lupu. There are a number of objects found and given by Nestor Ureche, like an epitaph, a silver gilt cross, candlesticks, censers etc. The collection of books is priceless, consisting, among others, of manuscripts since the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
Monastery Nechit - Romania - Neamt County
- The church from Nechit is built on a plane from the west side of the Nechit village and its surrounded by woody hills. This place was chosen by the monk Nechit. He lived and prayed in these places and he is the one that gave the name of the village, of the river and of the monastic settlement. The first church was made out of wood and had as its patron St Nicolae and was known as the Hermitage Nechit. The church is mentioned in a document as being located on the valley of the Nechit brook between 1399 and 1419
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Agapia Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- Agapia Monastery is located at 9 km from the town of Targu Neamt, at 43 km from Piatra Neamt and to approximately 7 km from DN15C (national road), at an altitude of 480 m. The architectural complex is formed by 2 buildings: The Old Agapia, which was built in the year 1585 by Petru Schipul and The New Agapia, raised with the money of Hatman Gavril in the year 1642 he is the brother of prince Vasile Lupu and rebuild by prince Sutu after the fire from 1821. Painted by Nicolae Grigorescu, in the year 1858, the monastery becomes a true architectural jewelry which combines characteristics of the byzantine style with the neoclassic style and the Romanian art.
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Horaita Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- Situated at an altitude of 600 m, not far from the mountain Horaiciorul, near the east side of mountain Stanisoarei from the Oriental Carpathians, the Monastery Horaita can be reached either by car or by walking. To reach the monastery you can go on DN15C (the road that connects the towns Piatra Neamt and Targu Neamt) and make a turn in the village Dobreni from where you have to go another 15 km on the road 156A through the villages Negresti and Poiana.
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Pangarati Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- The monastery is situated near DN15 (National Road number 15) that links the towns Piatra Neamt and Bicaz, near the hydroelectric from Stejaru.
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Mănăstirea VARATEC Nunnery (Neamt County, Romania)
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Varatec Nunnery is located between Targu Neamt and Piatra Neamt. Varatec is the largest Orthodox monastery of nuns in Romania, with a congregation of over 400 people. The history starts in 1785 when the monastery was founded by the nun Olimpiada with the Confessor Iosif Pustnicul (Joseph Hermit). It evolving rapidly, reaching hermitage after 1790, then in 1839, it is known as an independent monastery. The present church of stone and brick, dedicated to Assumption, was built between 1808-1812. During the Revolution of 1821, the hermitage was besieged by Ottoman, treasures being stolen and the nuns expelled or killed. In place of the old wooden church from 1985 is the angel fountain with stone cross, a symbol of purity of monastic life. On the southern side of the monastery complex is the monastery museum with a valuable artistic and cultural-historical heritage. The museum, opened in 1960, occupies the old workshop Queen Mary founded in 1934 by King Carol (Charles) II. The nuns worked here ecclesiastical embroidery and painting, book binding, carpets, knitwear, woven and decorative art. Most of these activities continues today. Now, in the big church, public access is prohibited, the church being under renovation. The church's painting was made in 1841, it was restored in 1882 and then between 1968-1969. The gorgeous church iconostasis, was carved in 1816 in yew wood and gilded with gold. In the narthex was buried, without stone, Iosif Pustnicul (Joseph Hermit), founder and father confessor of the monastery, canonized in 2008. Monastery garden is rich in colors and its beauty is maintained with great care. During renovations, the services are in the chapel of St. Iosif Hermit, located on the northern side of the settlement. Holy Monastery Văratec is a place of pilgrimage of the faithful throughout Romania and beyond. Nearby are other famous monasteries and hermitages: Agapia, Old Agapia, Sihla, Sihastria, Secu, Neamt, Almas, Horaita, Horaicioara etc. Over time, in the Văratec Monastery lived many theologians and men of culture. Outside the enclosure, some houses in the village monastery are enchanting adorned with flowers. The poet Veronica Micle (1850-1889) withdrew to Văratec immediately after the burial of Mihai Eminescu.
Mănăstirea Văratec se găseşte între Târgu Neamţ şi Piatra Neamţ. Văratecul este cea mai mare mănăstire ortodoxă de maici din România, cu un sobor de peste 400 de persoane. Istoria mănăstirii porneşte din anul 1785 când a fost fondată de către monahia Olimpiada împreună cu duhovnicul Iosif Pustnicul. Cunoscând o evoluţie rapidă, ajunge schit după anul 1790, apoi, în 1839, este atestată ca mănăstire independentă. Actuala biserică, din piatră şi cărămidă, cu hramul Adormirea Maicii Domnului a fost ridicată între anii 1808-1812. În timpul Revoluţiei din 1821, schitul a fost asediat de otomani fiind furate odoarele, iar călugăriţele izgonite sau ucise. Pe locul vechii biserici din lemn, din 1985 se găseşte fântâna cu îngerul cu crucea din piatră, simbol al purităţii vieţii monahale. Pe latura sudică a complexului monahal se găseşte muzeul mănăstirii, cu un valoros patrimoniu cultural-artistic şi istoric. Muzeul, deschis în 1960, ocupă vechiul Atelier Regina Maria înfiinţat în anul 1934 de regele Carol al II-lea. Măicuţele au lucrat aici broderie şi pictură bisericească, legătorie de cărţi, covoare, tricotaje, pânză ţesută şi artă decorativă. Majoritatea acestor activităţi continuă şi în zilele noastre. Accesul public în biserica mare este acum interzis, interiorul bisericii fiind în renovare. Pictura bisericii a fost realizată în anul 1841, fiind refacută în anul 1882 şi apoi între anii 1968-1969. Superba catapeteasmă a bisericii a fost sculptată în anul 1816 în lemn de tisă şi poleită cu aur. În pronaos a fost îngropat, fără piatră, Cuviosul Iosif Pustnicul, fondator şi duhovnic al mănăstirii, canonizat în anul 2008. Grădina mănăstirii este bogată din punct de vedere coloristic şi îi este menţinută frumuseţea cu mare grijă. În perioada renovărilor, slujbele se ţin în paraclisul Sfântului Cuvios Iosif Pustnicul, situat pe latura nordică a aşezământului. Sfânta Mănăstire Văratec este loc de pelerinaj al credincioşilor din întreaga Românie. În apropiere se află alte vestite mănăstiri şi schituri: Agapia, Agapia, Veche, Sihla, Sihăstria, Secu, Neamţ, Almaş, Horaiţa, Horăicioara etc. De-a lungul vremii, la Mănăstirea Văratec au trăit mai mulţi teologi şi oameni de cultură. În afara incintei, unele case din satul mănăstiresc sunt împodobite feeric cu flori. Lângă mănăstire este mormântul poetei Veronica Micle (1850-1889) care s-a retras la Văratec imediat după moartea lui Mihai Eminescu.
The Religious Collection from Secu Monastery
Pocrov Hermitage - Neamt County
- Pocrov Hermitage is located in the village Vanatori, 17 km west of Targu Neamt and 62 km from Piatra Neamt. The road that goes from Neamt Monastery to the hermitage is full of beautiful and calm scenery.
Dumbravele Monastery - Neamt County
- Dumbravele Monastery has its origins in a hermitage built in 1712 by some monks, in the middle of an oak forest. The name of this forest was Dumbrava and hence the name of the hermitage and later on the monastery Dumbravele.
Initially the church was built out of wood. In 1900 were built the cellars and the bell-tower. Starting with 1991 the hermitage was under the Bistrita Monastery. In 1993 a fire burn the place to the ground and the only things that got away were the icons.
Mănăstirea Neamț (Monastery), Neamt County, Romania, august 2017
The monastery is documented in 1407, but the roots in time of the monastic activity stretch back to the 12th century. The building of the monastery is attributed to Prince Peter I Muşat (1375-1391), who built the first stone church, now missing, but on the site of the monastery, there was an older wooden church, called the White Church, built by monks with a century before.
Within the monastery there are two churches, two chapels, a bell tower with 11 bells, the Veniamin Costache Theological Seminary, as well as a museum with a collection of church art and the printing hall. Specific is the circular Aghiazmatarul in front of the monastery, where water is sanctified at the feast. In the church there is an icon of the Virgin Mary painted in 665 in Israel, miraculous.
The settlement has the largest and oldest monastery library (18000 volumes) and has made a special contribution to the development of the medieval Romanian culture and art. Stefan Voievod (uncle of Stephen the Great) is buried in the tomb room, and in the pronaos there are the relics of the holy unknown discovered in 1986, by removing the asphalt from the alley.
The church founded by Stephen the Great is the main historical and architectural monument of Moldavian monastery, with a special elegance and beauty. The dimensions and monumentality of the ensemble have been enhanced by the introduction into construction of new elements: the porch, situated in front of the entrance and the tomb room, or the grave, located between the pronaos and the nave. The rectangle-shaped protuberance is vaulted with two spherical caps. The nave, also rectangular, of large size, has two lateral, semicircular inner and pentagonal outer apses, the base being formed by four oblique arcs supported on four other large arches.
Durau Monastery - Neamt County Romania
- The monastery Durau is situated in the Durau resort at 88 km north-west of Piatra Neamt and 65 km of Targu Neamt. At 5 km from the monastery there is the Duruitoarea Fall, which also it is said that gave the name of the place
Presentation video for Neamt County - Romania
- This project is set to promote the touristic attractions from the Neamt County: monasteries, museums, mountain hiking tours and much more