Seno Otway Penguin Colony
While staying in Punta Arenas we drove up to see the penguins in their natural habitat.
Magellanic penguins at the beach - Seno Otway (Punta Arenas), Chile
Magellanic penguin colony along the coast of the Seno Otway (Otway Sound), Chile, on Tue., Jan. 13th, 2015.
Chile - Seno Otway Magellanic Penguin Colony (2003)
Chile - Otway Gulf Penguin Colony near Punta Arenas, Chile.
Seno Otway is a large inland sound lying between Brunswick Peninsula and Riesco Island in southern Chile. Alternatively called Otway Sound, this natural waterway occupies a valley blocked by a large terminal moraine left by the retreat of a glacier during the last glacial period. In spite of being located east of the Andes, it is connected to the open Pacific Ocean through the Strait of Magellan via a narrow passage, which cuts into the Andean Massif. Seno Otway also is hydrologically connected with Seno Skyring by the FitzRoy Channel.
There are a variety of marine species within the Otway Sound, as well as along the coastal terrestrial and intertidal zones. Notably there is a moderately large colony of the Magellanic Penguin along the coast of the Seno Otway.
Seno Otway Penguin Colony
Chile's Southern Patagonia Magellanic Penguin colony
Magellan Penguin Colony in Punta Arenas, Chile, South America
Puenta Arenas, Chile is the southern most city in Chile and nearby are a number of colonies of Magellan Penguins that mate and raise their young November through March each year.
A Trip to Chile's Otway Sound Penguin Colony
Recorded February 26, 2009.
Otway is a large inland sound lying between Brunswick Peninsula and Riesco Island. Alternatively called Otway Sound, this natural waterway occupies a valley blocked by a large terminal moraine left by the retreat of a glacier during the last glacial period. In spite of being located east of the Andes, it is connected to the open Pacific Ocean through the Strait of Magellan via a narrow passage.
This was a side trip from Punta Arenas, Chile. We did not see a lot of penguins at Otway Sound due to it being late in the season. We did see a wide variety of wildlife on the way, which included llama, alpaca, upland goose, sheep, ostrich and vultures.
Penguin Colony Otway , Punta Arenas Chile
Pinguinos de Magallanes. Pinguinos en la Patagonia
Viaje a la Isla Magdalena en la ciudad de Punta Arenas en la Patagonia Chilena.
Penguins of Seno Otway, Punta Arenas, Chile 2014
Trip to Seno Otway in December 2014
Penguin Reprise - Otway
A Status and Remembrance - the Magellanic Penguin
Colony at Otway Sound Punta Arenas, Chile. A march to the water to frolic and interact with the survivors.
Penguins Seno Otway - Punta Arenas
Magellanic Penguin Colony in Sen Otway,Punta Arenas,Chile
It just is sooooo funny to see them walking
Seno Otway Penguins
Magellanic (or Jackass) Penguins just outside Punta Arenas, Chile
Pinguinos - Isla Magdalena - Punta Arenas - Chile
La isla Magdalena está ubicada en la Región de Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena. Está formada por las islas Magdalena (85 hectáreas) y Marta, 35 kms (12 hectáreas) al noreste de Punta Arenas.
Se llega a través del ferry Crux Australis de Transbordadora Austral Broom que se demora en llegar a la isla unas 2 horas aproximadamente. (, se permanece en la isla 1 hora recorriendo un camino de 850 metros.
Esta constituida principalmente por pingüinos de Magallanes que nidifican en Isla Magdalena, estimándose una colonia de aproximadamente 69.000 parejas.
Existen además otras especies de aves y mamíferos, que se encuentran principalmente en Isla Marta, cormoranes, gaviota común, gaviota austral y salteador.
También se observan mamíferos marinos como lobo común y lobo fino.
Como es el pingüino de Magallanes
Posee el pico con borde grisáceo y un notorio borde circular blanco, que nace en la frente y se junta con la garganta. Su cabeza, collar y partes superiores son de color negro. De frente se observan 2 bordes pectorales negros y el resto de sus partes inferiores son blancas con línea negra que corre paralela al negro del dorso.
Los 2 sexos son muy similares pero los machos son de mayor tamaño que las hembras y la diferencia en peso son de aproximadamente 4.500 y 3.750 gramos respectivamente. Se alimenta de diferentes especies de peces como anchovetas.
Como es su ciclo de reproducción
Su arribo a la colonia es alrededor del mes de septiembre. La puesta de huevos ocurre en octubre y tras 40 días de incubación eclosionan en noviembre. La independencia de los polluelos sucede en enero -- febrero. Posteriormente viene el periodo de muda de los adultos y su salida en abril hacia las aguas costeras del Atlántico y del Pacifico donde se alimentan en alta mar y migran, hasta su retorno a la colonia en septiembre.
Nidifican en cuevas que cavan ellos mismos y generalmente ponen 2 huevos.
Esta isla puede ser visitada entre octubre y marzo, la duración del viaje es de 5 horas ida y vuelta con una permanencia de 1 hora en la isla. Tiempo suficiente para recorrer el sendero de 850 metros. Este monumento natural recibe más de 23.000 personas durante la temporada.
La isla cuenta con la presencia permanente de guarda parqués y una sala de información habilitada en una casa faro declarada monumento nacional por su antigua data (del siglo pasado), donde se encontrara información histórica y antecedentes de flora y fauna.
Historia de las islas.
Las islas Marta y Magdalena (junto a Isabel y contramaestre) son las más orientales del estrecho de Magallanes, esta condición las transformaba en el límite este de los canoeros Kawesqar, que habitaban este territorio hace miles de años. Las islas eran un lugar privilegiado por la abundancia y diversidad de fauna.
Estos antiguos navegantes posibilitaron la comunicación entre los cazadores terrestres del continente y de Tierra del Fuego que no navegaban, a través de este puente de islas, diversos sitios arqueológicos así lo demuestran.
A partir de 1520 las islas fueron utilizadas por los exploradores europeos para abastecerse de grandes cantidades de huevos y carne, para proseguir sus viajes por el mundo.
Magdalena Island is located in the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica. It consists of the islands of Magdalena (85 hectares) and Marta, 35 kms (12 hectares) northeast of Punta Arenas.
It comes through the ferry Crux Australis Austral Broom Transbordadora it takes to get to the island about 2 hours. (, it remains on the island one hour a journey of 850 meters.
This consists mainly of Magellanic penguins that nest on Isla Magdalena, estimating a colony of about 69,000 pairs.
There are other species of birds and mammals, which are mainly located in Isla Marta, cormorants, common gull, gull austral and a robber.
Marine mammals are also seen as common wolf fur.
Chile, tučňáci v Seno Otway u Punta Arenas, den 7.
Výlet k zátoce Seno Otway ležící asi 60 kilometrů od Punta Arenas, kde je možné pozorovat kolonii tučňáků magellanských.
智利 企鵝繁殖地 Isla Magdalena y Marta ( Punta Arenas) Chile
智利 麥哲倫海峽 麥哲倫企鵝 Seno Otway、Punta Arenas – 企鵝繁殖地
In the northeast of Punta Arenas, Chile. Magdalena Island and the Marta Island, situated in the middle of the Strait of Magellan, is the main part of this natural monument. The largest penguin colonies of south Chile are on this island, including an estimated 60,000 breeding pairs of the Magellanic penguin.
more photos and information:
Otway Penguin Reserve in Puenta Arenas Chile
Magellanic Penguins in Otway Penguin Reserve in Puenta Arenas Chile. They burrow. The male penguins stay with the nest in the burrow and the females go and get fish from the ocean and bring it back to the burrows.
Magellanic Penguin - Punta Arenas, Chile
Thursday - December 13, 2007 we were on an Overseas Adventure Travel trip to Chile. After checking in and dropping off our luggage at the airport in Punta Arenas, we drove 30 minutes to the privately owned Magellanic Penguin Colony at Seno Otway (Otway Sound) on the Strait of Magellan.
On the way our Tour Director María Elena gave us information about the Magellanic Penguin (sometimes called the Jackass Penguin) we would see and also the other 18 species of penguins found in the Southern Hemisphere. Amazingly, penguin fossils of over 40 million years have been found!
We were able to wander the paths through this Penguin Colony, photograph these beautiful black and white creatures, and enjoy a beautiful sunny afternoon before returning to the airport of Punta Arenas, Chile for our flight to Santiago.
Seno Otway Magellen Penguins
Three penguins crossing the stream at Seno Otway Chile.
Patagonia Otway Sound penguin sanctuary near Punta Arenas, Chile
We visited the penguin sanctuary at Otway Sound near Punta Arenas in Patagonia. There is a moderately large colony of the Magellanic Penguin along the coast of the Seno Otway. Magellanic Penguins mate with the same partner year after year. The male reclaims his burrow from the previous year and waits to reconnect with his female partner. The females are able to recognize their mates through their call alone. We saw quite a few penguins including a very close encounter. They were as curious about the camera as we were of them. There are a lot of Flamingos in the sanctuary as well. This trip took place at the end of a two-week Appalachian Mountain Club Adventure Travel (AMCAT) trip to Patagonia.