Coober Pedy Part 3 Serbian Church
Coober Pedy, Saint Elijah church, South Australia
Saint Elijah church, Coober Pedy, South Australia 2011
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church Sveti Ilija
This is the town's largest and most impressive underground church, with intricate rock-wall carvings and a gorgeous vaulted ceiling. It's about 3km south of town.
Built in 1993 and is dedicated to Saint Elijah. It belongs to the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand. The church is a popular tourist attraction because of its underground location. The whole church complex, with a church, a community hall, a parish house and a religious school, is carved in the sandstone between 3 and 17 meters under the ground level.
The church was built by Serbian Australians who settled in Coober Pedy as opal miners. Because of the hot climate, it was decided to build a church under the ground.
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
Ships of Arcady... Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
Ships of Arcady...
Underground Serbian Orthodox Church, Coober Pedy
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church: SerbFest!
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church: SerbFest!
Underground Church Coober Pedy
Amazing to behold. Completely hewn out of solid rock, this orthodox church is in Coober Pedy.
Australian Snippets #6 Serbian Underground Church
Coober Pedy is a town in northern South Australia, 846 kilometres north of Adelaide on the Stuart Highway. The town is sometimes referred to as the opal capital of the world but it also renowned for its below-ground residences, called dugouts, which are built to escape the scorching daytime heat. One of these is this Serbian Church.
црква Света Тројица у Перту, АвалаТВ 03.4 AvalaTV, Serbian Orthodox church Holy Trinity, Perth
Humanitarian actions: Serbian Orthodox church Holy Trinity, Perth
Хуманитарне акције: црква Света Тројица у Перту / Humanitarne akcije: crkva Sveta Trojica u Pertu.
Author: Tanja Visosevic
прилог припремила Тања Висошевић / prilog pripremila Tanja Visošević
Avala TV, first series, part 3, segment 4
Авала ТВ, емисија 3 из прве серије, сегмент 4 - Avala TV emisija 3 iz prve serije, segment 4
Production Team
Продукцони Тим / Produkconi Tim:
Boris Radmilovich: Executive Producer, Series Director, Editor, Camera Operator.
Борис Радмиловић: оперативни директор, режисер, сниматељ, монтажер / Boris Radmilović: operativni direktor, režiser, snimatelj, montažer.
Tanja Visosevic: Director, Editor, Camera Operator.
Тања Висошевић: режисер, сниматељ, монтажер / Tanja Visošević: režiser, snimatelj, montažer.
Veselko (Vee) Savic: Director of Photography.
Веселко (Ви) Савић: директор фотографије, сниматељ. / Veselko (Vi) Savić: direktor fotografije, snimatelj.
Predrag Pex Delibasic: Journalist.
Предраг Пеђа Делибашић: новинар / Predrag Peđa Delibašić: novinar.
Vesna Grbovic: Journalist, Announcer.
Весна Грбовић: новинар, спикер / Vesna Grbović: novinar, spiker.
Bane Grbovic: Journalist.
Бане Грбовић: новинар, саветник продукције / Bane Grbović: novinar, savetnik produkcije.
Advisory Board Members: Vesna Gaponov, Milena Ninkovic, Radmila Rada Karabuva, Mirjana Radmilovich.
Чланови саветодавног одбора: Весна Гапонов, Милена Нинковић, Радмила Рада Карабува, Мирјана Радмиловић / Članovi savetodavnog odbora: Vesna Gaponov, Milena Ninković, Radmila Rada Karabuva, Mirjana Radmilović.
*3rd episode of Avala TV had public premiere aired on 07.12.1999. through ch31-Perth, WA. In the years to follow it was re-aired on various occasions by Ch 31, Perth and MIS Television, Sydney.
*Трећа емисија Авала ТВ премијерно је емитована 07.12.1999. на Каналу 31 - Перт, Западна Аустралија. У каснијем периоду била је у више наврата ре-емитована на Каналу 31, Перт и Мис Телевизији, Сиднеј.
*Treća emisija Avala TV premijerno je emitovana 07.12.1999. na Kanalu 31 - Pert, Zapadna Australija. U kasnijem periodu bila je u više navrata re-emitovana na Kanalu 31, Pert i Mis Televiziji, Sidnej.
Kursk Icon visits the Serbian Orthodox Church St Nicholas, Woolloongabba
On Monday 16th March 2015, the Russian Miracle working Kursk Icon of the Mother of God was solemnly welcomed at the Serbian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas in Woolloongabba (Brisbane, Australia) followed by Akatist and Veneration of the Icon.
Consecration of His Grace Bishop Silouan, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand
From the consecration service in Belgrade Cathedral, 7th Augustb2016
Catacomb Church Coober Pedy
2011 Coober Pedy Australia Day Naturlization.AVI
Australia Day in Coober Pedy 2011, Naturalization of 3 new Australians by Mayor Steve Baines.
Christening Highlights
Ceremony Serbian Orthodox Church, Reception Williamstown, Melbourne, Australia
Coober Pedy: Survey Flying
Once upon a time I lived in a cave...
In 2017 we had a 300,000km job flying Cessna 210s on low level survey out of Coober Pedy. This is a video about the flying, the sights and the people from that experience.
Underground Coober Pedy Catholic Church
Beautiful, peaceful, tranquil underground church in Coober Pedy, central South Australia. So different!!! St Peter and St Paul church. Built in 1967.
(Copyright 2014 Bryan Foster all rights reserved.)
Coober Pedy underground city in Australia
Video from titomathson
#wtrip09 - Day 3 Drive Roxby Down to Andamooka then Coober Pedy
the Friday drive... with stops in Roxby Downs, Andamooka, Woomera and final destination of Coober Pedy just after sunset.