Serendipity Adventures Costa Rica - A fun trip to the Pacuare river.m4v
The staff of Serendipity Adventures got together to enjoy a rafting trip to the beautiful Pacuare River. This adventure was an unique and memorable experience for all the participants.
Costa Rica Canyoning with Serendipity Adventure
Costa Rica canyoning with 9 year old Jadyn and Serendipity Adventures. Yeah!
Pacuare River Tour by Explornatura
Costa Rica's Rafting Tour Operator, Explornatura, presents a real program of adventure over the Pacuare River.
Enorme, peluda y anaranjada tarántula en el Tour Nocturno de Monteverde (Costa Rica)
Costa Rica Spring Break Adventure 2010
A recap from the 2010 University of San Diego Spring Break eco-adventure trip to Costa Rica with Serendipity Adventures.
rafting costa rica
levi family rafting
Rafting in the area of turrialba during a Costa Rica Family vacation
Costa Rica Extreme Rafting -Promo Patrocinio
Canyoning & Waterfall Rappelling In Costa Rica With Bill
Canyoning & Waterfall Rappelling In Costa Rica With Bill Beard's. Visit
Canyoning and Canopy Tour
The canyoning and canopy tour by Explornatura (explornatura)