A história de Niède Guidon
Neste trecho do Repórter Eco, a história de Niède Guidon. A arqueóloga lutou pela criação do Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara, no Piauí. O lugar abriga pinturas rupestres e vestígios da presença humana na América do Sul há mais de 100 mil anos.
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Serra do Cipó: Brazil's Natural Landscape
Create & Inspire 2014 is an initiative to discover talented young artists in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and the UK. 12 artists were chosen to take part in the creative journey of a lifetime to Brazil.
The team visited the Serra do Cipó National Park in Minas Gerais, where they had the chance to experience Brazil's natural landscape first-hand; trekking, kayaking and enjoying the park's immense waterfalls.
The initiative is supported by Art Jameel and Qatar Museums, and is part of Qatar Brazil 2014 Year of Culture.
In Rio de Janeiro, urban ‘quilombo’ recover the history of our ancestors
On March 25, the United Nations commemorates International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade. During the transatlantic slave trade, Brazil has received almost 5 million enslaved Africans. At the time, the ‘quilombos’ – hinterland settlements founded by people of African origin – were places of refuge and slaves fled from the farms. Today, they help to preserve part of our history.
Check out this special video from the UN Information Centre for Brazil (UNIC Rio de Janeiro).
More, in Portuguese, at
Source: UNIC Rio
Rio 2016 Okwoche's Olympics - A Brazilian community of runaway slaves
Peter Okwoche meets Luiz Pinto, the head of Quilombo Sacopa, a Brazilian community originally started by runaway slaves. Mr Pinto has recently discovered more about his African heritage...
Railroad, Brazil's Atlantic forest
Traveling along 110 km of a railroad with 125 years of history through the largest preserved area of Brazil's Atlantic forest. The Mountain Range Train of Paraná departs from the city of Curitiba to Morretes everyday and on Sundays it also arrives at Paranaguá. The trip takes approximately 3 hours.
Curitiba is the capital of the state of Paraná, where Serra Verde Express headquarters are and it is internationally recognized for providing differential treatment to socio-environmental issues. The effort to recycle garbage, dedication to environmental education (the city has a record green area per capita comparing to the other capital cities) and the public transportation system, which is a model for the world, make the city one of the most requested of the country as a destination for Brazilian and foreign tourists.
What to see: Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Botanical Garden, Barigüi Park, Graciosa Road, Santa Felicidade, Wire Opera House, Panoramic Tower (Telepar)
Events: Theatre Festival and Christmas of Light
The city of Morretes was founded in 1721. It is in the middle of the Mountain Range of Paraná, between the capital and the coast. The bucolism of its routine, the pleasant climate, the options for ecotourism, the gastronomic attractions and historic buildings attract hundreds of citizens from Curitiba (Curitibanos) to the city every weekend. Morretes is being discovered by tourists who love nature and seek, through ecotourism, an interaction with the environment.
What to see: Typical Food, Graciosa Road, Mountain Range tracks, Historical Center, Marumbi Park, Porto de Cima, Nhundiaquara River.
Events: Sugar Cane Party, bike rides, Agricultural Fair and Crafts Festival, Winter Festival, Barreado Festival.
As Morretes and Antonina, Paranaguá is a historical city of Paraná's coast. The city had its development stimulated by the railroad construction which connected it with Curitiba. Thus, the Port of Paranaguá became the second of Brazil in terms of volume and the first in terms of grain transportation. Founded in 1648, the city is rich in historical buildings to explore such as museums, churches, colonial mansions, monuments, among others.
What to see: Art Market, Colonial Houses, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Events: Nossa Senhora do Rosário Party, Nossa Senhora do Rocio Party, Christmas Auto
Petropolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Oct16
Petropolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Oct16
Museu Ferroviario de Paranapiacaba em 1998 by El Jefe Midnight lunch.
Complexo Ferroviário da SPR São Paulo Railway
O Museu Tecnológico Ferroviário, em Paranapiacaba, composto pelo antigo pátio de manobras, máquinas fixas, oficinas, carros, vagões, locomotivas e vários objetos de uso ferroviário dos dois sistemas funiculares que operaram no trajeto entre o Alto da Serra e a Raiz da Serra, na ferrovia fundada por Mauá, a The San Paulo Railway Company Ltd..
A importância da Vila de Paranapiacaba e do Sistema Ferroviário dá-se por vários motivos: o conjunto é um exemplar único, no Brasil, de uma cidade que nasceu e sempre viveu em função da atividade ferroviária. A organização da vila e as casas, construídas de acordo com padrões britânicos, são um importante documento arquitetônico. O Sistema Funicular e o conjunto ferroviário constituem exemplar único no mundo, talvez o melhor exemplo da técnica e tecnologia britânicas do século XIX. Por todas essas razões é que Paranapiacaba é um Patrimônio Histórico de interesse não só local, mas internacional. Desse modo, para tornar o conjunto um Patrimônio da Humanidade.
No centro da passarela que liga a Parte Alta (Vila Portuguesa) à Parte Baixa (Vila Martim Smith) de Paranapiacaba, encontra-se a rampa que dá acesso à atual estação ferroviária (fora de uso) e ao complexo do Museu Ferroviário (composto pelo pátio de manobras e diversos prédios dos sistemas funiculares). O pátio fica ao lado da via do sistema atual em funcionamento, cremalheira-aderência, que está em operação e não faz parte do museu.
No pátio de manobras encontram-se alguns vagões e carros. Alguns deles aguardando restauro. O pátio de manobras ainda é utilizado em parte pela MRS Logística, atual concessionária do uso da via, daí o cuidado com a restrição da visita a essa área.
Os primeiros prédios compõe o complexo do Primeiro Sistema Funicular, ou Serra Velha, de 1867, onde ficavam instaladas oficinas, algumas salas administrativas, a 4ª Máquina Fixa e as caldeiras a carvão.
No anexo, ao final do prédio da 4ª Máquina, no lado externo, está exposto um Serrabreque (este sim, do Primeiro Sistema Funicular).
Hoje neste anexo encontram-se as exposições permanentes de objetos ferroviários, e no anexo lateral, alguns Locobreques (Segundo Sistema Funicular), e uma lojinha para venda de suvenires.
Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration
Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration
Porto Alegre is the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the biggest urban agglomeration of southern Brazil. The perfect blend of Brazilian-Portuguese and River Plate-Spanish cultures, added to a strong European heritage gives the city a unique background within Brazil. The city is one of the richest metropolis in the country, the state capital with the highest life quality and literacy rate (97%), the book capital of Brazil.
The gaúchos are very proud of their land and culture. In 1835 a revolution which declared Rio Grande do Sul independent from Brazil broke out, the most significant national conflict of the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), named the Farroupilha Revolution or Farrapos War. This war wreaked havoc across the entire state during 10 bloody years, killing nearly 20% of the gaúchos and ultimately leading to a peace treaty where the Republica Riograndense once again became part of Brazil. Another major Brazilian revolution also began in Rio Grande do Sul. The Federalist Revolution of 1893 defended the decentralization of powers and greater autonomy for the states, and only finished in 1895, after spreading to two other states.
It was also in Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre) where the 1930 Revolution which overthrew the president Washington Luis began, and so was from Rio Grande do Sul the most important Brazilian communist revolutionary of all times: Luis Carlos Prestes, who led the nation-wide communist upheaval in 1935. For such reasons, among many others, the Gaúchos (Riograndenses) are particularly proud of their mother state, many considering themselves as gauchos rather than Brazilians. Currently, Porto Alegre is a service centered city in between the industrial part of the state (north-east) and the rural part (south). It is also called the Mercosul Capital.
The city is roughly a semi-circle that expanded outward in a concentric manner, beginning from the historical city center, right next to the promontory and the harbor. Avenues going from the center to the outer areas of the semi-circle are the radiais (radials) and are crossed by avenues named perimetrais (perimeters). There is a rapid transit system (operated by trensurb), which runs from downtown Porto Alegre to some cities north of the metropolitan area. There are 22 stations and 43km of line, plus 2 stations of the aeromovel (people mover, linking the airport to the aeroporto metro station).
One of the most famous foods of Brazil, churrasco (slow-grilled and -roasted meat), originated in Rio Grande do Sul. But cuisine is eclectic here, and rice and beans sit on southern tables beside Italian and German dishes, thanks to the South's many European immigrants. Colonial coffee is the elaborate 5 PM tea, with breads, pies, and German kuchen, popular among the Germans in the South.
Football is a passion of the people from Porto Alegre. There is a big rivalry between two football clubs, Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense, founded in 1903, and Sport Club Internacional, founded in 1909. Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense and Sport Club Internacional currently play in the top league in Brazil, the Serie A. Both have successful histories, having won national and international titles, including the South American top honour, the Copa Libertadores, and the highest global trophy for football clubs, the Intercontinental Cup, now known as the Club World Cup.
A lot to see in Porto Alegre such as :
Farroupilha Park
Porto Alegre Public Market
Moinhos de Vento Park
Usina do Gasômetro
Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art
Casa da Cultura Mario Quintana
Iberê Camargo Foundation
PUCRS Museum of Science and Technology
Parque Germânia
Santander Cultural
Monument to Laçador
Orla do Guaíba
Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho
Marinha do Brasil Park
Botanical Gardens of Porto Alegre
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
Ponte do Guaíba
Catedral Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
Museum Júlio de Castilhos
Morro do Osso
Municipal Park Ararigbóia
Monument To Açorianos
Praça Província de Shiga
Harmony Park
Brique da Redenção
Gruta Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
Praia de Ipanema
Parque Gabriel Knijnik
Cultural-Historical Center Santa Casa
Parque Santa Fe
Inter Museum - Ruy Tedesco
Parque Getúlio Vargas
Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul
Sesc Campestre
Ilha da Pintada
Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol
Calçadão De Ipanema
( Porto Alegre - Brazil ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Porto Alegre. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Porto Alegre - Brazil
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A Brazilian Wine & A Cypriot Wine
Exotic Wine Travel is tasting a Brazilian wine and a Cypriot Wine. One of our virtual friends hand carried a Guaspari wine all the way from Brazil to the USA and then to Europe to pass to us. We also taste the new sweet wine from Lagri, made from sun-dried Mavri grapes. Lagria was one of the producers we visited during our two-week stint in Cyprus a few years ago. Discover rare wines and unique wine regions with us!
Learn more about Cypriot wines:
Wines featured in this episode:
Guaspari, Syrah Vista da Serra 2014
Lagria, Sun Wine 2016
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Scientists unveil largest dinosaur fossil yet discovered in Brazil
1. Wide of entrance to Museu Nacional, the national museum of Brazil
2. Tilt up of footprints in front of museum
3. Close of banner announcing discovery of new dinosaur
4. Wide of news conference
5. Medium of chief researcher explaining discovery
6. Close of photo of excavation site near a road
7. Close of photo of excavation site, with fossils
8. Close of photo of excavation site, near a road
9. Wide of replica of new discovery
10. Close of head of replica of new discovery
11. Tilt-down from replica to bone
12. Close of bone of dinosaur
13. Close of bone of dinosaur
14. Wide of photographers and cameramen taking pictures of replica
15. Zoom out of replica of discovery
16. Close of foot of replica
17. Alexander Kellner, chief researcher of discovery talking to media
18. SOUNDBITE: (Portuguese) Alexander Kellner, Researcher, Museu Nacional (National Museum):
The importance of this discovery is that it shows a greater diversity of dinosaurs than we have so far. This is the fifth dinosaur of the group of the Titanosaurs, which are some larger herbivorous dinosaurs that lived in our country 80 million years ago.
19. Zoom out pan from replica's head to Kellner talking to media
Scientists unveiled at the Brazilian National Museum in Rio de Janeiro on Monday a replica of a skeleton which scientists said was the largest dinosaur species yet discovered in Brazil.
The dinosaur is a medium-sized herbivore that roamed central Brazil some 80 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period.
A scientific description of the dinosaur, which measured some 13 metres (42 feet) from head to tail and weighed an estimated nine tons, was published on 11 August in the Brazilian National Museum's bulletin.
Scientists named the dinosaur Maxakalisaurus topai in homage to the Maxakali Indian tribe which still inhabits the region of Minas Gerais state where the bones were found.
Alexander Kellner, chief researcher of Maxakalisauros Topai, said the bones were excavated over the course of four field seasons between 1998 and 2002, near the Serra da Boa Vista near the city of Prata some 440 miles (708 kilometres) north west of Rio de Janeiro.
The importance of this discovery is that it shows a greater diversity of dinosaurs than we have so far, said Kellner.
The dinosaur belongs to the Titanosaur group, which means Titanic lizard.
Keyword-unusual wacky
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JUNDIAÍ Top 28 Tourist Places | Jundiaí Tourism | BRAZIL
Jundiaí (Things to do - Places to Visit) - JUNDIAÍ Top Tourist Places
Municipality in Brazil
Jundiaí is a city in southeast Brazil. Solar do Barão, a 1860s mansion houses the Historical and Cultural Museum. Companhia Paulista Museum displays railway artifacts.
Nearby, the 1600s Our Lady of Exile Cathedral features 1900s frescoes by Italian artist Arnaldo Mecozzi. The Botanical Garden has trails, waterfalls, and native plants. Southwest is the Atlantic forest-covered mountains of Serra do Japi.
JUNDIAÍ Top 28 Tourist Places | Jundiaí Tourism
Things to do in JUNDIAÍ - Places to Visit in Jundiaí
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JUNDIAÍ Top 28 Tourist Places - Jundiaí, Brazil, South America
Belo Horizonte Travel Guide - Brazil Attractive Experience
Belo Horizonte Travel Guide - Brazil Attractive Experience
Belo Horizonte is Brazil's sixth-largest city, the center of its third-largest urban area and the capital of the state of Minas Gerais. With its orderly grid plan and tree-lined avenues, it's a pleasant metropolis. For travelers, it's a good stopping point on the way to the beautiful colonial towns such as Ouro Preto and Tiradentes.
Belo Horizonte (or simply BH (beh-ah-GAH) to locals) is little over a century old. With a metropolitan population reaching more than 5 million (edging out Salvador), it was built as a planned city to take the place of Ouro Preto as the State's capital. Its layout features square sections drawn out by broad avenues, intersected diagonally by smaller streets. The city lies in the center of the Minas Gerais state, and is intended to bring together the many parts of this very diverse state.
The Metrô. snakes through the city, from Eldorado northeast to Vilarinho, tangential to the north side of downtown. Lagoinha Station is near the rodoviária (bus station), Gameleira Station is near the ExpoMinas Convention Center and Minas Shopping Station is near the Mall of the same name and Ouro Minas Palace Hotel. Belo Horizonte relies on a big and reliable taxi fleet - one of the best in Latin America. The service is also relatively inexpensive - a trip accross downtown costs around R$15 - ranking number 10 among the major Brazilian capitals The official color is white.
The city is built on several hills and is completely surrounded by mountains. There are several large parks in the immediate surroundings of Belo Horizonte. The Mangabeiras Park (Parque das Mangabeiras), 6 km (4 mi) southeast of the city centre in the hills of Curral Ridge (Serra do Curral), has a broad view of the city. It has an area of 2.35 km2 (580 acres), of which 0.9 km2 (220 acres) is covered by the native forest. The Jambeiro Woods (Mata do Jambeiro) nature reserve extends over 912 hectares (2,250 acres), with vegetation typical of the Atlantic Forest. More than 100 species of birds inhabit the reserve, as well as 10 species of mammals.
Major high-rise hotels are generally on Av. Afonso Pena or at Savassi neighborhood, while mid-range and budget accommodations are clustered around the train station. Belo Horizonte is internationally known as the capital of neighborhood bars. Every year, the city hosts the Comida di Buteco festival (Pub Foods, in an approximate translation), in which a panel selects 41 bars to be visited, and then elects the one with the best appetizers using the theme ingredient of each year.
Minas Gerais' cuisine is famous for its traditional dishes, like pão de queijo, feijão tropeiro, tutu de feijão, pork ribs, chicken-and-okra (served with a rich, brown gravy and rice) and other usually heavy, comfort-like food. The city also abounds with pizza places, barbecue houses, fine restaurants of many nationalities and other options.
A lot to see in Belo Horizonte such as :
Praça da Liberdade
Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte
Américo Renné Giannetti Municipal Park
Capela Curial de São Francisco de Assis
Lake Pampulha
Municipal Park of Mangabeiras
Memorial Minas Gerais Vale
Pope's Square
Mm Gerdau Museum Of Mines And Metal
Bank of Brazil Cultural Center
Pampulha art museum
Mirante do Mangabeiras
Arts and Crafts Museum
Parque Guanabara
Praça Sete de Setembro
Fundação de Parques Municipais e Zoobotânica de BH
Pampulha Ecological Park
Praça Rui Barbosa
Serra do Rola-Moça State Park
Sesc Palladium
St. Joseph Church
UFMG Knowledge Center
Casa Fiat de Cultura
Abílio Barreto History Museum
Museum of Natural Sciences
Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes, Belo Horizonte
Toy Museum
Casa do Baile
Ita Park Belo Horizonte
Zoological Garden of Belo Horizonte
Park - Plaza JK
Palácio da Liberdade
Mineiro Museum
Arena Minas Tennis Club
Fashion Museum
Paque Municipal Fazenda Lagoa do Nado
Our Lady of Good Voyage Cathedral, Belo Horizonte
Municipal Serra do Curral Park
Praça Diogo de Vasconcelos
House Kubitschek - JK
Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden UFMG
Parque Municipal Jacques Cousteau
( Belo Horizonte - Brazil ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Belo Horizonte . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Belo Horizonte - Brazil
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Brazil -Travel to Gramado
Gramado - Rio Grande do Sul
Lowrider Brazil
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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 1. Pousada Tankamana ***
2. Quinta da Paz Resort *****
3. Saison SPA ****
4. Hotel Solar do Império ***
5. Um Hostel ***
6. Bomtempo Resort ***
7. Pousada Spa Orquidea da Serra
8. Grande Hotel Petrópolis ****
9. Hotel Pedra Bonita ***
10. Hotel Petropolis Inn ***
Houses and flats for rent
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Use this link to list your property (hotel, house, room, etc.) on booking and your first 5 bookings will be commission-free.
1. Rua Aldo Gelli, s/n, Itaipava, CEP 25745-050, Brazil, Price range $198 - $427
Featuring a breakfast, a restaurant and free WiFi, Pousada Tankamana provides tastefully styled chalets with a fireplace. It offers 2 pools, including a natural pool with a waterfall and a variety of massage treatments.
2. Estrada Ministro Salgado Filho, 4004, Itaipava, CEP 25745-690, Brazil, Price range $192 - $403
Surrounded by lush forestland, Quinta da Paz Resort features an outdoor pool, a spa center and a tennis court. Free Wi-Fi, a buffet breakfast and massage treatments are available.
3. Rua Ministro Armando de Alencar, 40, Itaipava, CEP 25740150, Brazil, Price range $236 - $325
Surrounded by lush exotic nature in Itaipaiva, the Saison Spa features an outdoor and indoor swimming pool and a variety of specialized spa treatments and nutritional programs. Free Wi-Fi is available.
4. Av. Koeler, 376, Petrópolis, CEP 25685-060, Brazil, Price range $131 - $212
Formed by two 19th Century houses and located in a prestigious area of Petrópolis, Hotel Solar do Império offers indoor and outdoor pools, a spa and wellness center and a steam sauna. Wi-Fi and parking are free.
5. Rua Padre Siqueira 325, Petrópolis, CEP 25685-220, Brazil, Price range $13 - $46
Located in the Old Town district of Petrópolis, Um Hostel is 366 m from Cathedral of St. Peter of Alcantara. 4.8 km from Petropolis Bus Station, the property is also 4.8 km away from Free Flight Ramp of Simeria. Local points of interest like Bohemia Old Brewery and Crystal Palace are reachable within a few steps and 100 yards, respectively.
6. Estrada da Cachoeira, 400, Itaipava, Itaipava, CEP 25745-180, Brazil, Price range $50 - $370
Located in Itaipava, 17 mi from Petrópolis, Bomtempo Resort features air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi. There is a restaurant and bar and guests can have fun at the games room. Free private parking is available on site.
7. Rua Narciso de Castro, 255, Petrópolis, CEP 25675-270, Brazil, Price range $44 - $112
Surrounded by Petrópolis´s mountains and the luxuriant Atlantic Forest, Orquídea da Serra offers beautiful rooms with scenic views. Amenities include a pool and free WiFi.
8. Rua do Imperador, 545, Petrópolis, CEP 25620-000, Brazil, Price range $68 - $126
In a 1930s historic building, Grande Hotel Petrópolis is just 51 m from the Imperial Museum in Petropolis. It features accommodations with split air conditioning, a fitness center and free Wi-Fi.
9. Rod. Br 040 - Km 69,2, Petrópolis, CEP 25670-070, Brazil, Price range $85 - $265
Located in Petropolis, Pedra Bonita is a ranch-style hotel with private chalets and free WiFi in public areas. It offers a variety of fun outdoor activities and a pool with a bar service.
10. Rua 29 de Junho, N° 491 , Petrópolis, CEP 25655-091, Brazil, Price range $43 - $173
Set in ValParaíso, in Petrópolis, 1.2 mi from the historical center, Hotel Petrópolis Inn features a sun terrace and views of the mountains. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Free private parking is available on site.
Petropolis-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Petrópolis (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˌpeˈtɾɔːpʊʎiʃ]), also known as The Imperial City of Brazil, is a town in the state of Rio de Janeiro, about 65 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Nestled among the forested hills of the Serra dos Órgãos, in the valley of the Quitandinha and Piabanha rivers, Petrópolis is a popular summer holiday spot. Besides the climate and surroundings, the main attraction is the former Summer Palace of the second Brazilian Emperor, which is now the Imperial Museum, specializing in Imperial history and memorabilia.
Petrópolis is home to the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), a research unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Brazilian Federal Government.
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루안다 시내엔 식민지배 시절 지어진 건물을 곳곳에서 볼 수 있다. 앙골라는 1482년, 포르투갈의 한 항해자가 앙골라 북서부를 발견한 이래 한때 네덜란드령이었던 시기를 제외하고, 1975년 독립할 때까지 약 450년이나 포르투갈의 지배를 받았다. 특히 서부 해안은 포르투갈의 노예무역 중심지였다. 국립노예박물관이 있다고 해서 찾아갔는데 자그마한 성당이다. 도대체 왜 노예박물관을 이 성당에 만든 걸까? “여기 놓인 것은 끌려온 흑인들이 노예로 팔려 가기 직전에 세례를 받기 위한 것이었습니다. 여기에 성수를 놓고 백인 신부들이 세례를 해주었죠. 이 그림에서 당시 세례식 모습을 볼 수 있습니다.” 바닷가 근처에 성당이 많은 이유는 노예로 팔려갈 흑인에게 세례를 해줬기 때문이란다. 이렇게 세례를 받은 흑인들은 포르투갈의 또 다른 식민지, 브라질로 팔려나갔다. 성당 2층 전시실을 둘러보니 당시의 참혹했던 상황을 조금이나마 짐작할 수 있었다. 포르투갈 인들은 여성과 아이까지 닥치는 대로 노예로 끌고 갔다. 그렇게 끌려간 수가 400만 명이 넘는단다. 흑인 노예들의 저항을 막기 위해 정복자가 설치한 포대는 지금도 여전히 그들이 떠나갔던 바다를 향하고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Luanda city yen colonial era can be seen in the building, built around. Angola 1482, the Portuguese navigator who, except for once Neth time since it was discovered in northwestern Angola, received about 450 years of Portuguese domination until independence in 1975. In particular, the West Coast was the slave trade center in Portugal. Just because I went to the National Slavery Museum it is to find tiny cathedral. I wonder why the hell created by the slave museum in the cathedral? It lies here was to be baptized just before they were brought to the top African sold into slavery. Caucasian bride put holy water on me here, they ended up baptized. This figure can be seen at the time of baptism. A lot of the reason is the cathedral near the beach yiranda because the group played a baptism to go to Black sold into slavery. Black baptized so they sold to another colony, Brazil from Portugal. Looking around the cathedral could guess the second floor exhibition room, albeit a little distressing at the time of that situation. The Portuguese were dragged into slavery at random to women and children. So danda dragged with more than 400 million people. Batteries are installed to prevent resistance conqueror of Negro slaves who are facing the sea and still they went away.
[Portuguese: Google Translator]
Luanda cidade yen era colonial pode ser visto no edifício, construído ao redor. Angola 1482, o navegador Português que, com exceção de tempo, uma vez Neth desde que foi descoberto no noroeste Angola, recebeu cerca de 450 anos de dominação Português até a independência em 1975. Em particular, a Costa Oeste era o centro do comércio de escravos em Portugal. Só porque eu fui para o Museu Nacional de Escravatura é encontrar pequena catedral. Eu me pergunto por que diabos criado pelo museu escravo na catedral? Encontra-se aqui era para ser batizado apenas antes que eles foram trazidos para o início Africano vendidos como escravos. Noiva caucasiano colocar água benta em mim aqui, eles acabaram batizados. Este número pode ser visto no momento do batismo. Muita a razão é a catedral, perto da praia yiranda porque o grupo teve um batismo para ir para Preto vendidos como escravos. Preto batizados para que eles vendida para outra colônia, o Brasil de Portugal.
■클립명: 아프리카055-앙골라01-02 성당에 세워진 노예박물관/National Slavery Museum/Church/Baptism
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 남택진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 6월 June
,아프리카,Africa,아프리카,앙골라,Angola,Angola,0,남택진,2012,6월 June,루안다,Luanda,Luanda,
Johann Moritz Rugendas Paintings
Johann Moritz Rugendas (March 29, 1802 - May 29, 1858), was a German painter, famous for his works depicting landscapes and ethnographic subjects in several countries in the Americas, in the first half of the 19th century. Rugendas is also the subject of the 2000 novel by César Aira, An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter.
Rugendas was born in Augsburg, Germany, into the seventh generation of a family of noted painters and engravers of Augsburg (he was a great grandson of Georg Philipp Rugendas, 1666–1742, a celebrated painter of battles),[1] and studied drawing and engraving with his father, Johann Lorenz Rugendas II (1775–1826). From 1815 to 1817 he studied with Albrecht Adam (1786–1862), and later in the Academy de Arts of Munich, with Lorenzo Quaglio II (1793–1869).
Inspired by the artistic work of Thomas Ender (1793–1875) and the travel accounts in the tropics by German naturalists Johann Baptist von Spix (1781–1826) and Carl von Martius (1794–1868), in the course of the Austrian Brazil Expedition, Rugendas arrived in Brazil in 1821. There he was soon hired as an illustrator for Baron von Langsdorff's scientific expedition to Minas Gerais and São Paulo. Langsdorff was the consul-general of the Russian Empire in Brazil and had a farm in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro, where Rugendas went to live with other members of the expedition. In this capacity, Rugendas visited the Serra da Mantiqueira and the historical towns of Barbacena, São João del Rei, Mariana, Ouro Preto, Caeté, Sabará and Santa Luzia.
Just before the fluvial phase of the expedition started (a fateful journey to the Amazon), he became alienated from von Langsdorff, left the expedition and was replaced by the artists Adrien Taunay and Hércules Florence. However, Rugendas remained on his own in Brazil until 1825, exploring and recording his many impressions of daily life in the provinces of Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. He produced mostly drawings and watercolors.
On his return to Europe between 1825 and 1828, Rugendas lived successively in Paris, Augsburg and Munich, with the aim of learning new art techniques, such as oil painting. There, he published from 1827 to 1835, with the help of Victor Aimé Huber, his monumental book Voyage Pittoresque dans le Brésil (Picturesque Voyage to Brazil), with more than 100 illustrations, which became one of the most important documents about Brazil in the 19th century. He also studied in Italy, visiting Pisa, Florence, Rome, Naples, Venice and Sicily. But inspired again by a noted explorer and naturalist, Alexander Humboldt (1769–1859), whom he once met, Rugendas sought financial support for a much more ambitious project of recording pictorially the life and nature of Latin America; in his words an endeavour to truly become the illustrator of life in the New World. In 1831 he travelled first to Haiti, and then to Mexico. He began to use oil painting there, with excellent results. Unfortunately, Rugendas was incarcerated and expelled from the country after he became involved in a failed coup against Mexico's president, Anastasio Bustamante, in 1834.
From 1834 to 1844 he travelled to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and Bolivia, and finally went back to Rio de Janeiro, in 1845. Well-accepted and feted by the court of Emperor Dom Pedro II, he executed portraits of several members of the royal court and participated in an artistic exposition.
At the age of 44, in 1846, Rugendas departed to Europe, never to return to Latin America. He died in Weilheim an der Teck, Germany, King Maximilian II of Bavaria having acquired most of his works in exchange for a life pension. His painting Columbus taking Possession of the New World (1855) is on view at the Neue Pinakothek, in Munich.
Johann Moritz Rugendas foi um pintor alemão que nasceu em Augsburg, Alemanha. Em 29 de março de 1802. Viajou por todo o Brasil durante o período de 1822 a 1825, pintando os povos e costumes que encontrou. Rugendas era o nome que usava para assinar suas obras. Cursou a Academia de Belas-Artes de Munique, especializando-se na arte do desenho.
Nasceu em Augsburg, em 29 de março de 1802 e faleceu em Weilheim an der Teck, em 29 de maio de 1858. De família de artistas, integrou a missão do barão de Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff e permaneceu no Brasil sete anos.
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