Anfibios da Serra do Brigadeiro - Versão Funk
Despite its historical trend of devastation that resulted im 90% of its original range, the Atlantic Forest still harbors high levels of biodiversity. Therefore, this biome is considered one of the most threatened of the planet and a priority for conservative management.
Approximately four hundred species of anurans are recognized in the Atlantic Rain Forest, and half of them endemic to this biome. This high degree of diversity and endemism is determined by the huge diversity of habitats and environments, an evident feature of the mountain complex of the Serra do Mar, Mantiqueira, and Espinhaço in southeastern Brazil. In Minas Gerais, The a Serra do Brigadeiro State Park (Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro -- PESB) comprises more than 13.000 hectares (42°40' and 40'W: 20°33' and 21°00'S) and it is considered biosphere world patrimony and the top priority conservation area the Minas Gerais. In this study, we present a diagnosis of the current knowledge of the taxonomy and biogeography of the amphibians in PESB performed in the northen, center and southern sections of the uint, performed during the 1994-2006 time period. Forty-two species of anurans have been recorded for the PESB, represented by families Brachycephalidade (4), Bufonidae (1), Centrolenidade (2), Ceratophryidae (1), Cycloramphydae (4), Hylidae (20), Hylodidae (2), Leiuperidae (3), Leptodactylidae (5) and Microhylidae (2). This survey also includes new species belonging to genera Leptodactylus, Scinax and Chiasmocleis. This conservation unit also harbors species of zoogeographic and/or conservationist releance such as Brachycephalus ephippium (first and only record in Minas Gerais), Bokermannohyla ibitipoca (first record of this species outside its type locality in the Ibitipoca State Park/MG) and Proceratophrys melanopogon (most continental occurrence in its distributional range). Other relevant species is Physalaemus maximus, the largest known species of the genus in Brazil, which was described in 1999 and has the PESB as its type locality. All PESB sections included rare species such as Bokermannohyla ibitipoca and Phasmahyla sp.. Nine species in the northern sector, and three species in the central range are probably new to science. Only Eleutherodactylus guentheri, Proceratophrys melanopogon and Dendropsophus minutes occurred across all the environments. It is clear that the heterogeneity of environments throughout the Serra do Brigadeiro allows the occupation of different species of amphibians in accordance with the specific habitat, and that new sampling in areas yet unexplored may add to new species records for the unit, therefore confirming the relevance of this park for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest Amphibian biodiversity.
Autores: Renato Neves Feio, Patrícia Silva Santos, Carla Santana Cassini, Jussara Santos Dayrell and Eliana Faria de Oliveira.
Referência: FEIO, R. N. et al. Amphibiam Diversity in the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Biota, v.1, n.1, Belo Horizonte/MG. 2008.
Palavras-chaves: Atlantic Rain Forest, amphibian, new species and Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro -- PESB.
LinK: ou
Anfibios da Serra do Brigadeiro - MG
Despite its historical trend of devastation that resulted im 90% of its original range, the Atlantic Forest still harbors high levels of biodiversity. Therefore, this biome is considered one of the most threatened of the planet and a priority for conservative management.
Approximately four hundred species of anurans are recognized in the Atlantic Rain Forest, and half of them endemic to this biome. This high degree of diversity and endemism is determined by the huge diversity of habitats and environments, an evident feature of the mountain complex of the Serra do Mar, Mantiqueira, and Espinhaço in southeastern Brazil. In Minas Gerais, The a Serra do Brigadeiro State Park (Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro -- PESB) comprises more than 13.000 hectares (42°40' and 40'W: 20°33' and 21°00'S) and it is considered biosphere world patrimony and the top priority conservation area the Minas Gerais. In this study, we present a diagnosis of the current knowledge of the taxonomy and biogeography of the amphibians in PESB performed in the northen, center and southern sections of the uint, performed during the 1994-2006 time period. Forty-two species of anurans have been recorded for the PESB, represented by families Brachycephalidade (4), Bufonidae (1), Centrolenidade (2), Ceratophryidae (1), Cycloramphydae (4), Hylidae (20), Hylodidae (2), Leiuperidae (3), Leptodactylidae (5) and Microhylidae (2). This survey also includes new species belonging to genera Leptodactylus, Scinax and Chiasmocleis. This conservation unit also harbors species of zoogeographic and/or conservationist releance such as Brachycephalus ephippium (first and only record in Minas Gerais), Bokermannohyla ibitipoca (first record of this species outside its type locality in the Ibitipoca State Park/MG) and Proceratophrys melanopogon (most continental occurrence in its distributional range). Other relevant species is Physalaemus maximus, the largest known species of the genus in Brazil, which was described in 1999 and has the PESB as its type locality. All PESB sections included rare species such as Bokermannohyla ibitipoca and Phasmahyla sp.. Nine species in the northern sector, and three species in the central range are probably new to science. Only Eleutherodactylus guentheri, Proceratophrys melanopogon and Dendropsophus minutes occurred across all the environments. It is clear that the heterogeneity of environments throughout the Serra do Brigadeiro allows the occupation of different species of amphibians in accordance with the specific habitat, and that new sampling in areas yet unexplored may add to new species records for the unit, therefore confirming the relevance of this park for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest Amphibian biodiversity.
Autores: Renato Neves Feio, Patrícia Silva Santos, Carla Santana Cassini, Jussara Santos Dayrell and Eliana Faria de Oliveira.
Referência: FEIO, R. N. et al. Amphibiam Diversity in the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Biota, v.1, n.1, Belo Horizonte/MG. 2008.
Palavras-chaves: Atlantic Rain Forest, amphibian, new species and Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro -- PESB.
LinK: ou
Trekking na trilha do carvão- Serra do Brigadeiro - Araponga - MG
A trilha do Carvão foi no passado uma estrada onde se escoava o carvão feito da madeira da Serra do Brigadeiro para a Siderúrgica Belgo Mineira em João Monlevade. Após décadas sem uso a estrada virou uma Trilha de aproximadamente 10km. Vale a pena conhecer!
Trilha do Carvão Araponga.Minas Gerais.
Mountain bike na região serrana da zona da mata,vegetação exuberante de mata preservada.
O vídeo mostra um dos trechos de mata fechada quente e umida que antecedem a descida da Serra do Brigadeiro onde os ciclistas dão testemunho da dificuldade da trilha.
Parque Nacional do Caparaó
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Não deixem de curtir, compartilhar e se inscrever no canal Observatório Natural para acompanhar todos os vídeos dessa viagem incrível.
Pico do boné em minas gerais cidade de Araponga
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Para maiores informações acessem a nossa página:
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Cachoeira das Arapongas - PETAR/SP
2018.12 - PETAR (Cachoeira das Arapongas)
É a cachoeira mais alta do PETAR.
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Link do Vídeo:
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