Servi Taxi Baños HDV
Servi Taxi Baños, Servicio de Transporte exclusivo y personalizado para turistas extranjeros y nacionales , ofrecemos recorridos dentro de la ciudad de Baños de Agua Santa, transfer desde y hacia aeropuertos del país , traslados a diferentes ciudades turísticas del Ecuador, nuestra mejor garantia es la satisfaccion de los turistas que han viajado , ofrecemos puntualidad , seguridad y comodidad en nuestros viajes .
Servi Taxi Baños, exclusive and personalized service Transport for foreign and domestic tourists , offer tours within the city of Baños de Agua Santa , transfer to and from airports, transfers to different tourist cities of Ecuador , our best guarantee is the satisfaction tourists who have traveled , offer punctuality, safety and comfort in our travels.
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Como llegar al Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar - Baños de Agua Santa Ecuador
Musica: Fafirena por Papa Roncon
Todos los autobuses arrivaran al terminal Principal de Baños de Agua Santa, una vez situado ahi tienes varias opciones para llegar al Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar.
Los taxis te cobran promedio 2$ a 3$ maximo la carrera hasta el hotel.
Igualmente un grupo colectivo de camionetas justo detrás del terminal de buses te proporcionan el mismo servicio y con las mismas tarifas de los taxis.
Los diferencia en que mayormente los taxis se niegan a subir por la subida de illuchi ya que la carretera solo esta asfaltada hasta la señal de El Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar y la otra mitad del camino es un sendero de tierra, este generalmente es mas facil para el colectivo de camionetas por eso los recomendamos a ellos principalmente.
Los dueños del Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar tambien proporcionan transporte por los mismos costos dejaremos sus datos al final de esta informacion.
La otra opcion es caminando como te mostramos en el video, una vez en el terminal cruzar la avenida que le sigue hasta encontrar el Puente de San Francisco, muy famoso ya que a diario practican salto de puente, buen entretenimiento para el turista, seguido encontraran la señal de Illuchi y ahí comienza una pendiente, si tienes mucho equipaje te recomendamos tomar los taxis o las camionetas, de otra manera el peso te dificultara el camino.
Sigue el camino unos 800mts hasta encontrar nuestro anuncio de Alpinar.
Hay encontraras un nuevo camino que ya no esta asfaltado, gira a la izquierda encontraras que hay un camino subiendo y otro a tu derecha este te guía a la casa de los propietarios del Hotel, puedes entrar y preguntar si están ahí o sigues subiendo ya que aun te falta el sendero de tierra por caminar, sigues unos 5 o 6 min y
encontraras la primera cabaña del hotel, hay puedes disfrutar de una bella vista al pueblo y si esta despejado a tu horizonte el Volcan Tungurahua, en este punto faltaria una sola subida hasta llegar al Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar una casa de madera hecha por sus propios dueños, cubierta de un hermoso sendero de pinos y una vista excepcional, hay te brindaran la ayuda posible para hacerte sentir a gusto.
Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar
Tlf. 0985533117 / (03)2741027 / whatssap 0980752155
All the buses will arrive to the principal terminal of Baños de Agua Santa, once you are there you'll have few options to get to Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar.
Taxis averages prices are 2$ or 3$ maximum to the hotel.
The same will charge you a colective of trucks just right back of the terminal.
The difference between both it's that the taxis usually does not wants to come up the hill because asphalt road finish until Alpinar's banner, the other half of the road it's rustic, generally this one is easy for the group of trucks which is why we recommend them first of all.
The owners also offer shuttle to the hotel for the same price, we will get you the proper information at the end of this.
The other option is by walk as we show you at the video, once you get to the terminal cross the avenue until find San Francisco's bridge, very famous for their practicing jumping the bridge, good entertaining for tourist people, following the way you will find Illuchi's sign and the way up to hill, if you got to much weight with your backpack we recommend you take a taxi or truck because the way it's hard to go up.
Walk untill find Alpinar's sign.
following your left side you will find a new way going up hill
after the sign there's a house that belong to the owners of the hotel, you can pass throught it and ask if they are there or keep going up hill, there's still 5 or 6 min more till find the first cabaña of the hotel, very nice spot to view the town and if it's cloudless you can see the Tungurahua Volcan, to this point there's still missing one hill to find Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar a very nice house made of wood by the same owners, and sorrounded for a pines forest and an excepcional viewpoint.
There you will find suitable help to makes you fell good as home.
Centro Ecoturistico Alpinar
Tlf. 0985533117 / (03)2741027 / whatssap 0980752155
Transporte Puerta a Puerta Quito-Tena, Quito - Puyo y Retorno. Telef. 022907-416, claro 0993270691 movistar 0983761272. Llámenos con anticipación será un gusto atenderles.
How is Bus Travel in ECUADOR? The Journey to Quito
Taking the bus through the beautiful Andes Mountains of Ecuador, from Baños to Quito.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. And it's just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE:
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? Following My Thumb by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. Available on here:
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Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. Filmed using an Olympus SP-810UZ and/or a GoProHero Plus LCD. See more below.
Music during the video:
Intro song: Smart Riot by Huma-Huma
Title by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of Following My Thumb, a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
How is Bus Travel in ECUADOR? The Journey to Quito
Artistas de la Calle en Baños 2008
Artistas de la Calle en Baños
Rebecca Adventure Travel gives you the unique opportunity to see Ecuador, Peru and Colombia through local eyes. All the programs on the website are examples of great tours. Rebecca and her team are specialized in tailor made authentic and adventurous private trips in Ecuador. Peru & Colombia. All tours are personally selected by Rebecca, which will be your guarantee for authentic (preferably family owned) hotels, high quality tours, great service and last but not least, value for money.
Visit Ecuador - Tipping in Ecuador Explained
How much do I tip in Ecuador? Do I even tip while I am in Ecuador? Yes, you do tip when you visit Ecuador. Here are some of the times and amounts you should tip when you travel to Ecuador. Of note the official currency of Ecuador is the US Dollar, and of course tipping is a personal decision, but in a country like Ecuador tips (even small tips) can make a major impact for your service staff.
Restaurants: Taxes and Service are usually included in the bill or the price of your food. However, not all restaurants put the service and tax on. Your best bet is to tip an additional 5% on top of the final bill. Leave the tip as cash to make it easier for the waiter. You also make sure the waiter gets the money and do not just leave the tip on the table and leave.
Tour Guides: Tours in Ecuador are great and we have found Ecuador to have some of the best guides around. You tip about $10 per day per person for a full day tour. About $5-8 per day per person for a half day tour.
Tour Drivers: You tour driver receives about half of what you tip your tour guide. Typically about $5 per person per day.
Taxis: You do not tip taxis in Ecuador. You pay the fair that is displayed on your meter. Make sure you use only official taxis. So ask your hotel to call one for you if you do need one. You can round up the bill to the next 50 cents or $1.00 to make it easier with change.
Hotel Cleaning Staff: Leave $2-$5 per day on the bed when you leave for the day. This significantly helps the cleaning staff and we have found leads to a very tidy room and even more helpful service. Leave closer to $5 if you have a bigger room or a family room.
A Special Thank You to Southern Explorations for Helping Us Explore More of Ecuador
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Security SAGS
Grupo G3S, Security and General Service, Innova Seguridad y Táctica de Seguridad
Nuestra experiencia en el campo de seguridad y la calidad de nuestros servicios es a mérito del esfuerzo permanente y atención personalizada hacia nuestros agentes y clientes que nos caracteriza, con el logro de brindar un eficiente servicio de Seguridad y Vigilancia.
Reactions in Ecuador, Cuba and Haiti as Snowden requests asylum in Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador - 24 June 2013
1. Wide of Carondelet, Ecuador's government palace
2. Ecuadorean flag flying over palace
3. Wide of people sitting in plaza in front of palace
4. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Mercedes Vera, Quito resident:
I think he (Edward Snowden) should be helped because people who leave here (Ecuador) receive political asylum in other countries, so it's good that people get it here also, political asylum.
5. Wide of street in front of palace
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 24 June 2013
6. Exterior of Hotel Oloffson, where Baltasar Garzon, former Spanish judge whose legal advice is being sought by Edward Snowden, is staying
7. Zoom in of Garzon carrying baggage
8. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Baltasar Garzon, former Spanish judge:
At this moment I do not represent the interests of Edward Snowden. I put out a press release saying that first I have to speak to him and study the case, but at this moment I do not represent the interests of Mr Snowden. The press release sent out yesterday explains this.
9. Garzon walking down hotel steps with baggage
Havana, Cuba - 24 June 2013
10. Wide zoom in to Morro Castle and Havana Harbour
11. Mid of people in street, Cuban flag flying
12. Wide of Old Capitol building with classic cars and bicycle taxi
13. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Zulema Cardozo, Havana resident:
It would be a problem for us (if Snowden came to Cuba) but if he has a just cause, then it doesn't matter, we will take on the responsibility.
14. Wide of Cuban flag flying in wind
15. Various exteriors of Ecuadorean embassy
Confusion over the whereabouts of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden grew on Monday after a plane took off from Moscow for Cuba with an empty seat booked in his name.
Snowden has applied for asylum in Ecuador and was expected to travel there with stops in Cuba and Venezuela.
He has not been seen since he arrived in Moscow on Sunday from Hong Kong.
The founder of the WikiLeaks secret-spilling organisation, Julian Assange, insisted he couldn't go into details about where Snowden is, but said he was safe.
Snowden has applied for asylum in Ecuador, Iceland and possibly other countries, he said.
An Aeroflot representative who wouldn't give her name told The Associated Press that Snowden wasn't on flight SU150 to Havana, which was filled with journalists trying to track him down.
AP reporters on the flight couldn't see him either.
In the Ecuadorean capital, Quito, on Monday one woman outside the Carondelet Government Palace said she thought Snowden should be given asylum.
I think he should be helped because people who leave here receive political asylum in other countries, so it's good that people get it here also, said Mercedes Vera.
Snowden has requested the legal advice of former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, who is best known for indicting a totalitarian ruler, former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, in 1998, and trying to put him on trial in Madrid for crimes against humanity.
However, speaking outside his hotel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Monday, Garzon said that at this moment he did not represent Snowden's interests.
First I have to speak to him and study the case, but at this moment I do not represent the interests of Mr Snowden, said Garzon.
Despite Snowden having been expected to travel to Cuba en route to Ecuador, Havana's government has not publicly acknowledged that he is headed to the Communist-run island.
US-Cuba relations have been strained for more than half a century and while both parties have met recently to discuss migration policies and direct mail service, some citizens are concerned that this new development with Snowden could affect a diplomatic breakthrough.
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$5 free to call Ecuador
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Wakas ng Paggapas? | Part 5 | Failon Ngayon
Failon Ngayon tackles the irrigation problem that has been hounding the local farming industry for many years now.
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Terreno en el Barrio Nuevo Baños en Baños de Agua Santa
Barrio Nuevo Baños - Baños de Agua Santa
Los mejores precios y las mejores propiedades
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University student Optimist Club travels to Ecuador for two weeks of service and adventure
The student Optimist Club of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater made a two-week trip to Ecuador in January 2012 to work with four different service projects.
Most of the folks on the trip had never been out of the country before--so it was an adventure in every sense of the word.
Special thanks to the singing group Red Molly ( and singer-songwriter Susan Werner ( for allowing us the use of the song May I suggest in the video. Check out their videos on YouTube.
ANT establece acuerdos con transporte turístico de busetas
La directora ejecutiva de la agencia nacional de tránsito, Lorena Bravo, se reunió en Cuenca con los representantes del transporte turístico de buses, para establecer acuerdos mínimos que permitan mejorar los controles y las sanciones para las cooperativas que no cumplan con la ley y los permisos entregados
Más información:
Ya funciona en Quito el servicio pasajero seguro, una iniciativa contra el delito en taxis
Public bus (Cuenca, Ecuador parada actual: Banco Central)
Ecuador Driving
Drive from Banos, Ecuador to Cuenca and then to the Peru border. Long detours made this a long drive.
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