Sethani ka Johara, Churu
Sethani Ka Johara, a reservoir, was constructed by the widow of Bhagwan Das Bagla during the terrible Chhapan Akaal, the famine of 1956. Served as one of the relief projects, this historic site lies at a distance of few kilometers on the western side of the Ratangarh Road. One can witness birds and mammals including Nilgai or blue bull near the huge water body.
sethani ka johara, churu.mp4
This is monument and water storage device in desert. Where man and animal can drink water
सेठानी का जोहड़,चूरू का अब होगा कायाकल्प |sethani ka johda सेठाणी का जोहडा | Churu News | Trinetra TV
sethani ka johda सेठाणी का जोहडा |sethani ka johara churu, sethani ka johara churu rajasthan
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Sethani Ka Johra (Churu)# Rajasthan#
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Sethani Ka Johra Churu raj.
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#सेठानी_का_जोहड़ा #चूरु/ sethani ka johda churu
चूरू शहर से लगभग 3 किलोमीटर दूर एवं पश्चिम दिशा में स्थित हैं सेठानी का जोहड़ा ।
इस जोहड़े का निर्माण सन् 1900(उन्नीस सौ) में ( विक्रम संवत 1956 )में सेठ भगवान दास जी बागला की धर्म पत्नी बृज कुमारी (सेठानी जी) ने करवाया था।उस समय अंचल में छप्पनिया अकाल पड़ा हुआ था ।इस अकाल ने इतनी भयंकर स्थिति उत्पन्न कर दी थी ,जिससे लोग आज भी दंत- कथाओं के माध्यम से याद करते हैं ।चारों ओर खाने व पानी की भयंकर समस्या उत्पन्न हो गई थी ,तब सभी के लिए पानी की सु व्यवस्थित व्यवस्था एवं लोगों को रोजगार के लिए सेठानी जोहड़े का निर्माण करवाया गया था।पूरे जोहड़े का निर्माण धांधले भाठे में किया गया हैं ।जोहड़े के चारों ओर छतरियां सहित सुंदर भित्ति चित्रों का अंकन करवाया गया है ।यह जोहड़ा चारों दिशाओं से एक जैसा दिखता है ।चूरू शहर के लिए यह एक खूबसूरत विरासत है ।
New sethani ka johra churu
sethani ka johda सेठाणी का जोहडा
Bhagwan Sagar (Johda of Sethani) - An example of the collection of water Jatha of Sethani and its glory story- From Churu District headquarters, in the western sight about 2 km away, the Jodi mu Patan is located in the 'Sethani johada' The name is famous in the whole of the name
In the history of the Samvatras, in the form of famines, in the year 1856, this symbol of irritation was born to prove the life, life and oppression. The exact rectangular angular form of this johara is confused with its three faces and the main gate is south-facing, the man has not been able to comprehend another form like this, to compare this wonderful example of the architectural architecture with the cursed beauty.
This Jodhah of Sethani is hypnotized from a distance. On four angles where four sides meet, but the umbrellas of the seven pillars were constructed. The splendor of these umbrellas gives the impression of life to the living pictures painted. While making this jeweler, the artist has given his paraphrase of dreams in a living shape, by realizing his dreams in expanding the beauty of the observations.
This wonderful structure of human built for collection of water furnished with three entrance doors constructed from 14 pillars and peasants is said, the whole world roams like a person like me? True, no one like me
The grand johadis made from lime on the grounds of rigged stones come to the moonlight nights to see the people of unknown world riding in their Hindoos. It is true that this unique beauty of aquatic Vastu can not be compared to any one, it is called Jaradha. It is said that the time of more than a century has passed, then it should be centuries for me to make.
One day, in the evening, telling me sadly with my sadness, my friend said to me, look carefully at me; I am southbound, I have written in the scriptures that in the fate of human beings and the building is south-facing, both are unique and unique, Can never reach the top
Remember when you tattoo on childhood days came to me was the first time my south main entrance of central my escort God were stopped by shivering seeing Gnesh, our friendship since then, while increasing further the friendship I have your physique like the picture of Mona Lisa to France were carved was also shown Tumhne then you told me to put my Mnushyjnit wisely what my city Mona Fat can not be, I still remember was when I said, why not, why not.
Born in the name of Lord Sagar, this attracts me from many angles to the pool and its physical structure. Compared to this exact example of Vaastu, I can do that temple whose worshipers have gone in sight of the search for a better future of their livelihoods and children, and the god of water consumed by the worship of worship is also displaced elsewhere in search of a priest. If yes, then it remains the ruins.
One day I was distraught telling me that due to the lack of your city dwellers and the pain of anybody who shared the pain, I was born to prove the tip of the human being and to make a living, but look at the irony today I myself have eroded from time to time Let's go
Friends used to say that the goddesses are near the water and have heard that Suhani memories remain on the memory plate for more days, after half anime, fairies used to come in my water and the beauty of my own heart I never lost a lot in the efforts of weaving, but never accepted defeat, but the day on which the ruthless man turned away from me was not my good day. Are not. Do not think that you are a friend, you are also a resident of the same city, which is two kilometers away from me in the east,
Even though I was living in a watery life, I left myself without help. If you have not treated my elderly physician during the time, then I will not be there, then see the friend, the identity of this city, the one coming from the west will say with a heavy heart. Look at this place, the world's most beautiful moon pond, Bund was splendid and used to be used, which was called Jodha of Sethani and his fame was as far away as the poison of those who created it.
चूरू की सुराणा हवेली जहां विदेश पर्यटक खींचे आते है जो धरोहर के रूप में रखती है पहचान #Haveli #Churu
चूरु अपनी हवेलियों व इनमें स्थित कलात्मक भव्यता के लिए शेखावाटी में अपनी एक अलग पहचान रखता है। लेकिन पिछले कुछ दिनों से इन हवेलियों में चोरियों की घटनाएं बढ़ रही है। इन घटनाओं से प्रवासी काफी आहत है। प्रवासियों का मानना है कि चूरू में पर्यटन की काफी संभावनाएं हैं और वह भी चाहते हैं इन हवेलियों का जीर्णोद्धार कर इनको फिर से नया स्वरूप दिया जाए ।लेकिन साथ ही वह इनकी सुरक्षा को लेकर काफी चिंतित है उनका कहना है कि सरकार को इनकी सुरक्षा के लिए विशेष कदम उठाना चाहिए।आइए इसी विषय में विशेष चर्चा करते हैं सुराणा परिवार के जय सुराणा से...
इसी क्रम में त्रिनेत्र tv हमेशा अपनी धरोहर इन हवेलियों और प्रवासियों को प्रोत्साहन हेतु अपना योगदान देता है शेखावाटी की इन धरोहर को बचाने और पर्यटकों तक इनकी भव्यता को पंहुचने में अगर आप भी हमसे जुड़ना चाहें तो जरूर सम्पर्क करें-
Sethani Ka Johada.wmv
Sethani Ka Johada
Sethani ka johda
Sethani ka johda
Churu sethani ka johda सेठानी जी का ज़ोहड़ा Rajsthan travel
राजस्थान के चुरु जिले का सेठानी जी का ज़ोहड़ा
wedding best anchor in Sujangarh, Taranagar, Kanhaiyalal Bagla Haveli, Sethani ka Johara, Chhatries,
Tour in churu सेठानी का जोहड़ा निर्माण 1956 यहाँ बहुत सारी फिल्मो की सुट्टिंग हो चुकी है यहाँ पर
Malji Ka Kamra - The hotel with a supersized door - #DoorsOfIndia
Malji Ka Kamra was built around 1925 by Mal Chand Kothari - a rich Marwari merchant. Now it operates as a heritage hotel in Churu, Rajasthan.
This Mughal styled door is a gigantic 30 feet high, tall enough for an elephant to pass through.
Covered with iron sheets, brass bars, iron spikes, iron chains and brass knockers, this door looks royal in every aspect.
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सरदारशहर का वन विभाग
चूरू जिले की सरदारशहर तहसील मुख्यालय पर स्थित वन विभाग के दफतर पर कार्यदिवस के दिन भी लगा रहता है ताला। लम्बे चौडे इस कार्यालय की हालत तो देखते ही बनती है लेकिन सरकार और पंचायत का दावा है कि लाखों पौधे यहां से सप्लाई किये जाते हैं। जिन्दा बचते कितने हैं और लगाये कहां है यह बताने वाले कोई नहीं है।
Exploring the Abandoned Mansion of Churu
Churu, like an oasis, situated in the middle of the shifting golden sand dunes, opens the gate to the great desert of Thar, was once a very well known business town known for various business families, which was founded in the 17th Century.
The businessmen and their families gradually moved out of Churu and moved their businesses out to the bigger cities like Caltutta (Now Kolkata), Bombay (Now Mumbai) and Dilli (Now Delhi). These businessmen left their Mansions with local caretakers or even without any caretakers.
Some of these beautiful Mansions are completely abandoned with the nature taking over them. We set out to explore one of them