Kanal Sv. Ante - Šetnica
The walkway in the St Anthony Channel - Šibenik, Croatia
Kanal Sv. Ante Šibenik II
Croatia / Raj u šibenskom kanalu, heaven in Šibenik. Jadransko more Adriatic sea
Šibenik kanal Sv. Ante
Croatia / Raj u šibenskom kanalu, heaven in Šibenik. Jadransko more Adriatic sea
Hitlerove oci - kanal Sv Ante Sibenik
Kanal Sv. Ante Šibenik OLD
Croatia / Raj u šibenskom kanalu, heaven in Šibenik. Jadransko more Adriatic sea
kanal sv Ante Šibenik
run relive active
Šetnica u kanalu sv. Ante
Croatian journey. Part four: Kanal Sveti Ante
Music: Jacques Houdek - Stotinama godina
Šibenik 07.08.2019 Šetnica u kanalu Sv. Ante
Šibenik Kanal Sv. Ante 07/2013
Kanal Sv. Ante - Šibenik 18.12.2015
Kanal Sveti Ante Šibenik - brodicom kroz morski tunel
Prolaz brodicom kroz morski tunel u kanalu Svetog Ante na ulazu u Šibenski zaljev
Kanal se vraća Šibeniku - ŠPILJA SV. ANTE
Tvrđava sv. Nikole - Šibenik | St Nichola's Fortress - Sibenik, Croatia
Tvrđava sv. Nikole - svjetska kulturna baština | St Nichola's Fortress - a World Heritage Site
Sibenik of Croatia-UNESCO-St.Nicholas fortress-UNESCO Burg in Sibenik Kroatien
Festung St. Nikolaus (Tvrđava sv. Nikola), Entwurf vom venezianischen Ingenieur Michiele Sammichelle, erbaut im 16. Jahrhundert am Eingang zum Antonius-Kanal (Sv. Ante) zur Verteidigung der Stadt von der Meerseite, auch zu Fuß erreichbar über die Promenade Sv. Ante.
Pogled vam seže do prekrasne šibenske rive koja je pogotovu u sezoni prepuna turista, jedrilica i šibenskih ljepotica, jer večernji đir po šibenskoj rivi je obavezan. A u predvečerje još je ljepša okupana bojama zalaska sunca.
U daljini se vidi jedan od najljepših i najznačajnijih arhitektonskih, ali i sakralnih objekata u Hrvatskoj, šibenska katedrala sv. Jakova koja je zbog svojih iznimnih vrijednosti 2000. godine stavljena pod zaštitu UNESCO-a.
Šibenik je u znaku broja 4. Osim 4 bunara, u gradu se nalaze i 4 tvrđave: Sv. Mihovila, Sv. Ivana, Barone i Sv. Nikole. Obnovljene tvrđave sv. Mihovila i Barone pravi dragulji šibenske priče, svakog ljeta privuku brojne ljubitelje glazbe, filma i plesa. Stare ljepotice u novom ruhu, zablistale su novim sjajem i utvrdile svoju poziciju bastiona kulture, zabave i vrhunske turističke ponude. Brojna ekskluzivna imena svjetske glazbene scene dokazuju da je Šibenik postao prepoznatljiva koncertna destinacija.
NP Krka samo je par kilometara udaljen od grada Šibenika. Most Krka koji se vidi u daljini je armiranobetonski lučni most preko rijeke Krke kod Skradina, na dionici autoceste A1 Skradin - Šibenik.
Ovdje možete promatrati i kanal Sv. Ante ili šibenski kanal koji predstavlja vrata Šibenika prema otvorenome moru i ulaz u grad. Istodobno, u kanalu simbolično završava put rijeke Krke, ali i njeno konačno ušće u Jadran. Vidljiv je iz svih dijelova Šibenika i jedan je od najljepših dijelova Jadranske obale i najraskošnijih pomorskih ulaza u grad. Šetnica kroz kanal, atrakcija je koja Šibeniku konačno vraća jedan od najvrjednijih gradskih prostora, obalu kanala sv. Ante. Šetnica je duga oko 4,5 kilometra, a šetnja traje oko sat vremena.
Ovaj prekrasan panoramski pogled na Šibenik omogućila Vam je Turistička zajednica grada Šibenika.
Live from Croatia
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Eric Clarks Travel Videos - Sibenik Croatia - Saint Nicholas Fortress / Tvrđava Sv. Nikole
Eric Clarks Travel Videos - Sibenik Croatia - Saint Nicholas Fortress / Tvrđava Sv. Nikole
From Wikipedia
St. Nicholas' Fortress (Croatian: Tvrđava Sv. Nikole) is a fortress located in the town of Šibenik, one of the oldest native Croatian towns on the eastern shores of the Adriatic, in central Dalmatia, Croatia.
It was included in UNESCO's World Heritage Site list as part of Venetian Works of Defence between 15th and 17th centuries: Stato da Terra – western Stato da mar in 2017.[1]
Tourists are currently not allowed to enter the fortress, but only explore it from outside. The reason is that the fortress is currently being reconstructed. The reconstruction should be finished till the end of 2018.[2]
The town of Šibenik has a fortification system consisting of four fortresses:
St. Nicholas' Fortress (Tvrđava Sv. Nikole)
St. Michael's Fortress (Tvrđava Sv. Mihovila)
St. John's Fortress (Tvrđava Sv. Ivana)
Barone Fortress (Tvrđava Barone)
Only St. Nicholas' Fortress is at sea, at the entrance to the Šibenik port, and the remaining three are on land.
St. Nicholas' Fortress was built on the left side at the entrance to St. Anthony Channel (kanal sv. Ante), on the island called Ljuljevac. The island is situated at the entrance to the Šibenik channel across the Jadrija beach lighthouse. St. Nicholas' Fortress got its name from the Benedictine Monastery of St. Nicholas, which was originally on the island, but due to the construction of the fortress, it had to be demolished. At the request of domestic Croat population of Šibenik, the Venetian captain Alojzije de Canal decided to build a fort on the island of Ljuljevac on 30 April 1525. The fortress was designed and built by the famous Venetian architect and builder Hyeronimus di San Michaela. It was built by in the 16th century to prevent Turkish boats from reaching the port. St. Nicholas' Fortress was armed with 32 cannons. However, its imposing appearance and size were a bigger threat to the enemy than cannons ever were.
The fortress is one of the most valuable and best preserved examples of defense architecture in Dalmatia. It is made of brick because that material was considered to be most resistant to cannonballs, while the foundations are made of stone. Although defense capabilities of the fortress have never been tested in military operations, the structure still proved successful in protecting the city from sea-bound enemy attacks. During the centuries of use, the structure served to various armies and has undergone a number of renovations, some of them necessary only because of the development of arms. It was completely abandoned by the military in 1979 and has been undergoing renovation ever since.
Šibenski kanal
Kanal Sv. Ante na ulazu u Šibenik
Šibenik, St Anthony's Channel
Šibenik - Trg Poljana, izgradnja podzeme garaže, time lapse do 2.4.2019.
Šibenik Live: