ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদের কিছু বিস্ময়কর ইতিহাস | বাগেরহাট | Shat Gambuj Mosque Bagerhat Bangladesh
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দৃষ্টিপাত ৫৮ (Dristipat 58): ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদের কিছু বিস্ময়কর ইতিহাস | বাগেরহাট | Shat Gambuj Mosque Bagerhat Bangladesh
Script: Faruque Mohammad Omar
***মুসলিম স্থাপত্য শিল্পের এক অনুপম নিদর্শন ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ***
পিরোজপুর-রূপসা মহাসড়কের পাশে খানজাহান আলী (রহ.) মাজার শরীফ থেকে প্রায় দেড় মাইল উত্তর-পশ্চিম দিকে সুন্দরঘোনা গ্রামে মসজিদটি অবস্থিত। বাংলাদেশে এত বড় ঐতিহাসিক মসজিদ আর নেই। মসজিদটির দৈর্ঘ্য ১৬০ ফুট এবং প্রস্থ ১০৮ ফুট। পূর্ব-পশ্চিমে ৭টা করে ১১টি সারিতে মোট ৭৭টি গম্বুজ রয়েছে। এর মধ্যে মাঝের এক সারিতে ৭ গম্বুজের উপরিভাগ চৌকোণা, বাকি ৭০টির উপরিভাগ গোলাকার। মসজিদের ভেতরে পূর্ব-পশ্চিমে ১০টি সারিতে ৬টা করে মোট ৬০টি স্তম্ভ রয়েছে। স্থানীয় লবণাক্ত জলবায়ুর প্রভাবে যাতে ভবনটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত না হয় সে কারণে মসজিদের স্তম্ভের নিচে ৪ ফুট পর্যন্ত চারপাশে পাথরের আস্তরণ দেয়া হয়েছে। এ মসজিদে প্রায় আড়াই হাজার লোক এক সঙ্গে নামায পড়তে পারে। ৪ কোণে ৪টি গম্বুজসহ ৮১টি গম্বুজ থাকা সত্ত্বেও নাম ষাট গম্বুজ হলো কেন? প্রশ্ন জাগা স্বাভাবিক। ছাদ গম্বুজ দিয়ে তৈরি সে কারণেই ছাদ থেকে ‘ষাট গম্বুজ'; আবার কারো মতে, ৭টি সারিতে গম্বুজ এ থেকে ‘ষাট গম্বুজ' হতে পারে। মসজিদের চারপাশে বেষ্টক প্রাচীর ছিল। পূর্ব দিকে ছিল প্রবেশ তোরণ। তোরণের দু'পাশের দু'টি কক্ষ ছিল কিন্তু এখন তার কোন অস্তিত্ব নেই। চারপাশে নতুন করে দেয়াল নির্মাণ করা হয়েছে। এটি শুধু মসজিদ ছিল না, খানজাহান (রহ.) এর দরবার হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হতো। এখান থেকেই তৎকালীন দক্ষিণাঞ্চলীয় স্বাধীন-সার্বভৌম ইসলামী কল্যাণ রাষ্ট্র হাবেলী পরগণা বা খলিফাতাবাদ রাষ্ট্র পরিচালনা করা হতো। ।১৯৯৩ সালে এখানে জাদুঘর স্থাপনের উদ্যোগ নেয়া হয়। জাদুঘরে ২৮টি গ্যালারি রয়েছে। এখানে খানজাহান (রহ.)- এর আমলের শতাধিক নিদর্শন সংরক্ষিত আছে। ঐ সময়কার রূপার মুদ্রার একটি বাক্স এখানে সংরক্ষিত রয়েছে।
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Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 2
Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 2
Original Hd Full Review 2017..update -our Kuno Bang Channel
The Shat Gambuj Mosque City of Bagerhat. it is an once in the past lost city, situated in suburbia of Bagerhat city in Bagerhat District, in the Khulna Division of southwest of Bangladesh. Bagerhat is around 15 miles south east of Khulna and 200 miles southwest of Dhaka.
Initially known as Khalifatabad and nicknamed the mint town of the Bengal Sultanate, the city was established in the fifteenth century by the warrior holy person Turkish general Ulugh Khan Jahan.
The noteworthy city, recorded by Forbes as one of the 15 lost urban areas of the world, has more than 50 Islamic landmarks which have been found in the wake of expelling the vegetation that had darkened them from see for a long time. The site has been perceived as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 under criteria as an extraordinary case of a design outfit which delineates a huge stage in human history,[5] of which the Sixty Pillar Mosque (Shat Gombuj Masjid in Bengali), built with 60 columns and 77 arches, is the most surely understood. Aside from these landmarks, UNESCO likewise incorporates the tomb of Khan Jahan, the mosques of Singar, Bibi Begni, Reza Khoda, Zindavir among the interesting landmarks.
The Sixty Dome Shat Gambuj Mosque; more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque or Saith Gunbad Masjid), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.
In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'.[2] Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multi-domed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108').[2] The construction of the mosque was started in 1442[2] and it was completed in 1459. The mosque was used for prayers, and also as a madrasha and assembly hall.
Inside of the mosque
It is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division.[1] It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat.[4] Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.
The 'Sixty Dome' Mosque has walls of unusually thick, tapered brick in the Tughlaq style and a hut-shaped roofline that anticipates later styles. The length of the mosque is 160 feet and width is 108 feet. There are 77 low domes arranged in seven rows of eleven, and one dome on each corner, bringing the total to 81 domes. There are four towers. Two of four towers were used to call azaan. The interior is divided into many aisles and bays by slender columns, which culminate in numerous arches that support the roof.
The mosque has 77 squat domes with 7 four-sided pitched Bengali domes in the middle row.The vast prayer hall, although provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for ventilation and light, presents a dark and somber appearance inside. It is divided into 7 longitudinal aisles and 11 deep bays by a forest of 60 slender stone columns, from which springs rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. Six feet thick, slightly tapering walls and hollow and round, almost detached corner towers, resembling the bastions of fortress, each capped by small rounded cupolas, recall the Tughlaq architecture of Delhi.The mosque represents wonderful archeological beauty which was the signature in the 15th century.
Sixty Domes or Sixty Columns
The mosque is locally known as the 'Shat Gombuj Masjid', which in Bangla means Sixty Domed Mosque. However, there are 77 domes over the main hall and exactly 60 stone pillars.[4] It is possible that the mosque was originally referred to as the Sixty Pillared Mosque where Amud meaning column in Arabic/Persian, later got corrupted to Gombuj in Bangla, which means domes.
Presented by Kuno Bang
Product-Kuno bang
Written & Directed by Debbrata& Sj Biswas
Cinematography by King Sajal
Cast By Sj Biswas,Debbrata
Music cradit -bensound.com
Other video Link:
1. Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 1
2.Rampal Power Plant Documentary 2017(Kuno Bang) - Part1
3.New Short Flim Hsc Exam Special 2017|Kuno Bang
4.Chondro Mohol at Bagerhat Full HD Review Season 1(Kuno Bang)
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ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ বাগেরহাট বাংলাদেশ Sixty Dome Mosque in Bangladesh | Bagerhat Shat Gombuj Mosque
ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ বাংলাদেশের বাগেরহাট জেলার দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমে অবস্থিত একটি প্রাচীন মসজিদ। মসজিদটির গায়ে কোনো শিলালিপি নেই। তাই এটি কে নির্মাণ করেছিলেন বা কোন সময়ে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল সে সম্বন্ধে সঠিক কোনো তথ্য পাওয়া যায় না। তবে মসজিদটির স্থাপত্যশৈলী দেখলে এটি যে খান-ই-জাহান নির্মাণ করেছিলেন সে সম্বন্ধে কোনো সন্দেহ থাকে না। ধারণা করা হয় তিনি ১৫শ শতাব্দীতে এটি নির্মাণ করেন। এ মসজিদটি বহু বছর ধরে ও বহু অর্থ খরচ করে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। পাথরগুলো আনা হয়েছিল রাজমহল থেকে। এটি বাংলাদেশের তিনটি বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থানের একটির মধ্যে অবস্থিত; বাগেরহাট শহরটিকেই বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্যবাহী স্থানের মর্যাদা দেওয়া হয়েছে। ১৯৮৩ খ্রিষ্টাব্দে ইউনেস্কো এই সম্মান প্রদান করে।
মসজিদটি উত্তর-দক্ষিণে বাইরের দিকে প্রায় ১৬০ ফুট ও ভিতরের দিকে প্রায় ১৪৩ ফুট লম্বা এবং পূর্ব-পশ্চিমে বাইরের দিকে প্রায় ১০৪ ফুট ও ভিতরের দিকে প্রায় ৮৮ ফুট চওড়া। দেয়ালগুলো প্রায় ৮·৫ ফুট পুরু।
সুলতান নসিরউদ্দিন মাহমুদ শাহের (১৪৩৫-৫৯) আমলে খান আল-আজম উলুগ খানজাহান সুন্দরবনের কোল ঘেঁষে খলিফাবাদ রাজ্য গড়ে তোলেন। খানজাহান বৈঠক করার জন্য একটি দরবার হল গড়ে তোলেন, যা পরে ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ হয়।[১] এ মসজিদটি বহু বছর ধরে ও বহু অর্থ খরচ করে নির্মাণ করা হয়েছিল। পাথরগুলো আনা হয়েছিল রাজমহল থেকে। তুঘলকি ও জৌনপুরী নির্মাণশৈলী এতে সুস্পষ্ট।[২]
মসজিদটির পূর্ব দেয়ালে ১১টি বিরাট আকারের খিলানযুক্ত দরজা আছে। মাঝের দরজাটি অন্যগুলোর চেয়ে বড়। উত্তর ও দক্ষিণ দেয়ালে আছে ৭টি করে দরজা। মসজিদের ৪ কোণে ৪টি মিনার আছে। এগুলোর নকশা গোলাকার এবং এরা উপরের দিকে সরু হয়ে গেছে। এদের কার্ণিশের কাছে বলয়াকার ব্যান্ড ও চূঁড়ায় গোলাকার গম্বুজ আছে। মিনারগুলোর উচ্চতা, ছাদের কার্নিশের চেয়ে বেশি। সামনের দুটি মিনারে প্যাঁচানো সিঁড়ি আছে এবং এখান থেকে আজান দেবার ব্যবস্থা ছিল। এদের একটির নাম রওশন কোঠা, অপরটির নাম আন্ধার কোঠা। মসজিদের ভেতরে ৬০টি স্তম্ভ বা পিলার আছে। এগুলো উত্তর থেকে দক্ষিণে ৬ সারিতে অবস্থিত এবং প্রত্যেক সারিতে ১০টি করে স্তম্ভ আছে। প্রতিটি স্তম্ভই পাথর কেটে বানানো, শুধু ৫টি স্তম্ভ বাইরে থেকে ইট দিয়ে ঢেকে দেওয়া হয়েছে। এই ৬০টি স্তম্ভ ও চারপাশের দেয়ালের ওপর তৈরি করা হয়েছে গম্বুজ। মসজিদটির নাম ষাট গম্বুজ (৬০ গম্বুজ) মসজিদ হলেও এখানে গম্বুজ মোটেও ৬০টি নয়,বরং গম্বুজ সংখ্যা ৭৭টি। ৭৭টি গম্বুজের মধ্যে ৭০ টির উপরিভাগ গোলাকার এবং পূর্ব দেয়ালের মাঝের দরজা ও পশ্চিম দেয়ালের মাঝের মিহরাবের মধ্যবর্তী সারিতে যে সাতটি গম্বুজ সেগুলো দেখতে অনেকটা বাংলাদেশের চৌচালা ঘরের চালের মতো। মিনারে গম্বুজের সংখ্যা ৪ টি-এ হিসেবে গম্বুজের সংখ্যা দাঁড়ায় মোট ৮১ তে । তবুও এর নাম হয়েছে ষাটগম্বুজ। ঐতিহাসিকরা মনে করেন, সাতটি সারিবদ্ধ গম্বুজ সারি আছে বলে এ মসজিদের সাত গম্বুজ এবং তা থেকে ষাটগম্বুজ নাম হয়েছে। আবার অনেক ঐতিহাসিক মনে করেন, গম্বুজগুলো ৬০ টি প্রস্তরনির্মিত স্তম্ভের ওপর অবস্থিত বলেই নাম ষাটগম্বুজ হয়েছে। [২]।[৩]
মসজিদের ভেতরে পশ্চিম দেয়ালে ১০টি মিহরাব আছে। মাঝের মিহরাবটি আকারে বড় এবং কারুকার্যমন্ডিত। এ মিহরাবের দক্ষিণে ৫টি ও উত্তরে ৪টি মিহরাব আছে। শুধু মাঝের মিহরাবের ঠিক পরের জায়গাটিতে উত্তর পাশে যেখানে ১টি মিহরাব থাকার কথা সেখানে আছে ১টি ছোট দরজা। কারো কারো মতে, খান-ই-জাহান এই মসজিদটিকে নামাজের কাজ ছাড়াও দরবার ঘর হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতেন, আর এই দরজাটি ছিল দরবার ঘরের প্রবেশ পথ। আবার কেউ কেউ বলেন, মসজিদটি মাদরাসা হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হত।ইমাম সাহেবের বসার জায়গা হিসেবে রয়েছে মিম্বার।
The Sixty Dome Mosque (Bengali: ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ Shaṭ Gombuj Moshjid; more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque or Saith Gunbad Masjid), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.
In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'. Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multi-domed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108'). The construction of the mosque was started in 1442 and it was completed in 1459. The mosque was used for prayers, and also as a madrasha and assembly hall.
t is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division.[1] It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat.[4] Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.
The mosque is locally known as the 'Shat Gombuj Masjid', which in Bangla means Sixty Domed Mosque. However, there are 77 domes over the main hall and exactly 60 stone pillars.[4] It is possible that the mosque was originally referred to as the Sixty Pillared Mosque where Amud (شصت عمؤد ) meaning column in Arabic/Persian, later got corrupted to Gombuj (গম্বুজ) in Bangla, which means domes.
ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ বাগেরহাট | Shat Gombuj Masjid Bagerhat
আপনার ব্যবসা প্রসারের জন্য আপনার পণ্য ও প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিজ্ঞাপনের জন্য আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এ ইনবক্স করেন
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Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 1
Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 1
Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 1
The Shat Gambuj Mosque City of Bagerhat. it is an once in the past lost city, situated in suburbia of Bagerhat city in Bagerhat District, in the Khulna Division of southwest of Bangladesh. Bagerhat is around 15 miles south east of Khulna and 200 miles southwest of Dhaka.
Initially known as Khalifatabad and nicknamed the mint town of the Bengal Sultanate, the city was established in the fifteenth century by the warrior holy person Turkish general Ulugh Khan Jahan.
The noteworthy city, recorded by Forbes as one of the 15 lost urban areas of the world, has more than 50 Islamic landmarks which have been found in the wake of expelling the vegetation that had darkened them from see for a long time. The site has been perceived as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 under criteria as an extraordinary case of a design outfit which delineates a huge stage in human history,[5] of which the Sixty Pillar Mosque (Shat Gombuj Masjid in Bengali), built with 60 columns and 77 arches, is the most surely understood. Aside from these landmarks, UNESCO likewise incorporates the tomb of Khan Jahan, the mosques of Singar, Bibi Begni, Reza Khoda, Zindavir among the interesting landmarks.
The Sixty Dome Shat Gambuj Mosque; more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque or Saith Gunbad Masjid), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.
In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'.[2] Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multi-domed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108').[2] The construction of the mosque was started in 1442[2] and it was completed in 1459. The mosque was used for prayers, and also as a madrasha and assembly hall.
Inside of the mosque
It is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division.[1] It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat.[4] Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.
The 'Sixty Dome' Mosque has walls of unusually thick, tapered brick in the Tughlaq style and a hut-shaped roofline that anticipates later styles. The length of the mosque is 160 feet and width is 108 feet. There are 77 low domes arranged in seven rows of eleven, and one dome on each corner, bringing the total to 81 domes. There are four towers. Two of four towers were used to call azaan. The interior is divided into many aisles and bays by slender columns, which culminate in numerous arches that support the roof.
The mosque has 77 squat domes with 7 four-sided pitched Bengali domes in the middle row.The vast prayer hall, although provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for ventilation and light, presents a dark and somber appearance inside. It is divided into 7 longitudinal aisles and 11 deep bays by a forest of 60 slender stone columns, from which springs rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. Six feet thick, slightly tapering walls and hollow and round, almost detached corner towers, resembling the bastions of fortress, each capped by small rounded cupolas, recall the Tughlaq architecture of Delhi.The mosque represents wonderful archeological beauty which was the signature in the 15th century.
Sixty Domes or Sixty Columns
The mosque is locally known as the 'Shat Gombuj Masjid', which in Bangla means Sixty Domed Mosque. However, there are 77 domes over the main hall and exactly 60 stone pillars.[4] It is possible that the mosque was originally referred to as the Sixty Pillared Mosque where Amud meaning column in Arabic/Persian, later got corrupted to Gombuj in Bangla, which means domes.
Shat Gambuj Mosque, Bagerhat, Bangladesh.
Sat Gambuj Mosque
Sat Gambuj Mosque is located near the north-western outskirts of Dhaka in the Jafarbad area.
The mosque illustrates a fine example of the provincial mughal style of architecture introduced in Bangladesh in the 17th Century.
The mosque's most notable features are its seven bulbous domes crowning the roof and covering the main prayer hall.
Probably erected by Governor Shaista Khan, the monument stands in a romantic setting on a buttressed 15'-0 high bank overlooking an extensive flood plain.
Shat Gambuj (ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ) mosque Bagerhat |Historical Mosque Bangladesh|
One of the historical mosque of Bangladesh is Shat Gambuj (Shait Gumbud) ( ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ ) or Saat Gombuj mosque located in Bagerhat the southern part of Bangladesh. Its a historical spot also in Bangladeshi heritage.
Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 3
Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 3
Original Hd Full Review 2017..update -our Kuno Bang Channel
The Shat Gambuj Mosque City of Bagerhat. it is an once in the past lost city, situated in suburbia of Bagerhat city in Bagerhat District, in the Khulna Division of southwest of Bangladesh. Bagerhat is around 15 miles south east of Khulna and 200 miles southwest of Dhaka.
Initially known as Khalifatabad and nicknamed the mint town of the Bengal Sultanate, the city was established in the fifteenth century by the warrior holy person Turkish general Ulugh Khan Jahan.
The noteworthy city, recorded by Forbes as one of the 15 lost urban areas of the world, has more than 50 Islamic landmarks which have been found in the wake of expelling the vegetation that had darkened them from see for a long time. The site has been perceived as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 under criteria as an extraordinary case of a design outfit which delineates a huge stage in human history,[5] of which the Sixty Pillar Mosque (Shat Gombuj Masjid in Bengali), built with 60 columns and 77 arches, is the most surely understood. Aside from these landmarks, UNESCO likewise incorporates the tomb of Khan Jahan, the mosques of Singar, Bibi Begni, Reza Khoda, Zindavir among the interesting landmarks.
The Sixty Dome Shat Gambuj Mosque; more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque or Saith Gunbad Masjid), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.
In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'.[2] Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multi-domed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108').[2] The construction of the mosque was started in 1442[2] and it was completed in 1459. The mosque was used for prayers, and also as a madrasha and assembly hall.
Inside of the mosque
It is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division.[1] It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat.[4] Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.
The 'Sixty Dome' Mosque has walls of unusually thick, tapered brick in the Tughlaq style and a hut-shaped roofline that anticipates later styles. The length of the mosque is 160 feet and width is 108 feet. There are 77 low domes arranged in seven rows of eleven, and one dome on each corner, bringing the total to 81 domes. There are four towers. Two of four towers were used to call azaan. The interior is divided into many aisles and bays by slender columns, which culminate in numerous arches that support the roof.
The mosque has 77 squat domes with 7 four-sided pitched Bengali domes in the middle row.The vast prayer hall, although provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for ventilation and light, presents a dark and somber appearance inside. It is divided into 7 longitudinal aisles and 11 deep bays by a forest of 60 slender stone columns, from which springs rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. Six feet thick, slightly tapering walls and hollow and round, almost detached corner towers, resembling the bastions of fortress, each capped by small rounded cupolas, recall the Tughlaq architecture of Delhi.The mosque represents wonderful archeological beauty which was the signature in the 15th century.
Sixty Domes or Sixty Columns
The mosque is locally known as the 'Shat Gombuj Masjid', which in Bangla means Sixty Domed Mosque. However, there are 77 domes over the main hall and exactly 60 stone pillars.[4] It is possible that the mosque was originally referred to as the Sixty Pillared Mosque where Amud meaning column in Arabic/Persian, later got corrupted to Gombuj in Bangla, which means domes.
Presented by Kuno Bang
Product-Kuno bang
Written & Directed by Debbrata& Sj Biswas
Cinematography by King Sajal
Cast By Sj Biswas,Debbrata
Music cradit -bensound.com
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1. Shat Gambuj Mosque History In Bagerhat Bangladesh (full) Episode 1
2.Rampal Power Plant Documentary 2017(Kuno Bang) - Part1
3.New Short Flim Hsc Exam Special 2017|Kuno Bang
4.Chondro Mohol at Bagerhat Full HD Review Season 1(Kuno Bang)
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District View - Bagerhat II View in one blink of Bagerhat
I Travel around Dhaka and Bangladesh. And try to capture these things through my mobile phone. I do this so that you can enjoy your beloved country and city in your leisure time.
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Shat Gombuj Mosque, Bagerhat, Bangladesh
In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'. Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multi-domed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108'). The construction of the mosque was started in 1442 and it was completed in 1459. The mosque was used for prayers, and also as a madrasha and assembly hall.
Shaat Gombuj Mosque - Bagerhat
I Travel around Dhaka and Bangladesh. And try to capture these things through my mobile phone. I do this so that you can enjoy your beloved country and city in your leisure time.
Today's video is - Shaat Gombuj Mosque - Bagerhat. The Sixty Dome Mosque a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent. In the middle of the 15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans, near the coast in the Bagerhat District by a saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. It is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division. It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat. Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.
Dhaka by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Beautiful Bagerhat | ঘুরে আসুন বাগেরহাট | বাগেরহাট পরিচিতি
বর্তমানে খুলনা বিভাগের অন্তর্গত বাগেরহাট শহরের পূর্ব নাম ছিল 'খলিফাতাবাদ'। ইউনেসকো ঘোষিত বাংলাদেশে যে তিনটি বিশ্ব ঐতিহ্য স্থান রয়েছে, তার দুটির গর্বিত অবস্থান এই বাগেরহাটে। এর একটি হচ্ছে – ঐতিহাসিক ষাটগম্বুজ মসজিদসহ খানজাহান (রহ:) এর কীর্তি, অন্যটি প্রকৃতির অপার বিষ্ময় সুন্দরবন।
ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ Shat Gombuj Mosque Bagerhat-Khulna/Bangla News
ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ Shat Gombuj Mosque Bagerhat-Khulna/Bangla News
Shat Gombuj Mosque is the largest of the Sultanate mosques and very Beautiful Mosque in Bangladesh.
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Visiting Shat Gambuj Mosque and Jessore, Bangladesh
Shat Gombuj Moshjid, Museum Khulna, Bangladesh
Total review of Shat Gombuj Moshjid, Museum .
Bagerhat Shat gombuj mosque
Documentary of Historical Places in Bangladesh
Documentary of Shat Gombuj Moshjid, Sixty Dome Mosque
Documentary of Shat ̣Gombuj Moshjid :-
The Sixty Dome Mosque (Bengali: ষাট গম্বুজ মসজিদ Shaṭ Gombuj Moshjid) (more commonly known as Shait Gambuj Mosque or Saith Gunbad Masjid),a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mosque in Bangladesh, the largest in that country from the Sultanate period. It has been described as the most impressive Muslim monuments in the whole of the Indian subcontinent.
In mid-15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the unfriendly mangrove forest of the Sundarbans near the coastline in the Bagerhat district by an obscure saint-General, named Khan Jahan Ali. He preached in an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, then known as 'Khalifalabad'. Khan Jahan adorned this city with more than a dozen mosques, the spectacular ruins of which are focused around the most imposing and largest multidomed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad Masjid (160'×108'). The construction of the mosque was started in 1442 and it was completed in 1459.The mosque was used for prayer purposes. It was also used as a madrasha and assembly hall
designed by : #Sarker_Tanvir_Mahbub
short & Quick history of SHAT GAMBUJ MOSQUE। KHAN JAHAN ALI MAZAR (TOMB), Bagerhat
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#goldentigerhappy #goldentigerhappybest
Driving distance from Dhaka to Khulna is 260 kilometers. khulna is the 3rd populated city in Bangladesh. its population is 1.3 million.
distance from khulna to shaat gombuj mosque is 35 kms. The construction of the saat gumbuj mosque was started in 1442 and it was completed in 1459 by khan jahan ali. khan jahan ali came from bagdad. the mosque is nearly 600 years old. it is one of the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
it is 10 minutes driving distances from shaat gumbuj mosque. Khan Jahan Ali was buried there. The building is now well preserved. The tomb is made of stone. There is a big pond in front of the tomb, the local people call it Dighi of Khan Jahan Ali. Although there are few crocodiles in the pond, but people dear to take a bath in the pond,.
Shat Gambuj Mosque, Bagerhat, Bangladesh|| traveling vlogs ||TOUR IN THE WORLD
It is located in Bagerhat district in southern Bangladesh which is in Khulna Division.[1] It is about 3 miles far from the main town of Bagerhat.[4] Bagerhat is nearly 200 miles away from Dhaka which is the capital of Bangladesh.[3]
Style Edit
The 'Sixty Dome' Mosque has walls of unusually thick, tapered brick in the Tughlaq style and a hut-shaped roofline that anticipates later styles. The length of the mosque is 160 feet and width is 108 feet. There are 77 low domes arranged in seven rows of eleven, and one dome on each corner, bringing the total to 81 domes. There are four towers. Two of four towers were used to call azaan. The interior is divided into many aisles and bays by slender columns, which culminate in numerous arches that support the roof.
The mosque has 77 squat domes with 7 four-sided pitched Bengali domes in the middle row.The vast prayer hall, although provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for ventilation and light, presents a dark and somber appearance inside. It is divided into 7 longitudinal aisles and 11 deep bays by a forest of 60 slender stone columns, from which springs rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. Six feet thick, slightly tapering walls and hollow and round, almost detached corner towers, resembling the bastions of fortress, each capped by small rounded cupolas, recall the Tughlaq architecture of Delhi.The mosque represents wonderful archeological beauty which was the signature in the 15th century.
Sixty Domes or Sixty Columns Edit
The mosque is locally known as the 'Shat Gombuj Masjid', which in Bangla means Sixty Domed Mosque. However, there are 77 domes over the main hall and exactly 60 stone pillars.[4] It is possible that the mosque was originally referred to as the Sixty Pillared Mosque where Amud (شصت عمؤد ) meaning column in Arabic/Persian, later got corrupted to Gombuj (গম্বুজ) in Bangla, which means domes.
অমুসলিম দেশে বিখ্যাত মসজিদ গড়ে উঠার অজানা কাহিনী যা আপনাকে অবাক করবে | Mosque in Non Muslim Country
অমুসলিম দেশে বিখ্যাত মসজিদ গড়ে উঠার অজানা কাহিনী যা আপনাকে অবাক করবে World Famous Mosque in Non Muslim Country
Central Mosque London eti 1978 shale Sir Frederick Gibberd design koren.Ai mosjide ek sathe 5000 lok namaz adai korte pare. Mohilader namazer jonno subebostha royeche ai mosjide.Central Mosque prangone ekti choto boi er dokan abong halal cafe ache.Central Mosque eti London Regent's Park name porichito.
Masjid-i Jahan-Numa varoter sorbobrihot mosjid.Eti delhir
Jama Mosjid hisebe porichito.Mughol somrat Shajahan eti
nirman koren. Ai Mosjide ek sathe 25000 lok namaz porte pare.Jama Mosjide royeche 3 ti boro dorja,4 ti minar o 2 ti 40 mitar uchu minar.Mosjid-i Jahan-Numay sada o kalo parbel pathor dia emon vabe sajano ache dekhle mone hobeje namazer pati.
Islamic Center of America ai mosjid ti 1963 shale Muhammad
Jawad Chirri protistha koren.Ati uttor Americar brihottor
mosjid.Islamic Center of America ai mosjidtike siah badider hridoy
bola hoi.2007 shale ai mosjide sontrasi hamla hoi.Ai mosjider
arobi shikkhar maddhome islamic gen bistar lav korse.
Cologne Central Mosque ottoman sthapotto soilite design kora
hoi.kach dia ai mosjider deyal toiri kora hoyeche.Ai mosjide
duti minar o ekti gombuj royeche.Cologne Central Mosque europe er moddhe sob cheye boro mosjid.Ai mosjider nich tolai boyaner
kokkho.Cologne Mosjid tite ekti librery ache jate onek islamic boi
paoa jai.
Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque Sri lankar Colombo te obosthito.Eti ekti
oitihasik abong puraton mosjid.Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque er nirman
kaj shuru hoi 1908 shale abong 1909 shale nirman kaj shesh
hoi.Mosjid ti sthanio Borah Muslim somproday dara
porichalito hoi.Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque er deyaler rong lal howai ai mosjider nam Red Mosque hisabe porichito.
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বিশ্বের কুখ্যাত ধনী মাফিয়া ডন যাদের হিংস্রতায় গা শিউরে উঠে | Top Richest Mafia Don
বিখ্যাত রাজপ্রাসাদ গুলোর চমকপ্রদ তথ্য যা আজও অজানা | World Famous Castle
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Visit To Bagerhat Shat Gombuj (Sixty Dome) Mosque : Season 2
In this November i have visited SHAT GOMBUJ MOSQUE along with my Mother and sister.
I tried to capture the wonderful scenerio of the total Place , hope you will enjoy it.
You can watch first season here :