Kosovo, Shar Mountain National park. 22.6.2017
Best Tourist Attractions you MUST SEE in Prizren, Kosovo | 2019
Prizren (Albanian: Prizreni; Serbian Cyrillic: Призрен, pronounced [prîzrɛn]) is a city and municipality located in the Prizren District of Kosovo.
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 4th June, 2019:
1: Old Bazaar
2: Mavrovo National Park
3: Millenium Cross
5: Prizren Fortress
6: Shar Mountain National Park
7: Gërmia Park
8: Monastery Gracanica
9: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
10: Theth National Park
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more:
Summer 2017 Part 7: Hiking the Sharr Mountains in the Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo
This is another part of my 2017 summer backpacking trip, during which I visited lots of mountain ranges across the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
Here I spent four days exploring the Shar Planina- a mountain range located along the borders of Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and The Republic Of Macedonia.
My impromptu visit began in the town of Tetovo. I climbed the peaks of Titov Vrv and Ljuboten before continuing to the beautiful Prizren in Kosovo.
Despite being the scene of conflict during the 2001 insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia, and also featuring some rather rundown ski resorts, The Šar Mountains are stunning. I met lots of very friendly local people during my trip and the views were stunning!
This video features the song Ochre by Edamame:
Find out more about my walks by following me on Instagram:
Thanks for watching!
DOWNHILL!! Sharr Mounatins, National Park of Kosovo
MTB Theranda crew. GoPro rider: Arnold Sylaj
Šar planina-Shar mountains
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
A view of the National Park Sharri, KOSOVA.
Pamje e parkut kombëtar Sharri, prej katunit Prevallë, komuna e Prizrenit.
A view of the National Park from the vicinity of Prevallë, a village in the Municipality of Prizren
M. Nanjundaswami - The Sharr Mountains of Kosovo
The famous skiing center of Brezovica, in Kosovo is situated on these Sharr Mountains. - by M. Nanjundaswami
Sharr mountain ( mali sharr)
SWM 2nd DPS in Sharra Region, Prizren, Kosovo, 17. 03. '16
Seven pilot municipalities in Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania implemented the project for solid waste management. They are making up the Shar or the mountain cross-border pilot region, or specifically, the rural areas gravitating around the border of the three countries. In Prizren, a report for economic and environmental impact of improper solid waste management was presented before the representatives of line ministries, municipalities, public utilities, NGOs and the private business sector, which deal with this issue.
“There are various problems. Some are financial, some are administrative, and some are connected to the awareness of the population. We are trying to find an appropriate solution from each aspect”, said Katerina Spasovska from the Working Group for Regional Rural Development in SE Europe”.
From the Macedonian side, two municipalities are involved in the project – Jegunovce and Tearce. The biggest problem is the disposal of waste in illegal dumps, as well as the unscrupulous behavior of the citizens.
“Last year, we had a disaster from the illegal dumps and the irresponsibility of the citizens. We paid the price we shouldn’t have paid” - said Isen Asani, the mayor of Tearce.
The disposal of waste in inappropriate locations is a common problem for
all municipalities, because the rivers carry the waste from one municipality to
the other. For instance, the waste that is carried by the mountain streams ends up in the lake Firz in Albania, where it is deposited on the lake floor.
“We have solid evidence that the waste from the river White Dream ends up in this lake, it is its last stop so to say. That’s why we are trying hard to come up with measures that will prevent pollution of this kind”, said Shemsi Shahut, Director of the Regional Directorate of Kukes County, Albania.
Except devastating the environment, the waste causes financial losses and undermines the development policy of each individual municipality as well as of the entire region.
“One of the first priorities of Dragash Municipality is the development of tourism. To achieve this, we need to clear all illegal dumps and to manage the waste in the most efficient way - said Salim Januzi, president of the Dragash municipality (Kosovo).
In the next period, efforts will be made to collect the waste from all rural areas, which are inaccessible for utility equipment due to the difficult terrain.
Rugova Boge Kosovo Mountains Drone footage DJI MAVIC PRO
Aerial footage of Albanian Alps from HAJLA peak at the altitude of 2700 meters in Kosovo.
Parku Nacional Mali Sharr / National Park Shar Planina
[english below]
Koncepti për të mira të përbashkëta ose commons, angazhohet për atë se, disa forma të të mirave dhe resurse na takojnë ne, të gjithëve dhe ato duhet të mbrohen në mënyrë aktive dhe të menaxhohen për të mirën e të gjithëve.
Në Maqedoni ekzistojnë tre parqe nacionale: Mavrova, Galiçica dhe Pelisteri. Galiçica është parku nacional i fundit, i shpallur në vitin 1958. Sipërfaqja e Parkut Nacional Mali Sharr do të ishte 50 000 hektarë.
Rregullimi i Sharrit si park nacional do të kishte formalizuar statusin e tij, si e mirë e përbashkët. Kjo do të inspirojë procesin e vetëdijesimit dhe kuptimin e resursit natyror, rëndësinë e saj, si dhe rëndësinë e menaxhimit të qëndrueshëm dhe human me të.
Storia hulumtuese “Parku Nacional Mali Sharr”, është pjesë e tre storieve të këtilla, të konceptuara nga Sheshi Liria (Ploshtad Slloboda) ndërsa të prodhuara nga Produkcioni Kadar. Projekti shtron pyetje për gjendjen me të mirat e përbashkëta në Maqedoni, ai shfaq problemet e mëdha infrastrukturore dhe tema nga fusha e mjedisit jetësor dhe planifikimit hapësinor, të cilat shoqëria maqedonase duhet ti rregullojë sa më parë.
The concept of the commons stands for the fact that some forms of goods and resources belong to all of us and they have to be actively protected and managed for the well being of all.
There are three national parks in Macedonia: Mavrovo, Galichica and Pelister. Galichica is the last national park established in 1958.
The total surface area of the National Park Shar Planina would be 50.000ha. Regulating Share as a National Park would formalize its status as a commons. That would initiate a process of awareness raising and understanding of the natural resource and its significance, as well as the significance of its sustainable and humane governance.
This video is conceptualized and commissioned by Freedom Square and produced by Kadar. The project is supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Sar Planina Radesa Gora Kosovo
Created by VideoShow:
Bisedë me një vizitor te liqeni i Veshallës (XHOLI PAFUND, mk. КАРАНИКОЛА), Mali Sharr
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Driving through the Sharr mountains in southern Kosovo (timelapse), 2015.
Traveling through Sharr mountains in southern Kosovo, in the municipality of Prizren. This is a regional road that connects Prizren (Kosovo's second largest city) with Brezovica, Kosovo's premier ski resort.
Mali Sharri-Sharr Mountain
On a mountain in Kosovo
We were stationed on Mt. Goles ( Randomly chosen 10 people i think) and I decided to record what I saw up there. Good stuff! For real!!
Lost in Sharr Mountains - Prevalla Lubinje e Eperme | MTB Adventure
Mountain biking in wild Sharr Mountains Kosova
from Prevallë to Lubinjë e Epërme
Nga Prevalla deri ne Lubinje e Eperme
Prevalla to Lubinje e Eperme
od Prevalac do Gornje Ljubinje
Shtegu ishte mjaft i veshtir ne disa kilometra edhe i pa kalueshem per bicikleta per shkak se kishte pasur ortek ne disa pjese dhe kishte shume drunje te rrezuar.
mtb ne malet e sharrit
sar planina Šar-Planina
riders: Renato Laçi , Alban Gashi , Etnik Bllaca , Robert Bytyqi, Suad Xhaferi, Ilir Saiti , Arben Kuqi
music: Djemt e detit - Jakup Ferri (gent bushpepa)
the east pointers - woodfordia
the east pointers - the stubborn Mule
the east pointers - secret victory
#Prevalla #Lubinje #benikuqi #MTB
Autor: Alsid Saiti. AUDIO-VIDEO PRODUCTION ALSID Planjane-Prizren-Kosovo.
Šar-planina predstavlja visok južni obod Kosova, prostirući se u dužini od 85 km, na granici sa Makedonijom. Svoje ime je zaslužila, kako se uglavnom smatra, zbog šarenila planinskog pejzaža, kontrasta i živosti boja kojima ju je priroda oslikala. Kako bi se zaštitile njene izuzetne vrednosti, ustanovljen je Nacionalni park Šar planina 1993. u privremenim granicama od 39.000 ha, dok je predviđeno da trajnim granicama obuhvati površinu od oko 97.000 ha. Glavni greben ove planine je sa preko 30 vrhova visokih od 2500 m, sa najvišim vrhom u Kosovskom delu planine Bistra, 2652 m. Moćna snaga leda iz pradavnog ledenog doba, u svojim različitim pojavnim oblicima, izbrazdala je duboke tragove u reljefu Šar-planine, i ispisala istoriju geoprocesa koji omogućavaju proučavanje zemljine kore i rekonstrukciju geološke prošlosti Balkanskog poluostrva i šire. Po raznovrsnosti oblika, sa oko 100 cirkova, Šar-planina predstavlja pravi muzej glacijalnog reljefa pod otvorenim nebom. Šar-planinu odlikuje veliko bogatstvo i raznovrsnost živog sveta, i prisustvo velikog broja reliktnih i endemičnih vrsta. Sa 85% biljnog sveta Kosova, osobenim šumskim zajednicama i vrstama, životinjskim vrstama koje se danas retko nalaze u prirodi, a mnoge su ugrožene u čitavom svetu, Nacionalni park Šar-planina sa punim pravom nosi obeležje skloništa za divlji svet koji danas ubrzano nestaje. Na Šar-planini živi 1800 biljnih vrsta. Najznačajniji su brojni tercijarni i glacijalni relikti, i 339 balkanskih endemita, od kojih su 18 lokalni endemiti, prisutni isključivo na ovom masivu (hajdučica kralja Aleksandra, born-milera, šarplaninski karanfilić, šarplaninski šafran, šarska divizma, šarska ptičja trava, Dorflerov petoprst...). U Nacionalnom parku živi 147 vrsta dnevnih leptira, 45 vrsta vodozemaca i gmizavaca, oko 200 vrsta ptica i 32 vrste sisara, što ga čini jednim od faunistički najbogatijih područja Evrope. Pored toga što je ovaj nacionalni park po svom prirodnom bogatstvu jedna od vrućih tačaka biološke raznovrsnosti Evrope, on je izuzetno dragocen i kao kolevka kosovske duhovnosti, državnosti i istorije.
Autor: Alsid Saiti
Autumn in Sharr Mountain
YOUNG BOYS at Sharr mountain
Music: Pink Floyd - Marooned
U ik policisë në mënyrë të mrekullueshme!