The Sheep Farming Museum in Iceland
The Sheep farming Museum is in Strandir NW-Iceland only 10 km south of Holmavik village. The Museum concentrates not only on sheep farming and the relationship between sheep and man but also it provides diverse entertainment for all ages. The children can enjoy themselves in their own room, in which are toys and colour books, while the grown-ups can view the exhibition. One of the main attraction in the Sheep Farming Museum are lambs which the visitors can feed with milk from a bottle.
The Folklore & The Landscape
A day tour from The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft.
Malarkaffi Restaurant at Drangsnes in the Westfjords of Iceland
At the restaurant Malarkaffi in Drangsnes you will experience local food at it´s freshest. The owners go fishing every day. They serve lamb from the region. Puffin from the Grímsey island nearby.
Mussels and many other types of fresh fish. They dry lumpfish which is quite unique. The family goes up to the mountains where they pick blueberries and Icelalandic wild timian which they then use for garnish some of their incredible dishes.
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Íslandsmeistaramót í Hrútaþukli 2011 - National Ram Groping Competition 2011 (Strange sport)
Every year people gather at the Sheep Farming Museum in the Strandir area in Iceland to compete in the annual Icelandic National Ram Groping Competition. Picking a good ram has been (and still is) vital for every sheep farmer through the centuries, so the competition is in a way based on an ancient and highly scientific method to pick the best ram - by fondling and groping!
Íslandsmeistaramót í hrútadómum er haldið í Sauðfjársetrinu í Sævangi á Ströndum ár hvert. Þangað mætir fólk og þuklar hrúta sem sérvalin dómnefnd hefur raðað í ákveðna röð fyrirfram. Tilgangurinn með keppninni er að sjálfsögðu að reyna að hitta á sömu röð og dómararnir með góðan rökstuðning í farteskinu. Keppt er í hópum vanra þuklara og óvanra þuklara. Um kvöldið er síðan haldið Þuklaraball!
Kíktu á til að fræðast meira um málið :)
Hólmavík, West Fjörds, Iceland, 8/8/07
I've now been through this town several times. It's tiny, but the biggest place in this part of the country! It's really picturesque in the winter. The Sorcery Museum, that we were outside, is well worth a visit. They have an interesting way of exhibiting. It's more like a gallery than a museum.
Heimsókn á Galdrasýninguna - Visit to The Witchcraft Museum
Koma ferðamanna á Strandir einskorðast ekki eingöngu við sumarmánuðina en nokkuð er um að erlendir ferðamenn aki á Strandir yfir háveturinn. Í gærkvöldi heimsótti svissnesk fjölskylda Galdrasafnið á Hólmavík og kynnti sér þar sögu galdramála á Íslandi. Þau koma frá Ticino héraðinu í Sviss, hérað þar sem ítalska er opinbert tungumál. Fjölskyldufaðirinn Franco Cattaneo varð fyrir svörum þegar þau voru innt eftir upplifun sinni á sýningunni.
biggibix in Hólmavík
Eitt lag með Biggabix frá fyrstu tónleikum í útgáfutónleikaröðinni á fyrstu plötu biggabix. Þeir voru í Bragganum í Hólmavík árið 2010
Jörundur hundadagakonungur
Tal: Charlie Brown í ham (Sigurður Atlason)- ljósmyndir frá æfingu við uppsetningu á Jörundi hundadagakonungi vorið 2007.
Kisustrákarnir mínir tveir geta verið miklir fjörkálfar þegar þeim dettur það í hug. Þá tuskast þeir og taka á en allt er þetta leikur í góðu. E-mail heitir þessi stærri og Enter er sá minni. Fréttir web-tv
News from Strandir
Renewing their vows outside the museum
This lovely couple from USA decided to renew their wedding vows in the garden of The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft on June 12th 2012. Congrats to Rae and Richard. :)
Þorrablót á Hólmavík 2019
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Video IS14 - Bifrost to Holtavorduheidi
DashCam video from Iceland. This provides you with the ability to virtually drive in Iceland. This video takes you on a 30km drive from Bifrost and Grabrok to Holtavorduheidi on our way to Saudarkrokur.
Interesting Sections:
- Commentary on Video 00:07
- Grabrok craters 00:22
- Back on track 00:49
- Hraunsnef Country Hotel on the left 02:25
- Baula Mountain Rhyolite from the Ice Age 934m 03:12
- Bjarnadalsa (river) 03:48
- Turn Off Left to Isafjordur 04:06
- The river on the right is Nordura (North River), source is ca 117km in Langjokull Glacier. It joins Hvita near Borgarnes. 05:18
- We Turn off towards a small lookout 08:43
- Lookout visited 09:05
- Litlaa (Small River) 11:05
- Couple of cyclists 11:40
- Sanddalsa (Sandy Valley River) 12:20
- Nordura (North River) 15:10
- The white building on the left is Fornihvammur.. Was the last farm before Holtavorduheidi, much used rescue centre during winter. Now abandoned. 18:15
- Commentary on Holtavorduheidi, plus crossing Nordura again 18:20
- Icelandic Sheep on the left & right (The roam free over summer) 19:42
- Twin Waterfall on the left 20:20
24 Hours in Death Valley
In January 2014 I spent 24 hours in Death Vally, including an overnight trip to the Racetrack Playa. This video includes some of the photos and videos I took along the way.
Like me on Facebook at and follow my blog at for more photos from Death Valley and other locations.
ICELAND Road Trip Day 9 & 10
Day 9 and 10 of our 14 days Iceland Road Trip
Emilía on a motorbike
My son and grandaughter checking out the real life.
Keppuráð Tuma
Ef sækir að hungur í krepputíð þá gildir það eina ráð að slaka vel á yfir leiðinlegri dagskrá sjónvarpsins og láta tímann vinna með sér.
Lostalengjur frá Húsavík i Steingrímsfirði
Fyrr í dag tók tíðindamaður hús á Matthíasi Lýðssyni, bónda í Húsavík við Steingrímsfjörð, til að fræðast um matvælaframleiðslu, sérstaklega með hinar kunnu lostalengjur í huga. Bændurnir í Húsavík hafa undanfarið þróað hágæða matvöru sem unnin úr ærkjöti og kryddað íslenskum jurtum. Matthías fer yfir málið, í stuttu máli, í meðfylgjandi myndbandi.
Video IS24 - Saudarkrokur to Grettislaug
DashCam video from Iceland. This provides you with the ability to virtually drive in Iceland. This video takes you on a 20km drive from the township of Saudarkrokur out along Reyjastrond to Grettislaug.
Interesting Sections:
- Commentary on Video 00:07
- Leaving the shop in Saudarkrokur 00:22
- Driving along Saemundarhlid 00:42
- Mikligardur Hotel ahead 01:36
- Driving along Skagfirdingabraut 02:12
- Local Museum on the right 04:45
- Driving along Eyrarvegur 05:35
- Right turn to Reykjastrond 08:02
- Oncoming Car 11:30
- Narrow bridge 17:16
- Commentary on Drangey, Grettir and Grettislaug 17:20
- Sheep Grid 18:38
- Oncoming Tractor 19:00
- Sheep Grid 20:35
- Oncoming Car 21:13
- A view over the farm Reykir and towards Drangey 21:40
- Oncoming CAr 22:11
- Reykir Camping on right, The old houses are the kitchen and showers 23:29
- Coffeeshop and toilets ahead :24:02
- Arrival and Tern attack in progress!! 24:24
- We walk around and go to Grettislaug 24:44
- The harbour where you can take a trip to Drangey 25:03
- Grettis Cafe 25:21
- The small pot on the left is Grettislaug, the other on the right is newer 26:07
- Drangey ahead 27:21
- View back over Reykir 28:08