以前に Shibukawa Beach,Tamano,Okayama Prefecture And in the midst of summer,it's mid.afternoon on a very hot day,and it seems quiet ~ I wager most people are taking shelter in the mall downtown! The beach offers rentals on things like tents,mats and an assortment of floating devices,so there really isn't a need to bring anything with you,other than some food,(drinks are optional as there are several vending machines nearby) With washing facilities,changing rooms,somewhere to rest to get out of the sunshine,and beach volleyball areas,Shibukawa is a wonderful beach,and unlike Kobe,you don't have to worry about folks eye.balling you from the station across the way!! 身を捨ててこそ浮かぶ瀬もあれ』これは私が好きな日本語の1つです。 人生は自分でつくるものであり、私にとって人生は冒険です。私の冒険の世界へようこそ。想像力が旅の始まりです。今回は前回からの続きです。どうぞお楽しみください。気に入っていただけると、嬉しいです。thecrowdedzoo
a crowdedzoocafe presentation/popculturejunky productions & amyklab studio