Departure music Water Crown of Shinano Railway Ueda Station platform 1 しなの鉄道 上田駅1番線発車メロディ
2017年6月22日7時42分 620M 115系 信越線しなの鉄道線直通 長野発小諸行き
しなの鉄道上田駅1番線「Water Crown」発車メロディ
Japan train local railway- Shinano rail in Karuizawa Nagano
【Japanese train】Crews Train 'ROKUMON'【SHINANO railway】
30 Nov.2019 Ueda11:53dep. 8635M Rapid ROKUMON 1 Nagano12:49arr.
A cruise train running in Shinshu, Japan.
This is a very nice train!
★ This train website ★
JRワイドビュー特急しなの鉄道旅行動画 名古屋-長野駅 JR(Japan Rail) Shinano Express travel video Nagoya to Nagano station
JRワイドビュー特急しなの鉄道旅行動画 名古屋-長野駅 JR(Japan Rail) Shinano Express travel video from Nagoya to Nagano station
Lake Nojiri in Winter. Shinano, Nagano.Japan.
Lake Nojiri in Winter. Shinano, Nagano.Japan.
稲穂としなの鉄道線 Rice field and Shinano railway √上田市
Ueda,Nagano,Japan 長野県上田市令和元年9月中旬
Vlog from Ueda City, Nagano, Japan.
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#rootUnseen #上田市 #しなの鉄道 #gopro #goprohero7
Shinano Tetsudo Train Driver View
Shinano Railway Line has long been essential to the lives of local residents, but it is also a line that connects the rest of Japan to popular tourist locations such as Kurizawa.
Shinano Tetsudo-sen is a line operated by Shinano Tetsudo company in Nagano Prefecture.
The line connects Karuizawa Station with Shinonoi Station.
rain Driver view from Kaurizawa to Kits-Kurizawa.
Japan Trip: History and Healing at Bessho Onsen Town, Nagano59 Moopon
Japan Trip: History and Healing at Bessho Onsen Town, Nagano59 Moopon
Bessho Onsen (別所温泉), located just outside of central Ueda City in Nagano Prefecture, is a small onsen (hot spring) resort town. During the Kamakura Period (1192-1333), this town was the headquarters for the governor of the Shinshu Region (present-day Nagano Prefecture). The governor built temples here and brought the Kamakura culture to the mountain town. Bessho Onsen became an important center for education and religion, and received the nickname Kamakura of Shinshu.
In this region, Bessho Onsen is the oldest recorded onsen (hot spring). The onsen’s sulfurous waters are said to have special healing properties. According to legend, Bessho Onsen’s waters healed the arrow wounds of warriors who bathed in them. For visitors wishing to experience a small, traditional bathhouses, there are three such public bathhouses are town. For visitors who wish to a more spacious bath with more amenities, Aisome no Yu public bathhouse at the entrance of town, is recommended.
Bessho Onsen is a small town that is can be easily explored on foot. All of the town’s tourist attractions can be found within a 10 to 15 minute walk from the station. There are temples along the slopes surrounding the town. Visitors will find small shops, restaurants and ryokan (onsen inns) along the narrow streets and lanes emerging from the town center.
Access Information
From Nagano
1. Take the JR Nagano Shinkansen from Nagano Station to Ueda Station. The journey will take 15 minutes with a cost of 1440 yen for an unreserved seat. There are two departures per hour.
2. At Ueda Station, transfer to the Ueda Railway to Bessho Onsen, the last station on the line. The journey will take 30 minutes with a cost of 590 yen. There is a departure every 30 minutes.
Note: The Japan Rail Pass is valid between Nagano and Ueda, but does not cover the train between Ueda and Bessho Onsen.
1. Take the Shinano Railway between Nagano and Ueda. The journey will take 45 minutes with a cost of 770 yen. There are two to three departures per hour).
2. At Ueda Station, transfer to the Ueda Railway to Bessho Onsen, the last station on the line. The journey will take 30 minutes with a cost of 590 yen. There is a departure every 30 minutes.
Note: The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on either the Shinano Railway or the Ueda Railway.
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Ueda Castle(Uedajyou)in winter! Nagano Japan!
Ueda Casle is located in Uedacity,Nagano pre, Japan.
There was a famous Samurai called Sanada Yukimura who was strongest Samurai in history of Sengoku period。
Train Cruise Episode 34
Quaint Sketches of Life in the Nagano Countryside
Travel the verdant countryside of Nagano Prefecture in early summer. Our journey starts at a hot-spring town on the Ueda Line where the conductor plays harmonica for passengers. Trains rattle through rustic, hilly terrain along Nagano Electric Railway. The Shinano Line gives new life to colorful, old trains. The JR Shinonoi Line has a view of 1,500 terraced rice fields. The JR Oito Line runs along the foot of the majestic Northern Alps. We peek into the lives of the residents who live each day with thanks to nature.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Komoro, Japan
Komoro Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Komoro. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Komoro for You. Discover Komoro as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Komoro.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Komoro.
Don't forget to Subscribe our channel to view more travel videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of updates Immediately.
List of Best Things to do in Komoro, Japan.
Kaikoen Garden
Nunobiki Kannon
Komoro Castle Otemon
Manns Wine Komoro Winery
Asama 2000 Park
Teishaba Garden
Komuro City Koyama Keizo Art Museum
Komoro Juku Honjin Omoya
Memorial Hall of Toson
Japan Travel: Wandering through Bessho Onsen Town, Nagano 59
Japan Travel: Wandering through Bessho Onsen Town, Nagano 59
Bessho Onsen (別所温泉), located just outside of central Ueda City in Nagano Prefecture, is a small onsen (hot spring) resort town. During the Kamakura Period (1192-1333), this town was the headquarters for the governor of the Shinshu Region (present-day Nagano Prefecture). The governor built temples here and brought the Kamakura culture to the mountain town. Bessho Onsen became an important center for education and religion, and received the nickname Kamakura of Shinshu.
In this region, Bessho Onsen is the oldest recorded onsen (hot spring). The onsen’s sulfurous waters are said to have special healing properties. According to legend, Bessho Onsen’s waters healed the arrow wounds of warriors who bathed in them. For visitors wishing to experience a small, traditional bathhouses, there are three such public bathhouses are town. For visitors who wish to a more spacious bath with more amenities, Aisome no Yu public bathhouse at the entrance of town, is recommended.
Bessho Onsen is a small town that is can be easily explored on foot. All of the town’s tourist attractions can be found within a 10 to 15 minute walk from the station. There are temples along the slopes surrounding the town. Visitors will find small shops, restaurants and ryokan (onsen inns) along the narrow streets and lanes emerging from the town center.
Access Information
From Nagano
1. Take the JR Nagano Shinkansen from Nagano Station to Ueda Station. The journey will take 15 minutes with a cost of 1440 yen for an unreserved seat. There are two departures per hour.
2. At Ueda Station, transfer to the Ueda Railway to Bessho Onsen, the last station on the line. The journey will take 30 minutes with a cost of 590 yen. There is a departure every 30 minutes.
Note: The Japan Rail Pass is valid between Nagano and Ueda, but does not cover the train between Ueda and Bessho Onsen.
1. Take the Shinano Railway between Nagano and Ueda. The journey will take 45 minutes with a cost of 770 yen. There are two to three departures per hour).
2. At Ueda Station, transfer to the Ueda Railway to Bessho Onsen, the last station on the line. The journey will take 30 minutes with a cost of 590 yen. There is a departure every 30 minutes.
Note: The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on either the Shinano Railway or the Ueda Railway.
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しなの鉄道 篠ノ井駅 付近 Shinano Railway Shinonoi Station
電車動画:しなの鉄道 軽井沢 極寒の青空の下快走! Japan Train Karuizawa Shinano Railway Trip Nagano
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【HD車窓】しなの鉄道快速小諸行 2/3 篠ノ井~上田 Shinano Railway Rapid for Komoro②Shinonoi~Ueda
なお、途中駅の発着時刻はこの動画内の時刻で、屋代 4:30頃、戸倉 9:15頃、坂城 13:45頃となっております。
I took a video of scenery from a train window. This is the rapid service train bound for Komoro, Shinetsu line and Shinano Railway line, JR East, East Japan Railway and Shinano Railway, from Nagano to Komoro. This train is series 115. This video is landscape from Shinonoi to Ueda.
撮影列車:JR東日本・しなの鉄道 信越本線・しなの鉄道線快速小諸行 604M
撮影機材:ビデオカメラ(Victor Everio GZ-HM177-R)
Shinano Railway Series 169
Shinano Railway Series 169 at Yashiro.
(Rapid miracle)
しなの鉄道 169系
Nagano Station Shinkansen to Tokyo
Nagano Station Shinkansen to Tokyo
Shinano Railway,Mure Station
Shinano Kokubunji Temple
Ueda City, full of magnificent nature and history, is located in the eastern part of Nagano Prefecture. Ueda was the capital town where the local government was placed in the Shinano region (now Nagano region). For more than 1200 years, Ueda has preserved historical architecture including the famous Shinano Kokubunji ruins. This temple was built in the middle of the 8th century. Shinano Kokubunji was established by Emperor Shomu. As a prayer for peace for the nation, he constructed Todaiji Temple and Daibutsu (a large Buddha statue) in Nara. During the same period, the emperor constructed replicas of Todaiji in other parts of Japan. The name, Kokubunji means temples divided into countries.
【HD車窓】しなの鉄道快速小諸行 2/2 篠ノ井~上田 Shinano Railway Rapid for Komoro②Shinonoi~Ueda
なお、途中駅の発着時刻はこの動画内の時刻で、屋代 6:45頃、戸倉 11:30頃、坂城 16:15頃となっております。
I took a video of scenery from a train window. This is the rapid service train bound for Komoro, Shinetsu line and Shinano Railway line, JR East, East Japan Railway and Shinano Railway, from Nagano to Ueda. This train is series 115. This video is landscape from Shinonoi to Ueda.
撮影列車:JR東日本・しなの鉄道 信越本線・しなの鉄道線快速小諸行 604M
撮影機材:ビデオカメラ(Victor Everio GZ-HM177-R)