SHOUF Biosphere Cedar Reserve: A Breathtaking Mountain to Experience in Chouf Barouk
The largest of #Lebanon #naturereserves, #AlShouf #CedarNatureReserve stretches from Dahr Al-Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in the south. blanketed with oak forests on its northeastern slopes and juniper and oak forests on its southeastern slopes the reserves most famous attractions are its three magnificent cedar forests of Maasser Al-Shouf , Barouk and #AinZhalta – Bmohary . These #Cedarforests account for a quarter of the remaining cedar forest in Lebanon, and some trees are estimated to be 2,000 years old. The size of the reserve makes it a good location for the conservation of medium-size mammals such as the wolf and the Lebanese jungle cat, as well as various species of mountain and plants.
The Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve is a popular destination for hiking and trekking, with trails matching all levels of fitness. Bird watching, mountain biking and snowshoeing are also popular. From the summit of the rugged mountains, visitors will have a panoramic view of the countryside, eastward to the Beqaa Valley and Qaraoun Lake, and westward toward the Mediterranean.
Proudly based in the land of the cedars, my videos show the real Lebanon as not seen on TV...
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Shouf Biosphere Reserve, Barouk Cedar Forest
In the mountain of Lebanon. You will find trees that have watched history for thousands of years. Shouf Biosphere Reserve, Barouk Cedar Forest
The cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) is a tall evergreen tree which has been prized for its high quality timber, oils and resins for thousands of years. The national emblem of Lebanon. it was famously used to build the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, as well as the ships and temples of the Egyptian pharaohs. The resin of the cedar of Lebanon was even used in mummification by the Ancient Egyptians.
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Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve 4K Drone Video Footage | محمية ارز الشوف
The largest of Lebanon nature reserves, Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve stretches from Dahr Al-Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in the south. blanketed with oak forests on its northeastern slopes and juniper and oak forests on its southeastern slopes the reserves most famous attractions are its three magnificent cedar forests of Maasser Al-Shouf , Barouk and Ain Zhalta – Bmohary . These Cedar forests account for a quarter of the remaining cedar forest in Lebanon , and some tress are estimated to be 2,000 years old. The size of the reserve makes it a good location for the conservation of medium size mammals such as the wolf and the Lebanese jungle cat, as well as various species of mountain and plants.
The Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve is a popular destination for hiking and trekking, with trails matching all levels of fitness. Bird watching, mountain biking and snow shoeing are also popular. From the summit of the rugged mountains, visitors will have a panoramic view of the countryside, eastward to the Beqaa Valley and Qaraoun Lake, and westward toward the Mediterranean.
Music/songs credit:- MTV Lebanon cedars operate entry short clip
- The beautiful diva Sarah El Hani
(Jannat song, Natively by The great
Wadih Al Safi)
Shouf Biosphere Reserve - Writing the history of nature conservation in Lebanon
أول عملية إعادة إدخال نوع من الثدييات المنقرضة في تاريخ لبنان!
في 13 تشرين الأول 2017 كان لبنان على موعد مع المرحلة الأولى من إعادة إدخال وعل الجبل(الوعل النوبي) من خلال نقل قطيع من وادي رم في الأردن إلى محمية الشوف المحيط الحيوي.
علماً أن آخر ظهور لهذا النوع من الوعل في جبال لبنان العالية كان قد سُجّل في العام 1900 حيث انقرض بعد ذلك جراء الصيد وتدمير البيئة الطبيعية التي كان يتواجد فيها.
يشكل هذا المشروع جزءاً من برنامج تعاون واسع بين محمية الشوف المحيط الحيوي, والجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة(الأردن), ومحمية وادي رم, و مؤسسة أويكوس(إيطاليا). ولقد دعمت تنفيذه المؤسسة الإيطالية للتعاون ومؤسسة مافا السويسرية. كما وساهمت شركة طيران الشرق الأوسط بتحمل تكاليف نقل الحيوانات على متن طائرتين تابعتين لها. ولقد جرت مراعاة القوانين اللبنانية والدولية التي تنظم هكذا أعمال, بموافقة ودعم وزارة البيئة اللبنانية.
ومساء الثالث عشر من شهر تشرين الأول وصل إلى لبنان من الأردن 12 وعلاً جبلياً ( أو نوبياً). ولقد جرى نقلهم إلى مسيّج تبلغ مساحته 3 هكتار يقع في بلدة عانا في البقاع, داخل محمية الشوف المحيط الحيوي. هناك, وخلال مرحلة التأقلم المؤقتة, سيكون بإمكان فريق عمل المحمية مراقبة ودراسة الحيوانات من خلال زيارات دورية واستخدام كاميرات خاصة لهذه الغاية.
تجدر الإشارة هنا أن ملكية المسيّج تعود إلى العميد كارلوس إده الذي يساهم في مشروع اعادة يساهم في مشروع اعادة إدخال الوعل إلى لبنان.
وسوف تحدد أعمال المراقبة والبحث العلمي تاريخ المرحلة الأخيرة من هذه العملية, ألا وهي إطلاق الوعل الجبلي في الطبيعة.
إنه مشروع يفتح صفحة جديدة في تاريخ الحفاظ على الطبيعة في لبنان تفتخر محمية الشوف المحيط الحيوي أن تضيفه إلى إنجازاتها.
وبالإضافة إلى الأبحاث العلمية وأعمال المراقبة, فإن نجاح المشروع بحاجة إلى تعاون وطيد مع السكان المحليين. وسوف تسعى المحمية إلى إشراكهم من خلال نشاطات متنوعة تهدف إلى توثيق العلاقة بينهم وبين الساكن/الجار الجديد. وكذلك سوف تقوم بإصدار إرشادات عامة للسكان والسياح لتأمين سلامة وعل الجبل وجعل السياحة مستدامة تتطابق مع المحافظة على التنوع البيئي.
وأخيراً تتوجه محمية الشوف المحيط الحيوي بدعوة المؤسسات والشركات اللبنانية إلى المساهمة في عملية وعل الجبل, من خلال الدعم المباشر أو بناء شراكات تهدف إلى تعزيز المرحلة الحالية, أو إلى استقدام أعداد أخرى من الوعل تساهم في
تثبيت تواجد القطيع الأول المؤسس.
Writing the history of nature conservation in Lebanon!
On October 13, 2017, the first step of the reintroduction of the Nubian Ibex into Lebanon by translocating a founding herd from Wadi Rum in Jordan to the Shouf Biosphere Reserve.
The Nubian Ibex is a species of wild goat that once lived in the high mountains of Lebanon. Unfortunately, and due to large-scale habitat destruction and of hunting it disappeared around the year 1900.
This project is part of a larger program of cooperation between the Shouf Biosphere Reserve, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (Jordan), Wadi Rum Protected Area and Istituto Oikos (Italy). It was made possible thanks to the support of The Italian Cooperation in Lebanon and the MAVA Foundation. Moreover, MEA kindly offered the free transportation of the animals aboard two of its planes. The whole operation is being implemented with the approval of the Lebanese Ministry of Environment and according to the relevant Lebanese and international legislation.
On the night of October 13, 2017, a herd of 12 Nubian Ibex arrived to Lebanon coming from Jordan. It was transported to a 30 hectare fenced area within the Shouf Biosphere Reserve in Ana, Bekaa. The animals will be kept there for an adaptation period during which The SBR Team will monitor and study the animals. Camera traps will be used to observe their movements and behavior while in the fence.
It is worth noting that the fenced premises belong to Mr. Carlos Edde who kindly and enthusiastically was willing to host the animals during this phase of the operation.
The final phase of this science-based operation will be the release into the wild of a first group of Ibex.
The Shouf Biosphere Reserve is proud to lead a project that writes a new page in the history of nature conservation in Lebanon.
Eventually, the reintroduction of the Nubian Ibex will be only be successful with the cooperation of the communities living in the Shouf region. The SBR seeks their engagement with awareness, education and communication actions aimed at spreading knowledge about this new inhabitant. New guidelines and rules will be produced to ensure that the Ibex is well protected and that tourism is sustainable and compatible with its conservation.
Shouf Biosphere Reserve - Sustainable Forest Mnagement Trail
(Batloun - Barouk - Maasser - Botmeh)
Al-Shouf Cedar Reserve - Maasser Cedar Forest, Lebanon
Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve is a nature reserve in the Chouf District of Lebanon. It is located on the slopes of Barouk mountain and has an area of 550 km2, nearly 5.3% of the Lebanese territory. The reserve contains the Lebanon Cedar forests of Barouk, Maaser el Shouf and Ain Zhalta. It is an Important Bird Area (IBA) and Eco-tourism area. It hosts 32 species of wild mammals, 200 species of birds, and 500 species of plants. The cedar forests of Lebanon enjoy the unique distinction as the oldest documented forests in history. The cedars were important enough in the history of man to be traceable to the very earliest written records, that of the Sumerians in the third millennium BC. In the ancient Sumerian story, The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest pieces of literature in the world, the Cedars feature prominently. Gilgamesh has since been recognized as King Gilgamesh of history and in probability visited Mount Lebanon. Some cedars are estimated to be 2,000 years old.
We would like to thank my Dad and Bashir for making this possible and for their wonderful hospitality and kindness. We love you.
Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve (Lebanon)
Biggest reserve in Lebanon with the famous cedars on the Barouk mountain. Cedar, symbol of Lebanon.
HelpForLeb - Shouf Biosphere Reserve is a crowd-funding website for social, humanitarian &environmental causes across Lebanon that benefits Lebanese individuals, communities & NGO's.
SHOUF BIOSPHERE RESERVE - IUCN visit to Shouf Biospere Reserve 2018
Shouf Biosphere Reserve
the first documentary about the Reserve
Barouk-Fraidiss Patriotic Trail
Developed by Shouf BR for the municipality of Barouk through BALADI program which is funded by USIAD and Implemented by Rene Mouawad Foundation - RMF
Movie about Cedar of Lebanon with Arabic subtitles - Shouf Biosphere Reserve
Produced by International Wood Cultural Association
SHOUF BIOSPHERE RESERVE - محمية أرز الشوف عنوان أساسي للتنمية المستدامة
Shouf Biosphere Reserve - ecosystem restoration program
A video presentation about a restoration plan in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve funded by MAVA with technical support of Sylvestris and implemented in Lebanon by ACS and AFDC in collaboration with LIPU Italy
AskMirna Me7meyet Arz el Shouf محمية أرز الشوف - Lebanon 2014
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For more info:
Shouf Biosphere Reserve - Forest Management & Sustainable Livelihood
Aitanit, Sustainable Village in the West Bekaa
Shouf Biosphere Reserve - Guest houses
This is the First video of the #WanderwShouf series.
There is so much to experience around the Shouf Biosphere Reserve. It's surrounded by 22 villages full of nature, culture, history, art and more than 12 guesthouses to stay at.????
Human chain for climate change - Shouf Biosphere Reserve
human chain of 2000 volunteers to raise awareness about climate change impact on Lebanon cedar forests funded by LRI/USAID in cooperation with Byblos bank and MOA
Shouf Biosphere Reserve TVC 2016
One minute TVC for Shouf Biosphere Reserve
Shouf Biosphere Reserve
for project