Vaiguva Šiaulių Aušros muziejaus renginyje Amatų dienos 2006
Vaiguva - the Lithuanian folk group of Šiauliai University - appears in the event Amatų dienos annually held by Šiauliai Aušra Museum. The set of some glees (sutartinės) and Lithuanian folk songs is given. Material of 2006.
Lietuvos kariai, senovė „Aušros muziejuje. Lithuanian soldiers and heritage. Šiauliai.2009-07-16.
Hoard, graves and sacturay of the Lithuanian trbe in the city of Šiauliai, Lithuania in Museum of Photography in the city of Siauliai, Lithuania.
【K】Lithuania Travel-Siauliai[리투아니아 여행-샤울레이]민족 성지, 십자가 언덕/Hill of Crosses/Pray/Wish/Pilgrimage/Shrine
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
얼핏 보면 공동묘지처럼 보이는 이곳은 십자가언덕. 말 그대로 수많은 십자가들이 낮은 언덕에 숲을 이루고 있다. 십자가는 크기도 모양도 제각각 예수그리스도의 모습도 각양각색이다. 숫자를 정확히 알 수 없는 십자가 수는 수 만개에서부터 수 십 만개까지 말하는 사람에 따라 다르다. 또 십자가를 만든 재질도 다양하다. 십자가만 있는 것도 아니다. 유대교의 상징인 다윗의 별도 있고 일본 신사에서 본 것 같은 부적 비슷한 것도 있다. 이곳에 십자가를 세우기 시작한 것은 14세기부터 라고 하는데 대량으로 세우기 시작한 것은 1831년과 1863년에 일어난 반러시아 봉기 때 희생된 사람들을 기리기 위해서였다고 한다. 요즘은 주로 기원을 할 때나 감사의 표시로 세운다고 한다. 사람들이 십자가를 통해 기원하는 내용도 다채롭다. 소련시대에 이곳은 천주교인의 성지뿐 아니라 리투아니아 민족 전체의 성지이기도 했다고 한다. 이 언덕을 없애기 위해 소련군이 낮에 불도저로 밀어버리면 밤에 리투아니아인들이 다시 세우기를 반복했다고 한다. 이제 십자가언덕은 리투아니아의 명소를 넘어 세계적인 관광명소로 자리 잡아가고 있다. “놀랍습니다. 사진을 더 많이 찍을수록 더 다양한 십자가가 보입니다. 아주 놀랍다고 생각합니다. 여기에 온 것이 기쁩니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
At first glance, this place looks like a cross cemetery hill. There are literally countless cross form the forest on low hill. The cross is also a huge variety of size and shape also jegakgak appearance of Jesus Christ. The cross is unknown exactly the number depends on the person speaking from one hundred thousand to several tens of thousands. In addition to the cross made of the material also it varies. It's not only a cross in. Separate symbol of Judaism and David are like a charm like nothing seen in a Japanese shrine. It started to build a cross where it started to build a large amount from the 14th century that it was an honor to sacrifice people when the anti-Russian uprising that took place in 1831 and 1863. Nowadays it mainly built in time to the origins of thanks. Even more people to pray through varied as the cross. It is said also to the Soviet-era Lithuanian national shrines of the Holy Land, as well as the entire Catholic. It beorimyeon push the Soviets bulldozed in the day to avoid the repetition of the hills that Lithuania will build again in the evening. Now cross the hill is becoming a world-class tourist attractions beyond the sights of Lithuania. Amazing. The more pictures you take are more diverse cross looks. Very surprised and think. Here are glad to come.
[Lithuanian: Google Translator]
Iš pirmo žvilgsnio, ši vieta atrodo kaip kompleksinį kapinių kalvos. Yra pažodžiui daugybė kryžius forma ant mažos kalvos miškas. Kryžius yra taip pat daug įvairių dydžių ir formų, taip pat jegakgak išvaizda Jėzaus Kristaus. Kryžius yra nežinoma tiksliai, skaičius priklauso nuo asmens Kalbėjimas iš šimto tūkstančių iki kelių dešimčių tūkstančių. Be to, į kryžiaus, pagamintas iš medžiagos, taip pat ji skiriasi. Tai ne tik įvartį. Atskiras simbolis judaizmo ir Davidas yra tarsi kaip niekas matė Japonijos šventovė žavesio. Jis pradėjo statyti kryžių, kur jis pradėjo statyti didelę sumą iš 14 amžiaus, kad tai buvo garbė paaukoti žmones, kai antirusiška sukilimas, kad vyko 1831 ir 1863 Šiuo metu ji daugiausia pastatyta laiku į kilmės Ačiū. Dar daugiau žmonių pasimelsti per antai kryžiaus. Jis taip pat sakė, kad sovietų laikais Lietuvos nacionalinės šventovėse Šventojoje Žemėje, o taip pat visą katalikų.
■클립명: 유럽085-리투아니아01-07 민족 성지, 십자가 언덕/Hill of Crosses/Pray/Wish/Pilgrimage/Shrine
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이연식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,,리투아니아,Lithuania,Lietuva,Lietuvos Respublika,이연식,2009,6월 June,,,,
Findings of the Lithuanian mound on July 16, 2009. Siauliai
Findings of the Lithuanian mound on July 16, 2009 in Photography Museum in the city of Siauliai.
Šiaulių naktys Dviračių muziejuje
2012 m. rugpjūčio 31-ąją - rugsėjo 1-ąją Šiaulių „Aušros muziejaus padaliniai - Radijo ir televizijos bei Dviračių muziejai - veikė lankytojams neįprastu metu, vėlai vakare. Muziejų lankytojus taip pat džiugino šiauliečių muzikantų atliekama muzika.
Šiaulių „Aušros muziejaus archyvas.
【K】Lithuania Travel-Druskininkai[리투아니아 여행-드루스키닌케이]그루타스 공원/Grutas Park/Statue/Museum/History
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
그루타스 공원. 그런데 공원입구부터 특이하다. 감시 초소가 있고, 철조망으로 울타리를 친 이공원의 컨셉은 시베리아 수용소라고 한다. 안으로 들어가면 시베리아로 사람들을 나르던 낡은 기차까지 있다. 그렇다면 이곳에 수용되는 이들은 누굴까. 바로 소련시대의 동상들이다. 이 동상들은 소련시대 리투아니아 전역의 주요장소에 당당히 서 있던 동상들이었다. 그러나 소련으로부터 독립하면서 동상들과 조각상은 시민들의 손에 의해 철거되었다. 한 때 처리방법을 놓고 많은 논란이 있었으나 동상을 용해하거나 파괴하는 대신 이렇게 한데 모아 공원을 만든 것이다. 레닌, 스탈린 등의 동상과 조각상들은 모두 당대의 유명한 조각가들이 만든 작품으로 예술성도 뛰어나다고 한다. 2001년 4월에 완공된 이 공원에는 모두 93개의 동상과 조각상이 전시돼 있다. 공산체제가 무너진 후 대부분의 국가들은 공산주의자들의 동상과 조각상들을 파괴함으로써 일종의 한풀이를 했다. 반면 리투아니아는 그들을 한데 모아 수용소에 가두어 놓는다는 아이디어로 세련된 한풀이를 하고 있는 셈이다. “여기 동상들이 마치 강제수용소에 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 더욱이 이곳의 풀과 나무 등 자연환경이 시베리아와 100% 닮았죠.” 공원에는 박물관과 미술관도 만들어놓았는데 한 해 15만 명이 찾고 있으며, 세계 각지에서 관광객들이 찾아온다고 한다. 특히 자라나는 세대들을 위한 역사교육의 장으로써 큰 역할을 하고 있다고 한다. 또 공원 한쪽에는 식당도 마련되어 있다. 식당에 들어서면 맞이하는 웨이터의 복장이 특이하다. “이 복장은 소련시대 어린이 공산당원 복장입니다.” 특별메뉴 또한 준비되어 있는데, 이름하야 추억의 메뉴. 소련시대 가난한 서민들이 즐겨먹던 음식들이다. 그 중 한 가지를 주문했다. 빵 한 조각에 절인 청어와 보드카 한 잔이 전부. ‘100g은 조국을 위하여, 150g은 당을 위하여, 200g은 스탈린을 위하여’ 보드카는 원 샷으로 해결. 그러나 청어를 얹은 빵은 먹기 괴로웠다. 추억은 함께 기억을 나눈 사람들 끼리 가능한 일일 것이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Trees Tasman Park. But it is interesting from the park entrance. The watchtowers, and the concept of the park hit a barbed wire fence is called the Siberian camps. Nareudeon those who enter into it until the old train to Siberia. Who is that they are so accommodating here. It is just a statue of the Soviet era. The statues were the statue stood proudly in the main place of the Soviet era throughout Lithuania. But while independence from the Soviet statue and the statue was torn down by the people's hands. So rather than it converges at one time put the controversial treatment, but many dissolve or destroy the statue will create a park. Lenin, Stalin and statues, including statues and both are also excellent artistry with contemporary works created by famous sculptor. The park was completed in April 2001 has gotta all 93 statues and sculptures on display. After the collapse of the communist system, most countries have some sort of Spite by destroying the Communist statues and sculptures. Lithuania has put them together, while imprisoned together in a camp in Spite been in a stylish ideas. This statue that looks as if it were in the concentration camps. Moreover, grass and trees, such as the natural environment here in Siberia and 100% damatjyo.
■클립명: 유럽085-리투아니아01-11 소련 동상 수용소, 그루타스 공원/Grutas Park/Soviet Union/Statue/Art/Museum/History/Concentration Camp/Communism
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이연식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,,리투아니아,Lithuania,Lietuva,Lietuvos Respublika,이연식,2009,6월 June,,,,
E.S Studija - Dviračių muziejus
Reklama atsinaujinusiam Šiaulių dviračių muziejui. (darbas įvertintas universitete)
Roadtrip Lithuania E4: Molėtai, Šiauliai, Naisiai. (AIESEC in ISM)
This time we visited Molėtai, Šiauliai, Naisiai.
We Thank For:
Lithuanian Etnocosmology museum (Molėtai)
Zodiakas (Molėtai. For providing us with food)
Bebrusai Mansion
Naisiai (Ramūnas Karbauskis; Children festival; For providing with accomodation, food, paintball, Žemaitukai horse riding and tours around the city)
KVISTIJA - for providng us with Fuel the whole trip!
C'mon Tigre - MONO NO AWARE 物の哀れ [Official Video]
/// Semi-finalist in LAFA Los Angeles Film Award 2019 ///
/// Official selection of Paris ARFF International 2020 ///
/// Official selection of Copenaghen Annual CPH Film Festival 2020 ///
Often considered to be untranslatable, the Japanese term MONO NO AWARE refers to the bittersweet realization of the ephemeral nature of all things. It is the awareness that everything in existence is temporary. The fleetingness of youth, the fading of romance, and the changing of seasons are not to be mourned, but cherished and appreciated in their impermanence, for that is where their beauty comes from.
This art video is made in collaboration between the music collective C'mon Tigre and the artist Maurizio Anzeri, animating the Anzeri original artworks to tell a story of the beauty of ephemeral human beings life, flying over places like a bird, observing people who live in those places in a dimension where history and future converge. Maurizio Anzeri makes his portraits by drawing on tracing paper, which he laid on top of old photographs, and after by sewing directly into the photographs. His embroidered patterns garnish the figures like elaborate costumes, but also suggest a psychological aura, as if revealing the person’s thoughts or feelings. The antique appearance of the photographs is often at odds with the sharp lines and silky shimmer of the threads.The artist’s recent expansion of his practice to include landscapes stems from an interest in the idea of ‘electricity’: electricity that we emanate and absorb and its manifestations. In his altered landscapes, mysterious emanations suggest unseen phenomena, and allude to the spiritual and mystical.
a C'mon Tigre short film
Directed by Marco Molinelli
Artworks by Maurizio Anzeri
Japanese calligraphy/Shōdo by Shigekiyuriko Yamane
Mountain pics courtesy of Behind Mag
mixed technics: stop motion and CGI
Mono No Aware 物の哀れ is included in C'mon Tigre/RACINES album,
available here:
About Maurizio Anzeri:
Italian, b. 1969
Lives and works in London, England
Anzeri’s work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions internationally, at venues including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY; Pier 24 Photography, San Francisco, CA; Saatchi Gallery, London, UK; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK; Somerset House, London, UK; Siauliai Ausros Museum, Lithuania; National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway; and the Dong Gang Museum of Photography, Seoul, Korea. His work is held in public and private collections including the Pilara Foundation Collection, Pier 24 Photography, San Francisco, CA; Museo Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland; Museum Kunstpalast, Germany; and the Saatchi, Gagosian, Rothschild, and Alexander McQueen collections.
The City of Vilnius, Lithuania - 20th January, 2013
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 554,060 (838,852 together with Vilnius County) as of 2011. It is located in the southeast of the country. It is the second biggest city of the Baltic states, after Riga.
Vilnius is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County. The first known written record of Vilnius as the Lithuanian capital is known from Gediminas' letters in 1323.
Vilnius is classified as a Gamma global city according to GaWC studies, and is known for its Old Town of beautiful architecture, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. Its Jewish influence until the 20th century has led to it being described as the Jerusalem of Lita and Napoleon named it the Jerusalem of the North as he was passing through in 1812. In the year 2009, Vilnius was the European Capital of Culture, together with the Austrian city of Linz.
Vilnius has been rapidly transformed, and the town has emerged as a modern European city. Many of its older buildings have been renovated, and a business and commercial area is being developed into the New City Centre, expected to become the city's main administrative and business district on the north side of the Neris river. This area includes modern residential and retail space, with the municipality building and the 129-metre (423') Europa Tower as its most prominent buildings. The construction of Swedbank's headquarters is symbolic of the importance of Scandinavian banks in Vilnius. The building complex Vilnius Business Harbour was built in 2008, and one of its towers is now the 5th tallest building in Lithuania. More buildings are scheduled for construction in the area. Vilnius was selected as a 2009 European Capital of Culture, along with Linz, the capital of Upper Austria.
Identified views and locations include: the view from the Television Tower, the view of the Television Tower, Laisvės pr., T Narbuto g., St. Raphael The Archangel Church, Šnipiškes, Konstitucijos pr., Radisson Blu, Upės g., Baltasis tiltas, Neris River, Gediminas Ave, Museum of Genocide Victims, Auku g., Tauro kln, Pamėnkalnio g., Vincas Kudirka Square, Novotel, Gedimino pr., National Theatre, Vilnius Cathedral, Cathedral Square, Gediminas Tower, Hill of Three Crosses, Vilnia River, Arsenalo g., T. Vrublevskio g., Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Library, Mindaugo tiltas, Žveju g., Vilnaus Žaliasis tiltas, Žygimantu g., Šiltadarzio g., St. Anne's Church, Orthodox Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, Military Fort & Defensive Wall, Šv. Davasios g., Gate of Dawn, Ausros Vartu g., St. Theresa's Church, Lithuanian National Phillarmonic Society Hall, Ausros Vartu g., Didžioji g., St Casimir Church, Rotuses a., Vilnius Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Didžioji g., St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, St. Parasceve Orthodox Church, Church of St. John, Dominikonu g., Šv. Jono g., Vilnius University, Grounds of the Presidential Palace, Presidenital Palace, Sv. Kryziaus baznycia, Liejyktos g., Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence, Totorinu g., Gedimino pr., Vilniaus g., Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčia, Vokieciu g., Vilniaus gelezinkelio stotis, Vilnius Airport Railway Station and Vilnius Uro Uostas Airport.
Paroda „Antanas Rimavičius: Dievui ir žmogui“
2015 m. rugsėjo 10 d. Chaimo Frenkelio viloje atidaryta Lietuvos muziejų kelio „Liaudies meno grožis paroda – „Antanas Rimavičius: Dievui ir Žmogui. Paroda iš Šiaulių „Aušros muziejaus ir Rundalės rūmų muziejaus (Latvija) rinkinių skirta kunigo ir skulptoriaus A. Rimavičiaus 150-osioms gimimo metinėms paminėti.
Paroda veikia 2015 m. rugsėjo 10 d. – lapkričio 29 d.
Operatorius, montažas – Saulius Pučinskas
oldest and newest Vilnius - My Lithuania 12
September 23, 2016
Gediminas' Tower Vilnius Old Town, Lithuania.
Gediminas' Tower (Lithuanian: Gedimino pilies bokštas) is the remaining part of the Upper Castle in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The first fortifications were built of wood by Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Gediminas. Later the first brick castle was completed in 1409 by Grand Duke Vytautas. Third floor tower was rebuilt in 1930, by Polish architect Jan Borowski. Some remnants of the old castle have been restored, guided by archeological research.
Filmed using iPhone 6, 60fps.
Taurage - the city where nice to live
Watch the Taurage town representing video now!
Directed by: Wide Wings
Production Company: Wide Wings
Avarija prie Lidl Tauragė
Data 2018 12 31
Joniškis bulių kautynes 2013 geriausi kadrai
Joniškis bulių kautynes 2013 geriausi kadrai
Žolinės vakaronė
2012 m. rugpjūčio 15 d. Žaliūkių malūnininko sodyboje vyko Žolinės vakaronė. Joje dalyvavo ir gerą nuotaiką dalino Šiaulių miesto kultūros centro „Laiptų galerijos folkloro ansamblis „Salduvė (vad. Violeta ir Darius Dakniai) ir Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės kultūros centro Verbūnų filialo folkloro ansamblis (vad. Ona Baranauskienė ir Rasa Jurgaitienė).
Susirinkusieji į Žolinės vakaronę prie Žaliūkių malūno galėjo smagiai praleisti laiką, prisiminti Žolinės tradicijas, dalyvauti apeigose, paragauti karštos žolelių arbatos ir šviežios ruginės duonos, apsilankyti žolynų turgelyje, pasimėgauti liaudiška muzika, šokiais ir įvairiom pramogom, paskanauti gardžių A. Udrienės IĮ gėrimų.
Šiaulių „Aušros muziejaus archyvas.
Kai apie Joniškį skambėjo jidiš. Filmas
Panorama of Vilnius from The Hill of Three Crosses
Panorama of Vilnius from The Hill of Three Crosses