Russia#Alley of Siberian cats#Tyumen#Аллея Сибирских кошек#Тюмень#Россия#
Тюмень--Аллея кошек/ Tyumen - Alley of cats/ Очень красивые памятники сибирским кошкам! Сквер, давно существовавший в центре города как тихая безымянная аллея, был основан в 2008 году на Первомайской улице около здания старой типографии. Городская управа объявила конкурс на название сквера. Всего поступило около 60 вариантов названий, среди которых были такие, как сквер «Учёных котов», «Сам по себе», «Первомайских котов», «Любимой кошки» и др. Победило название «Сквер сибирских кошек», которое и стало официальным c 12 ноября 2008 г. по итогам заседания комиссии по присвоению наименований и переименованию улиц и других частей городского округа.
Название сквера связано с тем, что в Ленинграде, только что пережившем блокаду, почти не осталось кошек, и город был буквально заполонён крысами. По легенде для борьбы с крысами тюменцы отправили в Ленинград целый вагон кошек — 238 животных. Всего из Сибири в Ленинград было отправлено около 5 тысяч котов и кошек.
Вдоль сквера установлены гранитные тумбы и фонари, на которых установлены чугунные скульптуры кошек, покрытые золотой краской. На прикреплённой к тумбе памятной табличке сообщается о спасении Эрмитажа кошками из Сибири. Для установки тумб со скульптурами потребовалось спилить несколько деревьев.
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Tyumen - Alley of cats / Very beautiful monuments to Siberian cats! The square, which existed for a long time in the center of the city as a silent nameless alley, was founded in 2008 on Pervomayskaya street near the building of the old printing house. City council announced a contest for the name of the park. In total there were about 60 variants of names, among which were such as the square of Cat Scientists, By itself, Pervomaiski cats, Beloved cat, etc. The name Siberian Cats Square won, which became official c November 12, 2008, following the meeting of the commission for the assignment of names and the renaming of streets and other parts of the city district.
The name of the square is due to the fact that in Leningrad, which barely survived the blockade, there were almost no cats left, and the city was literally full of rats. According to legend, to fight the rats, the Tyumen sent a whole carload of cats to Leningrad - 238 animals. About 5 thousand cats and cats were sent from Siberia to Leningrad.
Along the square there are granite curbstones and lanterns, on which cast-iron sculptures of cats, covered with gold paint, are installed. On the memorial tablet attached to the pedestal, the Hermitage rescues the cats from Siberia. To install pedestals with sculptures, it was required to cut several trees.
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Tobolsk & Tyumen, Russia ???? Travel Vlog 15 ???????? History & Culture
Tobolsk & Tyumen: ???? UK Vlogger of the Year finalist 2019 and 2018 explores Tobolsk & Tyumen, Russia and the Siberian Tatars, Siberian Cats, and Rasputin. Join the Modern Grand Tour (travel vlogs for history-culture geeks ????) in Tobolsk & Tyumen, Russia! ⬇️ More info below ⬇️
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Series info:
-----------------------------In this episode-----------------------------
Episode Intro = 0:48
Tobolsk Intro = 1:06
St Sophia Cathedral inside the Kremlin = 1:47
Grigori Rasputin = 2:49 ????
View from the Kremlin = 4:00
Deputy's Palace Museum (Siberian Tatars) = 4:36 ????
Russian Age of Motherhood = 7:41
Russian vs European Family Values = 8:15
Tyumen Intro = 8:48
City Park = 9:36
Tyumen Philharmonic = 9:59
Siberian Cats Park = 10:21 ????
Riverside Embankment = 11:28
Conclusion = 12:39
Next Episode = 13:11
--------------------------------The series--------------------------------
Ep1 ???????? ???????? Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges:
Ep2 ???? ???????? Amsterdam:
Ep3 ☠️ ???????? Berlin:
Ep4 ???? ???????? Hamburg:
Ep5 ???? ???????? Aarhus:
Ep6 ????♀️ ???????? Copenhagen:
Ep7 ???? ???????? Stockholm:
Ep8 ???? ???????? Helsinki:
Ep9 ????️ ???????? Saint Petersburg:
Ep10 ???? ???????? Moscow:
Ep11 ???? ???????? Vladimir and Suzdal:
Ep12 ???? ???????? Nizhny Novgorod: (most fun)
Ep13 ☠️ ???????? Perm:
Ep14 ???? ???????? Yekaterinburg:
Ep15 ???? ???????? Tobolsk and Tyumen:
Ep16 ???? ???????? Novosibirsk:
Ep17 ???? ???????? Irkutsk and Olkhon Island:
Ep18 ???? ???????? Ulan-Ude:
Ep19 ???? ???????? Trans-Siberian Train: (most practically useful)
Ep20 ???? ???????? Khabarovsk:
Ep21 ???? ???????? Vladivostok:
Ep22 ???? ???????? Seoul: (most educative)
Ep23 ???? ???????? Osaka:
Ep24 ???? ???????? Kyoto:
Ep25 ???? ???????? Tokyo: (most awesome city)
Ep26 ???? ???????? Melbourne:
Ep27 ???? ???????? Sydney: (most jokes)
Welcome keen traveller!
I hope you've come to join me on this Modern Grand Tour exploring history and culture.
- The first leg of the journey takes us through Europe ????????
- The second leg crosses Russia ???????? via the Trans-Siberian Railway ???? and Couchsurfing ????
- The third and final leg concludes in Asia ???? and Australia ????????
Here's the series playlist:
I promise you, by the end, we'll all be dancing like a room without a roof...
Your new travel partner, Garlen ????
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Russian Douchebag's Property ( Tyumen )
There is an russian Douchebag's property in the Tyumen, my hometown. There are lots of old seniors, ex-prisoners, loosers, narcomans living in here. The building has been constructed in 60's.
Welcome to the Trans Siberian Railway
Intro cities: Beijing (movie), Ulaanbaatar (picture), Irkutsk (picture), Khabarovsk (picture), and Tyumen (picture).
Movie locations: Beijing / Shanghai, Vladivostok, Ulaanbaatar / Terelj National Park, Khabarovsk, Listvyanka / Lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tallinn.
Music is Above & Beyond vs. Kyau & Albert - Anphonic (Arty Remix)
For more pictures and travels, check out my website
Travel in Russia. What to do in Saint-Petersburg. One day trip to Karelia.
The travel lasted for 16 hours.
The excurtion includes 3 stops to see the local sightseens and one for dinner.
The price is between 2000 rub (30 $) to 3000 rub (46 $). I payed 30 $ + 200 rub (3 $) for waterfalls park.
Available any time of the year.
Last few hours back in Moscow (My trip to Russia - Day 8)
This clip is during my way to the demodododedevo Airport (whatever) in Moscow and my overall rating of the trip
*** This is part of the trip I made to Russia in September 2010 where I spent 9 days between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Russia Through a Train Window. A trip to Western Siberia. Part 2
In this trip across Western Siberia we go from Tyumen, which is on the same latitude as Moscow, to the Northern Arctic. We will see the endless tundra from the train window.
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Catch it or lose it: Men chase after driverless car in Russia
Two men found themselves chasing after their runaway car in the Russian city of Tyumen.
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Space Monument Moscow 2017
сквер Комсомольский Тюмень
Tiere im Winter: Sibirischer Tiger
Der Sibirische Tiger ist die größte Unterart der Tiger, sodass er bezügliche seines Wärmehaushaltes von Unterarten am besten an Kälte angepasst ist. Er hat das dichteste Fell und kann auch längere Hungerperioden überdauern. Ein Winter in Hannover ist folglich gar kein Problem für diese Großkatze, eher eine willkommene Abwechslung. Wenn man aufmerksam verfolgt, welche Wege der Tiger in der Anlage zurück legt, sieht man dennoch, dass er schneefreie Flächen bevorzugt und möglichst in seine eigene Fußstapfen tritt. Diesbezüglich ähnelt sein Verhalten dem einer Hauskatze.
Nizhny Nizhny Taghil20 tal ben zvi
Nizhny Taghil02 tal ben zvi
בדיוק לפני שנה בראש השנה 2012 התארחתי ב-
The 2-nd Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art
בעיר יקטרינבורג (ekaterinburg) על גבול סיביר. המארחים לקחו אותה לעיירה ושמה Nizhny Tagil שם בטקס חנוכה של תערוכת ציורים הופיעה להקת הגבעטרון בפורמט רוסי-סיבירי. תהנו מהמוזיקה והאקורדיון.
Nizhny Tagil (Russian: Нижний Тагил, IPA: [ˈnʲiʐnʲɪj tɐˈgʲil]) is a city in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, located 25 kilometers (16 mi) east of the virtual border between Europe and Asia
The history of Nizhny Tagil begins with the opening of the Vysokogorsky iron ore quarry in 1696. The deposits were particularly rich, and included lodes of pure magnetic iron. The surrounding landscape provided everything needed for a successful and productive mining and smelting operation — rivers for transport, forests for fuel, and suitable climate.
The city itself was legally founded in October 1722 among settlements connected to the construction of the Vyysky copper smelting plant, owned by Nikolay Demidov.[citation needed] Over the following decades, the city developed as one of the early centers of Russian industrialization, and it has been a major producer of cast iron and steel.
The first Russian steam locomotive was constructed there in 1833, and the father-and-son engineers who developed it, Ye.A. and M.Ye. Cherepanov (Черепанов), were in 1956 commemorated by an 8-meter (26 ft) bronze statue (executed by sculptor A. S. Kondratyev and architect A. V. Sotnikov) which stands in the center of the Theatrical Square in the heart of downtown.
Town status was granted to Nizhny Tagil in 1919.[citation needed]
According to some sources, the copper for the skin of the Statue of Liberty was mined and refined in Nizhny Tagil.
Nizhny Tagil is known for its decorative trays. Demidovs' initiatives in the area of culture had a favorable influence on the development of Tagil community into the Urals' most important cultural center. In the 19th century, a library and the museum of natural history and antiquity were opened.
Nizhny Tagil has a wide network of 28 libraries servicing 75,000 readers every year. Tagil museums include the old regional history museum, the museum of Fine Arts, and a number of new museums opened in the 1990s: the museum of tray painting art, the museum of lifestyle and handicrafts representing the starting point of a new ethnographic complex.
The Demidov Park, a new cultural and historical project, is planned to be built in the city. Nizhny Tagil has been repeatedly chosen to host international Urals' Industrial Heritage conferences and workshops.
Nizhny Tagil theatrical life is represented by three professional theaters: the National D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak Academic Drama Theater, a puppet theater, community theaters, and the actor department of Nizhny Tagil College of Arts, which has been training actors and actresses for Nizhny Tagil and oblast scenes for two years.
A number of famous musicians studied in the Nizhny Tagil College of Arts, including Mikhail Kuritsky, a cellist, and Boris Levantovich, a pianist.
Several Maximum-security prisons surround the town, and most town residents have close connections to them. When prisoners are released from the prisons, they are not given their train fare, and most remain in the town
Siberian Husky Ryder Breaking the Rules!!
Ryder knows he isn't suppose to be on the pool cover. And he obeyed that rule... Until recently. We had a huge snow storm last week that weighted down the pool cover with ice and sludge. It became like a little pond in the middle and he decided to break the rules. Haha!
Bad Weather Like In Siberia To The Black Pea - Blizzard
Bad Weather Like In Siberia To The Black Pea
Blizzard as in Siberia to the Black Peak
Путешествие в ХАНТЫ-МАНСИЙСК. Суп из оленины, нефть и мамонты Югры
Путешествие в ХАНТЫ-МАНСИЙСК. Суп из оленины, нефть и мамонты Югры
#югра #хантымансийск #городароссии
В этом выпуске путешествую по столице Югры городу Ханты-Мансийск.
???? В Югре, возле города Покачи, археологи нашли доказательства существования цивилизации еще в V тысячелетии до нашей эры. В Западной Сибири строили большие городища и обсерватории задолго до расцвета Древнего Египта!
Я отправилась в Ханты-Мансийск, чтобы увидеть древние сибирские артефакты.
Главный археологический парк региона – Самаровский чугас находится неподалёку от города. Это место обнажения древних пород. Высота 60 метров. Раскопки в пойме Иртыша, доказывают - люди жили здесь тысячи назад. В эпоху плейстоцента вокруг их стоянок паслись стада мамонтов. В Западной Сибири обитали волки, дикие лошади и бизоны, шерстистые носороги, пещерные медведи, большерогие олени. В окрестностях Самарского останца сохранился естественный уголок северной тайги с её уникальными ландшафтами.
Также в этом выпуске - в Югре археологи нашли единственный в мире полностью сохранившийся скелет мамонта; старинные деревянные постройки первых русский переселенцев; рецепт супа из оленины.
Ханты-Мансийск, Югра, ХМАО, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Ugra, Khanty-Mansiysk
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