Silkeborg bunker
This is Silkeborg biggest bunker from the second world war
Silkeborg - Denmark سيلكابورغ الدنمارك
Silkeborg, Denmark
Silkeborg is a city in central Denmark with a population of 41 674 (2008). The city is located in central Jutland. Silkeborg Municipality has a population of 87,371 (2008).
The surrounding locations of Silkeborg are often regarded among the most beautiful places in Denmark. The landscape is dominated by big lakes, rivers, forests and some of the highest points in Denmark, including Himmelbjerget (Heaven Mountain) which at a height of 147 meters it is one of the highest points in Denmark. There are many outdoor activities in the Silkeborg region.
At the end of June each year, the city is home to the Riverboat Jazz festival.
Silkeborg has a ski resort, with a nylon track so that one can enjoy going down the slopes all year round, and there is natural snow in winter.
In 1944, the priest and playwright Kaj Munk, was shot by the Gestapo nearby. Munk was a strong opponent of the German Occupation of Denmark (1940-1945).
The Germans had their headquarters in Jutland during World War II at Silkeborg Bad, the city's former sanatorium known for its curative spring waters. It is now a municipal art centre, where it is possible to visit the wartime bunkers in the grounds.
Since 1899 Silkeborg has been hosting a festival called Ildfestregatta, which means fire party regatta. Currently this event is held every third year, with the last one held in August 2008.
The city is home of the Tollund man which resides in the Silkeborg Museum. The Tollund Man is the naturally mummified corpse of a man who lived during the 4th century BC.
Bunker By Night 2015 Silkeborg
German troops in Denmark surrender again 70 years after they did it the first time.
Reenactment at Silkeborg Bad, Denamrk June 6th 2015
WW2 Bunkers - In the forests of Silkeborg, Denmark
Pictures from 2 WW2 bunkers in the woods of Silkeborg.
- There are alot of german bunkers left in our forests.
Silkeborg (Town) was the headquaters for German troops during the war.
Nothing special about these images, just a look 60+ year back in time :)
Silkeborg Bad under krigen 1940 - 1947
Bunker By night 2015 Silkeborg
Reenactment of German troops in Denmark
Bunker gravet fri i Silkeborg
Nazi-bunker gravet fri i Silkeborg
Livets Vand, Silkeborg Bad 2019
Arnakkekildens righoldige vandstrøm var en medvirkende årsag til, at det lykkedes en række læger og lokale at bygge en vandkrævende og helsebringende vandkurbadeanstalt på netop dette sted i 1883. Badet blev sidenhen anvendt som militært hovedkvarter for den tyske besættelsesmagt og har i flere perioder fungeret som lejr og asylcenter for flygtninge.
Med udgangspunkt i områdets foranderlige historie, inviteres publikum til at genopdage tider og hændelser i et udendørs performanceforløb i KunstCentret Silkeborg Bads smukke omgivelser. Her ses balletdansere på balkonerne, operasang, soldaten på sin post, kabaret, musik i træerne og ritualer ved kilden, som tilsammen skaber en mangfoldighed af billeder og fortællinger om vandets alsidige betydning for mennesker i nutid, fortid og fremtid.
Samarbejdspartnere Silkeborg: KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg Bunkermuseum, Ellen Østerbys Balletskole, Arrieregarden, CuntsCollective, Nevestas Voice, I Patom Theatre, Silkeborg Produktionshøjskole.
Citat: Hakkehusets hjemmeside
Silkeborg Museum - Gødvad udgravninger del 1
Oversigt over Silkeborg Museums udgravninger nær Gødvad Kirke del 1 af 2.
Nazi-bunker fra anden verdenskrig gravet fri i Silkeborg
Bunkers by night
Report by TV2 Østylland of the event Bunkers by Night, taking place in and around the Silkeborg Bunker Museum in Silkeborg, Denmark on 09-05-2009.
Alot of re-enactors were present, such as six members of the Dutch re-enactment group Der Windhund.
Reportage door TV2 Østylland van het evenement Bunkers by Night, welke plaatsvond in- en rondom het Silkeborg Bunker Museum in Silkeborg, Denemarken op 09-05-2009.
Er waren veel re-enactors aanwezig, zoals zes leden van de Nederlandse re-enactmentgroep Der Windhund.
German Bunkers: Atlantic Wall in Denmark Battery Bunker Atlantikwall Batterie WW2 (Hitler)
MarineKüstenBatterie (MKB = Navy Coast Battery) in Løkken, Northern Dänemark, North Sea coast, Jammerbucht bay. It was built during the second world war in 1942 and armed with four 12,7 cm artillery cannons.
Over the years the bunkers of the battery slipped down to the beach because of the erosion caused by the wind and the waves.
For more information:
Marineküstenbatterie (MKB) in Løkken, Dänemark, nördliche Nordseeküste, Jammerbucht. Baubeginn war während des 2. Weltkrieges 1942. Sie wurden mit vier 12,7 cm Kanonen ausgerüstet. Im Laufe der Jahre sind die Bunker der Batterie auf den Strand herabgerutscht, weil Wind und Wellen für eine heftige Erosion gesorgt haben.
German bunkers in Denmark.avi
Bunkers in the far north of Denmark. Near the city of Skagen
Bunkermuseum Hanstholm & BSTH - 2. Verdenskrigstræf 2019
Bunkers by night 2012 - 2 Silkeborg Bad
Silkeborg 9 mei 2009,
Der windhund is uitgenodigd om 9 mei 2009 op te treden in het bunkermuseum te Silkeborg (Denemarken).