3 days in Brașov (+Sinaia+Bran) - medieval city in Transylvania, Romania - June 2019
Sharing how to get there, all the places we visited and how much it costs, going to Peles Castle in Sinaia, Dracula Castle in Bran, and Brașov, a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. A glance into its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town surrounded by colorful baroque buildings, home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum. going up Tampa and hiking down. .. all in 3 days.
Thanks to Brasov Walkabout free tours for the tour of Brasov
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Romania Travel Guide - Peles Castle in Sinaia
Take a tour of Peles Castle in Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Romania is a country of many castles, one of the most beautiful being the Peles Castle.
The German neo-Renaissance design of the castle gives it a very elegant appearance.
The construction took two architects 41 years, between 1873 and 1914, to complete.
The castle was home to King Carol I, Queen Elizabeth, and then their son, Carol II.
A portion of Peles Castle is open to visitors, including the museum in the basement.
Because of its location in the Carpathian Mountains, the surrounding countryside is absolutely stunning.
Sinaia - Peles Castle, Romania
Peles Castle 0:04
Sinaia Monastery 1:41
Bucegi Mountains 1:55
Sinaia railway station 2:08
Sinaia Casino 2:36
City Hall 3:44
EP-8 Romania ????????|Day trip to Peles Castle,Sinaia | Walking tour Sinaia village| Indian in Romania
Nestled in the picturesque town of Sinaia, Peles Castle is a masterpiece of German new-Renaissance architecture, considered by many one of the most stunning castles in Europe.
Commissioned by King Carol I in 1873 and completed in 1883, the castle served as the summer residence of the royal family until 1947. Its 160 rooms are adorned with the finest examples of European art, Murano crystal chandeliers, German stained-glass windows and Cordoba leather-covered walls.
Music: Whistling Down the Road - Silent Partner
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Castelul Peles - Scurt Istoric, Sinaia, Romania
Castelul Peles - Scurt Istoric, Sinaia, Romania
Castelul Peleș este situat în Sinaia, pe Valea Prahovei, (la 44 km de Brașov și la 122 km de București), pe drumul european E60 (DN1).
Castelul Peleș din Sinaia, reședința de vară a regilor României, a fost construit la dorința regelui Carol I al României (1866-1914)
Castelul Peleș este unul dintre cele mai importante edificii de tip istoric din România, având caracter de unicat și este, prin valoarea sa istorică și artistică, unul din cele mai importante monumente de acest fel din Europa celei de-a doua jumătăți a secolului al XIX-lea.
Principele Carol I, ales domn al României în 1866, vizitează pentru prima dată Sinaia în luna august a acelui an, rămânând încântat de frumusețea respectivelor locuri.
Pe vremea aceea, Sinaia era un mic sat de munte, numit Podul Neagului. Domnitorul hotărăște construirea unui castel într-un loc retras și pitoresc: Piatra Arsă. Câțiva ani mai târziu, în 1872, el cumpără terenul (1000 de pogoane), iar lucrările încep în 1873, sub conducerea arhitecților Johannes Schultz, Carol Benesch și Karel Liman.
Celor 300 de muncitori care au lucrat aici le-au trebuit doi ani pentru terminarea amenajărilor; în tot acest timp, domnitorul a supravegheat personal, în detaliu, lucrările. În 1875 se pune piatra de temelie a castelului, sub care sunt îngropate câteva zeci de monede de aur de 20 de lei, primele monede românești cu chipul lui Carol I.
Peleșul a căpătat apoi o tot mai mare importanță, devenind reședința de vară a familiei regale române, care petrecea aici destul de multă vreme, de obicei din mai până în noiembrie. Aici s-au ținut importante întruniri politice, cum au fost Consiliile de Coroană din 1914 (când s-a hotărât neutralitatea României din primul război mondial, care tocmai începuse) și 1925.
Castelul a găzduit multe personalități ale vremii, scriitori, muzicieni, dar și regi și regine. Cea mai importantă vizită a fost aceea a bătrânului împărat al Austro-Ungariei, Franz Joseph, în 1896.
Chiar după inaugurarea sa din 1883, Peleșul a mai suferit modificări, extinzându-se mereu. La forma actuală s-a ajuns abia în 1914 (anul morții regelui Carol I). Castelul are 160 de camere și mai multe intrări și scări interioare. Turnul central măsoară nu mai puțin de 66 de metri înălțime. Pe lângă Peleșul propriu-zis, în zonă au mai fost înălțate încă două construcții mai mici, Pelișorul și Foișorul.
Atat la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea cat si acum, Castelul Peles este considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase din Europa, si primul electrificat in intregime de pe continent. Uzina electrica proprie era amplasata pe malul paraului Peles. De altfel, cladirea mai era dotata inca de atunci cu lift interior, aspirator si incalzire centrala. Castelul are 170 de incaperi, din care doar 10 sunt accesibile turistilor si adaposteste mai multe colectii valoroase de picturi, sculpturi, armuri, covoare, mobila, tapiserii, statuete, obiecte de ceramica, elemente de vesela din aur, argint si portelan, vitralii.
Peleșul a avut o importanță deosebită pentru istoria țării noastre. Aici s-a născut, în 1893, viitorul rege Carol al II-lea (1930 - 1940), primul rege al dinastiei născut pe pământ românesc și primul botezat în religia ortodoxă. În 1921, la Foișor, s-a născut fiul său, regele Mihai I.
Castelul a rămas reședință a familiei regale până în 1948, când a fost confiscat de regimul comunist. În 1953 Peleșul a devenit muzeu, dar trebuie spus că el putea fi vizitat, încă de pe vremea regelui Carol I. Începând cu anul 1990, și Pelișorul este deschis publicului spre vizitare.
După Revoluția din decembrie 1989, Castelul Peleș și Pelișorul au fost reintegrate în circuitul turistic. În 2006, guvernul român a anunțat retrocedarea castelului fostului rege Mihai I de România.
Retrocedarea efectivă s-a realizat la data de 20 februarie 2007 [3]. Deși se află în proprietatea privată a Casei Regale, Regele Mihai a decis să păstreze în continuare calitatea de muzeu a castelului, lăsându-l în circuitul turistic.
De jur împrejurul său, Castelul are șapte terase decorate cu statui din piatră, fântâni și vase ornamentale din marmură de Carrara.
După Castelul Bran, Peleșul este considerat al doilea muzeu din țară căutat de turiști.
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Sinaia:The Casino
Sinaia Casino is located in the park Dimitrie Ghica and was built at the initiative of King Carol I of Romania. Construction began in 1912 under the architect Petre Antonescu and was finished a year later. The main shareholder of the casino was Baron of Marçay, the same shareholder and casino in Monte Carlo. The inauguration was done in the presence casino royal family and the prime minister Titu Maiorescu. Alexandru Davila organized a great show with fireworks and foreign troops and the George Enescu performed a concert. The casino has become a major attraction between the two world wars. There worked 120 casino croupiers and an army of waiters, butlers, custom escorts, florist, cloakroom are all doing our best players to feel good and spend many very much money. In Dimitrie Ghika Hall called 'Hall with grapes', players were served caviar and French champagne and orhestra interpreted or waltzes by Strauss either famous jazz pieces. Here have played many times Maria Tanase and Gica Petrescu.Originally Casino was owned Eforia's Civil Hospitals and Sinaia City Hall who brought great profits. During the Second World War the casino was closed but the Red Cross hosted political refugees housed here. It was reopened on Christmas Eve of 1944 but worked without shine until 1947 when, Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej considering it a symbol of capitalist decadence close it. During the communist period as the Peles and Pelisor Castle, was stolen bag, cart or truck, all they could steal.
Today it is owned by the City Council and became a center of international conferences and 12 rooms are rented for public events from various fields (exhibitions, international conferences, congresses, concerts, trade shows, show rooms, exhibitions of books , cocktails, company anniversaries, New Year) or private events (weddings, christenings).
Cazinoul din Sinaia este situat în parcul Dimitrie Ghica, si a fost construit la inițiativa Regelui Carol I de România. Construcția a inceput in anul 1912 sub conducerea arhitectului Petre Antonescu si a fost terminată un an mai tarziu. Principalul acționar al cazinoului a fost Baron de Marçay, acelasi acționar si la cazinoul din Monte Carlo. Inaugurarea cazinoului s-a facut in prezenta familiei regale si a primului ministru Titu Maiorescu. Alexandru Davila a organizat un spectacol deosebit cu focuri de artificii si trupe straine iar George Enescu a sustinut un concert. Cazinoul a devenit o atracție majoră între cele 2 războaie mondiale.La cazino lucrau 120 de crupieri si o armata de chelneri, majordomi, dame de companie la comanda, florarese, garderobieri cu totii facand tot posibilul ca jucatorii sa se simta bine si sa cheltuiasca multi, foarte multi bani. In sala Dimitrie Ghika denumita si 'sala cu struguri', erau servite jucatorilor icre negre si sampanie frantuzeasca iar orhestra interpreta fie valsuri de Strauss fie piese celebre de jazz. Aici au cantat de nenumarate ori Maria Tanase si Gica Petrescu.Initial cazinoul a fost proprietatea Eforiei Spitalelor si a Primariei orasului Sinaia carora le-a adus mari venituri. In timpul celui de al doilea razboi mondial cazinoul a fost inchis dar a fost gazda Crucii Rosii care a adapostit aici refugiati politici. A fost redeschis in seara de Craciun a anului 1944 dar a functionat fara stralucire pana in 1947 cand, Gh. Gheorghiu Dej considerandu-l un simbol al decadentei capitaliste, l-a inchis. În prioada comunista ca si la Peles si Pelisor s-a furat cu sacul, caruta sau camionul, tot ce se putea fura.
Astazi se afla in proprietatea Consiliului Local si a devenit un centru de conferințe internaționale, iar 12 sali sunt inchiriate pentru evenimente publice din cele mai diverse domenii (expozitii, conferinte internationale, congrese, concerte, targuri, show-room-uri, vernisaje de carti, cocktail-uri, aniversari de companii, revelioane) sau evenimente private (nunti, botezuri).
【K】Romania Travel-Sinaia[루마니아 여행-시나이아]시나이아 수도원/Sinaia Monastery/Catholic Church/Bucegi Mountain
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수도원은 17세기 문테니아 공국의 칸타부지노 왕이 부체지 산을 방문한 것을 기념하기 위해 세워졌다. 수도원은 구교회와 신교회 2개의 건물로 되어있는데 구교회 안으로 들어서면 루마니아 수도원의 일반적인 특성인 프레스코화들을 볼 수 있다. 19세기 까롤 1세에 의해 구교회보다 약 150년 늦게 세워진 신교회는 펠레쉬 성처럼 아름다운 외관을 지니고 있다. 신교회 안으로 들어가면 시간의 흐름을 말해주듯 구교회와는 사뭇 다른 분위기를 느끼게 된다.
[English: Google Translator]
The monastery was built to commemorate the visit to Cantabria mountain grounds that there is no-king of the 17th century, the Principality Floating Muntenia. Abbey has nine characteristics common to see a church and the frescoes of the church there are two buildings to new phrase written inside the monastery Church of Romania. New church was built late 19th century, about 150 years later than nine churches by Karol 1-year-old has the beautiful appearance, like Pele rest Castle. New Church enters into judeut tell the passage of time is quite nine churches and feel the different atmosphere.
[Romanian: Google Translator]
Manastirea a fost construita pentru a comemora vizita la motivele munte Cantabria că nu există nici-rege din secolul al 17-lea, Principatul Floating Muntenia. Abbey are noua caracteristici comune pentru a vedea o biserică și frescele bisericii, există două clădiri la teza nou scrise în interiorul biserica mănăstirii de România. Biserica nouă a fost construită la sfârșitul secolului al 19-lea, aproximativ 150 de ani mai târziu de nouă biserici de Karol varsta de 1 an are frumos aspectul, cum ar fi Castelul Pele odihnă. Noi Biserica intră în judeut spune trecerea timpului este destul de nouă biserici și să simtă atmosfera diferita.
■클립명: 유럽083-루마니아01-13 시나이아 수도원, 구교회와 신교회/Sinaia Monastery/Catholic Church/Bucegi Mountain/New Church
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,루마니아,Romania,Romania,Republica Romania,성상엽,2006,10월 October
EUROPAfest Summer Edition @ Sinaia 2015
EUROPAfest Summer Edition 2015 is an annual event held in July in Sinaia, which presents concerts of jazz & classical music and the Summer Music Academy Sinaia.
In 2015 took place 6 concerts of jazz & classical music and over 125 master-classes for violin, flute, cello.
18 July - concert @ Peles Castle
The violinist Remus Azoitei, a famous outcome of the Romanian violin school, established in England after finishing studies at Juilliard School in New York, the most prestigious private music school of the world, is today part of the London musical elite. He performed in prestigious concerts halls such as Carnegie Hall in New York, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Salle Cortot Paris, Konzerthaus Berlin, St-Martin-in-the-Fields and Wigmore Hall in London, Teatro La Fenice Venice, Auditorio Nacional Madrid or Konzerthaus Vienna. He has collaborated with famous artists among which Lawrence Foster, David Geringas, Gerard Causse, Michael Sanderling, Adrian Brendel. Described in The Strad as an uninhibited virtuoso, with soul and fabulous technique, the violinist Remus Azoitei comes to Sinaia to share with the young generation his wide experience.
Emeritus artist, Pierre-Yves Artaud / France is considered in some circles as the best flutist of the world, but his area of activity is much wider, being also professor, artistic director, creator of orchestras and ensembles. He has had concerts in the entire world, with prestigious orchestras under famous conductors: P.Boulez, J.C Casadesus, C.Dutoit, P.Eotvos, L.Foster. His musical career is appreciated worldwide, proof being the rich record of awards and honors, among which 5 times laureate of Grand Prix du Disque in France and Japan and the French Medal for Art and Science.
The cellist Cristina Bellu / Italy, Switzerland has began her soloist career at a very young age, alongside famous orchestras such as Chicago Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Mulhouse Symphonic Orchestra, Livourne Philharmonic Orchestra. She is regularly invited to perform in France, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, but also as professor, being passionate in sharing her artistic experience in interactive classes of great attraction. Cristina Bellu is also Vice-president of the European String Teachers Association in France and ambassador of ESTA International at the Council of Europe.
If for the audience, the concert is an oasis of relaxation and acoustic delight, for the young artists arrived from South Africa, Canada, Cyprus, South Korea, Switzerland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Great Britain, Macedonia, New Zealand, USA, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Romania is an opportunity to follow and learn from the exceptional evolutions of the protagonists, those who will be their teachers for 2 weeks, during Summer Music Academy Sinaia. The programme takes place during 16 – 29 July 2015, being at its fourth edition in Romania, offering advanced studies and intensive performance in one of the most beautiful tourist destination, the city at the foothills of Bucegi mountains.
Rumunia 2019 Zamek Peles , Sinaia , Brasov , Bran
Peles Castle, Pelisor Castle, Economat - Romania, Sinaia
Peles Castle, Pelisor Castle and Economat hotel - real footage from outside yard, filmed in middle of August 2019
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Concursul de Eleganță Sinaia 2019 || Classic cars parade F.I.V.A. || Unedited footage 4K
The Sinaia Elegance Competition (C.E.S.) is a F.I.V.A. event dedicated to historic vehicles, organized by Retromobil Club Romania (RCR) under the High Romanian Patronage of Prince Radu of Romania, in partnership with the City Hall of Sinaia and the Peles National Museum. The Regal Peleş House hosts the competition every year on the last Saturday of June the perfect framework for conducting this event.
Launched by Automobile Royal Romanian Club (A.CRR) in 1934, resumed by R.C.R. in 2011, the event gives thousands of viewers the chance to discover rare and stylish cars as well as the tremendous stories behind them. The Elegance Competition Sinaia has an international character with years of outstanding personalities in the jury.
Concursul de Eleganță Sinaia 2019
Concursul de Eleganţă Sinaia (C.E.S.) este un eveniment F.I.V.A. A dedicat vehiculelor istorice, organizat de Retromobil Club România (R.C.R.) sub Înaltul Patronaj al ASR Principele Radu al României, in parteneriat cu Primaria Orasului Sinaia si Muzeul National Peles.Domeniu Regal Peleş găzduiește concursul an de an în ultima sâmbătă a lunii iunie, fiind cadrul perfect pentru desfășurarea acestui eveniment.
Lansat de Automobil Clubul Român Regal (A.C.R.R.) în 1934, reluat de R.C.R. în 2011, evenimentul oferă miilor de spectatori prezenți şansa de a descoperi automobile rare şi elegante, precum şi poveştile extraordinare din spatele acestora. Concursul de Eleganţă Sinaia are un caracter internaţional avand an de an personalități de seamă în juriu.
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Terrorist Attack - City Hall Sinaia
Atac terorist la Primaria din Sinaia - Focuri de armă și explozii pe centrul stațiunii montane. Turiștii și localnicii au urmărit un exercițiu de amploare care a simulat o operaţiune de rezolvare a unei crize teroriste, după ce o grupare infracțională a deschis focul asupra organelor de ordine și a amplasat un dispozitiv exploziv în sediul primăriei. În vederea anihilării grupului infracțional, au fost folosite muniție de manevră și dispozitive explozive cu efect de consternare. În simulare au intervenit 50 de jandarmi, polițiști, luptători antitero și pirotehniști.
EUROPAfest Summer Edition 2016 Sinaia - Digi24 TV
Start EUROPAfest Summer Edition 2016 !
Prestigious artists in an exceptional concert at Peleș Castle
The summer edition of EUROPAfest festival, an event under the High Patronage of the Royal House, brings in Sinaia 6 classical music concerts and Summer Music Academy Sinaia. Already a tradition, the Opening Concert took place at Peleș Castle, in the concert hall of the royal residence.
For 12 days, the 5th edition of the Summer Music Academy Sinaia. 14-26 July 2016, offers advanced studies and intensive performance at the highest standards with artists and professors from important European academies.
Remus Azoiței, notable exponent of the Romanian violin school, settled in the U.K. after finishing his studies at Juilliard School - New York, is part of the London music elite today. He has performed in prestigious halls such as the Carnegie Hall in New York, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Salle Cortot Paris, Konzerthaus Berlin, St-Martin-in-the-Fields and Wigmore Hall in London, Teatro La Fenice Venice, Auditorio Nacional Madrid and Konzerthaus Vienna. He has collaborated with famous artists such as Lawrence Foster, David Geringas, Gerard Causse, Michael Sanderling, Adrian Brendel. The Strad described him as an uninhibited virtuoso, with soul and fabulous technique.
Josephine Knight, rated as one of the most important violonists of the U.K., is renowned for her versatility as a soloist and chamber musician. The artist has completed numerous tours around the world and has performed alongside important orchestras in Europe. She was invited as a soloist to the BBC Proms in London and to all the important festivals of the world including Aldeburgh, Bath, Beethoven, Cheltenham, Casa da Musica in Porto, Gstaad, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein, Wigmore Hall, Stavanger and Savannah, working with many important musicians, such as Daniel Hope, Maxim Vengerov, Lisa Batiashvili, Menahem Pressler, Melvyn Tan, but also Emerson Ouartet, Takacs Quartet.
Principal Flute for 20 years of the London Symphony Orchestra and for five years of the Philharmonia Orchestra, Paul Edmund-Davies has a solid international reputation. He has performed as a soloist with some of the most renowned conductors, amongst which Leonard Bernstein, Mstislav Rostropovich and Pierre Boulez. In the last 15 years Paul Edmund-Davies has sustained numerous tours, recitals and concerts in America, Europe, Canada, Australasia, The Middle East and The Far East.
As a member of the famous Chilingirian Quartet and the London Mozart Trio, violonist Charles Sewart has always enjoyed a full agenda, touring in more than forty countries at renowned festivals. The artist enjoys a vast and rich soloist career, from international performances in some of the most prestigious halls to conducting the gala musical shows of the Strauss family. Charles Stewart has had the honor of performing at many events of the British Royal House.
ארמון פלס בסינייה. Castelul Peleş Sinaia
רשמי ביקור בארמונם של מלכי רומניה (כן היו כאלו במאה ה-19 וה-20 והוזזו ממעמדם עי הקומוניסטים שכבשו את רומניה במלחמת העולם ה-2). למען האמת הארמון בליגה שונהנחותה מארמון וורסי אך בכל זאת שווה ביקור וכמובן לצפיה.
Located in Sinaia (44 km from Brasov), Peles Castle is considered by many one of the most beautiful castles in all Europe. It was the final resting place for several Romanian monarchs including King Carol I, who died here in 1914.
The building of the castle began in 1873 under the direct order of the Viennese architect Wilhem Doderer and was continued in 1876 by his assistant, Johann Schultz de Lemberg. During 1877-1879 because of the war they abandoned work. That's why the castle was inaugurated only on October 7, 1883. The location for the castle was chosen by the German prince Carol I de Hohenzollern, who was to become a king and it draws its name from the neighboring brooks which passes through the courtyard.
Several other buildings, annexed to the castle, were built simultaneously: The Guard's Chambers, The Economat Building, The Foisor Hunting House, The Royal Stables, and the Electrical Power Plant. The Sipot Villa was constructed later. This would serve as the work site of architect Karel Liman. Liman would later supervise the building of Pelisor (1889-1903, the future residence of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary of Romania). as well as of the King's Ferdinand Vila in the Royal Sheepfold Meadow
The castle was built in wood, stone, bricks and marble and comprises more than 160 rooms. The representative style used is German Renaissance, but one can easily discover elements belonging to the Italian Renaissance, Gothic, German Baroque and French Rococo style.
Peles is surrounded by seven terraces decorated with statues (sculptured by the Italian, Romanelli), stone-made-wells, ornamental vases and Carara marble. The architects used an abundance of wooden decoration, both for the exterior and for the interior of the castle, which confers a very special quality to the building.
Quite outstanding are the Big Armory Room, the small Armory Room, the Florentine Room, the Reception Room (where paintings and wooden sculptures depicting 16 castles of the Hohenzollerns are exhibited), the Moresque Room, The French Room, the Turkish Room, the Council Room, the Concert Room as well as the Imperial Suite.
Other exquisite attractions such as the statues, the ceramics, the gold and silver plates, the Meissen and Sevres porcelain, the Murano crystal chandeliers, German stained-glass windows, walls covered with Cordoba leather, ebony and ivory sculptures, as well as the extensive weapon collections are worth mentioning. It is also important to know that Peles Castle shelters one of the most important and most valuable painting collections in Europe, almost 2.000 pieces.
Almost adjacent to Peles Castle is Pelisor (Little Peles). King Ferdinand, who succeeded Carol I, intended to use Peles Castle as a summer residence. Supposedly he found Peles too big and overwhelming, so he commissioned the smaller, art-nouveau style, Pelisor Castle. Pelisor's 70 rooms feature a unique collection of turn-of-the century Viennese furniture and Tiffany and Lalique glassware.
Near Peles castle there is Foisor, a kings' residence with 42 rooms designed in the Swiss style.
【K】Romania Travel-Sinaia[루마니아 여행-시나이아]카르파티아, 부체지 산/Bucegi Mountains/Cable car/Summit/Carpathian
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[한국어 정보]
내가 이곳에 온 이유는 부체지 산에 오르기 위해서다. 루마니아 중앙을 관통하는 카르파티아 산맥에 위치한 부체지 산에 오르면 카르파티아 산맥을 한눈에 볼 수 있을 것 같아서다. 나는 해발 2천 미터가 넘는 부체지 산 정상에 가기 위해 케이블카를 탔다. 부체지 산 정상 주변은 생각보다 평평하고 넓었다. 특히 풍화작용에 의해 만들어진 기암괴석들이 눈에 띄었다. 어쩌면 산의 분위기조차 내가 느꼈던 루마니아의 분위기와 이렇게 닮아있을까? 화려하지도 장엄하지도 않은 평범함. 그 이상도 이하도 아니었다. 나는 조금이라도 더 높은 곳에서 카르파티아 산맥의 모습을 보기 위해 발걸음을 옮겼다. 그리고 내 눈앞에 나타난 카르파티아 산맥. 루마니아 사람들의 애환과 수많은 신화와 전설이 담겨있는 곳. 나는 왠지 숙연한 느낌이 들었다.
[English: Google Translator]
The reason I came here is wihaeseoda Floating not climb the mountain. Floating not embark on a mountain located in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania through the center of the Carpathian Mountains will be able to see at a glance the like. I rode the cable car to go to the top of the mountain Floating not more than 2000 meters above sea level. Floating around is flat and not the top of the mountain was broader than you might think. Rock formations created by the weathering formations are particularly stood out. Maybe even the atmosphere of the mountains and the atmosphere in Romania could resemble so I felt? Neither grandeur nor splendor that is mediocrity. It was more or less even. I moved a step to see the look of the Carpathian Mountains in the place a little higher. It appeared in front of me and the Carpathian Mountains. Romania of joys and sorrows of people and places that contained numerous myths and legends. I somehow felt a sukyeon.
[Romanian: Google Translator]
Motivul pentru care am venit aici este wihaeseoda plutitoare nu urca pe munte. Plutitoare nu se angajeze într-un munte situat în Munții Carpați din România prin centrul Munților Carpați vor putea vedea dintr-o privire asemănătoare. Am mers telecabina pentru a merge la partea de sus a muntelui plutitoare nu mai mult de 2000 de metri deasupra nivelului mării. Plutesc în jurul este plat și nu în partea de sus a muntelui era mai largă decât ați putea crede. Formațiuni de rocă create de formațiunile intemperii sunt deosebit de remarcat. Poate chiar atmosfera de munți și de atmosfera din România ar putea semana cu așa m-am simtit? Nici grandoare nici splendoarea care este mediocritatea. A fost mai mult sau mai puțin chiar. M-am mutat un pas pentru a vedea aspectul de Munții Carpați, în locul un pic mai mare. Ea a apărut în fața mea și Munții Carpați. România a bucuriile și necazurile de oameni și locuri care conținea numeroase mituri și legende. M-am simțit cumva o sukyeon.
■클립명: 유럽083-루마니아01-12 카르파티아 산맥, 부체지 산/Bucegi Mountains/Cable car/Summit/Carpathian Mountains/Hiking/Panorama
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 10월 October
유럽,Europe,,루마니아,Romania,Romania,Republica Romania,성상엽,2006,10월 October
Peles Castle Sinaia ,Romania
Peles Castle in Sinaia,Romania was the first European castle entirely electrified, aspect due to the plant located on the river bank Peles, amazing for that time with interior elevator, vacuum cleaner and central heating.
Today, Peleș Castle Sinaia is a museum and can be visited at a rate of 35% of the total surface 3200mp, 170 rooms and 30 bathrooms.
The rooms have names suggestive of the tourist circuit, such as Maura Hall, Hall Florentin, Columns Hall, Concert Hall and Hall of Arms. Royal Library attracts enthusiasts especially those rare books with leather covers embossed with golden letters, but also because secret door behind a shelf of books.
You can visit Peles Castle: Music Room, Florentine Room, theater room - with over 60 seats and a royal box.
The first floor of the castle is the Concert Hall, Imperial Suite, Hall Councils, Cabinet work, living room and Turkish Show.
Brasov, Romania | Μπρασόβ, Ρουμανία
Brasov, Romania
Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. It's known for its medieval Saxon walls and bastions, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and lively cafes. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a former town hall turned local history museum.
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Credits for the video footage to Danny Paun
Video Edit: Blue Travel Plus TV
Romania/Brasov (Council Square) Part 2
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The Brașov Council Square (Piața Sfatului in Romanian, former Marktplatz in German) obtained its right to hold markets in 1520, but it has been the place for annual markets since 1364, being visited by merchants from the country and abroad. The houses surrounding the square speak of a rich history. A pillory, in the middle of the square, was used as a means for public humiliation, punishment and scorn. Witches were also punished here, but the head of the shoemaker guild, Stefan Stenert, who opposed the entry of the Austrian army into Brașov, was also beheaded here in 1688. Till 1892 there were two wells in the square. The most important building in the square is the Council House, which was built in 1420 and is located in the middle of the square.
The Old Town, including the Black Church and main square or Council Square (Piața Sfatului), features medieval buildings in different architectural styles. Around the main square you can find the picturesque pedestrian-only Republicii street, the Black Church, former Council House, indoor and outdoor terraces and restaurants, the Orthodox Cathedral, Mureșan's House, the Hirscher House, the Strada Sforii and more. On Tâmpa Hill, located on the southern side of the city, there was a citadel called Brassovia, and the remains can be seen there today, along with the Weavers tower and the cable car station going up to the top of Mount Tâmpa.
A local tradition holds that the children that the Pied Piper of Hamelin (Germany) sent underground appeared near this Brașov square.In communist times, the Council Square was named Piața 23 August (23 August Square).
Brașov is a city in Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County.
According to the last Romanian census, from 2011, there were 253,200 people living within the city of Brașov, making it the 7th most populous city in Romania, and the metropolitan area is home to 369,896 residents.Brașov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 kilometres (103 miles) north of Bucharest and 380 kilometres (236 miles) from the Black Sea. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians and is part of the Transylvania region.The city is notable for being the birthplace of the national anthem of Romania and for hosting the Golden Stag International Music Festival.
With its central location, Brașov is a suitable location from which to explore Romania, and the distances to several tourist destinations (including the Black Sea resorts, the monasteries in northern Moldavia, and the wooden churches of Maramureș) are similar. It is also the largest city in a mountain resorts area. The old city is very well preserved and is best seen by taking the cable-car to the top of Tâmpa Mountain.Temperatures from May to September fluctuate around 23 °C (73 °F). Brașov benefits from a winter tourism season centered on winter sports and other activities. Poiana Brașov is the most popular Romanian ski resort and an important tourist center preferred by many tourists from other European states.
The city also has several restaurants that serve local as well as international cuisine (e.g. Hungarian and Chinese). Some of these are situated in the city center.
The Brașov local transport network is well-developed, with around 50 bus and trolleybus lines. There is also a regular bus line serving Poiana Brașov, a nearby winter resort. All are operated by RAT Brașov. Because of its central location, the Brașov railway station is one of the busiest stations in Romania with trains to/from most destinations in the country served by rail.
The construction of Braşov Airport was initiated by Intelcan Canada on April 15, 2008. Although construction was planned to be finalized in 24 to 30 months, works have lagged and there is no term by which it will be operational. The project consists of a terminal capable of handling 1 million passengers per year and a 2,800-metre-long (9,200-foot) runway. The A3 highway is also planned to pass the city. However, there is no foreseeable date for starting construction.Wikipedia
Brasov Romania Old Town Walking Tour 2019. Transylvania Romania
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