Nazomer kleurenpalet bij Sint-Baafsabdij in Gent door Catherine Boone
Vandaag brengen wij een vervolg aan mijn reeks Cultuur in Gent met een bezoek aan de Sint-Baafsabdij, een abdij in de Macharius - Heirnis - Scheldeoord wijk in de Belgische stad Gent. De abdij werd in de 7e eeuw gesticht door Amandus van Gent, een zendeling uit Aquitanië. Ze is vlak bij de samenvloeiing van de Leie en de Schelde gelegen en werd daarom ook oorspronkelijk Ganda genoemd, naar het Keltische woord dat samenvloeiing of monding betekent. De site is een mooi verweven stukje geschiedenis, kunst en natuur.
L’abbaye Saint-Bavon est un ancien monastère situé à Gand, dans l'actuelle Belgique. Sis au bord de la Lys, il est fondé à l'époque mérovingienne (milieu du viie siècle) par saint Amand. Il connaît une grande prospérité tout au long du Moyen Âge. Les moines se sécularisent en chanoines en 1536 et l’abbaye est supprimée en 1539, lorsque, en représailles contre la Gantois révoltés, Charles Quint décide de la transformer en citadelle. Ses ruines sont dégagées en 1830 au moment du démantèlement des bâtiments militaires. Une partie du cloître, de l'église abbatiale et de la salle du chapitre peuvent désormais se visiter.
The Saint Bavo's Abbey is a former monastery in Ghent ( Belgium ). Located along the Lys, it is founded in the Merovingian era (mid-seventh century) by St. Amand. It enjoyed great prosperity throughout the Middle Ages. The monks were secularized in canons in 1536 and the abbey was suppressed in 1539, when, in retaliation against the Ghent revolt, Charles V decided to transform it into a citadel. Its ruins are cleared in 1830 when the dismantling of military buildings was happening. You can visit a part of the cloister of the abbey church and the chapter room.
I do not own the rights of the music. It comes from the YouTube creator list.
Dear visitor thanks for your visit and any comment, I appreciate that very much! Don't use this film without my explicit permission. More photos, films and poetry on my blogsites and .
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Many greetings #catherineboone #sintbaafsabdij #cultuuringent
Historische reconstructie Sint-Baafskathedraal
Historische reconstructie van de Sint-Baafskathedraal Gent
Locatie het Lam Gods (gebroeders Van Eyck) (Ghent Altarpiece)
Onderzoek en scenario: prof. Marc De Mey
Montage & 3D modelling: Wim Deboever, Davy De Winne, Patrick Seurinck
Copyright Universiteit Gent
360 ° @ Sint-Baafs Kathedraal Gent
360° @ Sint- Baafs Kathedraal Gent # video:Patrick Baele
Gent, Sint-Baafskathedraal, klokken: solo, deel- & volgelui / Ghent, cathedral, bells
Gent (België, Oost-Vlaanderen)
Een uitgebreide voorstelling van de zeven luidklokken van de Sint-Baafskathedraal te Gent.
Tonen: As°, Bes°, ges1, as1, bes1, c2, es2 / Lab2, Sib2, solb3, lab3, sib3, do4, mib4.
00:00 Foto's kathedraal & combinatie Bes°, as1, bes1
01:52 Luiden klok 7 (es2-mib4)
03:30 Luiden klok 6 (c2-do4)
05:01 Luiden klok 5 (bes1-sib3)
08:12 Luiden klok 4 (as1-lab3)
11:13 Luiden klok 3 (ges1-solb3)
14:20 Luiden klok 2 (Bes°-Sib2)
19:03 Luiden klok1 (As°-Lab2)
24:03 Deelgelui 1 (Bes°, ges1, as1, bes1, c2, es2)
32:15 Deelgelui 2 (As°, Bes°, ges1, as1, bes1)
36:02 Zondagsgelui (Bes°, ges1, es2)
40:48 Volgelui/plenum (As°, Bes°, ges1, as1, bes1, c2, es2).
1) Bavo, As°
Gewicht: ca. 4.600 kg/4.800 kg
Ø 1,955 m
Gegoten in 1636 door Florent & Antoine Delcourt uit Douai (FR).
2) Maria, Bes°
Gewicht: ca. 3.250 kg
Ø 1,742 m
Gegoten in 1636 door Florent & Antoine Delcourt uit Douai (FR).
3) Carolus, ges1
Gewicht: ca. 790 kg
Ø 1,089 m
Gegoten in 1964 door François en Jacques Sergeys te Leuven.
4) 'Angelusklok', as1
Gewicht: ca. 710 kg
Ø 1,028 meter
Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
5) 'Koormisklok', bes1
Gewicht: ca. 485 kg
Ø 0,934 m
Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
6) 'Horacantusklok', c2
Gewicht: ca. 280 kg
Ø 0,766 m
Gegoten in 1958 door Horacantus-Eijsbouts te Lokeren.
7) 'Kleine Pauwelsklok', es2
Gewicht: ca. 250 kg
Ø 0,716 m
Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
Deelgelui met Bavo:
Luiders van dienst waren:
es2: ikzelf
c2: ikzelf
bes1: Mira Sievert
as1: Thierry Pauwels
ges1: Geert Van Steen
Maria: Joeri De Vreese en Amaury Rizzo
Bavo werd aan de schakelkast bediend door Jean-Claude Franquin.
Gand (Belgique, Flandre-Occidentale)
Une présentation des sept cloches de colée de la cathédrale Saint-Bavon à Gand.
Notes: mib4, do4, sib3, lab3, solb3, Sib2, Lab2.
Ghent (Belgium, East-Flanders)
A presentation of the seven bells of St Bavo cathedral at Ghent
Met dank aan Thierry Pauwels voor de organisatie van het bezoek.
Ook dank aan Dhr. Collin voor de toestemming om de toren te bezoeken, aan Bart Maton voor de organisatie en aan Geert voor de begeleiding in de toren.
Ghent Altarpiece, Jan Van Eyck, St. Bavo, Ghent, Belgium
The Ghent Altarpiece or 'Adoration of the Mystic Lamb' --Dutch: 'Het Lam Gods' or 'The Lamb of God' was completed 1432 by Jan Van Eyck, it is a Early Netherlands polyptych panel painting... --which is considered to be one of Belgium's masterpieces and one of the world's treasures.
Located at Saint Bavo Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Top Tourist Attractions in Ghent (Belgium)
Top Tourist Attractions in Ghent: Cathedral of St. Bavo, The Belfry, Graslei, Gravensteen, Historic center Ghent, Museum of Ghent STAM, Ruins of Sint-Baafsabdij, Town Hall (Stadhuis), Vlaamse Opera
Sint Michiels Gent Belgium
Saint Michael's Church (Dutch: Sint-Michielskerk) is a Roman Catholic church in Ghent, Belgium built in a late Gothic style.
It has rich interior decoration.
Beklimming Sint Baafstoren Gent 2019
De toren van de Sint-Baafskathedraal is een van de drie van de Gentse torenrij, samen met de Sint-Niklaaskerk en het Belfort. De toren zelf bestaat uit vier verdiepingen, en wordt bekroond door vier pinakels van aanzienlijke grootte. Oorspronkelijk was de toren bekroond met een kleine spits, maar deze brandde af. In de toren hangen zeven luidklokken, de zwaarste is Bavo, met een gewicht van 5 500 kg, geleverd door Florent Delcourt. De toren meet 89 meter hoog.
De toren van de Sint-Baafskathedraal is enkel en alleen toegankelijk tijdens de Gentse Feesten, weliswaar tegen betaling. Maar om 444 trappen lang te zweten, te puffen en uiteindelijk het fantastische zicht over de stad Gent te krijgen, betaalden we graag die 2€ entreegeld.
Exploring Gent (Ghent), East Flanders, Belgium - 3 May, 2019
Views Around The City of Gent (Ghent), East Flanders, Belgium - 3 May, 2019.
Gent / Ghent is a city and a municipality in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is the capital and largest city of the East Flanders province, and the second largest municipality in Belgium, after Antwerp. To read more about Gent, click here: .
This film features views around the city of Gent, taken on a GoPro Hero6. The film begins with arrival at Gent Dampoort railway station, before an exploration of the Dampoort area into the city centre, before returning to Dampoort's Porta Ganda. The journey then goes south along the Visserijvaart canal and then West towards the Arteveldehogeschool, Sint-Pietersplein and Sint-Pieterskerk. From here the journey goes North towards Universiteit Gent, and then North East back towards the Dampoort area. From there the journey heads towards the iconic and historic religious buildings of the old town of Gent including Sint-Baafskathedraal, Het Belfort van Gent and Sint-Niklaaskerk.
The journey then heads through the cobbled streets towards the River Leie and along there past this touristic centre. The journey then goes through the shopping and commercial area, before heading back along Korenmarkt towards Sint-Niklaaskerk, the Stadshal and Stadhuis Gent.
Werregaren Straat also known as Graffitistraatje is the next key point of interest before the journey heads into the commercial district once again, and then onto Vrijdagmarkt before eventually heading back towards the Dampoort area via some of the modern and business streets of the city centre.
Finally the journey ends by heading back towards Gent-Dampoort railway station, and the departure from there by train Northwards.
Throughout the film locations, streets, statues, buildings and points of interest are identified. The entire journey covers a good portion of the city centre area of Gent and it's many iconic, architectural, historic, artistic, cultural, gastronomic and religious attractions.
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Stadstelevisie Gent: Sint-Niklaaskerk
Ghent, Belgium
City of Ghent, Belgium
City of Ghent is an ideal place for a weekend trip. This incredible city is jaw dropping with its enchanting medieval architecture.
Belgium is well known for its wafels, beers, mossels and pralines chocolates. Not mentioning the frites where the locals eat almost every week.
BEST SPARERIBS: Amadeus in Patershol or Belfort.
WAFELS: You can find everywhere in the tearoom restaurants in Belgium.
CHOCOLATES : From Godiva, Leonidas to Neuhaus. Belgium has a wide variety of top chocolate brands.
BEERS: There are plenty of bars and cafes all over Belgium and in the city of Ghent.
MOSSELS: Belgium has the best mossels that served with fries.
Every Friday, there is a market at the square of Vrijdag Markt. Just 100 meters from the flea market at St.Jacobs.
SEE & DO (SIGHTSEEINGS) in Ghent Centrum
GRAVENSTEEN (The Castle of the Counts), BELFRY OF GHENT (The Middle Ages Tower).This 91 meter tall belfry of Ghent tower overlook the old city centre of Ghent, SAINT NICHOLAS CHURCH, SINT-BAAFSKATHEDRAL (89meter tall).Contains the well-known Ghent Altarpiece, The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, CITY HALL, KORENMARKT, BIG CANON, ART GRAFFITI STREET, FLEA MARKET, SINT-MICHELSBRUG, BOAT TRIP, HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGES, SHOPPING - Langemunt, Veldstraat.
Music: Exhale by Jeremy Blake
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Gent, Sint-Baafskathedraal, volgelui. / Ghent cathedral bells.
Volgelui van de zeven klokken van de Sint-Baafskathedraal te Gent.
Tonen: es2, c2, bes1, as1, ges1, Bes0, As0
1) Bavo: As0-40 cent, 4.800 kg (schatting Thierry Pauwels) of 5.500 kg? (website kathedraal), Ø 1,960 meter.
Gegoten in 1636 door Florent & Antoine Delcourt uit Douai (F).
2) Maria: Bes0-51 cent, 3.500 kg (schatting Thierry Pauwels) of 4.000 kg? (website kathedraal), Ø 1,745 meter.
Gegoten in 1636 door Florent & Antoine Delcourt uit Douai (F)
3) Carolus: ges1-44 cent, ca. 800 kg, Ø 1,090 meter.
Gegoten in 1964 door François & Jacques Sergeys te Leuven.
4) Angelusklok: as1-35 cent, ongeveer 650 kg??, Ø 1,010 meter.
Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
5) Koormisklok: bes1-58 cent, 485 kg, Ø 0,930 meter.
Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
6) /: c2-10 cent, 275 kg?, Ø 0,760 meter. Gegoten in 1958 door Horacantus-Eijsbouts te Lokeren.
7) /: es2-12 cent, 220 kg, Ø 0,720 meter. Gegoten in 1725 door Jan Pauwels te Gent.
Klankopname & Klankanalyse: Thierry Pauwels (waarvoor dank!)
Opnames Thierry Pauwels:
1. Volgelui
2. Bavo
3. Maria
4. Carolus
5. Angelusklok
6. Koormisklok
7. Horacantusklok
8. Kleine Pauwelsklok
Opgenomen op donderdag 15 november 2012
Met dank aan Thierry Pauwels om mij uit te nodigen om mee de klokken van de Sint-Baafskathedraal te mogen opnemen en om zijn klankopnames beschikbaar te stellen!
Met dank aan L. Collin voor de toestemming voor het bezoek, B. Maton voor de organisatie, J. Anthonis voor de begeleiding in de toren en L. Vanhooren voor het luiden van de klokken vanuit de sacristie.
Plénum des sept cloches de la cathédrale Saint-Bavon à Gand pour la Toussaint.
Notes: mib4, do4, sib3, lab3, solb3, Sib2, Lab2.
Ringing of the seven bells of St Bavo cathedral at Ghent (Belgium).
4K BELGIUM, BRUSSELS GENT TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO, Best Places To Go, Top Attractions, Best Things To Do
Welcome my world travel guide channel. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel and share my videos. I would be really happy. And you can also follow me on other social media platforms:
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(The World is a Fairy Tale)
In my travel channel, I share my own trip videos from my journeys. Until now, I traveled around 40 countries and I produced 10.000 stock footage. I am professional traveler and videographer, working many microstock footage companies. In my youtube videos, I try to combine my stock footages by locations, cities and/or countries and try to show people what did I see and I experienced. This is my video blog, a videoblog without narration. I show people what to see, what to do, where to go, when to go, different activities, best attractions, main sightseeing places, famous sights etc. I try to choose happy travel music. Also I am a backpacker, so I travel very cheap. I like to interact with local people, indigenous lifestyle, view of daily life on streets, panorama scenes. You can also night life view. Nightlife parties, events, festivals in bars, pubs, clubs etc.. I am making kind of travel documentary. So these videos are usually travel trailer of locations and cities.
In this video you will see Belgium Brussels and Ghent's top attractions, Best Places To Go, best places, Best Things To Do. many landscape landmark scenery. You can see everything with walking tour. Most of my videos are outdoor exterior shots with people bar, cafe, restaurant, pub, coffee, drinking, drink, shop, on crowd crowded areas.
List of the best locations in Brussels are these: Brussels Grand-Place (Grote Markt), Brussels Town Hall (Hotel de Ville), St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral (Cathedrale St-Michel et Ste-Gudule), MIM - Musical Instruments Museum, Notre Dame du Sablon, Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, Cantillon Brewery (beer factory), Parc du Cinquantenaire, Guildhouses, Heysel Park, Atomium, Brussels Royal Palace (Palais Royal), Manneken-Pis – ‘Pissing Boy’ aka Petit Julien, Mini-Europe, Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Koekelberg Basilica),
List of the best locations in Ghent are these: Ghent City Center, Graslei and Korenlei, St. Bavo's Cathedral (Sint-Baafskathedraal), St. Michael's Bridge, Gravensteen Castle, Belfry and Cloth Hall (Belfort en Lakenhalle), Saint Nicholas Church, Ghent Town Hall (Stadhuis),
Pleiadès in and around the St Bavo's Cathedral Ghent
Film en montage: Dekeersgieter Debby
Our hometown Ghent / Gent, Belgium! :D Welcome to CASUAL FRIDAYS! Today we'll be visiting some of our favourite spots in town! Not all the spots made the cut just because otherwise the video would have been too long and choises are not a fun thing :^p We hope that you'll enjoy this little Student Mealz tour of Ghent!
Adress: Korenmarkt, 9000 Gent
Adress: Sint-Baafsplein, 9000 Gent
Adress: Sint-Baafsplein, 9000 Gent
Adress: Heilige Geeststraat 7, 9000 Gent
Adress: Graslei & Korenlei, 9000 Gent
Adress: Oudburg 37, 9000 Gent
Adress: Vlasmarkt 6, 9000 Gent
Adress: Vlasmarkt 5, 9000 Gent
Adress: Werregarenstraat, 9000 Gent
Adress: Kraanlei 13, 9000 Gent
Adress: Burgstraat 4, 9000 Gent
Adress: Veldstraat, 9000 Gent
Adress: Jakobijnenstraat 6, 9000 Gent
Adress: Onderbergen 42, 9000 Gent
Adress: Kouter, 9000 Gent
Adress: Papegaaistraat 89, 9000 Gent
Adress: Recollettenlei 10, 9000 Gent
Adress: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23, 9000
Adress: Overpoortstraat, 9000 Gent
Adress: Sint-Pietersplein 28, 9000 Gent
Adress: Sint-Pietersplein, 9000 Gent
Adress: Ketelvest 51, 9000 Gent
Adress: Ter Platen 12, 9000 Gent
Adress: Ter Platen 12, 9000 Gent
- GRAVENSTEEN (Castle of the Counts)
Adress: Veerleplein 11, 9000 Gent
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== MUSIC ==
Music by Kevin MacLeod (,
titled Life of Riley
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Business enquiries only: student.mealz [at] gmail . com
Student Mealz - Student Meals - StudentMealz - StudentMeals
Sint-Baafskathedraal - Gent, België
Катедралата Свети Баво (известна още като катедралата Синт-Бааф или на холандски Sint Baafskathedraal) 89-метрова готическа катедрала в Гент, Белгия. Това е седалището на епархията в Гент. Наречена е за Свети Баво от Гент.
Сградата е построена на мястото на бившия параклис Св. Йоан Кръстител, предимно дървена конструкция, осветена през 942 г. от Трансмарус, епископа на Турни и Нойон. Следи от тази оригинална структура се виждат в криптата на катедралата.
Параклисът впоследствие е разширен в романски стил през 1038 г. Някои следи от тази фаза на разширяване са все още очевидни в днешната крипта.
В последващия период от 14-ти до 16-ти век са изпълнени почти непрекъснати експанзионни проекти в готически стил. През този период бяха добавени нов хор, излъчващи параклиси, разширения на трансептиците, главна къща, коридори и една западна част на кулата. Строителството се счита за завършено 7 юни 1569 г.
В катедралата се намират произведения на други артисти. Тя държи картината Свети Баво влезе в манастира в Гент от Питър Пол Рубенс. Има и произведения от или след Лукас де Хере, единият от които е Ган. Франс Пурбъс the Elder рисува 14 панела, представящи Историята на св. Андрей (1572) и Триптих на Вигелий Айта (1571). Каспар де Крейър е представен от картини на Св. Макарий от Гент, Обезглавяването на свети Йоан Кръстител и Мъченичеството на Света Барбара. Църквата също така държи творби на Антун ван ден Хувел, включително Христос и жената на възхвалата и възкресението на Христос. Има и произведения на Лукас ван Уден и Ян ван Клеф.
Sint-Baafsabdij in 3 D te Gent
Te zien in het stadsmueum (STAM) te Gent
Toccata - C.M. Widor - St Baafs Kathedraal Gent - Gert van Hoef
Gert van Hoef speelt Widor in de St. Baafs Kathedraal in Gent.
Toccata uit Symphony 5, opus 42
18 oktober 2016
St. Baafs Kathedraal Gent
Organist: Gert van Hoef
Gert van Hoef plays Widor in the St. Baafs Cathedral in Gent.
Toccata from the Symphony No. 5, opus 42
October 18, 2016
Organ playing
St. Baafs Cathedral Gent (Belgium)
Organist: Gert van Hoef
Barst, 20/10/2017 Sint-Baafsabdij, Gent (B)
live @Sint-Baafsabdij, Gent (B)
Organ Music in St. Bavo Cathedral Ghent
Organ Playing in St. Bavo Cathedral at Ghent Belgium
Musique d'orgue de la Cathedrale Saint Bavon a Gand en Belgique