Flemish masters in situ - Sint-Michielskerk Gent
Visit: vlaamsemeestersinsitu.be or flemishmastersinsitu.com
Flemish Masters in Situ helps visitors find a set of truly unique places away from the well-trodden and busy tourist trail. These works may be hidden gems in well-known art cities, but they are mainly tucked away in smaller towns and villages across Flanders.
Flemish Masters in Situ also opens the doors to places otherwise closed to the general public. In this way the project takes visitors to churches, chapels, monasteries, beguinages, castles and town halls where they can admire original paintings by the Flemish masters of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries in the locations they were originally created for.
Flemish Masters in Situ lets visitors discover and experience these often unknown works, setting the right atmosphere through discrete scenography. Texts and images bring the spectators closer to the works they are looking at and highlight the many sublime ways in which the Flemish masters included the future surroundings of their masterpieces.
Flemish Masters in Situ by Flemish arts and heritage magazine Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen
Sint Michiels Gent Belgium
Saint Michael's Church (Dutch: Sint-Michielskerk) is a Roman Catholic church in Ghent, Belgium built in a late Gothic style.
It has rich interior decoration.
Walking tour of Ghent, Belgium from the canal to Sint-Michielskerk and around the canal
Ghent, Belgium is the capitol of East Flanders. I just wanted to put Flanders in the description.
Universiteit Gent - Het Pand
Jakobijnenstraat Bridge
Grasbrug (Grass bridge)
Sint-Michielskerk, Gent, poging tot reconstructie van het 18de-eeuwse gelui van de
Poging tot reconstructie van het 18de-eeuwse gelui van de Sint-Michielskerk in Gent.
In 1744 werden 5 luidklokken besteld bij Joris Dumery: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Maria en Anna. Waarschijnlijk zijn die klokken in de Franse tijd verdwenen.
Deze klokken hebben in de dakruiter gehangen, want de huidige toren was nog niet ver genoeg afgewerkt om de klokken te kunnen herbergen.
Over de exacte toonhoogtes vonden we tegenstrijdige gegevens. Kervyn de Volkaersbeke vermeldt een akte met de bestelling van de klokken. Daarin wordt gestipuleerd dat de klokken orgelthoonen A, B1, C, Eb en F moeten hebben, wat lijkt te wijzen op a1, b1, c2, es2 en f2 (met een halve toon, onmiddellijk gevolgd door een kleine terts, wat merkwaardig is). Maar anderzijds vermeldt diezelfde acte ``Welcke vyf klocken sullen moeten accorderen op malcanderen, bestaende in dry accorden van tiers major.'' Dit schijnt eerder te wijzen op de volgorde a1, b1, cis2, es2 en f2. De akte vermeldt ook de gewichten: 1200, 900, 600, 400 en 300 pond. Ook die schijnen te wijzen op a1, b1, cis2, es2 en f2. Dit is een kwadritonus, wat op zich heel merkwaardig is, maar misschien werden alleen maar deelgeluien geluid, en nooit het volgelui. We gaan er dus van uit dat de klokken de toonhoogtes a1, b1, cis2, es2 en f2 hadden (a1, b1, cis2, dis2, eis2 zullen sommige puristen zeggen). Toch willen we u hier een reconstructie van het volgelui presenteren.
De klokkenstoel waarin de klokken hingen, bestaat nog steeds. We hebben ze bezocht en opgemeten. Ze is heel krap voor die klokken. Er zijn vier banen, waarvan slechts 1 breed genoeg is (1,20 m) voor klokken 1 en 2. Dan blijft er maar 1 baan over die breed genoeg is voor klokken 3 en 4 (80 cm). De twee buitenste banen (65 cm) blijven dan over. Klok 5 zal vermoedelijk in 1 van de twee buitensten banen gehangen hebben. In de klokkenstoel zijn echter sporen te vinden van mogelijks 7 klokken. De dakruiter is momenteel helemaal dichtgetimmerd, maar de houten structuur schijnt erop te wijzen dat er vroeger openingen met spitsbogen waren, lager gelegen de huidige luiken.
De klokkenstoel zelf is ouder en dateert van 1646. Het is geweten dat er voordien een klein klokkenspel in de dakruiter gehangen heeft, en mogelijks ook een aantal luidklokken.
00:04-00:27 Buiten
00:27-00:35 Huidige toestand toren en dakruiter met reconstructie van hoe de klokken kunnen gehangen hebben
00:35-01:15 Gewelven
01:15-02:19 Oude klokkenstoel
02:19-02:43 Boven de klokkenstoel
Met dank aan Honore Depoorter en Adam Nogawski voor het onthaal in de kerk, en aan Tim Martens en Amaury Rizzo voor de hulp in de toren. Dank aan Tim Martens voor het toesturen van de documenten.
City Center Walk in Ghent - Belgium 4K Travel Channel
After we have parked the car in the garage reserved for us, we start our first city walk through the center of Ghent. We are in front of the Sint Michielskerk (Saint Michael's Church), built in the 15th century. The construction work was interrupted during the Huguenot Wars. The tower was not completed later due to a lack of money.
Inside there are paintings by Anthonis van Dyck, Gaspar de Crayer, and other famous painters. As festivities take place, we do not want to disturb anymore.
Now the Sint Michielsbrug (St Michael’s Bridge) lies in front of us. We now get the first idea of why Ghent is also called the Manhattan of the Middle Ages.
Behind the bridge rise the towers of the Sint-Niklaaskerk, the Belfry, and the St. Bavo Cathedral.
To the left, along the Leie, is the Hotel 1898 The Post and next to it the Gildenhuis van de Vrije Schippers. The free skippers acquired the building in 1530, before which it was the guild house of the millers' guild. Today it serves to represent the port of Ghent.
In the past, the shore of the Leie served here as an inland port. Today both the right bank Graslei and the opposite bank Korenlei with their listed houses and a multitude of café terraces are a popular meeting place for locals and tourists.
To the south, we discover a graffiti on the wall of a house, depicting the famous Ghent Altarpiece in St. Bavo's Cathedral.
Passing the Hotel 1898 The Post we reach the Korenmarkt, the main square of Ghent.
We take a look around and try to let the architecture of the individual buildings affect us. Next to the Sint-Niklaaskerk, we discover the Stadshal, the City Pavilion. Due to its unorthodox shape, we want to take a closer look at the hall later.
While we walk in the northern direction, a bus passes by, and we notice that it is a free electric bus for locals and tourists here in Ghent. The turquoise buses are easy to recognize.
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Nachdem wir das Auto in der für uns reservierten Garage untergebracht haben, starten wir unseren ersten Stadtrundgang durch das Zentrum von Gent.
Wir befinden uns direkt vor der Sint Michielskerk (Kirche Sankt Michael), die im 15. Jahrhundert errichtet worden ist. Während der Hugenottenkriege wurden die Bauarbeiten unterbrochen. Der Turm wurde später aus Geldmangel nicht fertiggestellt.
Im Inneren befinden sich Gemälde von Anthonis van Dyck, Gaspar de Crayer und anderer bekannter Maler. Es finden gerade Feierlichkeiten statt, so dass wir nicht weiter stören wollen.
Vor uns liegt nun die Sint Michielsbrug, die St.-Michael-Brücke. Wir bekommen nun einen ersten Eindruck, warum man Gent auch das Manhattan des Mittelalters nennt.
Hinter der Brücke erheben sich die Türme der Sint-Niklaaskerk, des Belfried und der St. Bavo-Kathedrale.
Zur linken Hand, an der Leie entlang, befindet sich das Hotel 'die Post' und daneben das Gildenhuis van de Vrije Schippers. Die freien Skipper erwarben das Gebäude 1530. Davor war es das Zunfthaus der Müllerzunft. Heute dient es Repräsentationszwecken des Genter Hafens.
Ursprünglich diente das Ufer der Leie hier als Binnenhafen. Heute sind sowohl das rechte Ufer Graslei, als auch das gegenüberliegende Ufer Korenlei mit den denkmalgeschützten Häusern und einer Vielzahl von Straßencafés ein beliebter Treffpunkt für Einheimische und Touristen.
In Richtung Süden entdecken wir an einer Hauswand ein Graffiti mit der Darstellung des berühmten Genter Altars in der St.-Bavo-Kathedrale.
Am Hotel 1898 The Post vorbei erreichen wir den Korenmarkt, den Hauptplatz von Gent.
Wir sehen uns um und versuchen die Architektur der einzelnen Gebäude auf uns wirken zu lassen. Neben der Sint-Niklaaskerk entdecken wir die Stadshal, die Stadhalle. Auf Grund der unorthodoxen Form wollen wir die Halle später genauer besichtigen.
Bei unserem Spaziergang in Richtung Norden kommt uns ein Wandelbus entgegen und wir stellen fest, dass es auch hier in Gent einen kostenlosen Elektro-Bus für Einheimische und Touristen gibt. Die türkisfarbenen Busse sind leicht zu erkennen.
mehr Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Soundtracks in video:
Again, Once Again by fluffy (c) copyright 2016
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Kalte Ohren ( Remix ) by Dysfunction_AL (c) copyright 2019
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Starfrosch, Kara Square
Sint-Michielskerk, Featuring Wes
The bells of Sint-Michielskirk in Gent, Belgium. Saturday, September 12, 2009. Featuring Wes and Katie Friberg.
Ghent, Belgium
City of Ghent, Belgium
City of Ghent is an ideal place for a weekend trip. This incredible city is jaw dropping with its enchanting medieval architecture.
Belgium is well known for its wafels, beers, mossels and pralines chocolates. Not mentioning the frites where the locals eat almost every week.
BEST SPARERIBS: Amadeus in Patershol or Belfort.
WAFELS: You can find everywhere in the tearoom restaurants in Belgium.
CHOCOLATES : From Godiva, Leonidas to Neuhaus. Belgium has a wide variety of top chocolate brands.
BEERS: There are plenty of bars and cafes all over Belgium and in the city of Ghent.
MOSSELS: Belgium has the best mossels that served with fries.
Every Friday, there is a market at the square of Vrijdag Markt. Just 100 meters from the flea market at St.Jacobs.
SEE & DO (SIGHTSEEINGS) in Ghent Centrum
GRAVENSTEEN (The Castle of the Counts), BELFRY OF GHENT (The Middle Ages Tower).This 91 meter tall belfry of Ghent tower overlook the old city centre of Ghent, SAINT NICHOLAS CHURCH, SINT-BAAFSKATHEDRAL (89meter tall).Contains the well-known Ghent Altarpiece, The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, CITY HALL, KORENMARKT, BIG CANON, ART GRAFFITI STREET, FLEA MARKET, SINT-MICHELSBRUG, BOAT TRIP, HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGES, SHOPPING - Langemunt, Veldstraat.
Music: Exhale by Jeremy Blake
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Rondje Sint Michielskerk in Gent tijdens Gentse Feesten
View from Saint Michael's Bridge in Ghent
View from Saint Michael's Bridge towards the three towers of Ghent : the Saint Nicholas's church, the Belfry of Ghent, and Saint Bavo Cathedral in the distance. Closeby view over the Post Office of Ghent, the Graslei and the Korenlei.
Sint-Baafskathedraal - Gent, België
Катедралата Свети Баво (известна още като катедралата Синт-Бааф или на холандски Sint Baafskathedraal) 89-метрова готическа катедрала в Гент, Белгия. Това е седалището на епархията в Гент. Наречена е за Свети Баво от Гент.
Сградата е построена на мястото на бившия параклис Св. Йоан Кръстител, предимно дървена конструкция, осветена през 942 г. от Трансмарус, епископа на Турни и Нойон. Следи от тази оригинална структура се виждат в криптата на катедралата.
Параклисът впоследствие е разширен в романски стил през 1038 г. Някои следи от тази фаза на разширяване са все още очевидни в днешната крипта.
В последващия период от 14-ти до 16-ти век са изпълнени почти непрекъснати експанзионни проекти в готически стил. През този период бяха добавени нов хор, излъчващи параклиси, разширения на трансептиците, главна къща, коридори и една западна част на кулата. Строителството се счита за завършено 7 юни 1569 г.
В катедралата се намират произведения на други артисти. Тя държи картината Свети Баво влезе в манастира в Гент от Питър Пол Рубенс. Има и произведения от или след Лукас де Хере, единият от които е Ган. Франс Пурбъс the Elder рисува 14 панела, представящи Историята на св. Андрей (1572) и Триптих на Вигелий Айта (1571). Каспар де Крейър е представен от картини на Св. Макарий от Гент, Обезглавяването на свети Йоан Кръстител и Мъченичеството на Света Барбара. Църквата също така държи творби на Антун ван ден Хувел, включително Христос и жената на възхвалата и възкресението на Христос. Има и произведения на Лукас ван Уден и Ян ван Клеф.
St- Michielskerk Gent.AVI
Klokken bells Glochen cloches campañas campane
St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium.
St Bavo’s Cathedral is the oldest parish church in the lively heart of Ghent. It stands on the site of a 10th century church and a 12th century Romanesque church. The latter was dedicated to St John the Baptist. In the Middle Ages, Ghent was a rich and powerful city that had the means to commission ever-larger and more opulent churches. So the Church of St John the Baptist was converted during the 15th and 16th centuries into the imposing Gothic St Bavo’s Cathedral.
TIMELAPSE TUESDAY - St Michielsplein, Ghent - Belgium
Bringing you weekly timelapses from around the world! This week's edition comes from St. Michielsplein Street in Ghent, Belgium. Subscribe for more great videos:
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Music: iThink - Lewen, killertracks.com
Graslei Canal/Ghent Belgium/Guild Houses
Some of Belgium's finest guild houses are along the Graslei Canal. This is an excellent place for a stroll for anyone with more than a passing interest in architecture.
Graslei and Korenlei in Ghent, Flanders
Views over the Graslei in Ghent from the Korenlei. From close to Saint Michael's Bridge, one can also see the three towers of Ghent : Saint Bavo Cathedral, the Belfry, and Saint Nicholas' Church.
How do we afford to travel so often? We're lucky enough to stay for almost free in every city, using
A walk through it's historic centre has to one of the top 10 things to do in Ghent Belgium. In this beautiful Ghent city walking tour, we start at the open air market by Sint Jacobskerk.
We see the wide Friday Market Square (Vrijdagmarkt) before heading up Serpentstraat with it's quirky independent shops and bars. We loop through the colourful Graffiti street (Werregarenstraat) and follow Schepenhuisstraat to see the Town Hall (Stadhuis Gent) appear before us.
A right at Botermarkt leads us to Het Belfort van Gent (the 14th century belfry and watchtower,) and Sint-Baafsplein - from where we see the magnificent entrance to Saint Bavo's Cathedral (Sint-Baafskathedraal.)
Passing Sint Niklaaskerk, we arrive at the famous view over the River Leie on Sint Michiel bridge with Sint Michielskerk itself, perched on our left.
We meander through restaurant lined streets to Grasbrug - another bridge famed for it's views over the river, busy with boats and pleasure cruisers. We pass along to Kraanlei where we walk along the banks of the Leie to the vibrant cafes and restaurants of Oudburg.
Series: Belgium 4k videos 60fps
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Sint-Niklaaskerk (Gent)
Saint Nicholas Church in Ghent, Belgium
Sint-Niklaaskerk (Gent)