Ski trip in Ukraine Karpati 2010
Лыжный поход по украинским карпатам между п.Ясиня и п.Синевир
Январь/Февраль 2010 год
Ski trip in Ukraine Carpathian Mountains between v.Yasinya and v.Sinevir
01/02 2010 year
Bilmediğiniz Ukrayna. Bukovel. Dragobrat. Kar, Snowboard, Kayak tatili
Video bol sohbetli.
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Keyif aldığımız 10 günlük Ukrayna tatilinin özeti olan bir video bu. 5 günlük tur, 2 günlük tren seyahati.
Kharkov'dan satın aldığımız tamamen Ukraynaca olan turu size olabildiğince anlattım.
Ukrayna'da kış sporları ve tatilini düşünenler kaçırmasın.
Hesaplı ve güzel tesisler var.
Drahobrat / Драгобрат. Фрирайд в ёлках
Фрірайд смереками на Драгобраті. Струмок, Курятня, Вершина Карпат, Карпатська чайка
Фрирайд в ёлках на Драгобрате. Ручей, Курятня, Вершина Карпат, Карпатская чайка
Freeride among the spruces of Dragobrat. The Stream, Kuriatnia base, Vershyna Karpat (Peak of Carpathians) base, Karpatska Chaika (Carpathian Gull) base
Location of the Drahobrat resort is near Yasinya, Zakarpattia, Ukraine
Драгобрат 2017
Путешествие на Драгобрат из Буковеля.
Драгобрат - это самый высокогорный горнолыжный курорт Украины, расположенный на высоте 1300—1700 м над уровнем моря. Драгобрат расположен в 18 км от посёлка Ясиня (Раховский район, Закарпатская область), в 9 км от автомагистрали Ужгород-Ивано-Франковск.
Трассы: синие — 1, чёрные — 3, красные — 5. Есть 2 кресельных и 8 бугельных подъёмников. Основные подъёмники Драгобрата расположены на склонах горы Стог. Имеются трамплины для фристайла международного класса.
Список близко расположенных городов, сел и зимних курортов: Ясиня, Рахов, Лазещина, Поляница, Яблуница, Буковель.
На Драгобрате можно классно покататься на лыжах санях и сноуборде. Но перед этим требуется купить ски-пасс который продаётся в кассах ГЛК. Драгобрат славится своей дикой природой, пухлым снегом, фрирайтом и нереально красивыми пейзажами.
Подорож на Драгобрат з Буковелю.
Драгобрат - це найбільш високогірний гірськолижний курорт Українських Карпат. Розташований у масиві Свидівець. Популярний серед любителів гірських лиж та сноуборду. Долина розташована на висоті 1300—1400 м над рівнем моря, на відстані 18 км від селища Ясіня, на стику хвойних лісів і альпійської зони, біля підніжжя гори Стіг (1704 м). Поряд розташовані вершини Перший Жандарм (1763 м), Другий Жандарм (близько 1800 м) та Близниця (1883 м).
Зі схилів долини відкриваються чудові краєвиди на найвищий масив Українських Карпат — Чорногору, видно вершини: Говерла (2061 м) і Петрос (2020 м). З іншого боку (північніше) видно найвищі хребти Ґорґан — Довбушанку (1754 м), Синяк (1662 м) та інші.
Траси: сині - 1, чорні - 3, червоні - 5. Є 2 крісельних і 8 бугільних підйомників. Основні підйомники Драгобрата розташовані на схилах гори Стіг. Є трампліни для фрістайлу міжнародного класу.
Список близько розташованих міст, сіл і зимових курортів: Ясіня, Рахів, Лазещина, Поляниця, Яблуниця, Буковель.
На Драгобраті можна класно покататися на лижах санях і сноуборді. Але перед цим потрібно купити скі-пас який продається в касах ГЛК. Драгобрат славиться своєю дикою природою, пухким снігом і нереально красивими пейзажами.
Journey to Dragobrat from Bukovel.
Dragobrat is the highest mountain ski resort in Ukraine, located at an altitude of 1300-1700 meters above sea level. Dragobrat is located 18 km from the village of Yasinya (Rakhiv district, Transcarpathian region), 9 km from the Uzhgorod-Ivano-Frankivsk highway.
Trails: blue - 1, black - 3, red - 5. There are 2 chairlifts and 8 drag lifts. The main lifts Dragobrat located on the slopes of Mount Stog. There are jumps for international class freestyle.
The list of closely located cities, villages and winter resorts: Yasinya, Rakhiv, Lazeshchyna, Polyanytsya, Yablunitsa, Bukovel.
On Dragobrat you can cool sledding and snowboarding. But before that you need to buy a ski pass that is sold at the box office GLK. Dragobrat is famous for its wild nature, puffy snow, freerite and unrealistically beautiful landscapes.
Ясиня горнолыжный курорт
Ясиня жилье смотрите на странице
дорога Драгобрат - Ясиня 2016
00239 dragobrat 2016
Драгобрат лыжи 2018 февраль
Украина - Закарпатская область - гора Копиця 28.07.17 Ukraine - Zakarpattia Oblast - Kopytsia
Украина - Закарпатская область - гора Копиця 28.07.17 Ukraine - Zakarpattia Oblast - mountain Kopytsia 28/07/17
xiaomi yi 2k
The Carpathians are a crescent-shaped mountain system that was formed by the same forces that lifted the higher Alps to the west. The Carpathians begin as a range of low hills near Bratislava, Slovakia, reach their highest point in Slovakia's High Tatras (Gerlachovský peak at 2655 m.), and continue arching eastward into Ukraine before turning south and bending through Romania, where they reach another high point at 2543 m. (Moldoveanu) and then fade into the plains. The Ukrainian Carpathians are gentle peaks that rise as high as 2061 m. (Hoverla). The higher peaks experienced some glaciation during the last Ice Age, and there are even a number of small tarns above 1700 m. and a proper lake, Sinevir, at 1000 m.
The Ukrainian Carpathians are home to numerous small ski areas and several larger resorts, such as Bukovel, Slavsko, and Drahobrat.
Pink rhododendrons overlook the valley
Fortunately for winter visitors, the Carpathians have a relatively mild temperate climate. This is not Siberia. Winter temperatures may get down to -10 or -15° C (5 to 14° F), but not much colder than that. The problem is usually rain and snow. The Carpathians are moist mountains with between 800 and 1600 mm (31 to 58 inches) of precipitation spread quite evenly throughout the year. Summers are warm with frequent rain and thunderstorms. The treeline is around 1500-1800 m. above sea level.
Hikers slog up a muddy trail
There are virtually no restricted areas in the Ukrainian Carpathians. There are a few reserves that prohibit camping (for example, the east side of Hoverla). There are no equipped campsites, no hikers' refuges, almost no groomed hiking trails, few signs (more in recent years)... Hikers tend to follow logging roads and improvised trails. Topographical maps can be found that show hiking routes. Hikers should bring good rain (or snow) gear. Finding water to drink is not a problem, as there are springs all over.
Skiers on a tow lift at Verkhniy Studenyy
The Carpathians have lots of opportunities for river rafting, skiing, horseback riding, mountain and road biking, and other forms of active leisure.
Rafters on the Prut river
Access is not a problem if you have a car and a good map since there are adequate roads throughout the region. Otherwise, you will have to get there by train and/or bus. There are overnight trains from Kiev to Uzhhorod that make it very easy to get to the northern part of Ukraine's Carpathians, including Slavsko (one of Ukraine's prominent ski resorts). This is the only regular-speed railway route through the Carpathians. Other destinations in the northern Carpathians can be reached by minibus from Lviv and Uzhhorod.
Access is slightly more difficult in the more rugged central and southern Carpathians. There are trains to Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomyia, and Chernivtsi from cities in central and eastern Ukraine. From there you can take minibusses to destinations in the mountains, as well as a slow narrow-gauge diesel train that runs from Ivano-Frankivsk to Rakhiv and back several times a day. Usually, but not always, buses leave and arrive at train stations, but sometimes the bus station is in a different part of town.
Especially convenient, though less comfortable than the train, is the Kiev-Yaremcha overnight bus, which passes through Kolomyia. A second bus, Kiev-Tyachiv, passes through Yaremcha, Yasinya, and Rakhiv on its way to Tyachiv.
If you are hiking, you may need to get a ride to your trailhead once you get to the town you need. Don't worry about planning ahead; popular routes are serviced by local taxi drivers. You just may need to ask around. In the winter you might even get to go for a ride on a horse-drawn sled. There are also numerous obscure ski slopes that are off the beaten path.
All this means that a trip to the Carpathians often involves two or three legs that may take as long as twenty hours if you're traveling from Kiev (longer from eastern Ukraine).
Ski @ Dragobrat - March 2019
На велосипедах по Карпатам - Tour De Dragobrat
Большое видео с моего первого тура по Карпатам.
Ехали вчетвером, все на разных байках.
Кто на сингле, кто на мтв, кто на туринге, а я на тракторе)
Поездка выдалась очень крутой и тяжелой.
Пешеходные тропы далеко не всегда приспособлены для езды на велосипеде, даже на таком танке, как у меня)
Надеюсь у меня получилось передать атмосферу нашего путешествия.
Всем приятного просмотра!
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Way to Dragobrat in 2 minutes
Taken on the way from Yasinia to Dragobrat on Buhanka. Real way took about 22 minutes. Taken on iPhone 5S with a wide Moment Lens using Hyperlapse app.
Ukraine Carpathian mountains - 2013
Our trip from Corna Tysa's spring to a Drahobrat ski resort.
Song: America - A Horse With No Name
Мы едем в Драгобрат. Март 2014
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