Skocjanske Jame (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Skocjanske Jame in Slovenia.
In the heart of the Slovenian karst landscape of Kras, below the village of Škocjan, is one of the most important cave systems in the world, the Škocjan Caves, a world of caves into which the Reka River has dug deep into the limestone.Here, Nature has created a mysterious underground world, a labyrinth of caves, corridors and halls decorated with stalactites of various shapes and sizes. In an entire human lifetime these sculptures grow only a few millimetres, a comforting timelessness of primeval silence and beauty. In 1815, exploration of the cave system began and now six kilometres of paths, steps and bridges have been painstakingly created. The river created the caves. Emerging from the underworld, it crosses two collapsed dolines and disappears underground once more. The underground cave world of Škocjan is a unique testimony of the Earth’s history and in 1986 was designated as a World Heritage Site.
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Doživite Regijski park Škocjanske jame / Discover Škocjan Caves Park
Produkcija / Produced by Video pro
Škocjan, 2015
Skocjanske jame (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel Video about Destination Skocjanske jame in Slovenia.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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Skocjanske jame
Skocjanske jame
El parque regional de Skocjan Caves está situado en la meseta de Kras, en el suroeste de Eslovenia. El área protegida de 413 hectáreas conserva un excepcional sistema de cuevas de piedra caliza que comprende uno de los cañones subterráneos más conocidos del mundo, que fue cortado en la roca caliza por el río Reka. A lo largo de su curso, el río de repente desaparece en el subterráneo cárstico, antes de pasar por un vasto y pintoresco canal de hasta 150 metros de altura y más de 120 metros de ancho, a menudo en forma de rápidos dramáticamente rugiendo y cascadas. La expresión física más espectacular del cañón es la enorme Cámara Martel, que supera los dos millones de metros cúbicos de volumen. Al igual que el cañón, las amplias salas subterráneas y cámaras del sistema de cuevas exponen las impresionantes variaciones de roca caliza y formaciones secundarias de cuevas. No es casualidad que la investigación kárstica tenga su origen en esta misma parte de Eslovenia, que se conoce científicamente como Karst clásico. El término karst se deriva del nombre de la meseta, y es uno de los muchos términos técnicos comúnmente utilizados en geología y espeleología que tienen su origen en la región. Más allá de su atractivo visual casi sobrenatural, de su escala y de su importancia científica, el parque regional también alberga especies y conjuntos de especies dignas de mención que prosperan en el mundo distinto del ambiente subterráneo y en las denominadas dolinas derrumbadas, forma de fosas cársticas . Las cuevas soportan muchas especies endémicas y en peligro de extinción, incluyendo el Salamander cueva junto con muchos invertebrados y crustáceos. Las condiciones ambientales muy particulares de las dolinas derrumbadas proporcionan un hábitat para la flora y la fauna raras y amenazadas. Además, los estudios arqueológicos en curso han revelado cada vez más detalles de una larga historia de la ocupación humana desde tiempos prehistóricos. Hay evidencia fuerte que nuestros antepasados apreciaron la zona como un lugar para los asentamientos. La investigación arqueológica también ha revelado que el área se utilizó históricamente como un cementerio así como para los rituales.
Skocjan caves
Skocjan caves
Bat Research and Conservation in the Škocjan Caves Park
Preservation of biodiversity with the collaboration of professionals and the local community
People who participated in the process of making the film:
Members of the Committee for Nature Protection in UNESCO Karst (and Reka River Basin) Biosphere Reserve (Mario Benkoč, Leonida Brezovec, Irena Dolgan, Borut Kolenc, Svit Kolenc, Franc Požrl, Aljaž Škrlep, Sitka Tepeh, Martin Zorman),
Representatives of Škocjan Caves Park, Slovenia (Vanja Debevec, Samo Šturm, Tomaž Zorman),
Representatives of Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora (Eva Pavlovič, Primož Presetnik)
Filming and editing: Jure Škrlep, VideoPro in Tomaž Zorman, JZ PŠJ
Text and reading: Vanja Debevec, JZ PŠJ
The film was made as a part of the activities in implementing the UNESCO MAB Programme in the Karst (and Reka River basin) Biosphere Reserve and activities of the Committee for Nature Protection in UNESCO Karst (and Reka River Basin) Biosphere Reserve.
Financial support: Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija
December 2017
Introductory film of the Škocjan Caves Park
Text: Jasna Fakin
Translated by: Dragana Bobič
Camera: Radovan Čok and Jure Škrlep
Editing: Jure Škrlep
Produced by: Video pro
Škocjan, 2006
Rakov Škocjan - Zirknitzersee – Škocjanske jame
Unterwegs im slowenischen Karst
Žuja u Sloveniji - part II (Škocjanske jame)
Škocjanske jame su jedinstveni prirodni fenomen, rezultat denudacijsog djelovanje rijeke Reka. Reka izvire ispod visoravni Snežnika i teče u dužini od 55 km na površini. Nakon dolaska na krš, koji je vapnenačka podlogu, rijeka ne samo produbljuje svoje korito zbog erozije, nego i putem korozije - otapa vapnenac.
U prvom dijelu svog toka unutar Parka teče na vapnencu. Reka i dalje teče na površini, uz oko četiri kilometra dugu ždrijelo koje završava s velebnog zida, pod kojim nestaje u podzemlju. Slijepe doline Reke je najveći u Sloveniji. U dalekoj prošlosti, vjerojatno u ranom pleistocenu, koji je nekoliko stotina tisuća godina, strop spilje urušio nekih 200 metara od odlagališta, kao rezultat toga, urušna ponikva Velika dolina (do 165 metara dubine) i Mala dolina (120 metara) je nastala, odvojeni prirodnim mostom. Iznad pećine, između zida iznad sudopera i zidovima Mala dolina, nalazi se selo Škocjan. U neposrednoj blizini kuće, postoji još jedan ulaz u podzemlje, devedeset metara duboki ponor zove Okroglica, koja završava tik iznad podzemne rijeke Reke.
Skocjanske jame (Skocjan Caves) - May/2010
Skocjanske jame (Skocjan Caves)
Slovenia Skocjanske Jame
I visited Skocjanske Jame, a beautiful cave in Slovenia on 21 Apr 18. We stopped in Trieste, Italy on the way. The video starts with some kayak soccer and a fountain in Trieste. It then goes to the river that flows into the cave. The canyon the river is in used to be part of the cave and the roof collapsed many years ago; and is 164 m deep. The river originates in Croatia, comes to the cave and goes underground; and continues for another 30 km underground and enters the Adriatic Sea in Italy. It is strangely named Reka, the Russian and Slovenian word for river. I could not take videos in the cave as they rush you through so that the lights do not stay on for too long and promote the growth of algae that will damage the cave interior.
Szlovénia. Divaska és Skocjan barlangok
Szlovénia. Divaska és Skocjan barlangok
Skocjani barlangok
Szlovénia. Skocjanske jame. Skocjan Caves
A sárkányok búvóhelye. Utazás a föld középpontja felé.
Škocjanske jame in Rakov Škocjan.wmv
Photographies of natural reserve Rakov Škocjan and karsic cave Škocjanske jame - part of Unesco world heritage. Slovenia.
We take a detour via Skocjan Caves, Slovenia
When you visit Slovenia there are a few must see and do's. Postojna Caves comes up every time. Then you hear how crowded it is and how it has turned into a sort of amusement park. The alternative is Škocjan Caves - only a short drive further south. The Škocjan Caves is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and represent the most significant underground phenomena in both the Karst region and Slovenia. The 6 km of caves carved by the Reka river include one of the largest underground canyons in the world and is an incredible sight to experience first hand. For more information see
Music by Dizaro
Skocjanske jame 200 let
200. obletnica turizma v Škocjanskih jamah
130. obletnica JZS
60. obletnica JRS
Die Höhlen von Škocjan, Slowenien
Die Höhlen von Škocjan, Slowenien am 07.04.2012
Slowenien #1 - Ankunft & Škocjan Höhlen
Die Jungs unterwegs in Slowenien! Und da soviel Blödsinn, aber auch so viele schöne Aufnahmen entstanden sind, gibt es eine kleine Mini-Serie des Trips.
Bensound - Epic
Timothy JP Gomez playing flute
Voorhees - Signals & Silence
Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves UNESCO, Divaca, 77Km Southwest of Ljubljana, Slovenia September 29, 2019
Lišajska karta parka Škocjanske jame/Lichens' Map of the ŠCP
V okviru Mreže univerz parka Škocjanske jame, je v letu 2015 z Univerzo v Novi Gorici potekalo projektno delo Po kreativni poti do praktičnega znanja z naslovom Lišajska karta parka Škocjanske jame. V okviru tega je nastal istoimenski film dveh sodelujočih študentov Visoke šole za umetnost. / As an activity of the Network of Universities of the Škocjan Caves Park, a project “Lichens' Map of the Škocjan Caves Park” was held in 2015 with the University of Nova Gorica. The project was part of the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund’s “With Creativity towards Practical Knowledge Program”. One of the project's outcomes is the film made by two students of the School of Arts, which is a member of the University of Nova Gorica.
raziskovalci/researchers: Tea Canka, Grega Šarka, Jana Sitar, Samo Škrlec, Barbara Šavli, Špela Hudobivnik
intervjuvanec/interviewee: Boris Čok, ambasador Biosfernega območja Kras/ambassador of the Karst Biosphere Reserve (Unesco MAB)
izpraševalka/interview performer: Lara Brankovič
snemalca/camera: Vid Bahor, Gašper Mali
glasba/music: Sunlunger, White Sand
montaža/editing: Gašper Mali
režija/direction: Gašper Mali, Vid Bahor
mentorja/mentors: dr. Suzana Žižek, Jože Požrl
produkcija/production: projekt PKP/ With Creativity towards Practical Knowledge Project
Zaradi pritožbe avtorja, je bil umaknjen del zvočne podlage. / Some sound was delited due to author's complaint.