Gina's Skydiving in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Un día épico en el festival de paracaidismo de Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Los sueños sí se hacen realidad. Uno menos para la lista. Inténtalo.
Skydive Puerto Rico (Arecibo)- Una experiencia inolvidable!
This was an unforgettable experience that I will never forget! So blessed to be able to share it with Martha Luna (@mdollnyc). Check out this footage of our jump in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.
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Skydive Puerto Rico in Arecibo | Infopáginas
Skydive Puerto Rico in Arecibo For more information, visit or call 7874366215
Un día con Skydive PuertoRico
Chequea mi salto tándem con Ernesto de Skydive Puerto Rico
Un walk-around en Skydive Puerto Rico
Échenle un vistazo a nuestras instalaciones durante un weather hold
skydiving Vivi Arecibo,Puerto Rico
Cumpliendo uno de mi lista de deseos. Una poco nerviosa no podía dejar de reirme ????????????pero pues me lo disfrute!!
Dililah Skydiving in Arecibo, Puerto Rico!!!!
3rd Jump
SDPR ANGLES La Escuelita 2do Angle Camp en Skydive Puerto Rico
Aqui el video de nuestro segundo angle camp en Skydive Puerto Rico - SDPR ANGLES!! Gracias a todos los paracaidistas, organizadores, staff y ayudantes que hicieron que este evento fuera uno unico, seguro, divertido y lleno de vibras increibles. Vamos pal 3ro!!!
Bello, Skydiving @ Arecibo, Puerto Rico
My first ever skydive back in 2016 . Ready for more. One time is not enough.
Music by Alan Walker - Force
Skydive Puerto Rico con mi hijo Esteban J. nuestro primer salto en paracaidas 14,000 pies
Mi primer salto con los muchachos de skydive PR los mejores una experiencia brutal..
Parachute from airplane at Arecibo Puerto Rico Skydive Puerto Rico
One of my bucket list thing ! Jump in parachute from airplane in Puerto Rico
Skydiving in Arecibo Puerto Rico ????
Everyone has to do this at least once in this lifetime!!
Puerto Rico Skydive Trip
Arecibo, Puerto Rico skydive boogie. 17-20 Feb 2017
Skydive Puerto Rico Sept 1 2019
Sep 1 Arecibo PR
Puerto Rico Boogie 2019
A few of Music City Skydiving's jumpers headed south over the winter to get a few jumps in!
Skydiving in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
An experience like no other. Jumping off a perfectly functioning plane. The adrenaline rush, the doubts, and the excitement, all in one. We had an amazing experience skydiving with Xtreme Divers in Arecibo, PR. We loved the view, and it's an experience we look forward to having again!
Go to to book your jump!
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Epic Skydiving Puerto Rico
GalsaPR jumping from the sky. See the end. EPIC
Melissa's 2nd Tandem (Skydive) - Arecibo, Puerto Rico
My second skydiving jump at Arecibo Airport, Puerto Rico. July 19th, 2009
Skydiving in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Just some jumps in the heavenly Arecibo. Thank you Jason.