Formal 09/15/15 Session - Norfolk City Council
08:11 PH-1 PUBLIC HEARING on the application of West Norfolk Marketplace, LLC, ...
08:30 PH-2 PUBLIC HEARING on the application of Noah Bachow, a) for a Zoning text amendment to repeal Section 11-42, “Green Gifford Localized Sign Overlay District,”...
09:54 PH-3 PUBLIC HEARING on the application of George Yancey, for a change of zoning... 1201 Colonial Avenue
11:34 PH-4 PUBLIC HEARING ... King's Fork Road and Waters Road in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, for the sum of $35,000.00
11:12 PH-5 PUBLIC HEARING to hear comments on approving the Sublease to Portsmouth Community Health Center, Inc. ...
12:00 PH-6 PUBLIC HEARING to hear comments on approving a Land Disposition and Development Contract between the City of Norfolk, as Seller, and St. Paul's Apartments, L.P., as Purchaser, for real property consisting of 4.54 acres, more or less, and located at St. Paul's Boulevard and Wood Street
36:38 R-1 Special Exception to permit the operation of an automobile and truck repair facility named ‘Bud’s Used Tires and Brake Services’ on property located at 3345 North Military Highway
37:08 R-2 Special Exception authorizing the operation of an entertainment establishment known as ‘MP Island Café’ ...
37:46 R-3 Special Exception authorizing the operation of an entertainment establishment named ‘Smartmouth Brewing Company’ ...
R-3A Special Exception to permit the operation of a microbrewery named ‘Smartmouth Brewing Company’ on property located at 1309 Raleigh Avenue
42:12 R-4 Special Exception authorizing the operation of an eating and drinking establishment named “Lemongrass Grille”
R-4A An Ordinance permitting alterations to a building to create an outdoor dining space on property located at 725 West 21st Street
43:16 R-5 Special Exception authorizing the operation of an eating and drinking establishment named ‘Legrand Kitchen’ ...
43:40 R-6 Special Exception to permit the construction of a fence on property located at 231 West Balview Ave.
44:00 R-7 Special Exception authorizing the operation of an eating and drinking establishment named ‘Hair of the Dog Eatery’ ...
44:42 R-8 Special Exception authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption at an establishment known as ‘7-Eleven’ on property located at 735 East Ocean View Avenue
R-8A Special Exception to permit a convenience store, 24-hours (with fuel sales) known as ‘7-Eleven’ on property located at 735 East Ocean View Avenue
01:17:36 R-9 Special Exception to permit a convenience store, 24-hours (with fuel sales) known as ‘7-Eleven’ on property located at 3805 Colley Avenue
01:19:02 R-10 An Ordinance permitting Baxter’s to encroach into the City’s Right of Way on Bute Street and approving a third amended Encroachment Agreement with Granby Restaurants, L.L.C., t/a Baxter’s, for property at 500 Granby Street
R-11 An Ordinance to revoke the permission granted to Sweet Teas Norfolk LLC to encroach into the right of way of Granby Street at 345 Granby Street for the purpose of outdoor dining
R-12 An Ordinance permitting 245 Granby Street LLC to encroach into the right of way of Boush Street and Tazewell Street, with a fire escape, a stair, cornices, awnings and pilasters
R-13 An Ordinance permitting the Hermitage Foundation to encroach into the right of way of Hampton Boulevard with two two-way finding signs
R-14 An Ordinance approving a Nonexclusive Conduit Construction Franchise Agreement with CenturyLink Communications, LLC
R-15 An Ordinance approving a Nonexclusive Telecommunications Franchise Agreement with Cavalier Telephone, L.L.C.
R-16 An Ordinance to amend and reordain Sections 25-653 and 25-654 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, SO AS TO add twenty-seven new yield intersections and five new stop intersections
R-17 An Ordinance accepting the donation of $27,000.00 to the City from the Hampton Roads Sanitation District and appropriating and authorizing the expenditure of the $27,000.00 for the construction of the Lavalette Avenue Canoe/Kayak Launch and Fishing Dock
R-18 An Ordinance approving a lease of certain property located at 910 Ballentine Boulevard from the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Lease Agreement on behalf of the City
R-19 An Ordinance approving the acceptance of the Norfolk Adult Drug Treatment Court Grant Award of $250,000 from the Supreme Court of Virginia for the Adult Drug Court Program and program fees up to $10,000
R-20 ....
R-21 ...
R-22 ...
R-23 ...
R-25 ...
03/27/14 Norfolk Planning Commission Public Hearing
03:04 Continuation Requests
05:49 CVS, for the following applications on property located at 3717 Hampton Boulevard: a. Special Exception to operate a Retail Goods Establishment (operating after midnight). b. Special Exception to operate a Commercial Drive-Through. c. Special Exception for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Off-Premises Consumption.
20:08 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, for a Zoning Text Amendment to amend chapter 4, Residential Districts, sections 4-10, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, and 4-16, Table 4-A, Table of Land Uses, Table 4-B Yard Requirements for Residential Districts, and section 15- 4.2, Design standards for parking areas, of the Zoning Ordinance to modify development criteria for Townhomes in residential zoning districts, including the minimum lot area, lot width, setbacks, and motor vehicle loading requirements.
21:28 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, for a Zoning Text Amendment to amend Table 7-A, Table of Land Uses, of the Zoning Ordinance to add Trucking Terminal as a permitted use within the General Industrial (I-3) zoning district.
21:50 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, for a Zoning Text Amendment to amend sections 2- 3, 4-0, Table 4-A, Table of Land Uses, and 25-10.2, Child day care centers, day care homes, and kindergartens, of the Zoning Ordinance to expand opportunities for Day Care Homes in residential districts.
22:40 SALVATION ARMY KROC CENTER, for the following applications on property located at 1401 Ballentine Boulevard: a. Zoning Text Amendment to add section 11-53 to the Zoning Ordinance to create the Salvation Army Kroc Center Localized Alternative Sign Overlay (Kroc-LASO) district. b. For a change of zoning to adopt the Kroc-LASO (Salvation Army Kroc Center Localized Alternative Sign Overlay) district.
24:18 PIVOT CENTER, for a Special Exception to operate an Indoor Recreational Sports facility on property located at 3412 Inventors Road.
25:10 RUSSELL RICHARDSON, for a Special Exception to operate an Automobile and Truck Repair facility on property located at 2635 Arkansas Avenue.
26:08 BEAN THERE CAFÉ, for a Special Exception to operate an Entertainment Establishment on property located at 223 E. City Hall Avenue. The purpose of this request is to add Entertainment to the existing establishment.
27:04 SMARTMOUTH BREWING CO., to amend a previously granted Special Exception to operate an Entertainment Establishment with alcoholic beverages on property located at 1309 Raleigh Avenue. The purpose of this request is to modify the floor plan and managers of the existing establishment.
28:00 328 TEQUILA, for a Special Exception to operate an Entertainment Establishment with alcoholic beverages on property located at 328 W. 20th Street.
Formal 09/11/12 Session - Norfolk City Council
03:10 Ceremony - Norfolk Boxing Coach Gloria Peek
11:18 R-3 Special street name designation of a portion of Park Avenue as Rosey's Way
15:52 PH-1 Sale of Western one-half of City Owned Land located at 1417 37th Street to Marcus Bell and Drell L. Bell
16:33 PH-2 Sale of Eastern One-Half of City Owned Land located at 1417 37th Street to Natasa A. Pitchford
17:14 PH-3 Conveyance of a GEM Lot located at E S Wilson Road to Jerome and Shekeia Thompson
18:02 PH-4 Ordinance to Approve a Lease Agreement between the City of Norfolk and Teens With a Purpose at the Vivian C. Mason Arts & Technology Center located at 700 E. Olney Road
21:12 PH-5 Zoning Text Amendment to amend Section 12-8 Discontinuation of nonconforming uses of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Norfolk, 1992, to clarify requirements for continuation of nonconforming uses
21:58 PH-6 For the following applications at 3351-3353 Chesapeake Boulevard -- Advantage Investments, LLC
57:16 PH-7 Conveyance of a GEM Lot located at SSW 26th Street to John J. Chappell, Sr. and John J. Chappell, Jr.
57:50 PH-8 Conveyance of a GEM Lot located at 859 Washington Avenue to Charlene Wimbish
58:40 PH-9 Encumbrance of property at 9500-9510 14th Bay Street
01:01:50 PH-10 Lease Agreement -- Friends of the Pagoda & Oriental Garden Foundation
01:04:22 R-1 Ordinance --15' X 25' Permanent Utility Easement from Sentara Hospitals
01:04:46 R-2 Ordinance to add new definitions and regulations for fats, oils and grease discharges from food service establishments
01:05:16 R-4 Adult Drug Court Grant Acceptance
01:05:55 R-5 Resolution authorizing the Department of Utilities to provide water and sewer service to lessees and tenants of property without written authorization from the property owner
01:06:50 R-6 Special Exceptions at 6100 Tidewater Drive -- 7-Eleven: To allow the existing convenience store to operate the Gas Station, 24-hour Retail Sales Establishment with ABC Off-Premise sales, seven days a week.
01:08:15 R-7 Special Exception for an Eating and Drinking Establishment at 4412 Monarch Way -- Ynot Pizza
01:08:42 R-8 For a Special Exception to operate an Eating and Drinking Establishment on property located at 7631 Granby Street -- The Pancake House
01:09:02 R-9 Special Exception to operate an Establishment for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Off-Premises Consumption at 123 West 21st Street -- 80/20 Burger Bar
01:09:34 R-10 Special Exceptions to amend a previously granted Special Exception for an Establishment for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Off-Premises Consumption, and to operate an Entertainment Establishment with Alcoholic Beverages at 1309 Raleigh Avenue -- Smartmouth Brewing
01:10:20 R-11 Amended FY12 Fire Programs Aid to Locality Funding Program
01:10:44 R-12 FY13 Fire Programs Aid to Locality Funding Program
01:11:12 R-13
01:13:34 R-14
Work 06/24/14 Session - Norfolk City Council
13:28 TIDE EXTENSION STUDY Presenter: William Harrell, Hampton Roads Transit
34:05 STRATEGY REGARDING VIOLENT CRIME & PROGRAMS Presenter: Mike Goldsmith, Chief of Police
52:52 HAMPTON BLVD TRUCK TRAFFIC Presenter: Ron Williams, Asst. City Mgr.
01:05:30 HURRICANE READINESS AND REVERSE 911 SYSTEM Presenter: Jim Redick, Director of Norfolk Emergency Preparedness and Response
All comments can be taken at the Norfolk City Clerk's office or emailed to
Work 04/23/13 Session pt. 2 - Norfolk City Council
48:36 STREET EVENTS Presenter: Anne Odell, Assistant City Manager
01:02:58 THE PLOT Presenter: Anne Odell, Assistant City Manager
closed session for remainder