Sokolski Monastery.Bulgaria.Full HD.( Соколски манастир)
The Sokolski Monastery is a Bulgarian Orthodox monastery founded in 1833 and named after its founder Yosif Sokolski. It is located 15 km southwest of Gabrovo on the northern slopes of the Balkan Mountainsin the Bulgarka Nature Park and is close to the Sokolovo cave.
Originally, a small wooden church was built in 1833 and the frescoes were finished a year later. Hristo Tsokev, a Gabrovo-born artist, donated the church icon, which represents the Virgin Mary and Christ and is considered to be miraculous. In 1862, Father Paul Zograf and his son Nikola from the village of Shipka decorated the church with frescoes.
The monastery has a big yard surrounded by residential and utility buildings. In the centre of the yard, in 1865 the master Kolyu Fichetoconstructed a big stone fountain with eight taps. The whole monastery was built during the Bulgarian National Revival with the strong support of the people of Gabrovo and the local villages.
The monastery played an important role during the April Uprising. In this monastery, the leader Tsanko Dyustabanov formed a group of volunteers for the resistance. In a short period of time during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 the monastery was a hospital.
Bulgarian monastery - Sokolski monastery
Sokolski Monastery is located on the Balkan mountain near the town of Gabrovo and historical-ethnographic complex Etara. Etara is also called the City of the Masters or the City of Craftsmen.
Before the appearance of the monastery in 1834, a small church was built here. During forty years, new buildings have appeared here. Thus there was the monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin.
In the twilight of the Ottoman Empire at the monastery often stayed Bulgarian partisans who fought against the Turks.
During the Russian-Turkish war, the monastery was used as hospital.
It was originally built as a mens monastery but in 1959 it was turned into a convent.
We organize individual excursions and tours in Bulgaria and in Sokolski Monastery
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Sokolski Kloster befindet sich auf dem Balkan Berg in der Nähe der Stadt Gabrovo und historisch-ethnographischen Komplex Etara. Etara wird auch die Stadt der Meister oder die Stadt der Handwerker genannt.
Vor dem Erscheinen des Klosters im Jahre 1834 wurde hier eine kleine Kirche erbaut. Seit vierzig Jahren sind hier neue Gebäude erschienen. So gab es das Kloster der Himmelfahrt der Jungfrau.
In der Dämmerung des Osmanischen Reiches im Kloster blieben oft bulgarische Partisanen, die gegen die Türken kämpften.
Während des russisch-türkischen Krieges wurde das Kloster als Krankenhaus genutzt.
Es wurde ursprünglich als ein Mens Kloster gebaut, aber im Jahr 1959 wurde es in ein Kloster verwandelt.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge und Reisen in Bulgarien im Sokolski Kloster.
Wir organisieren individuelle Reisen nach Sokolski Kloster.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Соколски манастир // Sokolski Monastery, Bulgaria
Габровски Соколски манастир „Успение Богородично“ (наричан още Габровско-Соколски манастир, Габровски манастир или Соколски манастир) е действащ девически манастир на Българската православна църква, намиращ се в Северна България, близо до Габрово. Манастирът е основан в началото на 1833 година от Йосиф Соколски.[1]
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Соколски манастир Габрово_Sokolki Manastir Gabrovo
Location: The The Assumption Sokolski Monastery is situated in Stara Planina Mountain along the upper river valley of Yantra, 12 km away from Gabrovo and 4 km away from the Etara architectural ethnographic reserve. An eco path connects the monastery with the reserve.
History: In 1833 the famous fighter for church independence Joseph Sokolski came back to his home town Gabrovo and with the help of priest Agapius built a small wooden chapel in front of the nearby cave. A small wooden house was built near the church.
One year later people from the local villages made donations and helped for the construction of the big temple that can be seen today. The consecration of the church was carried out in 1834.
According to another hypothesis, there was an operating monastery at that place during the Medieval that was reconstructed by two monks in the 30s of the 19th century.
Veliko Tarnovo, Etar complex and Sokolski Monastery, Bulgaria
Соколски манастир / Sokolski monastery
Geocaching BG - Sokolski Monastery (GC1Z67M)
Sokolski (Gabrovski) Monastery / Соколски Габровски манастир
Sokolski (Gabrovski) Monastery / Соколски Габровски манастир
Bulgarian Monastery (Troyan) Visit
Today we went to a Bulgarian Monastery called Troyan it is the third largest Monastery in Bulgaria. Come along and have a look at it with me...
#Bulgaria #Monastery
I will get back to uploading my other content in one week :)
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Hi, name is Yvonne...but most people know me as Liefde its the Afrikaans word for LOVE...
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Соколски манастир, България / Sokolsky Monastery, Bulgaria
Соколският манастир „Успение Богородично” се намира в местността Соколова пещера, на 15 км югоизточно от Габрово и на 4 км от архитектурно-етнографския комплекс „Етъра”. С „Етъра” го свързва туристическа пътека, която минава през красива местност, а преходът по нея отнема около 2 часа. До манастира води добър асфалтов път от града.
Манастирът е основан от архимандрит Йосиф Соколски. През 1833 г. до входа на близката пещера Сокола той построил малка дървена църква и паянтова жилищна постройка, а през 1834 г. с помощта на хора от близките села на мястото на дървените постройки е издигнат и осветен голям храм. Храмът представлява еднокорабна, едноапсидна, еднокуполна сграда, а стенописите в него са направени по-късно.
През Възраждането в Соколския манастир е основано килийно училище. В годините до Освобождението през 1878 г. светата обител e давала убежище на бореца за свобода Васил Левски и четата на капитан дядо Никола - друг радетел за национално освобождение. През Руско-турската освободителна война (1877-1878 г.) манастирът е превърнат в лазарет за ранените руски войници.
През 1868 г. в манастирския двор известният в цяла България самоук майстор строител Колю Фичето построил кръгообразна каменна чешма с осем чучура, която е запазена и до днес и е една от най-интересните забележителности в манастира. Смята се, че Колю Фичето е построил също и красивата каменна стена и костницата до манастирския храм.
До средата на ХХ в. манастирът е бил мъжки, но през 1959 г. тук се преместили монахините от Габровския девически манастир. Оттогава Соколският манастир е девически. При преместването си монахините донесли ценни икони и документи.
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Glozhene Monastery, Bulgaria
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