Sopron (Hungary) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Sopron in Hungary.
In 1921 the border city of Sopron agreed to remain part of Hungary, a fact still commemorated by way of its Fountain Of Fidelity and Marian Column. It is a small city with a long history and whose historic old town is home to Hungary’s most Gothic buildings and magnificent ancient structures. Scarbantia was what the Romans called this former village in their province of Pannonia, later developing it into a city of which many original elements have remained in tact. The later addition of a mediaeval city wall which followed typical Roman plans ensured the survival of the city. Due to a devastating fire in 1676, the city was subsequently rebuilt according to Baroque design. The view across the rooftops of the old town, the Church Of Mary and the narrow streets, is quite overwhelming, an historical work of art. Each corner of the main square shows something different, with the elegant County Authority House and its monumental column portico stealing the show. The mediaeval city wall mostly follows the oval town plan of Roman times, the exterior Barbakane looking particularly impressive. Today the city has become a Baroque gem with a mediaeval heart. Sopron, pearl of Transdanubia!
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Sopron, Hungary in 1933. Archive film 98267
Amateur home movie. Leaving Vienna, Austria for Sopron, Hungary, 1933. Sopron railway station, street with grand car, into taxi with luggage at station, swimming pool and bathers, tree lined street , old town street scenes and clock tower, bus in town square and passengers embarking. House (Hotel?) and garden, posed shot of 3 adults, good shots seated bathing party and bathing costumes, lake with swimmers and diver. Old town street scenes, backyard, horse driven cart load of hay.
Sopron (Hungary) Documentary report: Travel Vacation Video Guide
Documentary report of Sopron in Hungary. This Hungarian town is situated next to the western borders of Hungary at the foot of the Alps.
In this travel vacation video guide you can experience the unique sights of Sopron. Follow us through the narrow streets with baroque houses to a Gothic synagogue and an ancient monastery with the image of a black Madonna.
The walk also takes us along the medieval city wall to the main square of Sopron with its striking and curious façades. In an old pharmacy on the main square, we see how medicines were produced many hundred years ago.
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Sopron. Historic city centre | Hungary #10
A visit to Sopron in north-western Hungary on the Austrian-Hungarian border. Roman in origin, Sopron experienced its heyday in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Most of the town was destroyed during a great fire in 1676. After this tragedy, many buildings were rebuilt in baroque style. This is the Sopron we still see today.
Rosengarten Hotel & Restaurant review in Sopron - Hungary 1080p Review
Best Price Guarantee, Availability and description at
Set within 1.3 km from the Baroque-style Old Town of Sopron, this hotel houses a beauty salon and a dentist clinic.
Currently Rosengarten Hotel & Restaurant rating is 8.8 with more than 638 reviews
Accommodation address: Lackner K u. 64, Sopron, Hungary
A quick trip to the beautiful town Sopron, Hungary
This video is about a road trip done from Budapest to the beautiful town of Sopron, Hungary(approx. 2 hours) Sopron is an old peaceful town with lots of old architectural beauty and the chance to experience authentic Hungarian food. The video shows the old churches, the heart of the city centre, the panaromic view from the Sopron Fire Tower (Tuztorony)
It also gives a glance of the local county life of a Hungarian family and the authentic Hungarian food. This place shares border with Austria and gives a good feeling of the scenic beauty of county side of East Europe.
Sopron belvárosi séta #2 / Sopron, Hungary downtown walking
Várfal, Várkerület, Széchenyi tér, SOPRON betűk
Sopron - Hungary
Sopron is a city in Hungary on the Austrian border, near the Lake Neusiedl. Inhabitants of Sopron and neighbouring villages voted on the referendum of 14 December 1921 for remaining part of Hungary. That’s why Sopron has got the title Civitas Fidelissima – The Most Faithful Town.
Sopron, Hungary
Sopron, Hngary 2015
Sopron (German: Ödenburg, Croatian: Šopron, Latin: Scarbantia) is a city in Hungary on the Austrian border, near the Lake Neusiedl/Lake Fertő.
The architecture of the old section of town reflects its long history; walls and foundations from the Roman Empire are still common, together with a wealth of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque structures, often artistically decorated, showing centuries of stability and prosperity.
Sopron trip, Hungary
Sopron belvárosi séta #1 / Sopron, Hungary downtown walking
Várkerület, Tűztorony, Főtér, Kecske-templom, Templom utca, Evangélikus templom, Petőfi tér, Színház, Várfalsétány, Szent György utca, Orsolya tér, Új utca, Zsinagógák, Városház utca
Sopron Hungary
When the area that is today Western Hungary was a province of the Roman Empire, a city called Scarbantia stood here. Its forum was located where the main square of Sopron can be found today.
During the Migration Period Scarbantia was believed to be deserted and by the time Hungarians arrived in the area, it was in ruins. In the 9th--11th centuries Hungarians strengthened the old Roman city walls and built a castle. The town received its Hungarian name at this time from a castle steward named Suprun. In 1153 it was mentioned as an important town.
In 1273 King Otakar II of Bohemia occupied the castle. Even though he took the children of Sopron's nobility with him as hostages, the city opened its gates when the armies of King Ladislaus IV of Hungary arrived. The king awarded Sopron by elevating it to the rank of free royal town.
The Soviet Red Army captured the city on April 1, 1945. On August 19, 1989, it was the site of the Pan-European Picnic, a protest on the border between Austria and Hungary, which was used by over 600 citizens of East Germany to escape from the GDR to the West. As the first successful crossing of the border it helped pave the way for the mass flight of East German citizens that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.
March of LIfe goes to Sopron, Hungary (3) - April 24 2014
After 300 descendants of Nazi perpetrators from Germany had taken the March of Life walked through the center of the city of Sopron, Hungary, the Rabbi of the city's small remaining Jewish community speaks in Hungarian with German translation. Any volunteer translators watching?
City of Sopron In Hungary
Intercultural Dialogue Day in Sopron, Hungary - 27th of September 2012
IDD 2012 in Hungary
Country: Hungary
City: Sopron
Chapter: Sopron
Volunteers' team: András Ede, Szilvia Ley and many others
Spokeperson: András Ede
Responsible Staff member: Csilla Fodor
Cooperation partners: AFS Magyarország, Pro Kultúra Kht.
The program, where AFS exchange students had the major role, started on 27th September 2012, Thursday at 10 a.m. and finishes at 8 p.m.
The program was multicoloured, with music, traditional food, a message wall to the world, funny language lessons, karate demo, etc.
Every exchange student in Sopron Chapter (4 Thai, 3 Italian, 1 German, 2 Japanese, 1 Mexican, 1 Belgien, 1 from Venezuela) had their own presentation tent, where they presented their country, language, habits and traditions. The host families also helped and stayed with their host-children. The whole day was about intercultural learning and dialoge.
The main program began at the afternoon, after school time, at 2 p.m. , with the main opening ceremony.
AFS also had it´s own tent, where volunteers promoted our programs, and talked about the possibilities AFS can offer to them.
We placed our event between the 3 biggest secondary schools of the city.
AFS Hungary, Sopron Chapter
Hotel Szieszta Video : Sopron, Hungary
City Partner Hotel Szieszta***, the largest hotel of Sopron is located at the foot of the Alps, at one of the most beautiful points of the Lovr hills, 15 minutes distance from the town centre, in the middle of a beautiful five-hectare natural park. The hotel has 273 Classic and Standard Plus rooms (with bathroom: bathtub/shower) with balcony. There is a splendid view at the Sopron Mountains and the old town.
You can enjoy the magic of the sub-alpine climatic health resort, and also get to know the cultural, sport and entertainment programmes of our town, which is also rich in historic monuments.
Parking, 24 hours Front Desk Service, Restaurant/cafe, Swimming Pool, Bar, Business centre, Spa, Pets allowed.
Check-in from 14:00 , check-out prior to 10:00
Hotel adress: Lövér krt. 37, Sopron,
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Egyedülállóan ódon hangulatú óváros Sopronban. / Walk to Old Town in Sopron/
Egyedülállóan ódon hangulatú óváros Sopronban. / Walk to Old Town in Sopron/
Sopron belvárosa páratlannak számít Magyarországon. Mai napig fennmaradt középkori utcaszerkezete, zömében barokk stílusú, régi épületei szinte sértetlenül vészelték át az elmúlt évszázadok pusztításait. Sopron, a hűség városa, Magyarország nyugati határa mellett, az Alpok lábánál fekszik. A város bővelkedik jelzőkben: a hűség, a szabadság, a kékfrankos városa, a Nyugat kapuja. Az óvárosban szinte minden épület műemlék, egészen a római kortól találunk itt történelmi emlékeket. Köszönöm érdeklődésüket, érezzék jól magukat nálam!
Zene: Bródy János_ Te itt leszel majd mellettem. Album: Ráadás – 2016. /The video was uploaded only for entertainment and language learning purposes and no money was earned from it! This video is not commercial./ A videót szerkesztette: Galambosferi
Sopron 1277-ben kapta meg a szabad királyi városi jogokat, a középkori Magyarország egyik legfontosabb és leggazdagabb városának számított. A török időkben Pozsony mellett az osztrák uralom alatt álló Magyarország egyik központja volt. A trianoni békeszerződés után a város és környéke hovatartozásának sorsáról népszavazásban döntöttek, így került vissza Magyarországhoz a zömében németek lakta Sopron is. Azóta nevezik Sopront a hűség városának.
Sopron a rengeteg műemlék és a gyönyörű természeti környezetnek köszönhetően jelentős idegenforgalommal bír, azonban ennek ellenére a város sokszor meglepően csendes, napnyugta után pedig meglehetősen kihalt, kevés szórakozási lehetőséget kínálva csupán.
A Fő tér és környéke: A gépjárműforgalomtól elzárt Fő téren találhatók a város legérdekesebb műemlékei. A város legjellegzetesebb épülete a Tűztorony alatt jutunk be a térre, a várossal való ismerkedésünket legcélszerűbb itt kezdeni. A barokk Fő tér közepén találjuk hazánk egyik legszebb és legrégibb Szentháromság-szobrát 1701-ből. A téren szinte mindegyik épületet érdemes szemügyre vennünk, itt található Magyarország egyik leggazdagabb antik bútor- és dísztárgy-gyűjteménye a Storno család egykori otthonában, de a közeli Fabricius ház régészeti, helytörténeti kiállításai is érdekesek, de a Polgári lakások c. tárlatért érdemes inkább meglátogatni.
Még két speciális érdeklődést kiváltó múzeumot találunk a téren, a templommal szemben, a Templom utca elején a volt Esterházy-palotában berendezett nagyszabású, színvonalas Központi Bányászati Múzeumot, ahol csodás ásványok, köztük aranyrögök, számos működő modell, rekonstruált bányabelsők teszik szemléletessé a magyarországi bányászat történetét, és a Patika Múzeumot, egy kicsi, de annál érdekesebb kiállítással, amely az évszázadok óta gyógyszertárként funkcionáló házban kapott helyet. A téren áll Sopron egyik legértékesebb műemléke a gótikus stílusú bencés (volt ferences) templom, a Kecske-templom, és a mellette lévő egykori kolostor, amelyben az ország legszebb gótikus termének tartott középkori káptalanterem található.
A Belváros: A Fő térről kiinduló négy csendes utca alkotja tulajdonképpen a belváros egészét, mindegyikben sűrűn sorakoznak a hangulatos, ódon házak. A Templom utca vezet ki az óváros szélén lévő parkosított nagy Széchenyi térre, ahol kitűnő cukrászdákat, kávézókat, gyorséttermeket találunk. Az Új utcában találjuk az egyik legrégebbi zsidó imahelyet Európában, az Ó-Zsinagógát.
Az Új utca a hangulatos Orsolya térre vezet, amelynek névadója az itt található orsolyita templom és rendház, közepén a felújított Mária-kúttal. A Szent György utcában találjuk a feltűnő, piros-fehér homlokzatú barokk stílusú soproni dómot, a Szent György templomot.
Anita Apartman Sopron - Sopron, Hungary - Review HD
Anita Apartman Sopron - Special price! -
Self-contained accommodations in the green outskirts of Sopron are offered at the Anita Apartman. The hotel features rooms with cooking facilities, a lounge with dining area, free Wi-Fi and private parking.
Spacious apartments at Anita Sopron hotel are modern and functional. They come with cable TV channels, CD and DVD players and open out onto private terraces.
Guests can prepare meals in their own kitchens, equipped with stove, oven and microwave. They can also discover many nearby eateries serving local Austro-Hungarian specialties from the Sopron County.
The hotel Anita Apartman Sopron also offers massage facilities and a bike rental. Popular nearby attractions span centuries and include the Roman City Walls, the Ottoman Hegyko Bath House and the baroque Main Square.
Autumn Train Journey From Budapest to Sopron, Hungary
The absolute beauty of the autumn forest through train window photos, and the contrast of the built-in living environment. The photos were taken early November 2018 on a three hours train journey from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, to Sopron, a town a near the border with Austria. Although most Hungarian towns have beautiful old city-centres, the buildings you can see near the stations tell a different story.
Gyor Old Town Area in Gyor, Hungary
Győr is the most important city of northwest Hungary, the capital of Győr-Moson-Sopron County and Western Transdanubia region, and—halfway between Budapest and Vienna—situated on one of the important roads of Central Europe. The city is the sixth-largest in Hungary, and one of the seven main regional centres of the country.
Győr is in the northwestern part of Hungary, close to the Slovakian and Austrian borders in the middle of the 'Golden Triangle' between Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna. It is a good stop between Vienna and Budapest or Sopron and Budapest, and also a good base for day trips throughout almost the whole North Transdanubian region. It has very good train and bus connections, and the motorway that passes to its south enables easy travel to Vienna and Budapest.
The city is nicknamed A vízek városa or A folyók városa (City of Waters or City of Rivers), because Raab/Rába, Rábca, Mosoni-Duna, Marcal rivers melting here or nearby, also mentioned as A barokk városa (the Baroque City), because the old part of the city contains dozens of monumental buildings and sculptures from the 18th century.
Győr is also home to one of the biggest engine manufacturing plants in Europe (over 400,000 units per year), which supplies most European Skoda, Audi and Seat car factories. The city center is very well supplied with small restaurants, pubs, bars and most of the hotels are here or nearby.
• Győr Old Town
After Budapest and Sopron, Győr is the third richest city in Hungary for historic monuments.
Most of the Old Town’s streets are on straight lines in an irregular grid system that drops you at stately squares like Bécsi Kapu Tér (Viennese Gate) and Széchenyi Tér.
The architecture is Baroque and Neoclassical, mostly from the 18th and 19th century, with regal stucco facades painted in light yellow and pastel tones.
The oldest, most tangled and most compact quarter of Győr is the Káptalan Hill, the cobblestone episcopal district at the confluence of the Rába, Rábca and Danube.
Here you’ll stumble upon the cathedral and the Püspökvár (bishops’ palace), easy to pick out for its flat-topped tower.
• History
Győr was founded around 450 BC by the Celts. The Romans settled there around the 1st century BC. After they abandoned the city, the Slavs eventually arrived around 500 AD. It was briefly part of Great Moravia and then the Kingdom of the East Franks. The Magyars came around 900 and survived the Mongol invasion of Hungary in the 1240s. During the Ottoman era, Győr saw much conflict and was captured by the Turkish Army for four years. At the end of the 17th century, it was a flourishing city. It achieved the status of 'free royal town', which helped to further improve the economy, trade and culture. During World War II, the local Jewish community was nearly wiped out and several buildings and factories were destroyed. In the 1950s and 60s, the Communist government built many block flats, and in the 1970s, the long process of restoring the Old Town began.
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