[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜7系統(’03年車、横浜車庫) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama7(Yokohama syako), Sotetsu-bus
English guide :Route No.Hama7, Sotetsu-bus, runs between Yokohama sta. west and Yokohama syako. Most of bus operated by Yokohama branch are returned to branch by this route. This is why diagrams are uneven.
I recorded this video on September 27,'19.
相鉄バスと群馬大学による実証実験の出発式と自動運転バスの走行シーン / Car Watch
相鉄バス 前面展望 旭4系統 保土ヶ谷駅東口⇒二俣川駅北口(美立橋・高地経由)ー今井街道の峠越えー
[前面展望]神奈中バス 南01系統(若葉台中央-南町田駅,休日のみ1便) /[Driver's view]Route No.Minami01 (Only 1 bus), Kanachu-bus
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜11系統(釜台住宅、上星川駅) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama11(Kamadai jyutaku), Sotetsu-bus
The sub-channel “h3f3f's toy box” ( has been opened. This channel has full of small story collections that can not be released on this main channel. Thank you for sub-channels too.
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜20系統(1日1本、環状2号線) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama20(only one per day,Kanjyo-2), Sotetsu-bus
English guide :Route No.Hama20, Sotetsu-bus, runs between Yokohama syako and Shinsakuragaoka danchi via Yokohama municipal road No.17, Kanjyo-2go. There's only one bus per day, to maintain the licence.
I recorded this video on September 27,'19.
■相鉄バス【車庫半周】横浜営業所(横浜車庫) 2018年6月
(新音声)相鉄バス 浜20系統 横浜車庫線(新桜ケ丘団地) 車内放送
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭6系統(相鉄沿線の住宅街をくねくねと) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi-6, Sotetsu-bus
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜7系統(’03年車、横浜車庫) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama7(Yokohama syako), Sotetsu-bus
The sub-channel “h3f3f's toy box” ( has been opened. This channel has full of small story collections that can not be released on this main channel. Thank you for sub-channels too.
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
【Yokohama Station】 From Keikyu Line Central Gate To Sotetsu Line 2F Gate
Japan train transfer guidance.
sakurafestival at seya. yokohama.japan
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜45系統(新道側道、星川駅) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama45(Shindo-side, Hoshikawa sta.), Sotetsu-bus
English guide : Route No.Hama45, Sotetsu-bus, were newly established by separating from the route No.Asahi-4, the most complicated route in Sotetsu bus, with the change of the sales office in March '05. From the Hodogaya sta. west, it runs through side road of the Daisan-keihin (Yokohama-sindo). Some buess are operated as section in the direction for Mitatebashi from Hoshikawa sta., especially on Saturday and holidays.
I recorded this video on March 25,'19.
相鉄バス 前面展望 旭4系統 保土ヶ谷駅東口⇒二俣川駅北口(美立橋・高地経由)ー今井街道の峠越えー
相鉄バス 浜45系統 星川線(保土ケ谷駅西口発) 車内放送
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭4系統 桜木町駅発(平日日中便) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi4 Sakuragicho sta.(weekday), Sotetsu-bus
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭5系統(岩崎町の急坂と低いガード、交通誘導員の添乗) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi-5(Iwasakicho), Sotetsu-bus
[前面展望]横浜市営バス 33系統 (和田町駅を2回通ります) /[Driver's view]Route No.33(Wadamachi sta. 2times), Yokohama-CTB
The sub-channel “h3f3f's toy box” ( has been opened. This channel has full of small story collections that can not be released on this main channel. Thank you for sub-channels too.
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
【Yokohama Station】 From Sotetsu Line 2F Gate To Keikyu Line Central Gate
Japan train transfer guidance.
相模鉄道新宿乗入れ 埼京線海老名行き 女性車掌 羽沢横浜国大 For Sotetsu Shinjuku Ebina Female conductor Hazawa Yokohama kokudai
新宿で特急あずさ発車 女性車掌 埼京線で海老名行き女性車掌活躍 羽沢横浜国大で車掌交替 海老名から特急新宿行き 相鉄と埼京線が乗入れ完了 Sotetsu for limited express Shinjuku Sotetsu12000 system Saikyo-line pull in and are completed conductor change female conductor achievement Hazawa Yokohama National University for Ebina Limited express Azusa departure female conductor at Shinjuku
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜16系統 鶴ヶ峰駅発(平日のみ8往復) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama16 Tsurugamine sta., Sotetsu-bus
Route No.Hama-16, Sotetsu-bus, is consist of 2 lines, one is connecting Tsurugamine sta. and Wadamachi sta., and the other is connecting Nishihara jyutaku and Yokohama sta. west. This video route is from Tsurugamine station operating only on daytime of weekday for access to Asahi ward office. There's railway crossing to main line, Sagami rwy. And between Nishihara jyutaku iriguchi and Ichisawacho is narrow road.
【相鉄線横浜駅-大和駅】相鉄バスのみで往復乗車してみた 浜7(横浜駅西口-横浜車庫)編
相鉄バス 浜16系統西原住宅行き前面展望
[前面展望]横浜市営バス 75系統(介護施設くぬぎ台 収支係数49.9 ) /[Driver's view]Route No.75, Yokohama-CTB (Kunugidai)
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭6系統(相鉄沿線の住宅街をくねくねと) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi-6, Sotetsu-bus
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
Sotetsu train line line Yokohama
Timelapse train departing train stations in Japan. First departure Yokohama
横浜駅西口バスターミナルいろいろな路線バス発着風景|Yokohama stn. Bus Terminal横浜市営バス相鉄バスかなちゅうバス等
Yokohama stn. Bus Terminal 人口:3,750,000人の横浜市内各地へ向かういろいろな路線バスの『到着』→『出発』→『走行』シーンをさまざまなアングルでお楽しみください。
東京駅JR高速バスターミナルいろいろなバス発着風景|Tokyo stn. Expressway Bus Terminal JRバス都バス京成Willer Express東武MEX富士急等
高速道路でUターン2018大型観光バスが西湘バイパスで!湘南国際マラソン最終関門(39.6km)14:55過ぎ 13th Shonan International Marathon
100台超いろいろな路線バスや観光バスが行き交う恩賜箱根公園(箱根関所)-元箱根港-箱根町港(箱根駅伝ミュージアム)|Lots of buses at Lake Ashinoko,Hakone
【Evangelion×Hakone】エヴァンゲリオン×箱根 2020 MEET EVANGELION IN HAKONE第3新東京市駅(桃源台駅)ラッピングバス箱根登山バス箱根ロープウェイ箱根海賊船
平塚駅北口バスロータリー神奈中バス大集合!神奈川県西最大級の路線バスロータリーの発着風景!真冬の夕暮れムクドリのさえずりと共にHiratsuka Bus Sutation 2017
江ノ島行ったら観光バスがすごかった2018いろいろな観光バス停車風景 修学旅行、遠足の学生らで大にぎわい(江ノ島水族館横の駐車場)伊豆箱根バス箱根登山バスなどBuses|Enoshima,Japan
#横浜駅 #バスターミナル #DTV
Travel in Japan | Yokohama Station East exit | Way to Minatomirai
Big thank you for watching this video!
☆Watch Life in Japan | Yokohama Station West exit Bus station, Yodobashi Camera, JR line and Sotetsu railway video HERE!!
☆Watch video Life in Japan Walk through of entranse in Umeda Sky Building HERE!!
〒220-0012 Nishi Ward,Yokohama City,Kanagawa Prefecture
→Go to Google Map!!
☆Bits of knowledge〜Minatomirai〜
Minato Mirai 21 is a seaside urban area in central Yokohama whose name means harbor of the future. It has many large high-rises, including the Landmark Tower, which was Japan's tallest building from 1993 until 2014. The area was a large shipyard until the 1980s, when development began to turn it into a new city center.
Minato Mirai is blessed with a great location along the water and has a wealth of attractions. Visitors to the area will be able to find shopping centers, hotels, a convention center, an amusement park, a relaxation center with hot spring baths, museums and park space.
- See more at:
☆Related information
◆Recommended Yokohama sightseeing itinerary
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My channel is now eligible for fan submitted subtitles through YouTube! This should make it much easier.
You can watch the explanation video on how you can contribute subtitles here:
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Yokohama Sotetsu Line journey from Futamata-gawa to Kibougaoka (Express to Ebina)
Yokohama Sotetsu Line journey from Futamata-gawa to Kibogaoka (Express to Ebina)
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜11系統(釜台住宅、上星川駅) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama11(Kamadai jyutaku), Sotetsu-bus
English guide : Route No.Hama45, Sotetsu-bus, runs between Yokohama sta. west and Kamihoshikawa sta. From Mitsuzawa-nishicho to Tokiwaen iriguchi is the section with a narrow slope and a steep slope, and it is the road between Yokohama national university (YNU) and Hazawa yokohama kokudai sta.
I recorded this video on September 27,'19.
【新型エアロスター】相鉄バス 浜11系統釜台住宅経由上星川駅行き前面展望
相鉄バス 前面展望 旭4系統 保土ヶ谷駅東口⇒二俣川駅北口(美立橋・高地経由)ー今井街道の峠越えー
日本初 大型バスで自動運転
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭4系統 桜木町駅発(平日日中便) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi4 Sakuragicho sta.(weekday), Sotetsu-bus
[前面展望]神奈中バス 横51系統(中山駅、平日は3往復) /[Driver's view]Route No.Yoko51 (Only 3 buses), Kanachu-bus
[前面展望]横浜市営バス 33系統 (和田町駅を2回通ります) /[Driver's view]Route No.33(Wadamachi sta. 2times), Yokohama-CTB
The sub-channel “h3f3f's toy box” ( has been opened. This channel has full of small story collections that can not be released on this main channel. Thank you for sub-channels too.
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
[2014年2月8日] 大雪の日の相鉄線と相鉄バス Sagami Railway and Sotetsu bus on Snowy day
February 8, 2014, I shot the video of Sagami Railway and Sotetsu bus. This is very rare a heavy snow in Yokohama.
Check out my channel for more videos!
[前面展望]横浜市営バス 201系統 横浜国大(平日のみ7便、スーツ氏の聖地) /[Driver's view]Route No.201(YNU), Yokohama-CTB
Route No.201, Yokohama transportation bureau, is circulate route from Yokohama station west thought Mitsuzawa kamicho station, Okazawacho and Wadamachi and return to Yokohama sta. On weekday every buses go into Yokohama national university (YNU). This route is alternative bus for municipal trolley bus route No.101, abolished on April,'72.
I recorded this video on August 17,'18.
恋するフォーチュンクッキー 横浜市交通局 Ver. / AKB48[公式]
横浜市営バス 201系統松本経由循環横浜駅西口行き前面展望
【アルペンルート4K前面展望】東芝VVVF搭載の関電トロリーバス 扇沢→黒部ダム
[前面展望]横浜市営バス 32系統(大雪、関内駅北口行き) /[Driver's view]Route No.32, Yokohama-CTB
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜16系統 鶴ヶ峰駅発(平日のみ8往復) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama16 Tsurugamine sta., Sotetsu-bus
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
【Yokohama Station】 From Sotetsu Line 2F Gate To Toyoko Line South Gate
Japan train transfer guidance.
相鉄線で横浜から海老名へ行くよ! ★ From Sotetsu line to Yokohama to Ebina!
今回は相鉄線で横浜から海老名へ行くよ! ららぽーと海老名に行くために相鉄線にのったきょうくん。途中すれ違うたびに見た事のない相鉄の車両が見れました!
About KYO-kun
I am a boy who loves trains and cars.
I will go ride and introduce the rides I tried making by myself.
★ チャンネル登録よろしくおねがいします!
★ 電車に乗る|相鉄グループ
★ おすすめ関連動画
相鉄線西谷駅直通線工事調査 2018/11/24
相鉄線・天王町―星川間 【上り線】高架化 2018年11月
[前面展望]相鉄バス 旭6系統(相鉄沿線の住宅街をくねくねと) /[Driver's view]Route No.Asahi-6, Sotetsu-bus
Route No.Asahi-6, Sotetsu-bus, is connect Higashitotsuka sta., Futamatagawa sta. and Sakon'yama apartment complexes developed by Urban renaissance agency, Ichisawacho. By the terminal and time zone, the bus runs both route thought or not thought Ichisawacho as the same route number. It is very complicated.
I recorded this video on May 2,'18.
相鉄バス 前面展望 旭4系統 保土ヶ谷駅東口→二俣川駅北口(美立橋・高地経由)ー今井街道の峠越えー
相鉄バス 浜5 横浜駅西口→交通裁判所循環 【前面展望】
相鉄バス 旭6 東戸塚駅西口→二俣川駅南口 【前面展望】
[前面展望]神奈中バス 11系統(狭隘路、バス専用信号) /[Driver's view]Route No.11, KanagawaChuo-TS bus
[前面展望]相鉄バス 浜4系統('13年4月路線短縮) /[Driver's view]Route No.Hama-4, Sotetsu-bus
Even if clear or dark, only the strange railroads, ropeways and the lifts occasionally take a bus. Please do not forget occasionally so please do not forget occasionally.
Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
別冊 つなわたり/ロープウェイに乗ろう
Extra issue Slacklining/Take a ropeway!
Homepage and blog is only in japanese.
Sotetsu Line Simulator (online)
This is a Train Simulator game found on Realrailway.com
(Please use large player option at bottom right of the player if you feel the screen is too small.)
Travel in Japan | Yokohama Station West exit | 横浜駅西口
Big thank you for watching this video!
☆Watch Life in Japan Beautiful and clean!! Toilet in Akiba video HERE!!
☆Watch video Life in Japan Scenary form window of Tokyo Monorail HERE!!
☆Yokohama Station
〒220-0005 Nishi Ward,Yokohama City,Kanagawa Prefecture Minamisaiwai 1-9
→Go to Google Map!!
☆Bits of knowledge〜Yokohama Staion 〜
Yokohama Station, located in Nishi-ku in Yokohama, is the main access point for visitors arriving in the port city.
Yokohama is ranked in the top ten busiest stations in the world. The Tokaido Shinkansen connecting Tokyo Station to Shinagawa Station and then on to Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka stops at Shin-Yokohama Station about 5km away. Shin-Yokohama is the stop after Shinagawa coming from Tokyo.
Yokohama Station Connections
Yokohama Station is a major rail intersection in the Kanto region.
JR lines that serve Yokohama Station include the Tokaido Main Line, the Yokosuka Line from Tokyo Station to Kurihama, the Yokohama Line to Hachioji, the Shonan-Shinjuku Line to Shinjuku Station, Ikebukuro Station and on to Omiya in Saitama, the Keihin-Tohoku Line from Omiya to Yokohama via Nishi-Nippori, Nippori, Ueno, Akihabara, Kanda, Tokyo, Yurakucho, Shimbashi, Hamamatsucho, Shinagawa, and JR Kawasaki Station in Kawasaki and the Negishi Line from Yokohama to Ofuna.
Other lines with connections to Yokohama Station include the Keikyu Line from Sengakuji near Shinagawa to Uraga in Kanagawa.
- See more at:
☆Related information
◆Transportation Bureau, City of Yokohama
☆Please Help With Submitting Subtitles
My channel is now eligible for fan submitted subtitles through YouTube! This should make it much easier.
You can watch the explanation video on how you can contribute subtitles here:
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