Evian Evian-les-bains France French Mineral Water from the Source Cachat
Evian Natural Spring Water begins its journey as rain and snow at the top of the French Alps. It takes at least 15 years for every drop of Evian to filter through the glacial sand formations of the French Alps.
Evian Natural Spring Water is bottled exclusively at its protected natural spring source (Cachat Spring (Source Cachat)), which lies at the very foot of the French Alps, far from any urban or industrial development. The Cachat Spring name is clearly stated on the Evian’s label.
Evian's source is Source Cachat where the water emerges from a tunnel in the mountain at 52.88 degrees F. The source is fed from the snow-melt and rain that filters from the Vinzier Plateau, over fifteen years, through glacial sand. The glacial sand is surrounded by clay which protects the water from pollution. The water is bottled at a nearby bottling plant, which is highly automated and exceptionally hygienic.
This is Evian - The Source Cachat
Nestled in the French Alps is a spa town with stunning landscapes, snow-clad mountains, and quaint French charm. What’s most intriguing about the place isn’t just its natural beauty—it’s the delightful people who live there, and their unfaltering passion for the region’s famed natural resource: evian natural spring water.
This is Evian takes viewers on a mini adventure through the quirky town of Évian-les-Bains to meet the faces behind the famous spring water. On this ride, you’ll meet (among others): the town mountaineer, a bunch of friendly cows, a less-than-perfect tattoo artist, water fountain pilgrims, and even pools of evian water rumored to keep you feeling young. If that’s not enough to make you add Évian-les-Bains to your travel bucket list, we don’t know what is.
A VICE+ Production, in partnership with evian®
Evian-les-Bains - La source Cachat new load
Evian les Bains - Ville d'eau - La Source Cachat
Remise en ligne de la vidéo à la demande de mes suiveurs
Evian-les-Bains est une belle station thermale se situant au bord du lac Léman aussi appelé lac de Genève.
Avec ses sources et ses thermes, il y a un casino et de nombreuses choses à visiter. Je vous souhaite une belle découverte de plus.
Uploading video at the request of my followers
Evian-les-Bains is a beautiful spa located on Lake Geneva Lake Geneva also called lake LEMAN.
With its springs and thermal baths, there is a casino and many things to visit. I wish you a nice discovery more.
Hochgeladen noch wieder auf Wunsch meiner Follower
Evian-les-Bains ist ein wunderschöner Kurort am Genfersee. Der Genfersee wird auch See LEMAN genannt.
Mit seinen Quellen und Thermalbädern gibt es ein Casino und viele Dinge zu besuchen. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne Entdeckung mehr.
Musique création originale ©aimeguthleben
Composition, arrangement, interprétation,
enregistrement, mastering
Musique travaillée à partir d'une composition rythmée
Bossa adaptée à partir de
You Never Can Tell Chuck Berry - Bruce Springsteen
Images et montage ©aimeguthleben
Tous droits réservés
Septembre 2019
European Roads - World famous water in Evian, France, Source Cachat 4K
World famous water in Evian, France, Source Cachat 4K
This is Evian
Nestled in the French Alps is a spa town with stunning landscapes, snow-clad mountains, and quaint French charm. What’s most intriguing about the place isn’t just its natural beauty—it’s the delightful people who live there, and their unfaltering passion for the region’s famed natural resource: evian natural spring water.
This is Evian takes viewers on a mini adventure through the quirky town of Évian-les-Bains to meet the faces behind the famous spring water. On this ride, you’ll meet (among others): the town mountaineer, a bunch of friendly cows, a less-than-perfect tattoo artist, water fountain pilgrims, and even pools of evian water rumored to keep you feeling young. If that’s not enough to make you add Évian-les-Bains to your travel bucket list, we don’t know what is.
A VICE+ Production, in partnership with evian®
Explore Evian France and Discover the Source of Evian Bottled Water
Join us on a tour of Evian France a beautiful town along the shores of Lac Leman directly across from Lausanne Switzerland. Not only is it the source of the renowned Evian water, it is considered one of the top European holiday resort and spa towns, claiming popularity with royalty and high society. In 2003 it hosted the G8 Summit Meeting with the top world leaders.
We hit up the grocery store while we were there and did a little price comparison to the grocery stores in Switzerland and yes it's much cheaper to shop in France!
We hope you enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe.
Learn more at:
This is Evian Trailer
Nestled in the French Alps is a spa town with stunning landscapes, snow-clad mountains, and quaint French charm. What’s most intriguing about the place isn’t just its natural beauty—it’s the delightful people who live there, and their unfaltering passion for the region’s famed natural resource: evian natural spring water.
This is Evian takes viewers on a mini adventure through the quirky town of Évian-les-Bains to meet the faces behind the famous spring water. On this ride, you’ll meet (among others): the town mountaineer, a bunch of friendly cows, a less-than-perfect tattoo artist, water fountain pilgrims, and even pools of evian water rumored to keep you feeling young. If that’s not enough to make you add Évian-les-Bains to your travel bucket list, we don’t know what is.
A VICE+ Production, in partnership with evian®
World famous water in Evian, France | Euromaxx
The small French spa town of Evian-les-Bains is world famous for its water, which flows from a source in the Alps. It's been bottled since 1826.
Evian les Bains lac Léman (Haute-Savoie), ville d'eau HD
Evian est une toute petite ville de Haute-Savoie (8 500 habitants), en bordure du lac Léman (lac de Genève) et pourtant mondialement connue grâce à son eau minérale, provenant entre autres de la source Cachat.
Elle est connue aussi pour son thermalisme et abrite de très beaux bâtiments en front de lac : le Casino bien sûr, le Palais Lumière, l'Hôtel Royal, l'Eglise Notre Dame de l'Assomption...
Walking around Evian-Les-Bains France
evian, from the heart of the Alps
a unique origin for the evian water which comes from the heart of the Alps
This is Evian - The Bottling Site
Nestled in the French Alps is a spa town with stunning landscapes, snow-clad mountains, and quaint French charm. What’s most intriguing about the place isn’t just its natural beauty—it’s the delightful people who live there, and their unfaltering passion for the region’s famed natural resource: evian natural spring water.
This is Evian takes viewers on a mini adventure through the quirky town of Évian-les-Bains to meet the faces behind the famous spring water. On this ride, you’ll meet (among others): the town mountaineer, a bunch of friendly cows, a less-than-perfect tattoo artist, water fountain pilgrims, and even pools of evian water rumored to keep you feeling young. If that’s not enough to make you add Évian-les-Bains to your travel bucket list, we don’t know what is.
A VICE+ Production, in partnership with evian®
Réhabilitation de la Buvette Cachat à Evian-les-Bains
A Evian-les-Bains, la rénovation de la Buvette Cachat prend forme. Les travaux de mise en protection sont terminés sur les principaux éléments de la structure. Le bâtiment est maintenant prêt pour toutes les interventions de sauvegarde et de restauration, un bâtiment qui devrait réouvrir au public en 2021.
Источник Эвиан. (Evian, France)
Это видео выставлено для просмотра, не ради лайков и публичности, а по просьбе друзей и носит исключительно, информационно познавательный характер. К сожалению, по техническим причинам, оригинал видео в хорошем качестве был утрачен и здесь представлена копия в сжатом видеоформате, что несомненно повлияло на качество картинки. Я понимаю всю ущербность данного продукта, но мной было дано обещание, а обещания надо выполнять.
This is Evian - The People
Nestled in the French Alps is a spa town with stunning landscapes, snow-clad mountains, and quaint French charm. What’s most intriguing about the place isn’t just its natural beauty—it’s the delightful people who live there, and their unfaltering passion for the region’s famed natural resource: evian natural spring water.
This is Evian takes viewers on a mini adventure through the quirky town of Évian-les-Bains to meet the faces behind the famous spring water. On this ride, you’ll meet (among others): the town mountaineer, a bunch of friendly cows, a less-than-perfect tattoo artist, water fountain pilgrims, and even pools of evian water rumored to keep you feeling young. If that’s not enough to make you add Évian-les-Bains to your travel bucket list, we don’t know what is.
A VICE+ Production, in partnership with evian®
Retour à la source, à Evian-Les-Bains La Belle Expérience avec Evian, en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Aujourd'hui, Guillaume est heureux, il approche enfin de LA source de l'eau d'Evian, la source Cachat. Il entraine Tania et sa famille dans une course à travers la ville. Une fois la source trouvée, il vont pouvoir se restaurer tranquillement à une terrasse et profiter des beautés de la ville et du lac !
Dans cette série, suivez les aventures de Tania et Guillaume, un couple de voyageurs citadins partis barouder en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, pour y vivre de Belles expériences....
La découverte de l'eau minérale d'Evian remonte à 1790 quand, au cours d'une promenade, un gentilhomme auvergnat, le marquis de Lessert, se désaltère à l'eau de la fontaine Sainte Catherine sur la propriété d'un dénommé Monsieur Cachat. Trouvant cette eau bienfaisante, légère et bien passante, cet homme, souffrant de maux de reins et du foie, en boit régulièrement au cours de ses promenades et constate une amélioration sensible de sa santé. Il vante alors les mérites de cette eau miraculeuse et des médecins commencent à en prescrire la consommation. Le succès est si rapide que Monsieur Cachat enclot sa source et se met à vendre l'eau. Les premiers Bains d'Evian apparaissent en 1824 et deux années plus tard, le roi de Sardaigne accorde une autorisation d'embouteillage. La première société des eaux minérales est créée en 1829, c'est le début de l'expansion de la station avec la construction de thermes, du casino, d'hôtels de luxe, du funiculaire, du théâtre.
© Rhône-Alpes Tourisme/Zéro-Six
Evian Publier Amphion Source Eau d'Evian
Evian natural spring water & my personal history with Evian that started when I was in the Army
Welcome to Wet Wednesdays. And Today I'm reviewing Evian which was the very first bottled water I ever had & it was during my time in Germany when I was in the Army.