APHRODITE - Kúpele - Welnes - SPA , Rajecké Teplice - Slovakia , hotel APHRODITE PALAS 4ˇˇˇˇ
APHRODITE - Kúpele - Welnes - SPA , Rajecké Teplice - Slovakia , hotel APHRODITE PALACE 4ˇˇˇˇ,welnes slovakia,spa slovakia,welnes Slovensko,lázně Slovensko,nejlepší lázně,kúpele,welnes,SPA na Slovensku,naj Slovakia,best Slovakia,
Rajecké Teplice - Slovakia [HD] Travel Magazín 006 (Travel Channel Slovakia)
Rajecké Teplice a hotel Aphrodite Palace v cestopisnom seriáli Travel Magazín z produkcie HD televízie Travel Channel Slovakia travelproduction.eu © Travel Channel Slovakia
20180929 Aphrodite Rajecké Teplice
kúpele Rajecké Teplice
Sklene Teplice spa, Slovakia
Sklene Teplice spa (kúpele), Slovakia 2016
Sklené Teplice is located in a beautiful valley in the Stiavnica Mountains. The thermal springs with water temperatures ranging from 37 °C to 52,3°C are unique to these mountains and have been used for a thousand years, not to mention their more recent use as healing springs in the more recent and celebrated history of the spas in the area. The spa itself is most likely the last spa that does not dilute or treat the water as it changes the baths on a daily basis, which makes the pools and baths accessible even for those who are more sensitive to spa water and for allergy sufferers. The high magnesium and calcium content means the spa is the ideal site for treating and preventing locomotor disorders as well as nerve and rheumatic diseases, injury rehabilitation as well as general recuperation and regeneration stays. The cave steam bath, known locally as Parenica, is unique to Europe. Stays in the Maria Theresa baths, the sauna world and excellent coffee in the historical Kursalon café are an experience for the body and the soul.
Hotel Permon TOP Wellness in SLOVAKIA ! AQUA & KIDS´& SAUNA Paradise
High Tatras AQUA & KIDS´& SAUNA Paradise
Slovensko 2016 - Rajecké Teplice - Aphrodite, bazény
Spa Rajecke Teplice - Hotel Aphrodite****
Hotel Aphrodite provides its clients with unique combination of comfortable accommodation and procedures available under one roof.
Spa house Aphrodite has become a magnet for both Slovak and foreign guests. Its interior is designed in antic style contributing to the atmosphere of comfort and luxury.
There are offered balneological procedures of high quality, accommodation in a four-star hotel, a high quality restaurant with various menu offer, a stylish café and also complementary services as cosmetics and hairdressers services.
More info: hotel-aphrodite.com
Vitajte vo svete SPA Aphrodite Rajecké Teplice
Nahliadnite spolu s nami do sveta SPA Aphrodite a vychutnajte si skvelú atmosféru našich kúpeľov prostredníctvom nášho nového videa. Ak máte záujem o rezerváciu Vášho vysnívaného pobytu stačí kliknúť sem:
SPA Aphrodite - saunovanie
reportáž z telerána
SPA WEEK In Slovakia
I'm in Piestany, Slovakia for a fun little spa week
Spa Rajecke Teplice - wellness world
Attractive oriental-style complex hides saunas and steam baths. Visitors can enjoy themselves in classic Finnish sauna or can overheat their whole bodies with delight in tepidarium, or just relax in exclusive steam bath. Pleasant architecture, modern technologies together with natural essence products, all that ensures complete utilisation of beneficial effects, which our Sauna World offers.
More info: hotel-aphrodite.com
Snídaně s Novou - SPA APHRODITE Rajecké Teplice - Saunové rituály
Krátka ukážka saunového rituálu v SPA APHRODITE Rajecké Teplice.
Spa Rajecké Teplice Slovakia 2017
Trenčianske Teplice - Slovakia
Wellness Hotel Diplomat - Rajecke Teplice Hotels, Slovakia
Wellness Hotel Diplomat 4 Stars Hotel in Rajecke Teplice, Slovakia Within US Travel Directory Stay where the locals do Surrounded by the Mala Fatra national Park the modern Sport Wellness Hotel Diplomat offers you luxurious apartments with large south-facing terraces, an indoor swimming pool and a 3-D golf simulator.Choose from extensive opportunities for sport activities and relaxation, combining privacy andluxury with outstanding services.
Hotel Diplomat offers high-standard hospitality to satisfy even the most demanding guests.
The exquisite gastronomic experience at the restaurant and the V.
P Bar which is ideal for special parties provides culinary pleasures, while a wellness centre with saunas, a swimming pool, a tropic rain and a small waterfall offers relaxation for body and soul.
Access to the relax pool and wellness area i free of charge.
The spa town of Rajecke Teplice surrounded by the Mala Fatra Mountains is a very popular recreational tourist region with thermal swimming pools and a wide range of spa services.
Hotels Located in :
Wellness Hotel Diplomat - Rajecke Teplice Hotels, Slovakia
Location in : 1. Maja 460/14, 01313 Rajecké Teplice, Slovakia
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Spa Aphrodite Rajecke Teplice - hosť večera Dara Rolins - 28. 5. 2016
Otvorenie novej časti NATURAL SPA
BARDEJOVSKÉ KÚPELE - liečebné a relaxačné pobyty, wellness SPA
BARDEJOVSKÉ KÚPELE patria medzi špičku slovenského kúpeľníctva s dlhoročnou tradíciou.
Prvá písomná zmienka o kúpeľoch pochádza už z roku 1247, väčší rozmach kúpeľov nastal v prvej polovici 18 storočia. Od roku 1997 sme akciovou spoločnosťou, ktorej lôžková kapacita v hlavnej sezóne dosahuje 1000 lôžok, počet zamestnancov sa pohybuje od 200 do 250.
Medzi najnavštevovanejšie atrakcie kúpeľov, ktoré lákajú nielen našich klientov, ale aj obyvateľov okolia, patrí moderné Wellness SPA - bazénový a saunový svet s kapacitou 150 návštevníkov a Beauty Studio vybavené najmodernejšími prístrojmi na kozmetické kúry a tvarovanie postavy.
#bardejovskekupele #relaxacnypobyt #liecebnypobyt #wellness
Thermal Spa Piešťany Slovakia
In nowadays rush time spa has become a place where you can find a peace and rest in the beautiful surrounding. More and more people desire to escape just for a bit of time from this world, to forget about sorrows and enjoy themselves. The refore do not hesitate and find a little bit of time just for yourself. Try some of our procedures and refill your body and soul with new energy.
You can choose from various procedures.
Massages, baths. whirlpool, mud-packs, electro and endo therapy and other procedures. Rehabilitation Tractions, rehabilitations, swimming and fitness Spa stay - Osteoporosis, Rheumatic diagnosis, Reduction programmes. Special balneorehabilitation programmes of nonpharmacologic treatment of osteoporosis. The main target of this spa Mud baths, medicinal thermal hot water balneotherapy.
More info:
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