1 Dolphins Spirit of the Sea, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria
2 Dolphins Spirit of the Sea, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria
6 Bryde's Whale Spirit of the Sea, Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria
Dolphin Watching onboard the Spirit of the sea's in Gran Canaria
a lovely day spent with amazing mammals, common spotted dolphins off the coast of Puerto Rico :)
Tui spirit of the sea gran canaria 2019
Delfinausflug Gran Canaria spirit of the sea
Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria - Dolphins of the Atlantic Ocean.
Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria, Spain ..... Dolphins of the Atlantic ocean ... The Atlantic spotted dolphin!
Music: Modus Operandi - Wes Hutchinson
Spirit of the Sea - Ok Gran Canaria
Información para hacer la excursión para el avistamiento de delfines y cetáceos en
Delfinsafari med Spirit of the sea! | Gran Canaria del 2
Vi drar ut på delfinjakt med spirit of the sea på Gran Canaria. Vi ser flera delfiner och en häftig sköldpadda ute på havet. På slutet får vi bada från båten. Lite läskigt med riktigt coolt!
gran canaria whales ballenas wale
Spirit of the Sea
Ballenas en la costa de gran canaria
Whales off the coast of Gran Canaria
Wale vor der Küste Gran Canarias
music: Nu Flute Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Sea Trek Spain
Imagine caminar a gravedad cero rodeado de increíble vida marina… eso es Sea TREK.
Viva la emoción de explorar el océano y todas sus maravillas sin dedicar el valioso tiempo de sus vacaciones a un entrenamiento especializado.
Spirit of the sea Full HD
Spirit of the Sea
Excursiones maritimas para la observacion de delfines y ballenas en Gran Canaria
Dolphin and Whale watching tour in Gran Canaria, Canry islands,
Ausflulgsschiff für die Beobachtung von Delfine und Wale auf Gran Canaria.
Sea Trek Spain
Si puede caminar y respirar, puede hacer Sea TREK!!
Imagine caminar a gravedad cero rodeado de increíble vida marina… eso es Sea TREK.
Grindwale vor der Küste Gran Canarias | Spirit of the Sea
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[#3] GC - Grindwale vor der Küste Gran Canarias | Spirit of the Sea
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➥ Dolphin & Wal Beobachtungen buchen :
➥ Puerto Rico
➥ Gran Canaria
Die Chancen Delphine oder Wale zu sehen, liegt bei 97 %
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Happy whale - Spirit of the Sea - Gran Canaria
Esta ha sido la sorpresa de hoy ...ademas de algunos delfines y una tortuga.
Spirit of the Sea dolphin-whale.com
Mermaids Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life
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Mermaids are mythical creatures that have had a major presence in our society for quite some time. Little girls dream of becoming mermaids. Well, actually, there are adults who dream about becoming mermaids too! From story books to movies, mermaids are half human from the waist up and half-fish from the waist down. Throughout history, there have been sightings of mermaids in personal journals of sailors and voyagers like Christopher Columbus. But today, it is believed that Columbus may have actually been looking at manatees, not mermaids. Either way, it doesn’t diminish the fact that we, as a society, care deeply about mermaids and want them to be real so badly! While we still wait for that first emergence, people have created life-size replicas and even faux documentaries of mermaids that have convinced us that they are real. There are also cases of real people sitting on rocks in mermaid costumes, like the Active Pass mermaid in British Columbia, Victoria, Canada. When enough people are involved in the hoax, almost anything is possible.
In this video, we will introduce to you some stories of mermaids that have been caught on camera and spotted in real life. Thanks to Animal Planet’s Mermaids: The Body Found, people thought mermaids actually existed. But in reality, the network used creative CGI and amazing special effects to make it look all the more convincing. There are more hoaxes where that came from, so get ready! If anything, these stories prove just how gullible we still are as a society.
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Schildkröte . Turtle - Gran Canaria - Spirit of the Sea
Suelta de tortuga boba recuperada con lesiones en el mar por el Spirit of the Sea y cuidada por Pascual Calabuig, responsable del Centro de Recuperacion de Fauna Silvestre del Cabildo de Gran Canaria y su equipo.
Release of injured loggerhead sea turtle recovered at sea by the Spirit of the Sea and cared by Pascual Calabuig, responsible of the Wildlife Recovery Center of Gran Canaria and his team.
Aussetzung einer Unechte Karettschildkröte (Caretta caretta) auf See. Wir, die Crew der Spirit of the Sea, haben sie verletzt aus dem Meer geborgen und an Calabuig Pascual, Leiter des Center for Wildlife Recovery in Gran Canaria und seinem Team weitergeleitet. Sie haben sie geheilt, und heute konnten wir das Tier wieder in seiner natürlichen Umgebung zurückbringen.
Schiffstour Puerto Rico Gran Canaria
Ausflug, Wale, Waltour, Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, delfintour, dolphin sighting, Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, Spirit of the Sea Puerto Rico, Wale, Delfine, Delphine, Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, Puerto Rico Canarische Islands, Urlaub in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, Holiday in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, Atlantik, Schiffstour, Surfen, Puerto Calma Puerto Rico Gran Canaria, Glass Bottom Boat, Puerto Rico Kanarische Inseln, Hafen von Puerto Rico Kanarische Inseln, Port Puerto Rico Gran Canaria
Looking for Dolphins in Puerto Rico - Gran Canaria
We had a boat trip looking for dolphins in Puerto Rico - Gran Canaria.
We saw Sea Turtles but I couldn't capture them but managed some pretty good dolphin encounters.
Very choppy boat with a few people going white - luckily not us.
Thanks for watching.
Filmed on Canon G7X Mkii.
Llegó el CARNAVAL a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, fuera y dentro del agua y no podía ser de otra manera que con SEA TREK SPAIN. Una experiencia que puedes vivir como quieras, en cualquier situación es maravillosa.
Arrived the Carnival in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, outside and within the water and no it couldn't be otherwise with SEA TREK SPAIN. An experience that you can live as you like, in any situation is wonderful.