Укту́сские го́ры — горный массив Среднего Урала в Чкаловском районе Екатеринбурга (Россия). Широко используется населением города Екатеринбурга как место активного отдыха — в лесопарках проложены лыжные трассы, имеется лыжероллерная трасса, стрельбища. Окраины лесопарков и просеки ЛЭП используются как сады. На территории расположен жилой район Уктус. Горы возвышаются над долиной реки Исеть с востока и реки Патрушиха — с запада. Простираются с севера на юг на 15 км и с запада на восток — на 10 км. На северной вершине (высота 372,2 м над уровнем моря) расположен спорткомплекс «Уктус». К югу горы повышаются, достигая в районе Рудного высоты 385,2 м (гора Татищева) (Массив находится в 8-10 километрах к Югу от Уктуса и лишь в ряде источников указывается принадлежащей к данному горному массиву). Затем местность понижается в южном направлении до 340—350 м, постепенно переходя в широкую долину реки Арамилки. Когда в городе солнце уже садится, то на Уктусских Горах оно ещё очень ярко светит и греет! 27 июля 2018 года - в тени в горах было +33 градуса, а на открытой местности все + 40 градусов! У нас на Среднем Урале июль 2018 года о-очень горячий!
The Uktus Mountains are a mountain range of the Middle Urals in the Chkalovsky District of Yekaterinburg (Russia). It is widely used by the population of Ekaterinburg as a place of leisure - in the forest parks laid out ski trails, there is a ski-roller track, a shooting range. The outskirts of forest parks and clearings of power lines are used as gardens. Located on the territory of the residential area Uktus.Gory towering above the valley of the river Iset from the east and Patrushikha River - from the west. Stretch from north to south for 15 km and from west to east - for 10 km. On the northern top (height of 372.2 m above sea level) is located sports complex Uktus. To the south the mountains rise, reaching near Ore height 385.2 m (Mount Tatishcheva) (The array is 8-10 kilometers south of the US, and only a number of sources indicates belonging to this mountain range). Then, the area falls in a southerly direction to 340-350 m, gradually moving into a wide valley Aramilki River. When the sun is already setting in the city, it still shines brightly and warms on the Uktusky Mountains! July 27, 2018 - in the shadows in the mountains was +33 degrees, and in the open area all + 40 degrees! We are in the Middle Urals July 2018 about-very hot!
Russia: Watch snowboarders in crazy costumes plunge into icy water
VideoID: 20140419 010
W/S Man competing at Red Bull Jump and Freeze contest at Uktus alpine ski complex W/S Snowboarder plunging into water W/S Spectators W/S Snowboarder plunging into water W/S Person dressed as Bender from 'Futurama' watching competitors M/S Man with inscription on his back reading in Russian: Russia + Ukraine W/S Man on skis dressed as Superman plunging into water SOT, Natasha, participant in Red Bull Jump and Freeze contest from Yekaterinburg (speaking Russian): We are not afraid of getting wet because it's a good preparation for [the] summer season. W/S People dressed as band KISS plunging into water W/S Judges M/S Man dressed as member of band KISS W/S Person dressed as Panda plunging into water W/S Costumed snowboarder plunging into water M/S Two women in audience W/S Costumed snowboarder plunging into water W/S Snowboarder performing a flip as he falls into water W/S Winners of Red Bull Jump and Freeze contest at Uktus alpine ski complex W/S Red Bull Jump and Freeze sign SCRIPT
Russia: Watch snowboarders in crazy costumes plunge into icy water
More than 70 snowboarders and skiers dressed in weird costumes shredded powder and wiped out at the Red Bull Jump and Freeze contest in Yekaterinburg Saturday at the Uktus alpine ski complex. Participants slid down a slope on snowboards or skis, performing their best stunts as they plunged into a pool of icy water.
Judges evaluated participants based on the technical skill of their stunts and creativity of their costumes, and were elected by organizers among the audience who had come to witness the spectacle. There were three categories: best costumes, best trick and best group jump. A group dressed as the rock band KISS took home the Audience Choice Award.
The Red Bull Jump and Freeze is held in many countries around the world, and this year was the fifth year in a row it has been held in Russia. It was previously held in St. Petersburg.
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Yekaterinburg Team
A video message from team Yekaterinburg in Russia to Lake Macquarie International Children's Games