Genocide. Animated documentary movie
Genocide. Animated documentary movie about crimes done to polish nation since 1939 till present day
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Mirów - Grzęda Mirowsko-Bobolicka - Bobolice (4K/UHD)
Mirów - Grzęda Mirowsko-Bobolicka - Bobolice (4K/UHD)
HD Video - Marek & Ewa Wojciechowscy
Music: MANCY from the site:
Sunrise over the Royal Park, Białowieża
A clear sky, birds sing as the sun rises over the lake in the Royal Park, Białowieża in North East Poland.
Discover the nature in Krakow
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There are a lot of cool places in Krakow. Looking for the best things to do in Krakow?Not sure what to see in Poland?
This video is showcasing the Kopiec Kościuszki in Kraków. As you can see in my vlog we have a lot of nature in our city. Last week was so busy for me so my sister and I thought to go on a little adventure.We had some fun filming those clips on weekend.
W Krakowie jest wiele fajnych miejsc. Szukacie najlepszych rzeczy do zrobienia w Krakowie? Nie wiesz, co zobaczyć w Krakowie?Nudzisz się bo zobaczyłeś już wszystkie turystyczne miejsca w Krakowie?
W tym krótkim filmie pokazuje że Kraków może mieć super miejscówki gdzie można się poczuć jak nie w zatłoczonym, turystycznym mieście.Razem z siostrą wybrałyśmy się na spacer w stronę Kopca Kościuszki w Krakowie. Ostatni tydzień był dla mnie pracowity więc razem z siostrą postanowiłyśmy wybrać się na małą wycieczkę. Miałyśmy trochę zabawy podczas kręcenia tych klipów w weekend.
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Canon M50
Canon G7x
źródełko miłości w Olsztyne
Źródełko miłości, przy rzece Łynie (obok mostu Justusa) w Olsztynie. Las Miejski w Olsztynie.
Video 2012-3-125***FAMILY CHRONICLE*** part 2 Ogrodzieniec 1974 (Camera 8 mm super)
You are cordially invited to the next series of films, The Chronicle of Family, this time it will be the memories of the past of the 1970s, films made with super-8 mm camera! Sorry for the quality of shots! Topics include some trips from that period, sightseeing, holiday scenes, scenes from my home with kids.Of course these films are for me and for the family as a precious memory I have!Hope that this series you will like! Amnas 2011
This is PART 2 of 20 -Ogrodzieniec Castle shots taken in Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska,Poland in 1974 where ruins of old castles are located on limestone rocks!Feel free to watch my new series!Amnas2011
The new series from the 1st September 2012, opened a new playlist Chronicle Family, Enjoy!
Serdecznie zapraszam na kolejną serię filmów Kronika Familijna,tym razem będą to wspomnienia z ubiegłych lat 1970-tych,filmy wykonane kamerą 8 mm super!Przepraszam za jakość ujęć!Tematyka nowej serii obejmuje wycieczki z tamtego okresu,zwiedzanie,sceny z wakacji,sceny z moimi dziećmi.Oczywiście filmy te stanowią dla mnie jak i dla rodziny cenną pamiątkę!Mam nadzieję ,że i ta seria Wam się spodoba!Amnas 2011
Nowa seria trwa począwszy od 1-go września 2012,została otwarta nowa playlistaKronika Familijna,Zapraszam!
Część druga to film wykonany w roku 1974 w Jurze Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej,na szlaku Orlich Gniazd.Tym razem jest to film o zamku w Ogrodzieńcu koło Zawiercia województwo Śląskie!
(4K VR Timelapse 360) Wiosna w Grodzisku - Grodzisk360
Wiosenna objazdówka po Grodzisku Mazowieckim - Timelapse 360.
Najlepiej oglądać w goglach VR w trybie 4K.
Produkcja: radianactive
Slavic Shamans, Wizards and Witches, Healing With Magic
Although we know various and complex forms of wizardry that have been present from early ages and till today, none of them carried such a significance as in the Slavic countries.
1. Wild Hunt
2. The Heathen
3. Song Of The Spring
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◦ Gusar Gornja Gruža
◦ Shawn Lesnick
◦ Benjamin Huard
◦ Alex Shevchuk
◦ Tony Stupar
◦ Joshua Leyh
◦ Alexander Gregorslav
◦ Mykyta
◦ Masha Mirnaya
◦ Ahmed Šehić
◦ Turmoil
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Kazimierz Dolny - Relaks nad Wisłą
muzyka - Sergey Grischuk Spring Love
Babylon the Bibical end time prophecy - 4K movie
The mark of the beast. The little horn. The antichrist. The beasts of prophecy written about by Daniel in his book and John of the book of Revelation. These were some of the things that interested me as a skeptical young man growing up in Chicago while contemplating atheism or Christianity. I cannot physically see Him nor can I audibly hear Him. If God was real, how would I know? God, Himself, says in
Isaiah 42:9, Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
In the gospel of John, Jesus talks about coming prophetic events and says in
John 13:19, Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.
Prophecy is one of many powerful proofs of God's existence. In this movie, we will take a biblical and historical journey through pin-point accurate prophecy that all atheists cannot possibly deny. We will journey through major prophetic events that take place from Babylon of old to America of the new world.
Original movie .School For Prophets.:
Beginning of the End - Ellen Gould White PDF:
Prophets and Kings - Ellen G. White PDF:
The Desire of Ages - Ellen G. White PDF:
The Acts of the Apostles - Ellen G. White PDF:
The Great Controversy – Ellen G. White PDF:
Who is the Antichrist?:
A Colossal City In Space:
Right on Time! Prophetic Appointments Revealed!:
The Ten Commandments Today: Yes or No? :
666 Explained in 10 Minutes:
Antichrist Unity Agenda: Benchmarks of the Beast:
211 - The Secret Behind Secret Societies / Total Onslaught - Walter Veith:
PROPHECY ALERT: Separation of Church & State R.I.P 12/2/17:
Is TRUMP fulfilling prophecy in ISRAEL?:
Revelation: The Bride, the Beast & Babylon — Share This!:
'Marching to Zion' Official Full Film - Youtube:
After the Tribulation (Full Movie) - Alex Jones:
The SDA Mark of the Beast is a solemn study to wake up a sleepy Laodicea. Nader Mansour shares deeper elements of the seal of God and the mark of the beast that deal with the issue of worship. Too many people have a false sense of security thinking they understand this topic. Not to be missed!
The SDA Mark of the Beast - Nader Mansour (NZ):
The Mark of Antichrist deals with the core doctrine of Antichrist. In this study Nader Mansour examines all the scriptural mentions of Antichrist and what we learn about this entity. Contrary to popular thought, there is more than just one Antichrist. What does Antichrist say about the Father and Son? This study looks at the answer.
The Mark of Antichrist - Nader Mansour:
The Final protest is dedicated to showing that the foundation for the Ecumenical Movement, the Trinity, is not the true God of the Bible. We invite everyone to come and see for themselves and discover the beautiful truth of a Father and a Son.
The Final Protest | Who Will You Worship?:
Find more resources at:
The Life of Jesus • English • Official Full HD Movie:
Pope Francis Plan to Take Over the World (2018):
The HEXagram: Whose Star is it?:
The truth about the Star of David: It´s Origins and Connection to The Mark Of The Beast:
Abaddon Rising:
Saturn, the Sator Square and the Mithraic Mysteries:
Find more resources at::
Common Interests Part 1 of 3
A Cumbrian perspective on common land and life
The commons of Cumbria represent some of the country's wildest and most beautiful places. They typify the character of the country and include such iconic locations of Scafell and the Langdale Pikes.
However, the wilderness and tranquillity of the commons is a legacy of human intervention and management, not of neglect and non-interference. The fells of Cumbria have been an integral part of the farming systems of the area since before the Norman conquests and what we see and love today is a reflection of the practices of generations of farmers and farming families.
Co Chopin tańczył, a czemu się przyglądał – Polskie tańce w tradycji salonu i wsi
Which dances did Chopin participate in, which ones did he watch? Polish dances in the tradition of the salon and countryside.
The mazur, krakowiak, kujawiak and oberek are all dances that originated from folk culture, which found their way into society salons. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that the staging of The Wedding in Ojców was a popular form of salon entertainment in the 19th century, and Fryderyk Chopin probably took part in it.
The film can be used to teach the required content of the music core curriculum in school and pre-school education.
We invite you to watch a series of educational films, which are shown during museum classes in the Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw. The materials can be used as supplementary material for classes on 19th century culture and history.
Under each description there is a link to museum classes in the educational programme of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute.
Historia zamku --- obronny zamek graniczny położony we wsi Czocha, gmina Leśna, nad Zalewem Leśniańskim na Kwisie w polskiej części Górnych Łużyc. Pierwotna nazwa brzmiała prawdopodobnie Czajków (1329: castrum Caychow), przed 1945 Tzschocha.
Zamek posadowiony jest na gnejsowych skałach należących do metamorfiku izerskiego.
Powstał jako warownia graniczna na pograniczu śląsko-łużyckim w latach 1241-1247 z rozkazu króla czeskiego Wacława I. W 1253 przekazany biskupowi miśnieńskiemu von Weisenow (Łużyce były wówczas częścią korony czeskiej). Od 1306 stanowił własność rodziny von Biberstein.
W 1319 roku jako posag wraz z okolicznymi ziemiami został włączony do księstwa Henryka I Jaworskiego. Po śmierci krewnego w 1346, przejął go, wraz z całym księstwem zmarłego, Bolko II Mały, książę świdnicko-jaworski.
Po śmierci księżnej Agnieszki, wdowy po Bolku -- na mocy układu o przeżycie z cesarzem i królem Czech, Karolem IV wrócił do Czech. Od 1389-1453 w dobrach rycerskich rodów von Dohn i von Klüks. Na początku XV wieku bezskutecznie oblegany przez husytów, ostatecznie zdobyty przez oddział Czirnina w 1427 pod nieobecność właścicieli. Odbity krótko później.
Od 1453 przez 250 lat we władaniu rodu von Nostitz, którzy w 1525 i 1611 dokonali jego przebudowy zgodnie z kanonami renesansowymi oraz przystosowali umocnienia do założeń obronnych uwzględniających wykorzystanie broni palnej. Podczas wojny 30-letniej zamek był bezskutecznie oblegany przez Szwedów w 1640. W 1703 za 152 tys. talarów przeszedł we władanie Jana Hartwiga von Uechtritz, wpływowego dworzanina króla Augusta II Mocnego, który kosztem kolejnych 53 tys. otrzymał ordynację dóbr zamkowych.
17 sierpnia 1793 cały zamek spłonął w pożarze -- zniszczone zostały dachy, wieża, część mieszkalna, zbrojownia, archiwum zamkowe.
Zakupiony w 1909 roku przez drezdeńskiego producenta wyrobów tytoniowych (cygar) Ernsta Gutschowa, do 1912 został przebudowany przez znanego architekta berlińskiego Bodo Ebhardta zgodnie z wyglądem zachowanym na rycinie z 1703 roku. Podczas przebudowy zniszczono jednak wiele najstarszych fragmentów kompleksu. W dawnej fosie urządzono zwierzyniec. Gutschow utrzymywał dobre stosunki z dworem carskim, a po rewolucji z rosyjskimi emigrantami, od których skupował różne przedmioty o wysokiej wartości artystycznej. W zamku mieszkał do marca 1945 roku. Opuszczając zamek wywiózł najcennieszą część wyposażenia. W latach II wojny w zamku mieściła się szkoła szyfrantów Abwehry. Prawdopodobnie przechowywano tu urządzenie do dekryptażu depesz radzieckich (operacja o kryptonimie Ryba-Miecz).
Po II wojnie światowej zamek przechodził różne koleje. Był wielokrotnie okradany, zarówno przez Rosjan jak i rodzimych szabrowników, z mebli i wyposażenia. Największej kradzieży dopuścił sie 1 lutego 1946 roku burmistrz Leśnej -- Kazimierz Lech wspólnie z Krystyną von Saurma -- zamkową bibliotekarką -- wywożąc pełną ciężarówkę mienia zamkowego, z którą udało mu się przedostać do amerykańskiej strefy okupacyjnej. Następnie przez krótki czas mieszkali w nim uchodźcy z Grecji, którzy w sali rycerskiej trzymali zwierzęta gospodarskie, dopełniając tym samym dzieła dewastacji. Od 1952 Wojskowy Dom Wczasowy i z tego powodu obiekt był utajniony i nie występował na mapach. Od września 1996 publicznie dostępny jako ośrodek hotelowo-konferencyjny. Właścicielem w 2006 roku była Agencja Mienia Wojskowego.
Malownicze zabudowania zamku były tłem powstania filmów: Gdzie jest generał?, Wiedźmin, Legenda oraz seriali Tajemnica twierdzy szyfrów i Dwa światy (Spellbinder).
Andrzej Rosiewicz Pytasz mnie
The Great Gildersleeve: Audition Program / Arrives in Summerfield / Marjorie's Cake
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve, a character who had been a staple on the classic radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly, first introduced on Oct. 3, 1939, ep. #216. The Great Gildersleeve enjoyed its greatest success in the 1940s. Actor Harold Peary played the character during its transition from the parent show into the spin-off and later in a quartet of feature films released at the height of the show's popularity.
On Fibber McGee and Molly, Peary's Gildersleeve was a pompous windbag who became a consistent McGee nemesis. You're a haa-aa-aa-aard man, McGee! became a Gildersleeve catchphrase. The character was given several conflicting first names on Fibber McGee and Molly, and on one episode his middle name was revealed as Philharmonic. Gildy admits as much at the end of Gildersleeve's Diary on the Fibber McGee and Molly series (Oct. 22, 1940).
Premiering on August 31, 1941, The Great Gildersleeve moved the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve now oversaw his late brother-in-law's estate and took on the rearing of his orphaned niece and nephew, Marjorie (originally played by Lurene Tuttle and followed by Louise Erickson and Mary Lee Robb) and Leroy Forester (Walter Tetley). The household also included a cook named Birdie. Curiously, while Gildersleeve had occasionally spoken of his (never-present) wife in some Fibber episodes, in his own series the character was a confirmed bachelor.
In a striking forerunner to such later television hits as Bachelor Father and Family Affair, both of which are centered on well-to-do uncles taking in their deceased siblings' children, Gildersleeve was a bachelor raising two children while, at first, administering a girdle manufacturing company (If you want a better corset, of course, it's a Gildersleeve) and then for the bulk of the show's run, serving as Summerfield's water commissioner, between time with the ladies and nights with the boys. The Great Gildersleeve may have been the first broadcast show to be centered on a single parent balancing child-rearing, work, and a social life, done with taste and genuine wit, often at the expense of Gildersleeve's now slightly understated pomposity.
Many of the original episodes were co-written by John Whedon, father of Tom Whedon (who wrote The Golden Girls), and grandfather of Deadwood scripter Zack Whedon and Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog).
The key to the show was Peary, whose booming voice and facility with moans, groans, laughs, shudders and inflection was as close to body language and facial suggestion as a voice could get. Peary was so effective, and Gildersleeve became so familiar a character, that he was referenced and satirized periodically in other comedies and in a few cartoons.
NYSTV - Nostradamus Prophet of the Illuminati - David Carrico and the Midnight Ride - Multi Language
Nostradamus is the most well known prophet of the millennium because his predictions came true. What was the true source of his visions? How deeply ingrained in the occult was he? What was his medical background? What innovations did he use to fight the Black Plague that was rampant at the time? Was he a puppet working for the Illuminati? Or were they working for him?
Now the real question is, was Nostradamus just a psyops planned hundreds of years ago and the demonic forces are just controlling events as Nostradamus predicted?
Some deep insights into the life and times of Nostradamus with David Carrico of The Midnight Ride.
In depth information you'd have to watch like 8 documentaries about Nostradamus to get.
Free Truth Productions
Truth should be Open Source...
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
ᏣᎳᎩ (supposed to be Burmese but it doesn't show...)
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
babylon working
H.G. Wells
vlad the impaler
mk ultra
right of the pyramid
kings chamber
ark of the covenant
order of the garter
Afrikaans: gevalle engel
Arabic: ملاك ساقط
Azerbaijani: düşmüş mələk
Belarusian: Палы анёл
Bulgarian: паднал ангел
Bengali: পতিত দেবদূত
Bosnian: pali andjeo
Catalan: Àngel caigut
Cebuano: napukan nga anghel
Czech: padlý anděl
Welsh: angel syrthio
Danish: falden engel
German: fallen angel
Greek: έκπτωτος άγγελος
English: fallen angel
Esperanto: fallen angel
Spanish: Ángel caido
Estonian: Langenud ingel
Basque: Aingeru eroria
Persian: فرشته افتاده
Finnish: langennut enkeli
French: Ange déchu
Irish: aingeal tar éis titim
Galician: Anxo caído
Gujarati: ઘટી દેવદૂત
Hausa: mala'ika ya fadi
Hindi: गिरी हुई परी
Hmong: fallen angel
Croatian: pali anđeo
Haitian Creole: tonbe zanj
Hungarian: Bukott angyal
Armenian: ընկած հրեշտակ
Indonesian: Malaikat yang jatuh
Igbo: mmụọ ozi dara ada
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: Lucifer
Arabic: إبليس
Azerbaijani: lucifer
Belarusian: Люцыпар
Bulgarian: Луцифер
Bengali: শয়তান
Bosnian: lucifer
Catalan: lucifer
Cebuano: lucifer
Czech: Lucifer
Welsh: lucifer
Danish: lucifer
German: Luzifer
Greek: Εωσφόρος
English: lucifer
Esperanto: lucifer
Spanish: lucifer
Estonian: lutsifer
Words at War: Who Dare To Live / Here Is Your War / To All Hands
USS Ancon (AGC-4) was an ocean liner acquired by the United States Navy during World War II and converted to a combined headquarters and communications command ship.
Ancon anchored off Fedhala, French Morocco on November 8 and began lowering her boats at 0533. The first troops were debarked an hour later. During the course of the assault, men on the ship witnessed the sinking of four other transports, and Ancon sent out boats to rescue their survivors. On November 12 the transport headed out and, three days later, put into Casablanca harbor. She got underway on the 15th with a convoy bound for Norfolk.
After a brief pause there, Ancon traveled to Brooklyn, New York for voyage repairs. A brief period of sea trials preceded the ship's loading cargo and troops for transportation to Algeria. She sailed on January 14, 1943 as a member of the Naval Transport Service. The ship reached Oran on the 26th and spent five days discharging her cargo before heading back toward New York City, where she arrived on February 13. On that day, the vessel was reassigned to the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Forces. On the 16th, Ancon entered the Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, to undergo conversion to a combined headquarters and communications command ship. She was redesignated AGC-4 on February 26.
Following the completion of the yard work on April 21, Ancon held trials and exercises in the Chesapeake Bay through May and into early June when she was designated the flagship of the Commander of the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Forces. The ship got underway for Oran on June 8 with Task Force (TF) 85. The ship had been selected to participate in the invasion of Sicily, and her preparations continued after her arrival at Oran on June 22.
Carrying Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, Commander, TF 85, and Lieutenant General Omar Bradley on board, Ancon sailed on July 5 for the waters off Sicily. She reached the transport area off Scoglitti on the 10th and lowered her boats early that morning. Despite enemy fire, the ship remained off Scoglitti providing communications services through the 12th and then got underway to return to North Africa. At the end of a fortnight there, she shifted to Mostaganem, Algeria, on July 29. In mid-August, the vessel moved to Algiers. During her periods in port, she prepared for the upcoming invasion of mainland Italy for which she had been designated flagship for the Commander of the 8th Fleet Amphibious Forces in Northwest African Waters.
On September 6, Ancon got underway for Salerno. During the operation, the ship carried Lieutenant General Mark Wayne Clark who commanded the 5th Army. At 0330 on September 9, the first wave of Allied troops hit the beach. Thereafter, she remained in the transport area, undergoing nearly continuous enemy air harassment, until she moved to Palermo, Sicily, to pick up ammunition to replenish her sister ships. She returned to the area off Salerno on the 15th but, the next day, arrived back in Palermo.
After two weeks in that Sicilian port, Ancon shaped a course for Algiers. She reached that port on October 2 and spent almost six weeks undergoing repairs and replenishment. In mid-November, she set sail for the United Kingdom and, on November 25, arrived in Devonport, England, where she was designated the flagship of the 11th Amphibious Force. An extended period of repairs and preparations for the impending invasion of France kept Ancon occupied through the winter and much of the spring participating in numerous training exercises with other Allied warships. On May 25, King George VI of the United Kingdom and Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery visited the ship.
The preparations culminated on June 5, when Ancon got underway for Baie de la Seine, France. She served as flagship for the assault forces that landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy. Throughout the invasion, the ship provided instructions for forces both afloat and ashore. She transferred various units of the Army command to headquarters ashore and made her small boats available to other ships to carry personnel and materials to the beachhead. On June 27, she got underway to return to England and, the next day, arrived at Portland.
Ancon remained in British waters through late September, when she sailed in a convoy bound for the East Coast of the United States. She reached Charleston, South Carolina on October 9 and was then assigned to the Amphibious Training Command. At the completion of repairs at the Charleston Navy Yard on December 21, the ship got underway for sea trials. Five days later, she shaped a course for the Pacific. On the last day of 1944, the ship transited the Panama Canal and joined the Pacific Fleet. She continued on to San Diego, California, where she arrived on January 9, 1945.
Our Miss Brooks: The Bookie / Stretch Is In Love Again / The Dancer
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted to television (1952--56), it became one of the medium's earliest hits. In 1956, the sitcom was adapted for big screen in the film of the same name.
Connie (Constance) Brooks (Eve Arden), an English teacher at fictional Madison High School.
Osgood Conklin (Gale Gordon), blustery, gruff, crooked and unsympathetic Madison High principal, a near-constant pain to his faculty and students. (Conklin was played by Joseph Forte in the show's first episode; Gordon succeeded him for the rest of the series' run.) Occasionally Conklin would rig competitions at the school--such as that for prom queen--so that his daughter Harriet would win.
Walter Denton (Richard Crenna, billed at the time as Dick Crenna), a Madison High student, well-intentioned and clumsy, with a nasally high, cracking voice, often driving Miss Brooks (his self-professed favorite teacher) to school in a broken-down jalopy. Miss Brooks' references to her own usually-in-the-shop car became one of the show's running gags.
Philip Boynton (Jeff Chandler on radio, billed sometimes under his birth name Ira Grossel); Robert Rockwell on both radio and television), Madison High biology teacher, the shy and often clueless object of Miss Brooks' affections.
Margaret Davis (Jane Morgan), Miss Brooks' absentminded landlady, whose two trademarks are a cat named Minerva, and a penchant for whipping up exotic and often inedible breakfasts.
Harriet Conklin (Gloria McMillan), Madison High student and daughter of principal Conklin. A sometime love interest for Walter Denton, Harriet was honest and guileless with none of her father's malevolence and dishonesty.
Stretch (Fabian) Snodgrass (Leonard Smith), dull-witted Madison High athletic star and Walter's best friend.
Daisy Enright (Mary Jane Croft), Madison High English teacher, and a scheming professional and romantic rival to Miss Brooks.
Jacques Monet (Gerald Mohr), a French teacher.
Our Miss Brooks was a hit on radio from the outset; within eight months of its launch as a regular series, the show landed several honors, including four for Eve Arden, who won polls in four individual publications of the time. Arden had actually been the third choice to play the title role. Harry Ackerman, West Coast director of programming, wanted Shirley Booth for the part, but as he told historian Gerald Nachman many years later, he realized Booth was too focused on the underpaid downside of public school teaching at the time to have fun with the role.
Lucille Ball was believed to have been the next choice, but she was already committed to My Favorite Husband and didn't audition. Chairman Bill Paley, who was friendly with Arden, persuaded her to audition for the part. With a slightly rewritten audition script--Osgood Conklin, for example, was originally written as a school board president but was now written as the incoming new Madison principal--Arden agreed to give the newly-revamped show a try.
Produced by Larry Berns and written by director Al Lewis, Our Miss Brooks premiered on July 19, 1948. According to radio critic John Crosby, her lines were very feline in dialogue scenes with principal Conklin and would-be boyfriend Boynton, with sharp, witty comebacks. The interplay between the cast--blustery Conklin, nebbishy Denton, accommodating Harriet, absentminded Mrs. Davis, clueless Boynton, scheming Miss Enright--also received positive reviews.
Arden won a radio listeners' poll by Radio Mirror magazine as the top ranking comedienne of 1948-49, receiving her award at the end of an Our Miss Brooks broadcast that March. I'm certainly going to try in the coming months to merit the honor you've bestowed upon me, because I understand that if I win this two years in a row, I get to keep Mr. Boynton, she joked. But she was also a hit with the critics; a winter 1949 poll of newspaper and magazine radio editors taken by Motion Picture Daily named her the year's best radio comedienne.
For its entire radio life, the show was sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive-Peet, promoting Palmolive soap, Lustre Creme shampoo and Toni hair care products. The radio series continued until 1957, a year after its television life ended.
Words at War: They Shall Inherit the Earth / War Tide / Condition Red
Germany invaded France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg on 10 May 1940.[67] The Netherlands and Belgium were overrun using blitzkrieg tactics in a few days and weeks, respectively.[68] The French-fortified Maginot Line and the Allied forces in Belgium were circumvented by a flanking movement through the thickly wooded Ardennes region,[69] mistakenly perceived by French planners as an impenetrable natural barrier against armoured vehicles.[70]
British troops were forced to evacuate the continent at Dunkirk, abandoning their heavy equipment by early June.[71] On 10 June, Italy invaded France, declaring war on both France and the United Kingdom;[72] twelve days later France surrendered and was soon divided into German and Italian occupation zones,[73] and an unoccupied rump state under the Vichy Regime. On 3 July, the British attacked the French fleet in Algeria to prevent its possible seizure by Germany.[74]
In June, during the last days of the Battle of France, the Soviet Union forcibly annexed Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,[57] and then annexed the disputed Romanian region of Bessarabia. Meanwhile, Nazi-Soviet political rapprochement and economic cooperation[75][76] gradually stalled,[77][78] and both states began preparations for war.[79]
With France neutralized, Germany began an air superiority campaign over Britain (the Battle of Britain) to prepare for an invasion.[80] The campaign failed, and the invasion plans were canceled by September.[80] Using newly captured French ports, the German Navy enjoyed success against an over-extended Royal Navy, using U-boats against British shipping in the Atlantic.[81] Italy began operations in the Mediterranean, initiating a siege of Malta in June, conquering British Somaliland in August, and making an incursion into British-held Egypt in September 1940. Japan increased its blockade of China in September by seizing several bases in the northern part of the now-isolated French Indochina.[82]
Throughout this period, the neutral United States took measures to assist China and the Western Allies. In November 1939, the American Neutrality Act was amended to allow cash and carry purchases by the Allies.[83] In 1940, following the German capture of Paris, the size of the United States Navy was significantly increased and, after the Japanese incursion into Indochina, the United States embargoed iron, steel and mechanical parts against Japan.[84] In September, the United States further agreed to a trade of American destroyers for British bases.[85] Still, a large majority of the American public continued to oppose any direct military intervention into the conflict well into 1941.[86]
At the end of September 1940, the Tripartite Pact united Japan, Italy and Germany to formalize the Axis Powers.[87] The Tripartite Pact stipulated that any country, with the exception of the Soviet Union, not in the war which attacked any Axis Power would be forced to go to war against all three.[88] During this time, the United States continued to support the United Kingdom and China by introducing the Lend-Lease policy authorizing the provision of materiel and other items[89] and creating a security zone spanning roughly half of the Atlantic Ocean where the United States Navy protected British convoys.[90] As a result, Germany and the United States found themselves engaged in sustained naval warfare in the North and Central Atlantic by October 1941, even though the United States remained officially neutral.[91][92]
The Axis expanded in November 1940 when Hungary, Slovakia and Romania joined the Tripartite Pact.[93] In October 1940, Italy invaded Greece but within days was repulsed and pushed back into Albania, where a stalemate soon occurred.[94] In December 1940, British Commonwealth forces began counter-offensives against Italian forces in Egypt and Italian East Africa.[95] By early 1941, with Italian forces having been pushed back into Libya by the Commonwealth, Churchill ordered a dispatch of troops from Africa to bolster the Greeks.[96] The Italian Navy also suffered significant defeats, with the Royal Navy putting three Italian battleships out of commission by a carrier attack at Taranto, and neutralising several more warships at the Battle of Cape Matapan.[97]
German paratroopers invading the Greek island of Crete, May 1941.