Square In Memory Of The Heroes in Smolensk, Russia
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Bird eye view of the Square in Memory of the Heroes, one of the main landmarks of Smolensk, Russia
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Flying over the Square In Memory of Heroes, Smolensk
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Flying over the Smolensk in Russia. Cityscape with view to the Square In Memory of Heroes. Monument devoted to Patriotic War, 1812-1814
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Mourning continues for those killed in air accident
(12 Apr 2010)
1. Wide of traffic at Dluga square
2. Close up of Polish flag flying at half mast
3. Mid of street with cars passing by
4. Mid of traffic and tram moving in background
5. Mid of people crossing road
6. Tracking shot of taxi with Polish flag attached to window going along
7. Mid of a woman placing a candle on the ground
8. Man distributing news papers in the street
9. Wide of Presidential palace
10. Close up of candles in front of Presidential palace
11. Mid of people handing over candles to be placed with others
12. Close up of people mourning
13. Mid of tributes nest to photograph of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife
14. Mid of mourning in front of line of candles
15. People walking in the street
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Tomek Swentoiskie, vox pop:
You see what happened right now, the people are sad, nobody is happy, we just walk to our jobs and do what we have to do and we will see what happens but it''s real big tragedy for us.
17. Swentoiskie walking away down street
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Johanna Kuzcynska, vox pop:
It''s like catastrophe. We don''t know how to live without our president, we feel very, very sad and I don''t know what to say.
19. Mid of a newspaper kiosk
20. Close up of woman buying newspaper, page show photo of Kaczynski and his wife in foreground
21. Various of newspapers reporting death of Kaczynski
22. Wide of woman mourning in front of candles
As Polish citizens mourned the loss of their President on Monday Russian investigators said readings from flight recorders indicate that there were no technical problems with the Soviet-made plane that crashed, killing Lech Kaczynski and 95 other people.
In footage broadcast on Poland''s TVN24 on Monday, the investigators told Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the pilot was warned of bad weather over the airport in Smolensk, western Russia, before the plane crashed while approaching the airport on Saturday.
As people in Warsaw went about their business on Monday morning they stopped at the Presidential palace to pay their respects.
Many laid candles and others placed flowers on the ground.
Tomek Swentoiskie said that we just walk to our jobs and do what we have to do and we will see what happens but it''s real big tragedy for us.
Kaczynski was the first serving Polish leader to die since exiled World War II-era leader General Wladyslaw Sikorski was killed in a mysterious plane crash off Gibraltar in 1943.
The Saturday crash occurred in thick fog near the Katyn forest, where Russian secret police in 1940 executed thousands of Polish military officers.
Among the dead were Poland''s army chief of staff, the navy chief commander, and heads of the air and land forces.
Also aboard the aging Tu-154 plane were the national bank president, the deputy foreign minister, the army chaplain, the head of the National Security Office, the deputy parliament speaker, the Olympic Committee head, the civil rights commissioner and at least two presidential aides and three lawmakers.
The acting president, Parliament Speaker Bronislaw Komorowski, said he would call for early elections within 14 days, in line with the constitution.
The vote must be held within another 60 days.
Kaczynski''s body returned to Warsaw on Sunday.
Forensic experts and families are working to identify other bodies - including the first lady''s - and said that DNA tests will be necessary in many cases.
The Tu-154 was the workhorse of Eastern Bloc civil aviation in the 1970s and 1980s.
Poland has long discussed replacing the planes that carry the country''s leaders but said it lacked the funds.
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Russia: Putin honours heroes on anniversary of Nazi invasion
M/S Russian President Vladimir Putin greeting Russian officials
W/S Russian soldiers marching with a wreath
M/S Burning of the eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
M/S Putin followed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
M/S Putin in silent contemplation
W/S (From left to right) First Deputy Minister Igor Shuvalov, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister of Defence and General of the Army Sergey Shoigu, and Presidential Administration Chief of Staff Sergey Ivanov
M/S Putin standing before the wreath
W/S Putin honouring fallen WW II soldiers in front of the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin Wall
W/S Putin walking away from wreath
M/S Soldier plays cymbals
W/S Soldiers march while officials look on
M/S Officials salute
W/S Soldiers march in front of the Eternal Flame
M/S Soldiers marching
W/S Putin lays flowers on monument to Hero Cities
W/S Putin lays flowers on monument to Hero Cities
Russia: Putin honours heroes on anniversary of Nazi invasion
Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute Saturday to heroes of the Great Patriotic War, as World War II is known in Russia, as the country marked the 72 year anniversary of the Nazi invasion. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and other members of the Russian government, military, and presidential administration accompanied Putin in the ceremony on the nation-wide Day of Memory and Mourning.
Soldiers marched with a large wreath adorned with the Russian flag. The Russian officials presided over the laying of the wreath at the Eternal Flame by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden next to the Kremlin Wall. President Putin and other officials also laid flowers on the monuments honouring the Hero Cities of Leningrad, Kiev, Stalingrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Minsk, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Tula and Brest, Murmansk and Smolensk
On June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany carried out the largest military operation of the war and the largest invasion in history under the codename Operation Barbarossa.
Ghosthill - My Garden Of Seasons (Official Video 2012)
The first video Clip of Modern Power Metalheads from Russia!
Russia: Sevastopol residents leave flowers in tribute to St. Petersburg victims
Crowds of people in Sevastopol left flower tributes to the victims of the explosion that hit St. Petersburg Sennaya station, Monday.
Earlier on Monday, a blast rocked St. Petersburg's Sennaya metro station when an unidentified explosive device went off on a train between Sennaya and Institute of Technology metro stations, at 14:40 local time (11:40 GMT).
Latest death tolls indicate that at least 10 people have been killed in the explosion and dozens more have been injured.
Russia's Investigative Committee has confirmed that they have opened a criminal investigation into the incident.
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Скульптор Кербель Л.Е., памятник медикам (см. описание ниже)
Лев Ефимович Кербель - автор памятника погибшим выпускникам 1ММИ им. И.М. Сеченова (установлен в 1972 г.) и бюста И.М. Сеченову перед бывшим ректоратом 1ММИ (1958 г.)
Л. Е. Кербель родился 25 октября (7 ноября) 1917 года в небольшом селе Семёновка Черниговской губернии Российской республики. В 1945 году командование советских войск в Германии вызывало Кербеля в Берлин, где в соавторстве с В. Е. Цигалем он выполнил работу над монументом в память героев штурма Берлина, который решено было установить в берлинском парке Тиргартен. Это был второй по времени создания мемориал воинам-победителям после монумента в Кёнигсберге. Тогда же Кербелем были созданы и установлены памятники советскому солдату-освободителю в городе Кюстрин и на Зееловских высотах близ Берлина. Член КПСС с 1963 года.
Л. Е. Кербель — автор более 50 памятников и мемориалов, установленных во многих отечественных городах и за рубежом. Им создано большое количество скульптур выдающихся деятелей коммунистической партии, советского государства, военачальникам, героям Советского Союза и Социалистического Труда. Совместно с вице-президентом Академии художеств М. Г. Манизером Кербель выполнял посмертную маску И. В. Сталина.
Лениниана Кербеля необычайно многообразна. Она состоит из всевозможных портретов вождя и монументов, включающих композиции на революционные темы. По его проектам были поставлены памятники В. И. Ленину в Москве на Октябрьской площади, Смоленске, Горках Ленинских, Кемерове, Краснознаменске Московской области[3], Полтаве, Сыктывкаре, Липецке, Софии, Гаване (в соавторстве с Антонио Кинтаной) и других местах. Сейчас часть из них демонтирована.
Другим важным социальным заказом стал для Кербеля образ Карла Маркса. Памятники на площади Свердлова в Москве (Ленинская премия, 1962) и в центре немецкого города Карл-Маркс-Штадта, за который он был награждён правительством ГДР орденом Карла Маркса.
Особое место среди работ Л. Е. Кербеля занимают надгробные камни и монументы. Это памятники С. Ф. Бондарчуку (в конце 2012 года перенесено на территорию киноконцерна Мосфильм в качестве самостоятельного памятника), Э. К. Тиссэ, Е. А. Фурцевой, М. И. Бабановой, Б. А. Лавреневу, адмиралу А. Г. Головко, дважды Герою Советского Союза Д. А. Драгунскому, Д. Ф. Ойстраху и многим других известным деятелям.
Как бы ни были значительны достижения мастера, его творческие планы всегда шли дальше. Весной 1986 года Кербель завершил свою новую большую работу — монумент в честь 100-летия со дня рождения Эрнста Тельмана, ставший центром архитектурного ансамбля одного из рабочих районов Берлина. В 1998 году в Измайлове был открыт памятник Петру I.
С 1962 года профессор Л. Е. Кербель вёл мастерскую скульптуры в МГХИ имени В. И. Сурикова. Он воспитал плеяду талантливых мастеров, успешно работающих в России и за рубежом. В 1964 году на киностудии «Центрнаучфильм» снят фильм «Первому коммунисту» о творчестве Л. Кербеля (режиссёр В. Томберг).
Скончался Лев Ефимович 14 августа 2003 года в Москве, похоронен на Новодевичьем кладбище.
Герой Социалистического Труда (1985)
орден «За заслуги перед Отечеством» III степени (5 ноября 1997) — за заслуги перед государством и большой личный вклад в развитие отечественного изобразительного искусства
орден Дружбы народов Российской Федерации (6 мая 1993) — за большие заслуги в изобразительном искусстве, укреплении международных культурных связей и плодотворную педагогическую деятельность
орден Ленина
орден Трудового Красного Знамени
орден Отечественной войны II степени
орден Красной Звезды
орден Карла Маркса
Орден Народной Республики Болгария I степени
Ленинская премия (1962) — за памятник К. Марксу на пл. Свердлова в Москве (1961)
Сталинская премия первой степени (1950) — за скульптурные барельефы «В. И. Ленин и И. В. Сталин — основатели и руководители Советского государства»
народный художник СССР (1977)
народный художник РСФСР (1967)
Лауреат премии имени Гете (Германия)
медаль «За оборону Москвы»
медаль «За оборону Советского Заполярья»
медаль «За взятие Берлина»
На видео День Победы в 1 ММИ им. И.М.Сеченова ,1996 г.
Putin On Victory Day Parade 2019: Russian Army To Be Strengthened!
Great Putin's Speech At Victory Day Parade 2019 in Moscow, Russia The annual V-Day parade kicked off on Moscow’s Red Square on 09th May!
Russia is celebrating Victory Day with the traditional military parade on Red Square. The event is used to demonstrate troop discipline and the most advanced military hardware in the country’s arsenal.
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Kaczynski's Unspoken Words: Wound dividing Russia and Poland is healing
The body of Poland's dead President is lying in state in his Presidential Palace. His wife's body is on its way back from Russia and will soon be laid next to him. Throughout the day, people will have the chance to walk past and say their farewells. It's reported Lech Kazcynsky's funeral could be held Sunday, along with the 95 other people who died in a plane crash in Russia last weekend. RT's Natalia Novikova reports from Warsaw.
Лейтенант Суворов. Фильм. Феникс Кино. Военная драма
20 июня молодой комвзвода лейтенант Суворов прибыл в свой полк, а утром 22 не было уже ни полка, ни командиров.
С горсткой бойцов, сохраняя оружие лейтенант выходит к своему родному городку.
Город брошен - начальство успело эвакуироваться, а горожане живут в тревоге и неведении. Не знает что делать и воспитательница детского дома с группой детей.
По радио тревожные вести, но Лейтенант зацепился за фразу «под Смоленском наши войска сдерживают противника». Он уверен - еще чуть-чуть и фронт повернет вспять!
Он решает остаться и защищать город.
Враг все ближе. И теперь задача - дать возможность уйти жителям городка, спасти детей. Летом 41 года Лейтенант принимает свой первый бой...
Жанр: фильм о Великой Отечественной Войне
В ролях: Александр Ляпин (лейтенант), Гайдуков Артем (Ляушкин), Светлана Марцинкевич (Анюта), Алексей Байдаков (Прохоров), Константин Панченко (поварёнок), Клюников Игорь (Перфилов), Марцинкевич Светлана (Анюта), Сергей Селин (1-й Секр.РК ВКП(б)) и др.
Лейтенант Суворов. Фильм. Феникс Кино. Фильм о Великой Отечественной Войне
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Истребители 2. Последний Бой / Attackers. The Last Fight. 3 Серия. StarMedia. Военная Драма. 2015
Все серии / All episodes:
Для обеспечения советского наступления подполковник Бестужев получает приказ о формировании авиационного полка на базе новейших истребителей ЯК3. Для этого он собирает старых боевых товарищей, лучших выпускников летных училищ. В его полку служат не только мужчины, но и отважные красавицы летчицы. Им предстоит нелегкая задача разгадать хитроумный немецкий оборонительный план под экзотическим названием «Восточная шкатулка»…В самый разгар ожесточенных воздушных боев в помощь советским летчикам прибывает эскадрилья французских пилотов. Для смелого летчика не только война становится моральным испытанием, но и любовь.
Colonel Bestuzhev has an assignment to support the Soviet offensive by forming an air regiment equipped with the newest Yak-3 fighter aircrafts. He gathers his old companions-in-arms, top graduates of air force academies, to form one powerful regiment of fighter pilots, warring side by side with their bold and beautiful female colleagues. They have a challenging task ahead of them - to uncover intricate German defense plans under the enigmatic code name “Pandora’s box”. Amidst fierce air combat, a squadron of French pilots joins the Soviets. But a brave pilot can withstand the hardships of war and even find true love...
Формат/Type: сериал/TV series
Жанр/Genre: военная драма/military drama
Год производства / Year of production: 2015
Количество серий / Number of episodes: 12
Режиссер / Directed by: Зиновий Ройзман/Zinoviy Roizman
Сценарий / Written by: Юрий Коротков, Георгий Головенкин, Александр Высоковский, Леонид Порохня, при участии Зиновия Ройзмана/Yuriy Korotkov, Georgiy Golovenkin, Aleksandr Vusokovskiy, Leonid Porokhnya feat Zinoviy Roizman
Художник-постановщик / Production designer: Вадим Афанасьев/Vadim Afanas'ev
Оператор-постановщик / Director of photography: Виталий Коневцов/Vitaliy Konevtsov
Продюсеры/Producers: Андрей Анохин, Влад Ряшин/Andrey Anokhin, Vlad Ryashin
В ролях / Cast: Дмитрий Дюжев, Мария Андреева, Альберт Аванесян, Дмитрий Слинкин, Анастасия Введенская, Антон Семкин, Валентин Касьян, Алексей Демидов, Денис Константинов/Dmitriy Dyuzhev, Maria Andreeva, Albert Avanesyan, Dmitriy Slinkin, Anastasia Vvedenskaya, Anton Semkin, Valentin Kasian, Aleksey Demidov, Denis Konstantinov
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Истребители. Последний Бой / The Attackers. The Last Fight»
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Love and Death
Woody Allen invades the spirit of Tolstoy in this hilarious spoof of 18th Century Russia, when Napoleon is preoccupied with perfecting his pastry and before Wellington markets his beef. Co-stars Diane Keaton.
Grand Duchy of Moscow
The Grand Duchy of Moscow, or Grand Principality of Moscow, was a late medieval Rus' principality centered on Moscow and the predecessor state of the early modern Tsardom of Russia.
The state originated with Daniel I, who inherited Moscow in 1283, eclipsing and eventually absorbing its parent duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal by the 1320s. It later destroyed and annexed the Novgorod Republic in 1478 and the Grand Duchy of Tver in 1485. The Grand Duchy of Moscow expanded through conquest and annexation from just 20,000 square kilometers in 1300 to 430,000 in 1462, 2.8 million in 1533, and 5.4 million by 1584.
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The Funeral of Lech Kaczynski - part 12
On April 10, 2010 Polish President, Lech Kaczynski died in the plane crash en route to commemorate 22,000 Polish Officers, and intellectuals slaughtered by Soviet Russia in 1940 in the Katyn massacre.
He was accompanied by his beloved wife, and the top Polish elite. They had perished in the same woods of Katyn. On April 18, 2010 Polish Presidents and his wifes Funeral was finalized in Cracow, when he was put to rest in the catacomb of the Kings Chapel on the Vavel Castle.
Романовы. Фильм Седьмой. StarMedia. Babich-Design. Документальный Фильм
Все серии (Russian with ENG sub):
All episodes (In English):
Саундтрек к Фильму:
Император Николай I Павлович начал свое тридцатилетнее правление с подавления восстания декабристов. В день принесения присяги новому царю, 14 декабря 1825 года, погибло более тысячи человек, в том числе женщины и дети. Зачинщики заговора были казнены, участники — отправлены в ссылку. Позже на вопрос, заданный Николаем сыну, как бы он поступил на его месте, юный Александр ответил: «Простил». Александр II Николаевич вошел в историю как освободитель. Он сделал то, что не удалось сделать ни одному из его предшественников — отменил крепостное право. Однако вместе с освобождением крестьян на волю вырвалась новая, прежде неизвестная, но уже неостановимая сила...
Формат: историческая реконструкция
Жанр: докудрама
Год производства: 2013
Количество серий: 8
Режиссер: Максим Беспалый
Сценарий: Марина Бандиленко, Марина Улыбышева
Оператор-постановщик: Иван Бархварт
Композитор: Борис Кукоба
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин, Сергей Титинков, Константин Эрнст
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Романовы. Фильм Седьмой
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Смотреть онлайн фильмы и сериалы бесплатно в хорошем качестве.
Лучшие русские фильмы и сериалы, лучшие мелодрамы, военные фильмы, новинки кино, фильмы с русскими и английскими субтитрами — смотреть онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве в онлайн кинотеатре StarMedia на YouTube. Приятного просмотра!
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Ludobójstwo. Animowany film dokumentalny
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POLAND - WikiVidi Documentary
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a sovereign country in Central Europe. It is a unitary state divided into 16 administrative subdivisions, covering an area of 312679 km2 with a mostly temperate climate. With a population of over 38.5 million people, Poland is the sixth most populous member state of the European Union. Poland's capital and largest city is Warsaw. Other cities include Kraków, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk and Szczecin. The establishment of a Polish state can be traced back to 966, when Mieszko I, ruler of a territory roughly coextensive with that of present-day Poland, converted to Christianity. The Kingdom of Poland was founded in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a longstanding political association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by signing the Union of Lublin. This union formed the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the largest and most populous countries of 16th and 17th century Europe with a uniquely liberal political system which declared Europe's fir...
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:03:54: Etymology
00:04:29: Prehistory and protohistory
00:06:03: Piast dynasty
00:10:19: Jagiellon dynasty
00:13:41: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
00:18:20: Partitions
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Wikipedia link:
Red Army Choir: Polyushka Polye
Joseph Stalin: The Red Terror
20 million Soviet Citizens died at his hand. For a quarter of a century, he ruled his huge Empire with a ruthless iron fist. Terror was his modus operandi – while he was alive, no one, not even his closest family members, were safe. Yet, at his passing he was mourned as the savior of his people.
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Host - Simon Whistler
Author - Steve Theunissen
Producer - Samuel Avila
Executive Producer - Shell Harris
Business inquiries to biographics.email@gmail.com
Biographies by the book, get Joseph Stalin's biography from Amazon:
Other Biographics Videos:
Edmund Hillary: The Conqueror of Everest
Nellie Bly: A Record Breaking Life
Source/Further reading:
Ian Grey: Stalin (Kindle Edition)
Robert Service: Stalin: A Biography (Kindle Edition)
Stalin: Inside the Terror (video)
Russian politics. ''Duel'' talk show. Zhirinovsky vs Raihelgauz. ''Gorbachev'' (English subs)
One more episode of ''Duel'' talk show with Vladimir Zhirinovsky participating.
This time he is going against Iosif Raihelgauz, some movie and theater director I've never heard before. The subject of this show is: Michail Gorbachev, and the role he played, mainly in the collapse of the Soviet Union, but also about good and bad things he had done.
For Zhirinovsky, this subject is almost as painful as October Revolution of 1917. So, he is like usual using his style. I gotta say, that he have been on this show for so many times, his experience really counts. One of Raihelgauz's supporters made him angry, talking about things Zhirinovsky tired of hearing of, and when Zhirinovsky responds to him, you can see that his hands were actually shaking! Raihelgauz, on the other hand, seeing that he's losing, at one moment I think he was ready to start crying. But of course he is no match. I think Zhirinovsky even realized it and backed down a little.
The arbitrator was some historian that repeated everything twice for some reason. He reminded me Johny ''Two Times'' from ''Goodfellas'' - ''I'm gonna get the paper get the paper'' lol.
Well... And Soloviev as always in his style.
Oh, and keep your hand on ''Pause'' button. They often talk at the same time, so you might need a moment to read everything.
This show was aired live on 30/05/2013.
Thanks for watching!
CPSU - Communist Party of Soviet Union
PCO – Public Communication Office
DVAR – Department of VISA’s And Registration
SCSE - State Committee on the State of Emergency
CCCPSU - Central Committee of Communist Party of Soviet Union
MSU – Moscow State University
IM – Interior Ministry
CPC – Communist Party of China
DC – District Committee
TC – Town’s Committee
1. 6-th constitutional article of 1977: Ruling and directing force of Soviet society, core of its political system, state's and social organizations, is Communist Party of the Soviet Union. CPSU exists for people and serves people. Communist party defines general perspective of society, line of its foreign and domestic policy of the USSR, governing the great development activities of Soviet people, gives it planned and scientifically proven basis to its struggle for communism prevail. All political parties organizations are operating within Constitution of the USSR.
More or less.
2. Foros - city in Crimea in which The 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt, also known as the August Putsch or August Coup, was a coup d'état attempt by a group of members of the Soviet Union's government to take control of the country from Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev.
You can find more info about this as ''1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt''.
3. As far as I know, there is no English translation of this book.
4. Vityok - Is the name Victor. Vityok is used when guys on the street call you. Like Dominic - Dom (Yeah, it's from Fast and Furious. I can't think of anything else right now).
5. Snop - in Russian means sheaf.
6. Glenfilda Petrovna - I don't know if that is real character from the novel, but I think that's what he said. I never read that novel. I tried googling, but I haven't been able to find anything relative to it.
7. That’s what I’ve heard.
For trolls: Go to hell.