Yaroslavl. St. John the Baptist Church. Церковь Иоанна Предтечи
Церковь Иоанна Предтечи (Церковь в Толчкове). Ярославль. Изображена на реверсе 1000-рублевой банкноты. Путешественники, осматривая замечательный Толчковский храм, приписывали его построение и бухарцам и голландцам так замечательно выстроили его по замыслу русского зодчего. Необычная ярусная колокольня.
1000-ruble Russian banknote featuring St. John the Baptist Church. Obverse: Monument to Yaroslav I the Wise. Reverse: St. John the Baptist Church, Yaroslavl. St. John the Baptist Church (Russian: Церковь Иоанна Предтечи) in Yaroslavl is considered to be the acme of the Yaroslavl school of architecture. It was built in 1671-1687 on the bank of Kotorosl river in the Tolchkovo sloboda (district) which at that time was the largest and wealthiest part of the town. .Its walls and dome drums are covered with richly glazed tiles; the temple's fifteen onion domes are assembled in three groups. The 7-storey, 45-metre high bell-tower was built later than the church itself in mid-1690s.
Tours-TV.com: St. John the Baptist Church
John the Baptist Church, a grandiose 15-domed temple with slender many-tier belfry and graceful Holy Gates is a world famous monument of Russian church architecture of 17 c.. Russia : Yaroslavskaya Oblast' : Yaroslavl. See on map .
Russia - Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl is a city located 250 kilometers northeast of Moscow. The historic part of the city, a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. It is one of the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities northeast of Moscow that have played an important role in Russian history.
The most well-known building in the city is the 'Spaso-Preobrazhensky' ('Transfiguration of the Savior') Cathedral of the Spassky (St Savior) Monastery. This monastery was founded in the 12th century. The Transfiguration Cathedral itself is built in 1516.
Typical for a Russian monastery of the Middle Ages, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Yaroslavl was not built to be no more than a place of worship, but also to be a citadel and kremlin. The monastery is surrounded by a thick 16th century, white-painted wall, complete with watchtowers and embattlements. Within these walls stand the magisterial churches, which, with their asymmetrically-ordered towers and beautifully decorated interiors, make for wonderful examples of traditional Russian sacral architecture.
St. John the Baptist Church in Yaroslavl is considered to be the acme of the Yaroslavl school of architecture. It was built in 1671-1687 on the bank of Kotorosl river.
Its walls and dome drums are covered with richly glazed tiles. The entire interior is covered with frescoes depicting Christian saints, St. John the Baptist hagiography and biblical topics. They were painted by Dmitry Plekhanov and Fyodor Ignatyev in 1694-1695.
L'église du Prophète Élie témoigne de la richesse de l'architecture religieuse du XVIIe siècle à Iaroslavl.
Dmytri Stepanovych Bortniansky (1751–1825) was a composer and conductor of Ukrainian origin. Bortniansky is best known today for his liturgical works and his prolific contributions to the genre of choral concertos. Contemporary of Ludwig van Beethoven in Western Europe, he was one of the Golden Three of his era in the East of the continent, along with Artemy Vedel and Maksym Berezovsky. Bortniansky composed in many different musical styles, including choral compositions in French, Italian, Latin, German and Church Slavonic.
Russian Federation - Yaroslavl.
Church of the Profet Elias with the Monastery.
Travel Russia - Exploring the Historic City of Yaroslavl
Take a tour of Historic Yaroslavl in Yaroslavl, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Follow the Volga and Kotorosl Rivers to where they meet, and you will find the historic city of Yaroslavl.
This Russian city has been an economic power since the 11th century, and served as the country's de facto capital in the 17th century.
The medieval churches of Yaroslavl are typically Russian Orthodox in style and persuasion.
In 1763, Catherine the Great ordered a radical makeover of the town that would serve as a model for urban planning across the country.
Yaroslavl today is the result of this urban program, and is thus a beautiful example of Western cultural exchange and influence.
The city's neoclassical style, impressive monuments and historical importance all contribute to its UNESCO World Heritage designation.
Прогулка по Ярославлю. Walk across Yaroslavl
THE ALEXANDER PALACE,PUSHKIN 59°43'16.30N 30°23'34.18E
MARINE STATION, SOCHI 43°34'50.73N 39°43'6.76E
WINTER THEATRE, SOCHI 43°34'20.48N 39°43'50.10E
PETER I PALACE,STRELNA 59°51'13.35N 30° 2'42.22E
DMITROV CATHEDRAL,VLADIMIR 56° 7'44.59N 40°24'39.42E
DEMIDOVSKY PILLAR, YAROSLAVL 57°37'30.15N 39°53'50.04E
MARBLE BRIDGE, PUSHKIN 59°42'36.87N 30°23'20.69E
KONNETABLYA,GATCHINA 59°33'36.69N 30° 6'46.03E
Best Attractions & Things to do in Yaroslavl , Yaroslavl Oblast
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Yaroslavl . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Yaroslavl.
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List of Best Things to do in Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl Embankment
Vvedenskiy Tolga Convent
Monument to Afonya And Plasterer Kolya
The Church of Ilya the Prophet
St. John the Baptist Church
Strelka Fountains
Private Museum Music and Time
Yaroslavl Art Museum
Spassky (St Saviour) Monastery
Einstein's Entertaining Sciences Museum
O Virgin Theotokos
December 6, 2015
Church of Christ the King
New Vernon, NJ
Russian Bible Church in DFW on Christmas 2008
Ну вот теперь то у меня из сердца … Господа Бога … каленым железом ни кто не выжгет!!!
Протоиерей Владимир Головин является священнослужителем Русской Православной Церкви. Из разных частей света паломники приезжают в город Болгар, где живет батюшка, чтобы получить от него наставления в христианской вере, чтобы услышать из его уст глаголы жизни вечной.
Владимир Валентинович Головин родился 6 сентября в 1961 году в г. Ульяновск Ульяновской области. В этом же году был крещён. Получил обычное школьное – среднее образование. После школы работал на Ульяновском механическом заводе по специальности слесаря. По исполнении совершеннолетия и освобождения от служения в рядах Советской Армии в 1979 году поступил в Московскую Духовную Семинарию. С 1982 по 1986 гг. служил алтарником в храме в честь иконы Божией Матери «Неопалимая Купина» г. Ульяновск.
В сентябре 1986 года, в неделю по Воздвижении Господнем, в кафедральном Никольском соборе г. Казани рукоположен в диакона епископом Казанским и Марийским Пантелеимоном. Проходил диаконское служение в Троицком соборе г. Ижевска (Удмуртия). В 1987 году переведён в храм Ярославских чудотворцев, что на Арском кладбище г. Казани. В мае 1987 г., в Преполовение Пятидесятницы рукоположен Преосвященным Пантелеимоном в священника. Проходил служение настоятеля Сретенской церкви с. Большая Кучка Оршанского района Марийской АССР. В 1988 году епископом Казанским и Марийским Анастасием назначен настоятелем Свято-Авраамиевского прихода г. Куйбышев ТАССР (ныне г. Болгар РТ).
С 2003 года отец Владимир, по благословению архиепископа (ныне митрополита) Казанского и Татарстанского Анастасия, совершает общение с паломниками из различных городов России и Зарубежья. Ведя многочасовые проповеди, давая духовные наставления, он без остатка посвящает себя служению людям и пользуется заслуженным авторитетом среди горожан и представителей власти, чутко относится к любому человеку, мудро организует деятельность всех структур прихода. За непрерывный двадцативосьмилетний стаж священнического служения удостоен множества церковных наград. Имеет множество грамот, благодарственных писем, медалей от представителей государственной власти, общественных организаций и обществ.
В 2015 году в день памяти перенесения мощей святого мученика Авраамия Болгарского Высокопреосвященнейшим Анастасием, митрополитом Казанским и Татарстанским, награжден правом ношения креста с украшением: «за усердное служение Церкви Христовой».
С июня 2015 года возглавляет Попечительский совет Благотворительного Фонда содействия просвещению общества Святого мученика Феодора Болгарского.
С сентября месяца 2015 года, указом преосвященнейшего Пармена епископа Чистопольского и Нижнекамского, утвержден в должности духовника ставленников к священному сану вверенной ему епархии.
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Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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St. Sofia's Russian Orthodox Church
Video of Sain Sofia's Russian Orthodox Church in Harbin China.
Russian Art - 4 Architecture: Late Muscovite Period
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Historia del Arte:
Land of the Art:
Russian culture is an hybrid generated from habits of many civilizations that shaped this great multicultural state, and it is the result of its development for several centuries, being deeply rooted in the culture of the first eastern slavs.
The Late Muscovite Period goes from 1630 to 1712. After the Period of Troubles, the church and state were in bankrupt, and they couldn't pay more constructions.
The rich merchants of Yaroslavl financed many cathedrals in XVII century, with many bulbous domes and tended roof.
Elijah the Prophet, Yaroslavl: the first churches were asymmetric, like this. It follows the tradition of Middle Muscovite Period. The interior has frescoes of byzantine influence. They were commissioned by Ulita Makarova in 1680, and were painted by a team of 15 people leaded by Guriy Nikitin and Sila Savin. They represent scenes of the life of Elijah and also normal life scenes.
St. John Chrysostom, Korovniki: it follows the aesthetic of the previous one but greater. The bulbous domes are very big compared with the own building.
St. John the Baptist, Yaroslavl: it is the best of all these churches, and the most beautiful. It has fifteen domes. The belltower was built later, in mid-1690. The interior has more than five hundred frescoes about christian saints, St. John the Baptist and biblical themes. They were painted by Dmitri Pleyanov and Fiodor Ignatiev in 1694-1695.
The churches of Moscow of XVII century are very well decorated, but they are more little.
Ascension of Uglich: I'm not even sure if the image I put is of this church to be honest...
Hodegetria, Vyazma: one of the most beautiful buildings. It has three tended roofs, similar to candles. It is called so by Virgin Theotokos Hodegetria, the Virgin that guides saying that the Child is the path to salvation.
Nativity, Putinki: many tended roofs, following the aesthetic of the one of Vyazma.
The Patriarch Nikon said that tended roof constructions were not byzantine-typical, and so he declared them anti-canonical. The tended roofs were forbidden.
Voskresensky Monastery: this is the residence of Nikon. It is also called New Jerusalem Monastery or Resurrection cathedral. Byzantine forms are recuperated.
When the tended roofs were forbidden, the muscovite architects used bracket arches, called kokoshniki.
Kazan cathedral, Moscow: do not confuse with the one in St. Petersburg. It is in the Red Square. It is a reconstruction, because Stalin destroyed it in 1936.
Holy Trinity, Nikitniki
St. Nicholas, Khamovniki
Trinity, Ostankino
Great Cross, Kitai-gorod: this one was destroyed by Stalin and was lost.
Russian architecture became purely decorative, influenced by ukrainian and polish baroque. The first russian baroque churches were little chapels built in zones of family Naryshkin, near Moscow, so the name of Naryshkin baroque is frequently used in this style. Some of these churches are similar to towers, with cubic or ortogonal floors.
Protection of the Theotokos, Fili: composition similar to a stair, with belltower.
Ascension, Pokrovka: it seems more like a jewelry work than a building.
The Stroganov patronized many baroque buildings.
Nativity, Nizhny
At beginning XVIII century it is interesting to name the wooden churches in the north of Russia.
Intercession, Vytegra: it has 24 domes.
Kizhi Pogost: the legend says that the carpenter Nestor only used one axe, that when the building was done, he threw it into the lake Onega while he said there wasn't and won't be other church like this. The most important building of this complex is the Transfiguration church, with 22 domes. Near it is the Intercession church, with 9 domes. The amazing thing of these constructions is that they were built without any nail.
As an add...
Palace of Aleksei Mikhailovich: the artistic reconstruction of interiors was based in historical sources and authentic prototypes.
Take a look at this link for more russian wooden churches:
Music: Pólyushko-Pole by Irfan Kaya [Полюшко-Поле]
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
trezvon at monastery daytime
Agni PartheneἉγνὴ ΠαρθένεЧистая Дево - Denitza Seraphim & Spasenie/Salvation CHOIR
Agni Parthene - Denitza Seraphim & Spasenie/Salvation CHOIR. St Paraskeva Cathedral. Sofia, Bulgaria. Dirigent - Neli Trosheva
Concert in Sv.Paraskeva Cathedral - 05.07.2018
saint john the russian 16/08/2014
Ярославские церкви – самые фотографируемые места
Ярославские церкви – самые фотографируемые места города
Кстати, именно церкви - самые фотографируемые места в Ярославле. Топ ярославских достопримечательностей составил один из интернет-поисковиков. Судя по снимкам туристов и жителей города, лидирует Толгский монастырь. Это связано с его 700-летием. На второе место попала церковь Петра и Павла на Красном Перекопе, третий по популярности - храм Ильи Пророка. Замыкают пятерку - церковь Иоанна Предтечи в Толчкове и храмовый ансамбль в Коровниках.
2. ARMENIAN CHURCH, ROSTOV 47°13'49.90N 39°45'56.33E
3. PREGELBRÜCKE, KALININGRAD 54°41'27.55N 20°35'57.83E
4. ARSENAL,UDMURTIA 56°51'11.89N 53°12'55.79E
5. ROSTOV YOUTH THEATRE,ROSTOV 47°13'47.50N 39°45'51.95E
6. ZAKHAYMSKIE GATE,KALININGRAD 54°42'34.62N 20°32'18.68E
7. GOLDEN GATES, VLADIMIR 56° 7'36.47N 40°23'49.48E
8. MONUMENT Genl.PLIEV,VLADIKAVKAZ 43° 1'11.35N 44°40'48.24E
9. ST. JOHN BAPTIST,ASTRAKHAN 46°20'56.29N 48° 3'30.36E
10. WINDMILLS, SUZDAL 56°24'43.19N 40°26'13.78E
11. IVANGOROD FORTRESS,IVANGOLROD 59°22'31.80N 28°12'2.14E
13. OMSK ASSUMPTION CATHEDRAL,OMSK 54°59'24.52N 73°22'0.75E
14. CHIEF FAIR BUILDING, NIZHNY NOVGOROD 56°19'42.23N 43°57'40.93E
15. MARIINSKY PALACE,ST PETERSBURG 59°55'50.74N 30°18'34.09E
16. SAVIOUR CHURCH,UFA 54°49'45.34N 55°59'59.02E
17. GRAND KREMLIN,MOSCOW 55°45'5.64N 37°37'2.83E
18. SPASSKAYA TOWER,MOSCOW 55°45'9.14N 37°37'16.20E
19. ANCIENT WATER TOWER, UDMURTIA 56°51'3.69N 53°12'27.29E
20. ORESHEK FORTRESS, LENINGRAD 59°57'13.71N 31° 2'18.32E
21. STS. PETER & PAUL CHURCH, SMOLENSK 54°47'47.09N 32° 2'15.69E
22. FOREVER WITH RUSSIA,UDMURTIA 56°51'8.11N 53°11'49.52E
23. CHURCH OF CHELYABINSK, RUSSIA 55° 8'23.77N 61°24'56.43E
24. GERMAN CHURCH,VLADIKAVKAZ 43° 2'12.36N 44°40'40.13E
25. CATHEDRAL OF ST. NICHOLAS,OMSK 54°58'39.31N 73°22'46.95E
Uglich is a small town standing on the high bank of the great Russian river Volga for more than 10 centuries. We invite you to Russia!