Sandomierz, Poland Cemetery
Video and pictures I took of the Sandomierz, Poland cemetery, with narration. I discuss the difference between Polish and American cemeteries. I also talk about a Polish holiday called Święto Zmarłych (Day of the Dead), which is celebrated in honor of the deceased in Poland. It is a national Catholic holiday.
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Гнезно (Польша) - Кафедральный собор
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В этом небольшом видео, выходящем за рамки нашей стандартной тематики, показаны некоторые достопримечательности польского города Гнезно. Гнезно - это город в центральной части Польши, первая столица Польши и резиденция первых Польских королей. Именно в Гнезно было образовано первое польское архиепископство, здесь же до 14-го века короновали польских королей, хотя столица Польши к этому времени уже переехала в Краков. С городом Гнезно тесно связана личность и судьба Святого Войцеха, который считается покровителем Польши. Город Гнезно - это популярное место паломничества. И действительно основной достопримечательностью города Гнезно является католический кафедральный собор Успения Пресвятой Девы Марии, основанный в 977 году. Готический храм, дошедший до нашего времени, возводился начиная с 1342 года. Данный собор расположен в самом центре города Гнезно и является чрезвычайно важным памятником культуры и истории Польши, а также одной из наиболее почитаемых католических святынь страны. Собор в Гнезно называют «матерью польских костелов». Базилика с 1931 года, кафедра архиепископа Гнезно, который носит титул примаса Польши, то есть имеет почётное верховенство относительно других польских архиепископов. Таким образом, номинально, кафедральный собор в Гнезно является главным костелом Польши. Кафедральный собор в Гнезно - это непосредственное место коронации пяти польских королей. В наше время в очень богато декорированном главном алтаре храма хранятся мощи Святого Войцеха. Всемирно известны также бронзовые врата 12-го века, украшенные барельефами со сценами жизни Святого Войцеха, которые ранее были главным входом в собор. Ныне в соборе находится копия, а оригинал хранится в музее архиепархии Гнезно. Кроме собора в городе Гнезно имеется еще множество достопримечательностей. К таким достопримечательностям относятся: несколько других католических храмов и монастырей, в том числе очень древних; несколько музеев с очень богатой и ценной экспозицией; весьма примечательная рядовая застройка исторического центра. Все эти достопримечательности города Гнезно и показаны в данном видео. В видео использована аэросъемка, таким образом город Гнезно продемонстрирован с высоты птичьего полета...
Sandomierz, Polska, Poland, katedra, cathedral
Bizantyjsko-ruskie freski w prezbiterium z fundacji Władysława Jagiełly , początek XV w. Byzantine Ruthenian frescoes in the chancel of the cathedral - beginning of the XV century
Debno Church, The Crazy Things People Do For Love
so more people can discover the true beauty of Poland :-)
MAPS, Dębno Church
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MUSIC, Jeff Kaale
POLAND-V Day of Foreign Languages & Snow White-22.03.20 Część 1
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The Future of Catholicism in Poland (Wojtek Golonka)
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All Saints Roman Catholic Cemetery | Cemetery Vlogs #7
I visit All Saints Roman Catholic Cemetery and get super nervous, ramble nonsensically, and talk about Ed and Lorraine Warren.
This video is not sponsored by anything or anyone.
Święto Patronów Europy - Cyryla i Metodego - Sandomierz News 2009.02.14
Sandomierskie wiadomości z 14 lutego 2009. Dziś przypada święto patronów Europy. Międzynarodowe spotkania w duchu świetych Cyryla i Metodego odbyły się w Sandomierzu. W uroczystościach wzięli udział biskupi z Czech, Węgier, Ukrainy, Słowacji i Polski. Spotkanie rozpoczęła sesjanaukowa Chrześcijańska demokracja wyzwaniem dla współczesnej Europy. W uroczystościach wzięli udział arcybiskupi i biskupi oraz ambasadorowie, przedstawiciele rządów, parlamentów i uczeni wyższych z kilku europejskich krajów. Od wielu lat diecezja sandomieska współpracuje z nimi w zakresie jednoczenia kultury wschodniej i zachodniej, stanowiacą wielką tradycję Kościoła powszechnego. Najważniejszym elementem spotkań jest modlitwa za Europę w sandomierskiej Katedrze. Koncelebrowanej mszy świetej przewodniczył kardynał senior Marian Jaworski, były metropolita lwowski obrządku łacińskiego.
Sandomierz News from February 14, 2009. Today is the Holiday of the Patrons of Europe. International Meeting under the patronage of Saints Cyril and Methodius took place in Sandomierz. Bishops from Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovaka and Poland participated in the celebrations. The Meeting began with a science session Christian Democracy - a Challange for Modern Europe. The celebrations were honoured by bishops and archbishops as well as ambassadors, representatives of governments, parliaments and universities from many European countries. For many years the Diocese of Sandomierz has been colaborating with them on the unification of Eastern and Western cultures, the great heritage of the Catholic Church. The most important part of the Meeting is the prayer for Europe in the Cathedral of Sandomierz. The con-celebtrated Holy Mass was leaded by Cardinal Marian Jaworski, the former Archbishop of Lviv of the Latins.
Msza pontyfikalna biskupa Grzegorza Balcerka
Pontyfikalną Mszę świętą w Nadzwyczajnej Formie Rytu Rzymskiego w dniu 14 czerwca AD 2009 celebrował x. bp Grzegorz Balcerek, biskup pomocniczy Archidiecezji Poznańskiej w kościele pw. św. Antoniego Padewskiego z okazji 15 lat Mszy Trydenckiej w Poznaniu.
Pope John Paul II fell and cut his head on Saturday before leaving Warsaw for an open-air Mass, requiring three stitches on his right temple.
The pope's accident could have brought a halt to his tour of Poland but the pontiff arrived on time for the Mass in the southeastern city of Sandomierz with a bandage visible just below his skullcap.
A pilgrimage far from the Vatican, a packed schedule and hundreds of thousands of faithful eagerly awaiting Pope John Paul II.
The pope's fall on Saturday, as he was preparing to leave Warsaw, bore the potential for a medical and planning emergency, but it is a risk the Vatican takes to meet John Paul's desire to keep on the road.
The Pope greeted officials as he climbed unaided from his helicopter, and appeared to be coping well when he first arrived in the city of Sandomierz.
Thousand of people pressed to get close to him as he went through the streets in his pope mobile.
The only time the pope appeared more fragile than usual was when he had trouble climbing the stairs to his chair and was helped by two aides.
But he sounded strong and did not appear to be in pain.
The accident came after the most rigorous day of his Poland pilgrimage.
On Friday he attended an early morning Mass followed by five speeches - including an address to parliament - reception lines and prayers at two memorials.
According to Joachim Navarro-Valls, a Vatican spokesman, the pope slipped accidentally and his head hit the ground while he was leaving the papal nuncio's residence in Warsaw around 8 a.m. local time (0600 GMT).
He said he did not know what had caused the pope to fall.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
This morning before leaving his residence of the papal nuncio in Warsaw, the holy father slipped accidentally and procured a slight cut in the right hand of his forehead that was treated with three stitches. There were no variations at all in his biological parameters, blood pressure or weight or whatever, and the programme of the trip continues as planned for those days still remaining in Poland.
SUPER CAPTION: Joachim Navarro-Valls, Vatican Spokesman
The pope himself made no reference to the accident.
He did not appear to have been greatly shaken by the incident although he has been in ill health in recent years.
He arrived in his native Poland on June 5th and is scheduled in for a 13-day pilgrimage.
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Praga Cathedral - Warsaw Poland
- Standing in the very heart of Warsaw Old Praga district the Cathedral is a true landmark of the area.
Jonny Park singing Hound Dog - 4am Poland at Jonny & Magda's Wedding Reception
Jonny Park singing Hound Dog at 4am in the morning at his wedding reception in Poland
Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Lublin, Lublin Province, Poland, Europe
Basilica. St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr, also known as the Basilica of Relics or the Church of the Holy Cross oo. Dominican - one of the oldest temples in Lublin, along with the monastery is one of the oldest institutions of the city (in 2003 celebrated 750 years). From June 21, 1967, the Dominican church holds a minor basilica, given to him by Pope Paul VI. Facade with two towers, with a high, late Renaissance stepped gables, with vertical and horizontal divisions and four pairs of pinnacles on the edges. Storey towers with double corner pilasters, in the upper zone of a high window closed with a full arch, covered with rooftops czterospadowymi, with helmets. Before entering the church porch, just moved north from the main axis of the church (the reason for building the temple land in the eighteenth century), closed at the top peak of gierowanym frontage covered with copper, with two pinnacles at the sides. The nave gable roof with decorative helmet signature of copper sheet, like a gable roof covering the sanctuary, with a much lower ridge. block outside the church distinguish the chapels - especially chapel Tyszkiewiczów, the extension of the chancel, in the lower part of the rectangular plan, up through szcześcioboczna cut corners, covered with elliptical dome of the helmet. From noon in the Chapel Square Firlejs, covered with a dome, on the north elongated dostawiona perpendicular to the sanctuary, closed semicircular Chapel MB of Paris, next to the dome of the chapel Ossolińskich. Church oblong, three-nave hall, nave trzyprzęsłowy, adhere to the three pairs of side chapels and shrines dedicated to the extension of the aisles. The long, three-span sanctuary with two chapels on the north side and a chapel on its extension. The nave, chancel and a chapel covered with a cross vault, in the chapels Ossolińskich and Firlejs vault in the type of Lublin. The whole interior retains a clear structure of the Gothic nave religious hall, similar in its form and proportions of such the fourteenth-century Cathedral of Lviv (Latin). The date of the first foundation of the monastery church as the year 1253, but the Dominicans could come to Lublin and Krakow already in the 30s The thirteenth century. The present church was built in the fourteenth century, founded by Casimir the Great in 1342 to the beginning of the sixteenth century, when added to the second aisle, was a two-nave temple with elongated religious sanctuary. The current shape was reconstructed at the end of the sixteenth century (after a disastrous fire in 1575). In most of the chapels are altars to the second. mid-eighteenth century with dynamic, gilded wooden statues sculptures which are an excellent example of Lviv (lab Puławy Paul Zeisla). The chapel Firlejs until theft (8/9 February 1991), was kept one of the largest relic of the Holy Cross., Most likely located in Jerusalem earlier in sequence, Constantinople and Kiev, and that the Lublin arrived probably around 1420 she was the reason why the Basilica of Lublin was in the seventeenth century, the third place of pilgrimage in the Republic - the Jasna Gora and Gniezno. The aisles are a series of six paintings from the studio of Thomas Dolabella. From the south, adjacent to the Basilica of the monastery complex, with two wirydarzami, of coming from the eastern part of the fourteenth century, housing, among others supported by one pillar Union Hall - the former refectory of the monastery, enlarged in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. After the suppression and expulsion of monks in the 80s The nineteenth century, the monastery arranged, among others barracks. Dominican Republic regained its partial ownership in 1938, but after 1945 most of the monastery took the child home and Puppet and Actor them. H. Ch. Andersen. For several years there has been a comprehensive restoration and restaurant basilica and monastery. Located in the south wing of the main quadrangle of the monastery gate, flanked by bas-relief panoply, the slides of the door panel shows two hands giving putti, sometimes interpreted as a symbol of the Union of Lublin.
Taki zlepek wszystkiego. Trochę o Nowym Sączu, trochę o moich refleksjach.. wizja człowieka, który dawno nie miszkał w Polsce. Miło się tworzyło, mam nadzieje, że wrażenie po drugiej stronie będzie równie przyjemne.
What and Who is a Rusyn? PART 2
John Righetti on Similarities and Differences Between Carpatho-Rusyns and Slovaks. This event was held at Sts Peter & Paul Byzantine Church Hall in Warren, Ohio on February 6, 2010. More info at:
WEDDING DAY 3 of 3 - Sandomierz Poland
Journey to the beatifull Wojanow Palace on water , in West Poland
Captured by Dji Mavic Pro and Dji Osmo plus
PRZEMYSL - historic city with beautiful churches in Southern Poland , July 2012
Dzwon kościelny jako dzwon zegara i odwrotnie / Church bells
Kościół Rzymskokatolickiego Matki Boskiej z Willesden. Godzina 12:00. Pierwsze 12 uderzeń wybija południe, potem dzwon wybija nietypowy Anioł Pański.
Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Willesden. 12:00. Clock bell and Angelus.
Srebrny Jubileusz - część 1/2
25. rocznica konsekracji na biskupa Bp M. Włodzimierza Jaworskiego
Łódź, 20 listopada 2008 r.