Putin Visits Relics Of St. Nicholas In Christ The Savior Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church reached the agreement on moving the relics in February 2016, during the meeting between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Pope Francis. The relics will be kept in Russia from May 21 to July 28, 2017.
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Easter 2019 in Russia. Russian and other Christian Churches in Vladivostok
Hello again, friends! In this video, we will tell you about Easter in Russia and show you Russian & other Churches in Vladivostok.
There are about 40 Russian Orthodox chapels in Vladivostok. Nowadays the biggest one is:
• Russian Orthodox Church Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God at Pokrovsky Park.
Another one is
April 28, 2019, is Orthodox Easter Day in Russia, a holiday so important people celebrated it even during the atheist
Soviet era. To this day Russians observe many Easter traditions, just the way their ancestors did. Although there are no Easter bunnies or chocolate eggs, celebrations involve unique and beautiful customs—here are some of them.
Easter in Russia is called Paskha (Пасха). The name presumably derives from the Jewish holiday of Pesach, which was dedicated to the release of Jews from Egyptian slavery. Another origin theory says it comes from the Greek phrase “I suffer”. In accordance with Christian tradition, the word signifies transitioning with Christ from death to eternity and from earth to heaven.
It’s a shifting holiday
Russian Easter shifts from year to year because it falls on the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon. Paskha is usually celebrated later than Catholic Easter, because the Russian Orthodox Church follows the old Julian calendar, unlike the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, which have been using the Gregorian calendar since the 16th century.
People fast before Easter
Paskha is preceded by 40 days of Great Lent, the most important event in the Orthodox church year. Those who observe it are not supposed to eat meat, dairy and, on some days, even vegetable oils. On the last Friday before Easter (Good Friday), no food or drink should be consumed until the evening.
Easter requires preparation
Russians are supposed to do all their pre-Easter chores during the last week before the holiday, also known as the Holy Week. Houses should be thoroughly cleaned before “Clean Thursday”, which is when Russians dye and decorate eggs.
On Saturdays, everyone cooks traditional Easter food and those who fast are not allowed to taste it while cooking. It is also common to bless the food at church during the night service.
Easter customs
In Russia, the Easter church service starts on Saturday evening and lasts until dawn. This is usually an impressive ceremony with candle lights and liturgical chants attended even by those who don’t attend mass frequently. At midnight, the bells are rung to announce the resurrection of Christ; the priest says “Christ is risen!” and parishioners are supposed to respond with “He is truly risen!”
Traditional food is still popular
On Easter morning most families in Russia, no matter how religious they are, will probably enjoy a traditional breakfast of eggs, kulich (кулич)—a special kind of yeast bread, and paskha—a pyramid-shaped cake made of cottage cheese and raisins. Even though food stores offer ready-made kulichi and paskhas, many people prefer to make them using family recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation.
There’s a special greeting
Russians rarely stay at home on Easter; this holiday is all about family gatherings and festive dinners. So throughout the day people exchange Easter eggs, kiss each other on the cheek three times, and often say “Christ is risen!” to each other, responding with “He is truly risen!”
Easter lasts 40 days
The first week after Easter is considered holy, during this period church services are held with their holy doors open—symbolizing Christ opening the kingdom of heaven to all people. In fact, the 40-day period between Easter and Ascension Day is referred to as paschal (пасчал).
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Team: Ekaterina Gritsenko, Vladimir N. Biryukov
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Date: 20th of April 2019
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【K】Russia Travel-Novosibirsk[러시아 여행-노보시비르스크]가로 세로 3M, 성 니콜라이 성당/Chapel of Saint Nicholas
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[한국어 정보]
러시아 정중앙에 위치한 성 니콜라이 성당. 가로 세로 겨우 3미터의 이 성당은 소비에트 시절 철거되는 비운을 겪기도 했다. 하지만 1993년 노보시비르스크 탄생 100주년을 기념해서 복원된 뒤 지금은 당당히 시를 대표한다. 성당 안내인을 따라 지하실로 내려간다. “1991년 9월 21일, 성 니콜라이 성당 복원의 기공식을 기념하는 신성한 돌입니다.“
[English: Google Translator]
Russia St. Nicholas Cathedral, located in the center. Aspect is the cathedral of only three meters, which was also undergoing demolition clearing the Soviet era. But after being restored to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Novosibirsk in 1993 and now it represents the city proudly. Go down into the basement along with descriptions of the cathedral. September 21, 1991, is a sacred stone to commemorate the groundbreaking ceremony of the St. Nikolai Cathedral restoration.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Россия Никольский собор, расположенный в центре. Аспект собор только три метра, который был также перенесших снос Расчистка советскую эпоху. Но после того, восстановлен в ознаменование 100-летия Новосибирска в 1993 году и в настоящее время она представляет собой город с гордостью. Спуститесь в подвал вместе с описаниями собора. 21 сентября 1991, является священным камнем в честь церемонии закладки фундамента восстановления церкви Святого Николая.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아07-02 가로 세로 3M, 성 니콜라이 성당/Chapel of Saint Nicholas
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김병수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김병수,2011,7월 July
Dec 25, 2012 Russia_Catholic Christmas Eve service held in Moscow
Several hundred believers gathered in Moscow's Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday for the Christmas Eve mass.
Catholics and believers from many other Christian denominations around the world mark the birth of Jesus on December 25 annually, whereas Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth on January 7.
The Great Day of Annihilation
Russia: Children's procession marks handover of Saint Isaac's Cathedral to Orthodox Church
The Palm Sunday service at Saint Petersburg Saint Isaac's Cathedral was marked with a children's procession, which was held in support of the handover of the city's landmark to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Some three thousand children, most students of Sunday Schools and Church lyceums, circled the Cathedral with palm branches and gonfalons. This was followed by a special service with youth and children choirs.
Video ID: 20170409 017
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Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
???? 360° GoPro Omni VR: Russian Orthodox Church | Vladivostok, Russia ????????
A 360° video of the Orthodox Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady, a Russian Orthodox Church by the sea in the far eastern, Trans-Siberian Railway terminus town of Vladivostok! =] ????????
Much closer to North Korea than Moscow, it seems unintuitive to think of this kind of architecture knocking about - but, culturally, it is maybe even more stereotypically Russian than anywhere outside of Moscow, owing to the large Navy population in the town. Inside this packed church were a lot of sailors and their families, visiting just before the Easter celebrations.
Also look out for the the excellent Golden Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge, disappearing into the fog and mist of the Pacific Ocean shore!
✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣
Camera: GoPro Omni
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Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in cardboard and enjoy.
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#Vladivostok #Россия #gopro
Video: Orthodox Christmas Mass in Russia's major Cathedral
More than 30,000 churches and cathedrals across Russia have held religious services as Russia is celebrating Orthodox Christmas. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, has delivered the Christmas Eve Mass in the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow.
【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]페트로파블로프스크 대성당/Petropavlovskaya Cathedral/Coffin
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
섬 중앙에는 거대한 성당이 자리하고 있다. 1850년에 재건된 페트로파블로프스크 대성당은 높이가 122.5m로 상트페테르부르크에서 가장 높은 건축물이다. 금빛으로 장식된 웅장한 사탑과 화려한 문양에서 러시아 왕조의 위엄이 느껴진다. 성당 안으로 들어가 보니 내부 역시 화려하게 꾸며져 있다. 화려한 금빛문양과 높은 천장의 모습은 마치 교회와 궁전을 합쳐 놓은 듯하다. 교회 한 쪽에는 관들이 놓여 있다. 과거 러시아를 지배했던 황제들의 관. 상트페테르부르크를 건설했던 표트르 대제를 비롯해 14명의 황제가 이곳에 잠들어 있다. 사람들이 많이 몰리는 곳으로 다가가 봤다. 그 안에는 러시아의 마지막 황제 니콜라이 2세의 관이 있다. 1917년 혁명에 의해 강제로 퇴위된 니콜라이 황제는 소련정부에 의해 처형돼 숲속에 시신이 방치됐다고 한다. 그 후 소련이 붕괴하자 러시아 정교회는 니콜라이 2세를 순교자로 인정하고 시신을 이곳에 안치했다. 지난 2008년, 러시아 대법원은 니콜라이 황제가 정치적 탄압에 의해 희생된 점을 인정했다. 73년 동안 버려졌던 황제의 무덤. 시민들은 그를 추모하고 있었다. “자녀가 많았습니다. 당연히 존경 받는 아버지였겠죠. 아이들을 싫어했다면 많은 아이를 낳지 않았겠죠. 그는 기독교인으로서 지켜야 하는 것들을 성실히 지켰습니다.” “성격이 좋았다고 합니다. 부트킨이라는 의사가 그를 치료했는데 그를 비롯해 주변 사람들은 그가 좋은 사람이라고 말을 합니다. 하지만 통치자로서는 무능력했습니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
There is a huge cathedral in the center of the island. The Petropavlovsk cathedral, rebuilt in 1850, is the tallest building in St. Petersburg with a height of 122.5 meters. The majesty of the Russian dynasty is felt in the magnificent Leaning Tower decorated with gold and the splendid pattern. When I walked into the cathedral, the inside was decorated with splendor. The gorgeous golden pattern and the high ceiling seem to combine the church and the palace. There are coffins on one side of the church. The court of the emperors who ruled Russia in the past. Fourteen emperors, including Peter the Great, who built St. Petersburg, are sleeping here. I approached the place where many people were crowded. There is a coffin of Nikolai II, the last emperor of Russia. Emperor Nikolai, who was forcibly displaced by the 1917 revolution, was executed by the Soviet government and the body was left in the forest. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian Orthodox Church recognized Nikolai II as a martyr and laid the body there. In 2008, the Russian Supreme Court acknowledged that Emperor Nikolai was victimized by political repression. Emperor's tomb was abandoned for 73 years. Citizens were commemorating him. There were many children. He must have been a respected father of course. If I hated children, I would not have had many children. He faithfully kept what he should be a Christian. A doctor named Bootkin treated him and he and others around him say he is a good person. But he was incompetent as a ruler.
[Russia: Google Translator]
В центре острова находится огромный собор. Петропавловский собор, перестроенный в 1850 году, является самым высоким зданием в Санкт-Петербурге с высотой 122,5 метра. Величие русской династии ощущается в великолепной Пизанской башне, украшенной золотом и великолепным узором. Когда я вошел в собор, внутренняя часть была украшена великолепием. Великолепный золотой узор и высокий потолок, кажется, объединяют церковь и дворец. На одной стороне церкви есть гробы. Суд императоров, правивших Россией в прошлом. Здесь спали четырнадцать императоров, в том числе Петр Великий, который строил Санкт-Петербург. Я подошел к месту, где много людей было переполнено. Есть гроб Николая II, последнего императора России. Император Николай, который был насильственно перемещен в результате революции 1917 года, был казнен советским правительством, а тело оставлено в лесу. Когда Советский Союз рухнул, Русская Православная Церковь признала Николая II мучеником и положила туда тело. В 2008 году Верховный суд России признал, что император Николай был подвергнут политическим репрессиям. Императорская гробница была оставлена на 73 года. Граждане отмечали его. «Было много детей. Разумеется, он, должно быть, был уважаемым отцом. Если бы я ненавидел детей, у меня бы не было много детей. Он верно хранил то, что должен быть христианином ». Врач по имени Буткин относился к нему, и он и другие окружающие говорили, что он хороший человек. Но он был некомпетентен как правитель.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-03 황제가 잠든 페트로파블로프스크 대성당
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
섬,island,cliff,종교시설,church,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,역사/자연지역,historic site,사람,man,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월북서 연방관구NorthwesternJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Russia - Patriarch holds service at monestary
T/I: 10:40:32
The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexy II, on Friday (17/7) conducted an alternative memorial service for Russia's last Tsar, Nicholas II, at a monastery outside of Moscow. The patriarch has questioned the authenticity of the remains of the royal family and refused to attend their burial in the cathedral of Saint Petersburg's Peter and Paul Fortress, 80 years after the family was executed by a Bolshevik firing squad.
WS Sergiyev-Posad monastery;
MS monastery;
Grand Duchess Leonida walking to Uspenski Cathedral in Serviyev-Posad monastery;
Grand Duchess Leonida and presumed Romanov heir Georgi in Cathedral;
Worshipers crossing themselves and bowing before icon;
Patriarch Alexiy II enters, blesses congregation;
Patriarch leading service;
SOT Patriarch in Russian on the authenticity of the bones ... saying the church should refrain from supporting one side or the other; that there would mourning services for the Tsar all across Russia, including one at the Peter and Paul Fortress.
VS service;
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Introduction to the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia Dietrich Brauer
Introduction to the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Dietrich Brauer was held at the ceremonial service at Saints Peter and Paul’s Cathedral in Moscow.
Dietrich B. Brower was born on January 3rd, 1983 in Vladivostok. He graduated from the seminary, served as a pastor, and then was appointed as bishop. For the last 2 years he served as Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia. At the moment, Dietrich Brauer is the youngest archbishop of the Lutheran World Federation.
Владивосток/ Vladivostok - 1899-1901
Жизнь американских экспатов во Владивостоке
Фотографический альбом 1899-1901
The life of American expats in Vladivostok
Photographic album 1899-1901
Andante and Variations in B major by Anton Arensky
Альбом фотографий Элеоноры Прэй, американки, проживавшей во Владивостоке.
Элеонора Роксана Прэй (1868-1954) купила свою первую камеру в марте 1899. Она жила во Владивостоке с 1894 по 1930, где ее муж, Фредерик С. Прэй (ум. в 1923 г.) работал в «американском магазине, принадлежащем его сестре и зятю, Саре и Чарльзу Смитам (ум. в 1898 г.).
Here I present an historic album of photographs of Eleanor Pray, an American woman, who lived in Vladivostok.
Eleanor Roxana Pray (1868-1954) bought her first camera in March 1899. She lived in Vladivostok from 1894 to 1930, where her husband, Frederick S. Pray (died 1923), worked in an American store owned by his sister and son-in-law, Sarah and Charles Smith (died in 1898).
Photographs depict Eleanor Pray's experiences as an American expatriate living in Vladivostok, Russia. Includes portraits and social activities with an international circle of friends and visitors; Japanese and Chinese servants; excursions in and around the city; interior and exterior views of Dom Smith, the residence she and her husband Frederick shared with his widowed sister Sarah Smith; and their dacha. The album also has a few photos of such Vladivostok landmarks as the Cathedral of the Assumption, Nicholas Arch and views over the Golden bay Horn.
A wonderful, historic and fascinating glimpse into a bygone age.....
Original album is in the Library of Congress.....
Russia: Holy procession held in Moscow on anniv. of Baptism of Rus'
A religious procession was held in central Moscow, Friday, to mark the anniversary of the Orthodox baptism of Kievan Rus, Friday.
The ceremony was led by Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenile. The procession began at the Dormition Cathedral, situated to the north of the Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, and ended at the St. Vladimir statue.
Although the Christianisation of Kievan Rus' occurred in several stages, the definitive date of the Christianisation of Kiev dates back to the baptism of Vladimir the Great in 988. St. Vladimir was baptised at Chersonesos before he went on to baptise his family and residents in Kiev.
Video ID: 20170728 040
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Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Catholics in Moscow - Trailer
This trailer presents the first 10 minutes of the CRTN - documentary Catholics in Moscow.
Production Date: 2005
Duration: 28
Copyright : CRTN
Language: English, German, French, Czech, Spanish, Russian
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Director: Monika Gorska
The program considers initially the story and witness of Irina Sofronitskaya, a Russian Catholic imprisoned in the gulag. Her story exemplifies the millions of those imprisoned for their Faith during Stalins reign of terror.
The program then moves to consider the present religious landscape in Russia, particularly the still tense relationship between Catholics an Orthodox as highlighted through short interviews with Catholic Metropolitan Kondrusiewicz and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexeii II.
Nevertheless, strong ecumenical projects between both communities exist and the program considers the work of Blagovest Info and Blagovest Media two ecumenical (Catholic and Orthodox) organisations working to maintain the presence of the sacramental Churches in a difficult commercial media climate with the intent to spread the Gospel as well as foster reconciliation between Catholics and Orthodox.
Novosibirsk, Russia ???? Travel Vlog 16 ???????? History & Culture
Novosibirsk: ???? UK Vlogger of the Year finalist 2019 and 2018 explores Novosibirsk, Russia and the bizarre painter Nicholas Roerich, the USSR museum, and Russian swear words. Join the Modern Grand Tour (travel vlogs for history-culture geeks ????) in Novosibirsk, Russia! ⬇️ More info below ⬇️
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If you liked Novosibirsk, Russia Travel Vlog... tell me your favourite swear word in your language! ????
---------------------------------More info---------------------------------
YouTube channel:
Series playlist:
Series info:
-----------------------------In this episode-----------------------------
Novosibirsk Intro = 0:48
Pizdets = 1:13 ????
City History = 2:32
Lenin Square = 3:25
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral = 4:08
USSR Museum (second economy) = 5:07 ????
Chapel of St Nicholas = 8:20 ????
Nicholas Roerich Museum = 8:45 ⛰️
Russian Swear Words = 10:14
Multicultural Russia = 11:12 ????????️????????️????????️????????️????????️
Racism in Russia = 11:36
Conclusion = 12:33
Next Episode = 13:00
--------------------------------The series--------------------------------
Ep1 ???????? ???????? Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges:
Ep2 ???? ???????? Amsterdam:
Ep3 ☠️ ???????? Berlin:
Ep4 ???? ???????? Hamburg:
Ep5 ???? ???????? Aarhus:
Ep6 ????♀️ ???????? Copenhagen:
Ep7 ???? ???????? Stockholm:
Ep8 ???? ???????? Helsinki:
Ep9 ????️ ???????? Saint Petersburg:
Ep10 ???? ???????? Moscow:
Ep11 ???? ???????? Vladimir and Suzdal:
Ep12 ???? ???????? Nizhny Novgorod: (most fun)
Ep13 ☠️ ???????? Perm:
Ep14 ???? ???????? Yekaterinburg:
Ep15 ???? ???????? Tobolsk and Tyumen:
Ep16 ???? ???????? Novosibirsk:
Ep17 ???? ???????? Irkutsk and Olkhon Island:
Ep18 ???? ???????? Ulan-Ude:
Ep19 ???? ???????? Trans-Siberian Train: (most practically useful)
Ep20 ???? ???????? Khabarovsk:
Ep21 ???? ???????? Vladivostok:
Ep22 ???? ???????? Seoul: (most educative)
Ep23 ???? ???????? Osaka:
Ep24 ???? ???????? Kyoto:
Ep25 ???? ???????? Tokyo: (most awesome city)
Ep26 ???? ???????? Melbourne:
Ep27 ???? ???????? Sydney: (most jokes)
Welcome keen traveller!
I hope you've come to join me on this Modern Grand Tour exploring history and culture.
- The first leg of the journey takes us through Europe ????????
- The second leg crosses Russia ???????? via the Trans-Siberian Railway ???? and Couchsurfing ????
- The third and final leg concludes in Asia ???? and Australia ????????
Here's the series playlist:
I promise you, by the end, we'll all be dancing like a room without a roof...
Your new travel partner, Garlen ????
#ThankYouMaxAndNovosibirsk #RussiaTravelVlog #ModernGrandTour
Novosibirsk history | Novosibirsk culture | Novosibirsk travel | Novosibirsk vlog | Novosibirsk Trans-Siberian | Novosibirsk Couchsurfing | Новосибирск | Новосибирск vlog
【K】Russia Travel-Vladivostok[러시아 여행-블라디보스토크]아치형 개선문 니콜라이 문/Nikolai/Triumphal/Arch
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[한국어 정보]
흔히 개선문이라 불리는 니콜라이 문. 19세기 말 러시아의 마지막 황제 니콜라이 2세가 왕위계승을 위해 전통에 따라 여러 도시를 방문했다. 사면에 아치형 문이 있는 개선문은 니콜라이 2세가 방문했던 도시에 하나씩 세워졌다.
[English: Google Translator]
Nikolai statements often called the Arc de Triomphe. The late 19th century, the last Emperor Nicholas II of Russia to the throne, visited several cities in the tradition. The Arc de Triomphe was built on the slopes with arched doors, one in the city who have visited Nicholas II.
[Russia: Google Translator]
заявления Николая часто называют Триумфальной арки. В конце 19-го века, последний император Николай II из России на престол, посетил несколько городов в традиции. Триумфальная арка была построена на склонах с арочными дверями, один в городе, которые посетил Николая II.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아10-04 아치형 개선문 니콜라이 문/Nikolai/Triumphal/Arch
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조연동 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,거리,street,avenue, route, downtown, shop, square,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,구조물,structure,arch, tower, wall, gate,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,Российская Федерация,Russian Federation,조연동,2015,8월 August,프리모르스키 주,Primorskiy,Примо́рский край,연해주
Russian Orthodox clergy resolving a spiritual conflict...
Excerpt from the movie The Mysterious Monk (1968)
Izmailovo Kremlin, Moscow
Izmailovo Kremlin
Moscow's other, lesser known kremlin is a fairytale-like cultural complex modeled after Old Russia.
As the symbol of the Russian state, the Kremlin in Moscow’s Red Square is famed and celebrated. But there is a second, less known Kremlin in the northeast part of the city. Located near the Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond, the Kremlin in the city’s Izmailovo District is an unexpected, fairytale-like cultural wonderland.
Kremlin is the Russian word for citadel or fortress, and they are found in many Russian cities. But the Izmailovo Kremlin, a wooden complex completed in 2007, was not built for protection as its name suggests. It was established as a cultural center and marketplace loosely modeled after traditional Russian architecture and fairytale depictions of Old Russia. Wander about and you will spot the Romanov emblem of a crowned griffin decorating everything from buildings to fences, as well as a pink statue of Lenin which has caused some mild outrage.
The colorful and bustling complex is home to several single-subject museums. One is dedicated to Russian folk art, another to bread, and yet another to vodka. It includes a wooden replica of the summer palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, where visitors can experience a traditional Russian meal. It is also home to the Church of St. Nicholas, named after the patron saint of crafts and trade, which at 151 feet in height is the tallest wooden church in the country.
Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo District’s landmark open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century, when it was an avant-garde market selling original paintings, crafts, and wares. The market is now connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Taking the appearance of a town, with roofed stalls lining a maze of walkways, it is divided into two tiers: the Vernissage for souvenirs and traditional handicrafts, and the flea market for all else. The bazaar is attended by merchants from regions all over Russia and is a favored shopping destination for locals and tourists alike, brimming with items ranging from books, baskets, retro toys and furniture to Soviet memorabilia, fur hats, nesting dolls, and traditional artwork.
Entering the Izmailovo Kremlin is like stepping back in time. Most popular during the summer and on weekends, the complex and its labyrinthine market space are equally charming during quiet, uncrowded hours.
The bells of the Saviour Monastery of St Euthymius, Suzdal, Russia.
This is a long video of bell ringing. That's it. I debated for a while about uploading this (and I wondered many times while recording it on a 4k, data hungry camera...when is this going to end? The file ended up at 4.7GB!).
In the end, I decided that some people might appreciate it, and if it encourages anyone to make the effort of going to Suzdal in Russia, then it was worthwhile.
The bells themselves ring/chime every hour during opening times in the Cathedral Bell Tower (the red brick building to the right) linked to the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour, the Saviour Monastery of St Euthymius, Suzdal, Russia.
Suzdal is one town in the so called Golden Ring of Russia and I would not be shot down for saying Suzdal is the diamond of this series of towns at the heart of the Russian Orthodox Church.
I made the mistake of under estimating how good Suzdal is. I downgraded a planned two day trip to Suzdal/Vladimir into a day trip from Moscow. I therefore missed sooo much. Organising a trip to Russia/Moscow is quite a challenge but it really is worth it. And don't make my mistake, plan a two day trip to Suzdal (there are a small number of hotels there bookable online). As I say in another video, it really is a pain to get to (if you do it independently) but it really is a beautiful place.
Kronschlot Fort
The Kronschlot fort was a fortress designed to be the “lock on the doors to Saint Petersburg” and protect the budding city from the enemy from the sea. The place for the fort was picked by Peter the Great personally, and the construction of the fortress was under his vigilant control. Peter the Great strategic plan proved to be a very long-term one.
Naval Fortress:
• All episodes are voiced in English and Russian languages and subtitled in 17 languages;
• Format: HD/4K.
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