DJI MPP: Ukraine: Mukachevo
Mukachevo (also Mukacevo and Мукачево) is second largest city of Zakarpattia Oblast. I believe it's best known for Palanok Castle, built in 14th century, very well preserved. Saint Nicholas Monastery and Wooden Church are popular tourist destinations as well.
(Subtitles use metric units, speeds are in km/h.)
01 07 2011 Monastery UGKC Church Mikhail Archangel Mezhyhirja Transcarpathia Ukraine MOV03384 By Paul V Lashkevich
The Saint Nicholas Maglizh Monastery
The Saint Nicholas Maglizh Monastery (“Saint Nicholas of the Fog Monastery”) is located a mile north of the city Maglizh on the slopes of the Central Balkans, 13 km east of the city Kazanlak and 33 km from the city of Stara Zagora.
The monastery complex includes a church, living quarters, stables, and two chapels – The Saints Peter and Paul Chapel and The Archangel Michael Chapel.
The monastery is recognized by all three of these names: The Saint Nicholas Monastery, The Saints Peter and Paul Monastery, and The Archangel Michael Monastery. The oldest object at the monastery is a censer on which there is a Greek inscription dated 1233, which was during the reign of Tsar Ivan-Asen (reign 1218-1241), so the history of the monastery has some connection with the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1393).
After the invasion of the Ottoman Turks during the 14th century, the monastery was often plundered and burned, and then rebuilt.
In 1834, the current church at the monastery was erected, which is a single-nave, single-apse construction without a cupola. A point of interest in the church is that some of the Bulgarian saints depicted by the masters on the church’s icons are wearing traditional Bulgarian clothing.
During the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1888), the Ottomans again set fire to the monastery, but the local residents were able to rebuild it in just a year and a half.
The monastery maintained a school for rug weaving, and it also provided shelter for revolutionaries who fought to liberate the country from the Ottomans. Vasil Levski (1837-1873), known as an apostle of the Bulgarian revolution, stayed at the monastery on several occasions.
In 1922, the monastery was converted into a convent, and there are still a few nuns living on the premises.
The monastery offers accommodations for a few visitors. Reservations should be made in advance. The rooms are basic, without showers or toilets.
There is a trail leading from the monastery to the Vinishki Rock Nature Reserve, where an icon dedicated to The Holy Trinity has been carved into the cliff face.
Мъглижки манастир Св. Николай
Мъглижкият манастир “Св. Николай” се намира на 1км северно от град Мъглиж в склоновете на Стара планина. Представлява комплекс от черква, жилищни и стопански сгради, както и два параклиса, посветени на Св. св. Петър и Павел и Св. Архангел Михаил.
Манастирът до днес е имал три имена: Св. Архангел Михаил, Св. св. Петър и Павел и Св. Николай. Най-старият предмет, който се съхранява тук, е кадилница, върху която има гръцки надпис с дата 1233г - времето, през което е царувал цар Иван Асен ІІ (управлявал в периода 1218-1241г). Това свързва историята на манастира с Второто българско царство (1185-1393г).
След нашествието на османските завоеватели през XIV век манастирът е многократно ограбван, опожаряван и отново възстановяван. През 1834г започва изграждането на сегашния манастирски храм, който в архитектурно отношение е еднокорабна, едноапсидна, безкуполна сграда. Интересното в нея също е, че някои от изографисаните български светци са изобразени, облечени в народни носии. През Руско-турската война (1877-1878г) османците отново опожарили манастира, но местните хора го възстановили само за година и половина.
В светата обител е действало и килийно училище. Тук са намирали убежище редица революционери, участвали в освободителното движение срещу османската власт. Няколко пъти в светата обител е пребивавал и Апостола на свободата Васил Левски (1837-1873г). От 1922г манастирът е действащ девически манастир, обитаван понастоящем от няколко монахини.
Christmas Pilgrimage: Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Benedikivtsi
Hirearchical Divine Liturgy outside in the cemetery of the village of Benedikivtsi.
If you liked this, consider purchasing it from OLTV on our website at
Or, you can purchase the full package of recordings from the Orientale Lumen Foundation's Christmas Pilgrimage to Europe on our website at
Muckachevo Greek Catholic Cathedral
Interior of the Greek Catholic Cathedral in Muckachevo, Ukraine. It was a weekday and the church had just been opened shortly after we arrived. Except that we were leaving the following morning I would have dearly loved to attend the Sunday Divine Liturgy. One day....
Village churches near Uzhgorod
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Liturgy in the Snow
Divine Liturgy in the snow by Bishop Milan Sasik in a village outside the city of Mukachevo, Transcarpathia, Ukraine. Please overlook the wrong title for the icon of St John Chrysostom at time point 2:00 minutes. Five years ago the Greek Catholics were unable to use the church building, and held all of their services in the cemetery, outdoors, all year long.
Проповідь Владики Мілана на Пасхальній літургії
Проповідь Владики Мілана Пасхальна літургія
Paschal Sermon of Bishop Milan of the Eparchy of Mukachevo. Greek Catholic Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Uzhhorod. April 15, 2012.
г Бердичев, Житомирская обл., Видео Зарисовки, Архитектура (Ukraine. Home)
Город Бердичев многие знают. 80 тыс. жителей. Находится в 43 км. от города Житомира. Это центр католической церкви в Украине. Известен своим Санктуарием Божьей Матери Бердичевской, в котором находится чудотворная икона Божьей Матери, коронованная римской церковью. Это место паломничества для паломников всего мира.
Не пропусти новое видео. Подпишись на канал!
Жизнь в Украине | Living in Ukraine:
Йога. Практики. Боевые Искусства. Оружие:
Бизнес на Дому | Home Business:
Музыка. Песни. Танцы | Music. Songs. Dancing:
Медитация. Вегетарианство. Природа. Релакс:
Интересное. Необычное | Interesting. Unusual:
Alla Sheiko.The Boys Choir. Ancient chant of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra
Ancient chant of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra
The Boys Choir of the P.Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine
Artistic director and chief conductor -- Alla Sheiko
Concert in the St. Nicholas Cathedral (Italy); July 18, 2013
Piesn Rumunia 3
Konwencja Mukaczewo 2015 Mukatschewe, Мукачеве, Mukachevo
Piesn Rumunska
Mission to Ukraine 7/15/2007 - Independence Square, Kiev
The next day, I got up late and worked in the vineyard for several hours. This is just a small plot that consists of two rows of grapes. I learned how to use a scythe to cut grass. We cleared all the weeds away from around the grapes and ate lots of cherries and other fruits in the garden. I made just a few video clips of the grapes vines after they had all the weeds cleared away and a couple new fruit trees that Alexei planted.
You can see that clip as part of the previous entry on 7/14/2007
At night I met with Roman Medvid, another former editor of Predvestnik at about 9 pm at Kreshatik in the center of Kiev. We ate sushi in the new mall, drank Jamaican Blue Mountain espresso, and talked about my Life Without Crime series. Roman drove me back to Alexei's flat, but I got us lost twice. Every apartment building and street from the Soviet era looks about the same to me. We had to wake Alexei to come out to the street to find us. It turned out that we were at the right intersection, but I got my sense of direction turned around 90 degrees. In any case, it was the first time in over seven years that Alexei and Roman had seen each other -- an odd but good enough excuse.
Uzhgorod Cathedral Choir 4
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore
Dismissal · St. Tikhon's Mission Choir · Benedict Sheehan
Memory Eternal: An Orthodox Christian Requiem
℗ 2013 St. Tikhon's Monastery Press
Released on: 2013-09-05
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2017.07.16 - Мукачівський монастир - Празник Чудотвоної Ікони - Подячні промови
Подячні промови на завершення святкування празника Мукачівської Чудотворної Ікони Божої Матері.
- Монастир Отців Василіян - 16.07.2017
Day of Prayer, Divine Liturgy pt. 1
At St. Athanasius Byzantine Catholic Church, we had a Parish Day of Prayer. We started with Matins at 7am, followed by the First and Third Hours, and continued with Divine Liturgy.
Свято-Миколаївський монастир (Мукачеве)
Мукачево: Свято-Николаевский монастырь на Чернечьей горе
Свято-Николаевский Мукачевский женский монастырь. Основателем обители историки считают литовско-русского князя Феодора Карнатовича, о котором легенда рассказывает, что однажды летом, когда князь прогуливался по живописному берегу Латорицы, на него напал змей. Испуганный вельможа никак не мог отбиться. Тогда Феодор Карнатович молитвой обратился к Господу и святителю Николаю Чудотворцу за помощью, пообещав за спасение построить храм Божий. Молитва была услышана, и князь остался невредимым.
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