Dom Sankt Nikolai in Greifswald
Es geht rauf zur Aussichtsplattform in 60,1 Meter Höhe und es müssen dabei 262 Stufen bewältigt werden.Der Ausblick entschädigte die Anstrengungen.
Audio: YT-Audiobibliothek
Schloss Schwerin und Dom St. Nikolai Greifswald auf Briefmarken
Schloss Schwerin und Dom St. Nikolai Greifswald auf Briefmarken
Geoffrey Stanton, Marienkirche, Greifswald, Germany
Geoffrey Stanton plays the historic Mehmel organ in the Marienkirche, Greifswald, Germany. Part of Greifswalder Bachwoche 2017.
Stralsund, ev. Kirche St. Nikolai, Abendläuten
Es läuten zwei Glocken der Nikolaikirche in Stralsund. Sie bilden das Abendgeläut. Infos liegen mir leider nicht vor.
Germany tour 2009: Every Time I Feel the Spirit- H. T. Burleigh
Gerald Blanchard (baritone) sings this standard African American Spiritual to a very appreciative audience in Greifswald Germany at the Cathedral of St. Nikolai. Dr. Geoff Stanton of Eastern Michigan University was the accompanist.
Sanierung am Dom St. Nikolai geht weiter
Beitrag aus der Sendung „Regional vom 08.11.2013
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© Greifswald TV 2013
Croÿ-Kantate im Nordmagazin
Bericht über die Croÿ-Kantate, die am 04.06.12 im Greifswalder Dom im Rahmen der Greifswalder Bachwoche aufgeführt wurde.
Created with MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus
Videoszenen von Wismar St Nikolai der Innenstadt St Marien und Archidiakonat 07 05 2014
Videoszenen - Aufnahmen von Wismar St.Nikolai - der Innenstadt -
von St. Marien und dem Archidiakonat - Bilder 07.05.2014
Stralsund - Die Marienkirche bekommt ein neues Dach
Feierliche Immatrikulation und Bildungsprotest vor dem Dom
Beitrag aus der Sendung „Regional vom 18.10.2013
Mehr Infos und News unter
© Greifswald TV 2013
Stralsund St. Jakobi Glocken beim Glockenkonzert am 09.08.2009
eine Impression vom Glockenkonzert, schwierig wg. Seewind und Autos, aber eine seltene Gelegenheit, das unrenovierte Geläut von St. Jakobi mit zwei erhaltenen Barockglocken a° und c' wenigstens angeschlagen zu hören
An impression from the Bell concert on August 9th 2009, diffcult to record because of sea wind and bypassing cars, but a seldom opportunity to listen to the both historic bells of St. Jakobi, which have surwived but still the technical means have to be renovated, so they only could be chimed at this time
Stralsund St. Marien Blick vom Turm zum Dachreiter und über die Stadt
Cologne Dom over 500 steps in bell tower - Kölner Dom hinauf CylonThrasher on Tour
yes we are going up the Cologne Cathedral, 500 steps, with a cool view from the top.
We also saw the bells in the tower, And filmed
ja wir sind den Kölner Dom hinauf, 500 Stufen, mit einer coolen Aussicht von Oben.
auch haben wir die Glocken im Turm gesehen und gefilmt
0:00 Eingang / entrance
0:24 Der Aufstieg / The rise
5:37 Geschafft ? / Done ?
8:25 Auf dem Turm / On the tower
13:10 Bei den Glocken / By the bells
15:55 Wieder am Boden / Back on the ground
Viel Spaß und schaut euch meinen Kanal an / Have fun and have a look at my channel
Sanctus - Domchor Greifswald
66. Greifswalder Bachwoche
Beitrag aus der Sendung „regional vom 08.06.2012
Mehr Infos und News unter
© Greifswald TV 2012
Cologne cathedral - Kölner Dom (Hohe Domkirche St. Peter und Maria)
Cologne Cathedral is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne It is dedicated to Saint Peter and the Virgin Mary.
The cathedral is a World Heritage Site, being one of the best-known architectural monuments in Germany, and Cologne's most famous landmark, described by UNESCO as an exceptional work of human creative genius. Cologne Cathedral is one of the world's largest churches, being the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe. For four years, 1880-84, it was the tallest structure in the world, until the completion of the Washington Monument. It has the second-tallest church spires, only surpassed by the single spire of Ulm Cathedral, completed ten years later in 1890. Because of its enormous twin spires, it also presents the largest façade of any church in the world.
The choir of Cologne Cathedral, measured between the piers, also holds the distinction of having the largest height to width ratio of any Medieval church, 3.6:1, exceeding even Beauvais Cathedral which has a slightly higher vault.
Construction of the Gothic church began in 1248 and took, with interruptions, until 1880 to complete a period of over six hundred years. It is 144.5 metres long, 86.5 m wide and its two towers are 157 m tall.
My channel is one of the most prolific from Poland, although not amongst the most visited. With almost one film per day, one may be forgiven for thinking I do nothing else but I do have a day job as well. I have produced around 1,000 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
In 1997 I founded Polish Business News .There are a number of business related films here and I intend to do many more on CRM (customer relations management).
My blog can be found via and and contains background information and more details of many of my films. This information is in English.
Katedra św. Mikołaja w Greifswaldzie (niem. Der Greifswalder Dom St. Nikolai) – kościół ewangelicko-augsburski, położony w centrum Greifswaldu przy ulicy Domstraße. Nosi wezwanie św. Mikołaja, patrona żeglarzy i kupców.
Kościół św. Mikołaja został wzniesiony w II. poł. XIII w. jako trzynawowy halowy kościół miejski z prosto zamkniętym prezbiterium w stylu północnoniemieckiego gotyku ceglanego. Sto lat później przebudowany na bazylikę. Neogotycki wystrój wnętrza pochodzi z I poł. XIX w. Jest jednym z trzech głównych, średniowiecznych kościołów parafialnych Greifswaldu obok kościoła Mariackiego i kościoła św. Jakuba.
Kościół św. Mikołaja ma obecnie status Hauptkirche, tzn. jest siedzibą biskupa lokalnego Pomorskiego Kościoła Ewangelickiego.
Port muzealny i wieża więzienna
Od 1994 roku dawny port w Greifswaldzie jest portem starych i zabytkowych statków. Wieża więzienna, wspomniana po raz pierwszy w 1329 roku, była w latach 1775-1826 obserwatorium
astronomicznym, obecnie mieści się tutaj kapitanat portu muzealnego.
St. Marienkirche Turmbesteigung Stralsund #1
Frühjahrs Urlaub in Stralsund 2015
und nachdem Wir uns diese schöne Kirche von Innen angesehen haben besteigen wir nun den Turm.
weitere Videos findet ihr in meiner Playliste
Hansestadt Stralsund - Landkreis Vorpommern-Rügen
Mecklenburg - Vorpommern