Why there are decorated saints in Swiss churches
Dressed up skeletons abound in Swiss churches - who were they and where do they come from?
They are all dressed up with nowhere to go - the saints that are a regular feature of Swiss churches. Dozens of elaborately decorated skeletons of Christian martyrs can be found in Catholic churches around the country. Many of them were imported more than 400 years ago from Rome, and have now been rediscovered and photographed by Carole Alkabes from canton Vaud. We find out why she does it. (SRF/swissinfo.ch)
swissinfo.ch is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events.
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ZÜRICH, EXPLORING the historic OLD CITY (ALTSTADT), top attractions (SWITZERLAND) ????
Subscribe here: - Let's walk around Zurich's Old City (or Altstadt) and let's experience its medieval houses, narrow lanes, alleyways, houses and parks from the Renaissance period which offer an attractive backdrop for world-class entertainment. A tour of the Old Town lets visitors experience Zurich's multifaceted past. The backdrop turns into a living history of characteristic buildings and the people that lived and acted out their lives in them.
Switzerland is a mountainous Central European country, home to numerous lakes, villages and the high peaks of the Alps. Its cities contain medieval quarters, with landmarks like capital Bern’s Zytglogge clock tower and Lucerne’s wooden chapel bridge. The country is also known for its ski resorts and hiking trails. Banking and finance are key industries, and Swiss watches and chocolate are world renowned.
The double towers of the Grossmünster (Great Minster) are Zurich's landmark. According to legend, Charlemagne built the towers at the location where the graves of the city saints Felix and Regula were discovered. Further sights worth seeing include the Peterskirche (Peter's Church), which has Europe's largest clockface, and the Fraumünster (Minster of Our Lady), which is known for its stained glass windows by Giacometti and Chagall.
Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com.
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Das Grossmünster ist eine evangelisch-reformierte Kirche in der Altstadt von Zürich. Die Kirchenpatrone sind Felix und Regula sowie Exuperantius. Bis zur Reformation war das Grossmünster zugleich Teil eines weltlichen Chorherrenstifts und Pfarrkirche. Das Grossmünster gehört zusammen mit dem Fraumünster und der St.-Peter-Kirche zu den bekanntesten Kirchen der Stadt Zürich. Seine charakteristischen Doppeltürme sind das eigentliche Wahrzeichen der Stadt.
The Grossmünster is a Protestant-Reformed church in the historic city center of Zurich. The patron saints of the church are Felix, Regula, and Experantius. Until the Reformation, the Grossmünster was simultaneously part of a secular chapter of canons and a parish church. Along with the Fraumünster and the St. Peter church, the Grossmünster is one of the most famous churches in the city of Zurich. Its characteristic double towers are the actual landmark of the city.
Switzerland: Südostbahn (SOB) Voralpen-Express services seen at Herisau & St Gallen stations
A selection of clips showing the Südostbahn (SOB) Voralpen-Express services at Herisau & St Gallen stations on the scenic route between St. Gallen & Lucerne.
All clips recorded 9th February 2019.
Clip 1 - Locos 456 092 (front) & 456 093 (rear) power the 1603 St Gallen to Luzern service from Herisau station
Clip 2 (1:00) - Locomotive 446 016 arriving into Herisau station working the 1439 Luzern to St Gallen
Clip 3 (1:42) - RBDe motor coach 561 082 (front) & locomotive 446 016 (rear) leave St. Gallen station working the 1703 St Gallen to Luzern service
The Voralpen-Express (VAE, Pre-Alpine Express) is a named train connecting medium-sized cities in central and eastern Switzerland, carrying this name since 1992. It is operated by Südostbahn (SOB) and runs every hour between St. Gallen and Lucerne.
Besides creating a tangential link on the southern edge of the greater Zurich area, it is popular for the pre-alpine scenery. The most important stations with connecting trains and regular boat lines on the lakes are:
Lucerne: GoldenPass Line, Lake Lucerne (Vierwaldstättersee), Pilatus mountain
Arth-Goldau: trains through the Gotthard Rail Tunnel to Ticino and Italy; cog-wheel train to Rigi mountain
Biberbrugg: to Einsiedeln
Pfäffikon: line to Chur (Grisons), Lake Zurich
Rapperswil: rose town, Lake Zurich crossing the Seedamm
Wattwil: Churfirsten and Toggenburg
Herisau: Appenzell (narrow gauge network of Appenzeller Bahnen)
St. Gallen: UNESCO World Heritage abbey library, trains to Austria and Germany
The SLM Re 456 is a four-axis locomotive with inverter technology developed by SLM and BBC (later ABB) in the late 1980s and designed for Swiss private railways.
The locomotive is therefore sometimes referred to as KTU locomotive, short for licensed transport companies (KTU), which term at that time included the private railways, but not the SBB.
Herisau is a municipality of the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in Switzerland. It is the seat of the canton's government and parliament; the judicial authorities are situated in Trogen.
The central hamlet and the houses around the central square, the Protestant church of 1580, the houses Wetter and zur Rose (both 1737), the hamlet Schwänberg and the government building with the state archive are listed as heritage sites of national significance.
Together with other Alpine towns Herisau engages in the Alpine Town of the Year Association for the implementation of the Alpine Convention to achieve sustainable development in the Alpine Arc.
St. Gallen or traditionally St Gall, in German sometimes Sankt Gallen is a Swiss town and the capital of the canton of St. Gallen. It evolved from the hermitage of Saint Gall, founded in the 7th century. Today, it is a large urban agglomeration (with around 160,000 inhabitants) and represents the center of eastern Switzerland. Its economy consists mainly of the service sector. Internationally, the town is known as the home of the University of St. Gallen, one of word's leading business schools.
The main tourist attraction is the Abbey of Saint Gall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Abbey's renowned library contains books from the 9th century.
The official language of St. Gallen is (the Swiss variety of Standard) German, but the main spoken language is the local variant of the Alemannic Swiss German dialect. The city has good transport links to the rest of the country and to neighbouring Germany and Austria. It also functions as the gate to the Appenzellerland.
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Morning walk through Tirano village, Italy
I spent my birthday walking through the tiny village of Tirano. It's such a beautiful little town with wonderful people located less than 2 miles from the Italy/Swiss border.
Students of the HSLU performing Quattrocordi
Quattrocordi: Gruppen-Ground Eigenkomposition
Im Rahmen des Modulkurses Berührungsängste -- no way
Wolfgang Sieber, Leitung
mit Studierenden der Hochschule Luzern -- Musik
Musicians: Maria Sturm, Urs Itin, Stefan Grüninger, Wolfgang Sieber
Recorded at Collegiate Church of St. Leodegar in Lucerne, Switzerland
Camera: Marianne and Jürg Rufer. Audio engineer: Lasse Nipkow, Silent Work Studio.
A Dingo and Fox Production. © 2014, Wolfgang Sieber
Wolfgang Sieber
Wolfgang Sieber (1954) entstammt einer Musikerfamilie aus Lichtensteig, nahe dem Geburtsort von über hundert Toggenburger Hausorgeln und ist seit seinem vierzehnten Lebensjahr ständiger Organist. Nach abgeschlossener Mittelschule verdankt Wolfgang Sieber seine Ausbildung in Klavier, Orgel und Kirchenmusik u.a. Hans Vollenweider in Zürich, Jirí Reinberger in Prag, Gaston Litaize und Jean Langlais in Paris und Franz Lehrndorfer in München.
Konzertaufträge führen Wolfgang Sieber gleichermassen nach Berlin wie ins KKL, nach Japan wie ins alpine Hinterland oder im Jahre 2003 beispielsweise nach Paris zu César Francks Wirkungsort Ste Clotilde. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Interpret und Komponist engagiert sich Sieber als Pädagoge mit Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie in der Konzertausbildungsklasse (Orgel) des SMPV, als Förderer junger Musiker, Initiant von Komponisten-Begegnungen (Petr Eben, Naji Hakim), Konzertzyklen und Promotionsveranstaltungen mit der 350 Jahre alten Luzerner Hoforgel; als Anreger von Uraufführungswerken (Linus David, Carl Rütti, Felix Schüeli, Sales Kleeb), als Juror, Prüfungsexperte und Orgelberater. Anlässlich der Lichtensteiger Jazztage 2004 spielte Wolfgang Sieber den Klavierpart in Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue. Drei Monate später realisierte er im neuen Alfried Krupp Saal der Philharmonie Essen die Europäische Erstaufführung von Hakims Seattle Concerto und die Uraufführung seiner für diesen Anlass komponierten Rhapsodie Glückauf! für Orgel und Instrumente an der symphonischen Kuhn-Orgel. Zur Eröffnung des Messiaen-Gedenkjahres 2008 interpretierte er dort La Nativité (dokumentiert auf der LIVE-CD bei Ars Produktion Deutschland).
Welcome to the Lucerne School of Music
The Lucerne School of Music is rooted in the lively cultural environment of Lucerne, a city celebrated for its appreciation of music. The School's extensive study programme encompasses the classical, jazz, folk/roots and church music genres, covering all vocal and instrumental disciplines as well as music education. Its flexible training approach can be tailored to personal objectives and provides students with a broad scope for combining subjects -- even across genres.
From the very outset, the training incorporates concert and stage work as a core activity. The School's numerous ensembles and regular collaborations with the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, the Lucerne Theatre, the Lucerne Festival Academy, the Willisau Jazz Festival and the Jazzkantine Luzern offer ideal and challenging performing environments. We ensure that our 500 or so students benefit from the unique opportunities afforded by the charismatic and musical city of Lucerne.
Furthermore, the Lucerne School of Music maintains a network of contacts abroad, not least thanks to our internationally renowned teaching staff.
A Dingo and Fox Production
2014 geht an die flankierenden Massnahmen zur Westumfahrung Zürich
An der Preisverleihung am 28. November in Zürich überreichten Nationalrat Thomas Hardegger, Präsident von Fussverkehr Schweiz, und Evi Allemann, Präsidentin des Verkehrs-Clubs der Schweiz, den mit 10 000 Franken dotierten Hauptpreis an Filippo Leutenegger, der den Preis in seiner Rolle als Vorsteher des Tiefbau- und Entsorgungsdepartements für die Stadt Zürich entgegennahm.
Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt Fussverkehr Schweiz die flankierenden Massnahmen, die die Entlastung des Stadtgebiets vom Durchgangsverkehr sicherstellen, die mit der Eröffnung der Westumfahrung erreicht wurde. Sichtbares und erlebbares Herzstück dieses Bündels von Massnahmen ist die vorbildliche Neugestaltung der ehemaligen «Westtangente», die jahrzehntelang als Transitachse durch die Stadt Zürich das Leben in den betroffenen Quartieren bestimmt hat.
Die Strassen und Plätze entlang der ehemaligen Westtangente wurden verkehrsberuhigt, so dass der öffentliche Raum wieder vermehrt Begegnungsort und Erholungsraum ist. Zwei neue Plätze – der Anny-Klawa-Platz und der Brupbacherplatz – wurden geschaffen. Ebenso hat die Weststrasse ein komplett neues Gesicht erhalten. Die Sihlfeldstrasse erhielt eine neue Allee und hat dank der breiteren Trottoirs das Potenzial, zu einer Flaniermeile zu werden. Der umgestaltete Bullingerplatz ist heute schon ein beliebter und stark frequentierter Quartiertreff.
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Flâneur d'Or 2014 : Fachveranstaltung mit Preisverleihung
Der Wettbewerb wurde 2014 bereits zum achten Mal durchgeführt und vom Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA) und weiteren Partnern unterstützt. Der nationale Wettbewerb honoriert die Anstrengungen von Gemeinden, Institutionen, Fachleuten und anderen engagierten Personen, die innovative und wirksame Projekte zugunsten der Fussgängerinnen und Fussgänger realisiert haben. Die Preissumme beträgt CHF 10'000.–. An der Fachveranstaltung am 28. November werden die besten Projekte des Wettbewerbs in Zürich vorgestellt.
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Flâneur d'Or 2014: Entscheidung der Jury
Insgesamt wurden 46 Projekte eingereicht. Die Jury hatte keine leichte Aufgabe, da viele fussgängerfreundliche Projekte zur Auswahl standen. Der Sommer stand ebenfalls im Zeichen vieler Besichtigungen und fesselnden Diskussionen. Die Resultate werden an einer Medienkonferenz und Fachtagung im Zeitraum Ende November bis Anfang Dezember 2014 öffentlich vorgestellt. Auf diese Veranstaltung hin wird ein Jurybericht erstellt sowie ein Sonderheft der Architekturzeitschrift «Hochparterre» publiziert. Alle Wettbewerbsprojekte werden ab Dezember 2014 zudem auf der Webseite flaneurdor.ch als Best-Practice-Beispiele zu finden sein.
Flâneur d'Or 2014: Anmeldung beendet
Die Anmeldung zum Flâneur d'Or 2014 ist nun beendet und es sind 46 Projekte eingegangen. Davon sind 20 aus der Romandie, 21 deutschsprachige Projekte und 5 italienischsprachige Projekte. Momentan werden diese für die Jurierung im Sommer 2014 aufbereitet. Nachdem den Teilnehmenden die Resultate im September 2014 mitgeteilt werden, findet Anfang Dezember 2014 die offizielle Preisverleihung statt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt erscheint auch die Sonderbeilage der Zeitschrift «Hochparterre», in der das Siegerprojekt und die ausgezeichneten Projekte vorgestellt werden. Anschliessend können Sie die Projekte hier einsehen. Besuchen Sie die Homepage also bald wieder, damit Sie auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben.
Flâneur d’Or 2014
Bereits zum achten Mal vergibt Fussverkehr Schweiz den «Flâneur d’Or – Fussverkehrspreis Infrastruktur». Der Fachverband der Fussgängerinnen und Fussgänger prämiert damit Infrastrukturen und Mobilitätskonzepte, die die Attraktivität und Qualität des Zufussgehens erhöhen. Angesprochen sind Gemeinden, Institutionen, Fachleute und andere engagierte Personen; die Eingabefrist des Wettbewerbs läuft bis Ende April.
Video-Animation, Grossmünster: Der Lettner
Im Auftrag der Kirchgemeinde Grossmünster, Zürich, hat die HMQ AG für den Audioguide eine Video-Animation, basierend auf der Gebäudeaufnahme aus dem Jahre 2016, welche im Auftrag des Kanton Zürich ausgeführt worden war, produziert.
Drehbuch: Markus Brühlmeier
Produzent Ton: tonwelt GmbH
Video-Animation aus Gebäudeaufnahme: HMQ AG
Carol of the Bells - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Purchase Carol of the Bells from the album The Wonder of Christmas:
Deseret Book:
LDS Store:
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square, Bells on Temple Square, and Band of the United States Air Force Reserve perform the Carol of the Bells by Mykola Leontovych arranged by Barlow Bradford.
Hark! How the bells,
Sweet silver bells,
All seem to say,
Throw cares away.
Christmas is here, (ding)
Bringing good cheer (dong)
To young and old, (ding)
Meek and the bold. (dong)
Ding, dong, ding, dong (ding)
That is their song, (dong)
With joyful ring (ding)
All caroling. (dong)
One seems to hear (ding)
Words of good cheer (dong)
From ev'rywhere, (ding)
Filling the air, (dong)
O, how they pound, (ding)
Raising the sound, (dong)
O'er hill and dale (ding)
Telling their tale. (dong)
Oh, how happy are their tones!
Gayly they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer,
Christmas is here!
Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas,
(Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong)
Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas.
(Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong)
On, on they send, (ding)
On without end, (dong)
Their joyful tone (ding)
To ev'ry home. (dong)
Hark! How the bells,
Sweet silver bells,
All seem to say
Throw cares away.
Christmas is here, (ding)
Bringing good cheer, (dong)
To young and old, (ding)
Meek and the bold. (dong)
Ding, dong, ding, dong (ding)
That is their song, (dong)
With joyful ring (ding)
All caroling. (dong)
One seems to hear
Words of good cheer
From ev'rywhere,
Filling the air,
O, how they pound,
Raising the sound,
O'er hill and dale,
Telling their tale.
Ding, dong, ding, dong,
ding, dong, ding, dong,
On on they send, (ding)
On without end,
Their joyful tone
To ev'ry home.
Hark! How the bells,
Sweet silver bells,
All seem to say
Throw cares away.
Christmas is here, (ding)
Bringing good cheer, (dong)
To young and old, (ding)
Meek and the bold. (dong)
Ding, dong, ding, dong (ding)
That is their song, (dong)
With joyful ring (ding)
All caroling. (dong)
One seems to hear (ding)
Words of good cheer (dong)
From ev'rywhere, (ding)
Filling the air, (dong)
O, how they pound, (ding)
Raising the sound, (dong)
O'er hill and dale, (ding)
Telling their tale. (dong)
Oh, how happy are their tones!
Gayly they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer,
Christmas is here!
Ringing, ringing,
ringing, ringing,
Bringing Christmas joy!
Christmas joy!
Christmas joy!
Episode 4033a. Aired December 17, 2006
Chori Chori Chupke Chupke (2001) - Salman Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Preity Zinta - Best Hindi Movie
Chori Chori Chupke Chupke (2001) - Salman Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Preity Zinta - Best Hindi Movie
Sunday school dance - Amazing Grace Ministries Switzerland - Christmas program 2018
Zita of Bourbon-Parma
Zita of Bourbon-Parma was the wife of Emperor Charles of Austria. As such, she was the last Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary, and Queen of Bohemia.
Born as the seventeenth child of the dispossessed Robert I, Duke of Parma and his second wife Infanta Maria Antonia of Portugal, Zita married the then Archduke Charles of Austria in 1911. Charles became heir presumptive to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria in 1914 after the assassination of his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and acceded to the throne in 1916 after the old emperor's death.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
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CH - Appenzell (AI) Pfarrkirche St. Mauritius
Geläute der Pfarrkirche St. Mauritius in Appenzell im Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden.
7 Glocken
Stimmung: G° B° c' d' f' g' b'
Giesser: Rüetschi/Aarau 1923
Zuschauen, hören und geniessen: Das prächtige Geläute der Pfarrkirche Appenzell!
Glocke 1: Landsgemeinde- und Dreifaltigkeitsglocke 6173 kg (auch Männeri genannt)
Glocke 2: Mauritiusglocke (auch Wiiberi genannt) 3428 kg
Glocke 3: Muttergottesglocke (auch Angelusglocke) 2516 kg
Glocke 4: Josephsglocke 1757 kg
Glocke 5: Karlsglocke (auch Wetterglocke) 1069 kg
Glocke 6: Martinsglocke (auch Chlänkerglocke) 743 kg
Glocke 7: Barbara- und Armenseelenglocke 437 kg
Es ist das grösste Geläute im Kanton Appenzell Innerrhoden. Es befindet sich noch eine alte Glocke (Glocke 8) im Turm. Sie wird zum verkünden des Todes verwendet. Sie wird auch Kinderglocke genannt. Auf Appenzellisch: Kind = Goof, deshalb Goofenglocke. Sie läutet nur solistisch. Sie ist die einzige Glocke aus dem alten Geläut, die noch heute auf dem Turm zu St. Mauritius läuten darf.
Die grosse Glocke läutet zur Landsgemeinde mittags um 12 Uhr. Sie wird im Volksmund auch Herrgottsglocke genannt, den in Appenzell ist jeder Sonntag: Herrgottstag! Auf Appenzellisch: Dä Hägottstag!
Kurzer Auszug aus der Läutordnung:
Angelus: Glocke 3
Werktagsmesse: Glocken 7-5, Wandlung: Glocke 5
Sonntagsgottesdienste (Sa/So) Feiertage und Sonntage im Jahreskreis
Chlänkerä (Vorläuten) Glocke 6, 3 min (Nur sonntags zum Hauptamt)
Einläuten (Sa/So) 10 min mit allen Glocken
Wandlung: Glocke 1
Auszug: Glocke 1, ca. 3-5 Minuten
Sonntagsgottesdienste (Sa/So) in der Fasten- und Adventszeit
Chlänkerä (Vorläuten) Glocke 6, 3 min (Nur sonntags zum Hauptamt)
Einläuten (Sa/So) 10 min mit Glocken 7+5+4+2
Wandlung: Glocke 2
Auszug: Glocke 2, ca. 3-5 Minuten
Verkünden des Todes: Glocke 8
Besammlung auf dem Friedhof:
Männer: Glocke 1 (Männeri)
Frauen: Glocke 2 (Wiiberi)
Kinder: Glocke 8 (Goofenglocke)
Zum Gottesdienst in der Pfarrkirche: Glocken 7-4
Wettersegen an Werktagen: Glocke 5
Die Pfarrkirche St. Mauritius steht an der Nordostecke des Dorfkerns am Eingang zur Hauptgasse (Appenzellisch: Hooptgass). Der Innenraum ist prächtig geschmückt. Der massive, blockförmige Turm ist auf der Westseite mit der Figur des Kirchen- und Landespatrons Mauritius geschmückt. Unten steht die Innschrift: Der heilige Mauritius möge uns beschützen. Die schöne Uhr trägt die Innschrift in lateinischer Sprache: Eine dieser (Stunden) wird deine letzte sein.
Der Name Appenzell stamt aus dem lateinischen: Abatisella (eines Abtes Zelle). Im Volksmund wird der Ort: Appezöll genannt.
Appenzell ist der Hauptort des Kantons Appenzell Innerrhoden. Eine wunderschöne Gegend in der Ostschweiz.
Ein ganz grosser Dank geht an das nette Mesmerteam der Pfarrkirche Appenzell.
Aufnahmedatum: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010
Official Tell the World Feature Film
Tell the World shares the compelling story of a small group of farmers from the northeast region of the United States who would go on to set the foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since the 19th century, the Church has been at the forefront of matters relating to health, education, communication and Biblical interpretation.
Find out more at
Church Clap by KB feat. Lecrae (Lyric video)
Made for the Unashamed Lyric Video Contest X Poetry in Motion.
Huldrych Zwingli
Huldrych (or Ulrich/Ulricht) Zwingli (1 January 1484 – 11 October 1531) was a leader of the Reformation in Switzerland. Born during a time of emerging Swiss patriotism and increasing criticism of the Swiss mercenary system, he attended the University of Vienna and the University of Basel, a scholarly centre of humanism. He continued his studies while he served as a pastor in Glarus and later in Einsiedeln, where he was influenced by the writings of Erasmus.
In 1518, Zwingli became the pastor of the Grossmünster in Zurich where he began to preach ideas on reforming the Catholic Church. In his first public controversy in 1522, he attacked the custom of fasting during Lent. In his publications, he noted corruption in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, promoted clerical marriage, and attacked the use of images in places of worship. In 1524, Zwingli changed his belief about the Lord's Supper, and experienced a dream which gave him confidence in his position. In 1525, Zwingli introduced a new communion liturgy to replace the Mass. Zwingli also clashed with the Anabaptists, which resulted in their persecution.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Pope Pius XII | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Pope Pius XII
00:02:34 1 Early life
00:05:28 2 Church career
00:05:37 2.1 Priest and Monsignor
00:09:23 2.2 Archbishop and Papal nuncio
00:16:48 2.3 Cardinal Secretary of State and Camerlengo
00:22:19 2.4 iReichskonkordat/i and iMit brennender Sorge/i
00:27:29 2.5 iRelation with the Media/i
00:27:51 3 Papacy
00:28:00 3.1 Election and coronation
00:30:16 3.2 Appointments
00:32:10 3.3 Consistories
00:34:00 4 Church reforms
00:34:09 4.1 Liturgy reforms
00:35:49 4.2 Canon Law reforms
00:36:44 4.3 Priests and religious
00:37:52 5 Theology
00:38:45 5.1 Theological orientation
00:38:54 5.1.1 Biblical research
00:39:52 5.1.2 The role of theology
00:40:47 5.2 Mariology and the dogma of the Assumption
00:40:58 5.2.1 World consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
00:41:35 5.2.2 The dogma of the Assumption of Mary
00:42:38 5.3 Social teachings
00:42:47 5.3.1 Medical theology
00:43:40 5.3.2 Family and sexuality
00:44:18 5.3.3 Theology and science
00:44:52 5.3.4 Evolution
00:45:52 5.3.5 Capital punishment
00:46:48 5.4 Encyclicals, writings and speeches
00:49:41 5.5 Feasts and devotions
00:50:21 6 Canonisations and beatifications
00:51:13 7 World War II
00:53:20 7.1 Outbreak of war
00:53:29 7.1.1 Summi Pontificatus
00:57:34 7.1.2 Invasion of Poland
01:00:31 7.1.3 Early actions to end conflict
01:04:29 7.1.4 Widening conflict
01:09:49 7.1.5 Final stages
01:10:27 7.2 Holocaust
01:25:09 7.2.1 Jewish orphans controversy
01:26:27 8 Post-World War II
01:31:46 9 Later life, illness and death
01:31:56 9.1 Late years of Pope Pius XII
01:33:40 9.2 Illness and death
01:36:03 9.3 Botched embalming
01:37:32 9.4 Funeral
01:38:22 10 Cause for canonisation
01:41:57 10.1 Potential miracle
01:42:26 11 Views, interpretations and scholarship
01:42:37 11.1 Contemporary
01:45:55 11.2 Early historical accounts
01:47:05 11.3 iThe Deputy/i
01:49:37 11.4 iActes/i
01:50:21 11.5 iHitler's Pope/i and iThe Myth of Hitler's Pope/i
01:56:35 11.6 International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission
02:01:02 11.7 Recent developments
02:05:16 12 See also
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Pope Pius XII (Italian: Pio XII), born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (Italian pronunciation: [euˈdʒɛːnjo maˈriːa dʒuˈzɛppe dʒoˈvanni paˈtʃɛlli]; 2 March 1876 – 9 October 1958), was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 2 March 1939 to his death. Before his election to the papacy, he served as secretary of the Department of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, papal nuncio to Germany, and Cardinal Secretary of State, in which capacity he worked to conclude treaties with European and Latin American nations, most notably the Reichskonkordat with Nazi Germany.While the Vatican was officially neutral during World War II, Pius XII maintained links to the German Resistance, used diplomacy to aid the victims of the war and lobby for peace, and spoke out against race-based murders and other atrocities. The Reichskonkordat and his leadership of the Catholic Church during the war remain the subject of controversy—including allegations of public silence and inaction about the fate of the Jews. After the war, he advocated peace and reconciliation, including lenient policies towards former Axis and Axis-satellite nations. He was also a staunch opponent of Communism and of the Italian Communist Party.
During his papacy, the Church issued the Decree against Communism, declaring that Catholics who profess Communist doctrine are to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith. In turn, the Church experienced severe persecution and mass deportations of Catholic clergy in the Eastern Bloc. He explicitly invoked ex cathedra papal infallibility with the dogma of the Assumption of Mary in his Apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus. His magisterium includes almost 1,000 addresses and radio broadcasts. His forty-one encyclicals include Mystici corporis, the Church as the Body of Christ; Mediator Dei on liturgy reform; and Humani generis on the Chur ...
Altstadt Zürich.
über YouTube Capture
TELE TOP: Notfall-Übung am Zürcher Grossmünster
Eine spektakuläre Rettungsaktion ist am Montagvormittag 16.01.2012 vom imposanten Karlsturm am Zürcher Grossmünster durchgeführt worden. Minuten zuvor war schon vom benachbarten Bullingerturm eine Person abgeseilt worden. Das Ganze war eine Übung der Zürcher Höhenretter.
Huldrych Zwingli | Wikipedia audio article
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Huldrych Zwingli
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Huldrych Zwingli or Ulrich Zwingli (1 January 1484 – 11 October 1531) was a leader of the Reformation in Switzerland. Born during a time of emerging Swiss patriotism and increasing criticism of the Swiss mercenary system, he attended the University of Vienna and the University of Basel, a scholarly center of Renaissance humanism. He continued his studies while he served as a pastor in Glarus and later in Einsiedeln, where he was influenced by the writings of Erasmus.
In 1519, Zwingli became the pastor of the Grossmünster in Zürich where he began to preach ideas on reform of the Catholic Church. In his first public controversy in 1522, he attacked the custom of fasting during Lent. In his publications, he noted corruption in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, promoted clerical marriage, and attacked the use of images in places of worship. In 1525, Zwingli introduced a new communion liturgy to replace the Mass. Zwingli also clashed with the Anabaptists, which resulted in their persecution. Historians have debated whether or not he turned Zürich into a theocracy.The Reformation spread to other parts of the Swiss Confederation, but several cantons resisted, preferring to remain Catholic. Zwingli formed an alliance of Reformed cantons which divided the Confederation along religious lines. In 1529, a war between the two sides was averted at the last moment. Meanwhile, Zwingli's ideas came to the attention of Martin Luther and other reformers. They met at the Marburg Colloquy and although they agreed on many points of doctrine, they could not reach an accord on the doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
In 1531 Zwingli's alliance applied an unsuccessful food blockade on the Catholic cantons. The cantons responded with an attack at a moment when Zürich was ill-prepared. Zwingli died on the battlefield. His legacy lives on in the confessions, liturgy, and church orders of the Reformed churches of today.