Agios Spiridon Beach , Corfu - Greece
Beautiful Agios Spiridon beach - Corfu , Greece
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Saint Spyridon Church (Corfu, Greece)
The Saint Spyridon Church is a Greek Orthodox place of worship located in Corfu, Greece. The Church is situated in the heart of Corfu town just behind the Liston. It is the most famous church in Corfu. The exterior of the church is typical of the Venetian architecture. Its distinctive red-dome bell tower is the highest point in the town. The bell tower built in 1620 is plain and squarely profiled in an Italian style.
The ceiling of the church is divided into 17 parts by golden frames painted by the artist, Panagiotis Doxaras, in 1727. However due to humidity these initial painting was destroyed and was restored in 1852 by the artist Nikolaos Aspiotis.
Saint Spyridon, who is considered the keeper of Corfu and his relics can be found in the church behind the Altar, housed in a silver shrine made in Vienna in 1867. Devout Corfiots and pilgrims visit to kiss the reliquary and pray to the saint.
His relics are carried around the town of Corfu four times a year to celebrate his miracles: Palm Sunday (plague), Good Friday (Holy Saturday ?, starvation), August 11th (siege of the Turks in 1716), first Sunday of November (plague). The litanies are accompanied by the local bands and they remain a strong tradition on Corfu. On 12 December, the memory of the saint is celebrated.
Saint Spyridon was born in 270 A.D. in Assia, a village in Cyprus and was a shepherd who married and had a daughter. After his wife’s death, his daughter entered a convent and he vowed to lead a monastic life. He studied and gained wisdom and grace in the religious virtues and participated in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325). He reportedly converted a pagan philosopher to Christianity by using a potsherd to illustrate how one single entity (a piece of pottery) could be composed of three unique entities (fire, water and clay); a metaphor for the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. He served as a Bishop of Trimythous, a district of Larnaca Cyprus, until he died in 348 A.D. When the Arabs conquered Cyprus, his body was disinterred and taken to Constantinople but his remains were found intact with a sprig of Basil. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, his relics were moved to Corfu.
Biserica Sfântului Spiridon (Corfu, Grecia)
Biserica a fost construita in anul 1596. Biserica este o basilica cu o singura nava centrala, avand un turn clopotnita foarte inalt.
Tavanul bisericii, deosebit de valoros, fusese initial alcatuit din placi de lemn, aurite si sculptate de catre artistul P. Doxaras, care a lucrat la ele pana in anul 1727. Lipsa de grija si de conditii favorabile au dus la avarierea tavanului, reparatiile si inlocuirea acestuia fiind opera lui Nicolae Aspiotis.
Sfântul Ierarh Spiridon al Trimitundei, este ocrotitorul spiritual al insulei Corfu, iar sfintele sale moaşte se păstrează în această biserică. Evlavia credincioşilor pentru Sfântul Spiridon face ca această biserică să fie cel mai important monument religios al insulei. Pentru cele patru rânduri când sfântul a salvat insula de otomani sau de diferite plăgi, se face procesiune cu moaştele sfântului pe străzile oraşului. În fiecare an, la 12 decembrie, în ziua prăznuirii sale, papucii sfântului sunt schimbaţi din racla cu sfintele moaşte. O părticică din aceste sfinte relicve se află depusă spre închinare credincioşilor la Catedrala mitropolitană Sfântul Spiridon Nou, Paraclis Patriarhal din Bucureşti.
Nascut in insula Cipru, in anul 270, Sfantul Spiridon a fost fiul unei familii sarace si simple. Crescand in dreapta credinta si ducand o viata de nevointa, Sfantul Spiridon a fost hirotonit episcop de Trimitunda. Sfantul Spiridon a luat parte la Sinodul I Ecumenic de la Niceea, unde a aparat dogma Sfintei Treimi prin prefacerea unei carmizi in pamant, apa si foc.
Sfantul a trait si a murit in Cipru, de-a lungul vietii sale el savarsind nenumarate minuni. El a fost prins si omorat in vremea persecutiei lui Maximin, in anul 350. Dupa adormirea in Domnul a sfantului, cand saracinii au atacat insula Cipru, localnicii i-au deschis mormantul ducand trupul sau in Constantinopol pentru a nu fi profanat. Trupul sau era neputrezit si frumos mirositor.
Dupa cucerirea Constantinopolului in anul 1453, Moastele Sfantului Spiridon au fost aduse in Corfu, fiind asezate in actuala locatie in anul 1590.
Sfantul Spiridon face mari minuni si astazi, cea mai vadita dintre ele fiind aceea ca papucii din picioarele sfintelor sale Moaste, in racla, se tocesc in timp, nimeni umbland la ei.
Agios Spyridon Beach - 10.11.2013
Ag.Spyridonas Beach, Corfu, 10.11.2013
Agios Spiridon - Corfu holidays, Greece
Agios Spiridon -
Agios Spiridon beach is a long and deep strip of golden sand which shelves gently into the sea. Currents are known to be strong here so children should be watched. Passing ships don't help as they often send big breakers crashing onto the shore. The beach has a Blue Flag.
Mareblue Beach Resort, Greece
Set amidst well-tended grounds covering 50,000 m², the seaside Mareblue Beach is located in the charming Kassiopi Village. It boasts an outdoor pool, fitness centre and guestrooms with garden, pool or sea views from their balcony. Bright and airy, each of the rooms and suites are air conditioned. They come with a satellite TV with cable channels, safe, fridge and coffee-tea-facilities. A hairdryer stocks the bathroom. Whether you prefer to dine or drink by the pool, sea or in the hotel, there are 3 restaurants and bars to choose from at Mareblue Beach. BBQ facilities are also available on site. A breakfast is served every morning. Kids can enjoy their own pool and playground. Hotel activities include a tennis court, table tennis and billiards. Wi-Fi is available upon request with surcharge. Mareblue Beach offers free parking on site. Corfu International Airport is at a distance of 39 km. Transfers to and from the airport are provided at an extra cost.
PALEOKASTRITSA - Travel Guide (Corfu, Greece)
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Paleokastritsa is one of the most popular resorts of Corfu, situated on the west coast of the island. It is located about 30 km from the capital Corfu Town, surrounded by green hills on the background of brilliant blue sea. It is considered to be the most beautiful resort of Corfu. It consists of six different bays and beaches with crystal blue sea water. Situated aobove, on the mountain, Bella Vista belvedere point overlooks the famous Paleokastritsa resort view with its magnificent bays and the famous monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Above the main coast on a hillside full of wild trees and olive trees facing the deep blue sea stand this monastery who was built around 12th century. Inside there are a museum with Byzantine and post Byzantine icons. Outside the monastery, a canon is still preserved bearing the coat of Arms of Romanof (Romanov), probably since the 1799 from the short presence of Russians.
Paleokastritsa is chiefly memorable for the exceptional scenery along with the superb beaches. You can swim at six different secluded sand and fine pebble beach enclosed by tall cliffs, wooded headlands, olive groves, lemon and cypress trees and lush hilly countryside. Favourite walks are up to the promontory farthest west to find the charming Paleokastritsa monastery. You can reach on foot Agios Spyridon Bay with its immense beach, or by water-taxi. There are plenty of boat trips from Paleokastritsa beaches, the most famous being the Yellow Submarine and Nautilus, boats in which can be see the underwater world. Add variety to holidays in Paleokastritsa by visiting Lakones and other hillside villages, where you will find quiet traditional Corfu charm and memorable country taverns. The rock in the sea visible near the horizon is considered to be the mythical petrified ship of Odysseus. Enjoy a great holiday...
Paleokatritsa este paradisul pasionatilor de scufundari, apele cristaline ale celor 6 golfulete lasandu-i sa descopere fascinanta lume a subacvaticului. De aici se organizeaza si scurte plimbari cu barca sau cu celebrul submarin galben.
Bella Vista este un promontoriu pe versantul muntelui care domină stațiunea Paleokastrisa, cea mai frumoasă staţiune din Insula Corfu. Panorama de vis acoperă versantul muntelui acoperit de păduri de măslini și chiparoși, iar în partea de jos stațiunea Paleokstrisa cu ale sale șase golfuri cu ape în diferite nuanțe. Se remarcă portul turistic Alipa (cu Submarinul Galben), plaja și golful Agios Spyridon (cu grota lui Ulise și Nausicaa) și mănăstirea Paleokastritsa (Panaghia). Pe marginea promontoriului sunt mai multe taverne de unde pot fi savurate in liniste cafeaua si peisajul.
2016 Corfu - Campielo and St. Spiridon Square
Walk on a small streets at the oldest part of Corfu town - Kampielo and the St.Spiridon Square with beautiful boukawilia flowers.
Beach of Ag. Georgios Pagon and Afionas, Greek Islands
NSA is watching you ;)
Right Hand of Saint Spiridon comes from Corfu to Thessaloniki
The holy relic of the right hand of the Wonderworking Saint Spiridon is shown to the for the first time to the faithful of Thessaloniki by the Bishop Nektarios of Corfu
blue bay escape corfu holiday
heres our photo's from our holiday at the blue bay escape in corfu!!!
Pyramid Restaurant Cafe - Corfu Island
Pyramid Restaurant Cafe - About Us
On the beautiful beach of Agios Spiridon in North Corfu we opened the Pyramid restaurant and are waiting for you.
It's a new restaurant which is built of stone and marble with great taste overlooking our own beach and we provide a warm friendly service throughout the day and evening.
At the Pyramid restaurant, we cook Mediterranean food with extra virgin olive oil,and we use quality Greek products in the traditional way of cooking to give us homemade flavors.
We are open from 1st of May Until the End of October from 9:00 pm till 1:30 am.
Our Cuisine
Our chef, with 30 years of experience, invites you to savour the Greek and Mediterranean dishes he creates out of homegrown ingredients from our Garden in one of the Corfu's most beautiful locations. Enjoy our Evening Meal,overlooking the ocean and the Breathtaking Sunset whilst we serve you with care and attention to detail. Our Restaurant is rated as one of the best Restaurants in Corfu on as well as 100% Recommended.
Kapsalos Texas 1312
9-11 memorial (September 11, 2009) on Church Street
This is the memorial taken on September 11, 2009 on Church Street, NYC, just meters away from the WTC site.
Λιτανεία Βαϊων 2014 Κέρκυρα - Corfu Palm Sunday Litany
Η Λιτανεία του Σκηνώματος του Πολιούχου της Κέρκυρας Αγίου Θαυματουρού Σπυρίδωνος, την Κυριακή των Βαϊων, γίνεται σε ανάμνηση Θαύματος απαλλαγής της Νήσου από επιδημία πανώλους.
The Litany of the Holy Relic or Saint Spyridon, the Patron Saint of Corfu, on Palm Sunday, is done in remembrance of saving the Island of Corfu from the plague
Easter Sentido Aeolos Corfu.MPG
Traditional Easter pot throwing and smashing by the staff of Sentido Aeolos Beach Resort. Holy Saturday 11.00hrs sharply celebrating First Resurrction.
12.12.12. One Day On Earth in the village of Tremetousia (Tremeşe) / Erdemli
What Do You Have? What Do You Need? On 12 December 2012, UNDP PFF joined the One Day on Earth project ( to document one day in the life of the community living in the village of Tremetousia (Tremeşe) / Erdemli in the northern part of Cyprus. We met the people living in the village and asked them What Do You Have? What Do You Need in your community?
We hope the answers to these two simple questions will inform on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals while shedding light on diverse topics that are important for future development conversations, said Brandon Litman, Co-founder and Executive Producer of One Day on Earth. The questions are also powerful from a storytelling perspective, which we will be excited to share in the final film and archive.
Tremetousia (Tremeşe) / Erdemli is one of 10 villages where, thanks to European Union Funding, the United Nations Development Programme Partnership for the Future has implemented urban upgrading and community building projects to support the social and economic development of the northern part of Cyprus. The project focused on two main activities:
1) The urban upgrading of the city center by minimizing the traffic load in the city center through pedestrianization and the face-lifting of historical buildings' facades;
2) The Rehabilitation of the main square by paving the area with local traditional stones; creating a green area for social activities and a new a play-ground for children;
The restoration of the traditional coffee shop where the interviews in this video take place was also part of the project as well as the provision of new equipped kitchenettes, characteristic furniture and accessories.
2014 Grece Corfou, Hotel Fiori, Le Sirtaki de Anna et Panos
Premier SIRTAKI ,à 5 Mois, Au Bar Du Corfu Fiori Hotel
FIFTH SUNDAY OF MATTHEW 2012 07 08 Greek Orthodox Liturgy Assumption Chicago