Stadthaus Ulm - Exhibition and Assembly Hall
This is a 3D animation of Richard Meiers architecture on the central place of Ulm (Germany). We produced this video in 2004 with Alias (Autodesk) Maya on the base of 2D drawings and original construction plans.
Orgelpfeifen im Stadthaus Ulm
Anlässlich der Zwischenvernissage der Münster-Turm Ausstellung im Stadthaus Ulm brachte Stadthaus Mitarbeiter Paul Stauber ausgestellte historische Orgelpfeifen zum klingen: Mit einem Staubsauger! Für diese spontane Performance erhielt er verdientermaßen herzlichen Applaus.
Aufgenommen mit meinem Mobiltelefon.
Stadthaus Ulm - Digital Analysis ARPL 648
Stadthaus Ulm - Richard Meier
Digital Analysis - ARPL 648
Das Stadthaus - Die Genese
Das einmalige Dia-Archiv von Martin Rivoir, aus Anlass des 25jährigen Jubiläums des Stadthaus Ulm 2018.
Die Entstehung des Stadthauses in Bildern. 1991 - 1993.
Stadthaus Ulm Sandy Art Shootout Image Explained
Photographer Randy Taylor explains his Paris Shootout photo, which occurred in 1978 but was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, as it is displayed at the Stadthaus Ulm museum. © Randy Taylor.
Martin Mangold Ausstellung Stadthaus Ulm
Tannen Stirling Telestaat Fernsehdocumetation der Ausstellung von Prof. Dr. Helmut Krauch 1994 im Stadthaus in Ulm. Ausstellungsplanung und Umsetzung Martin Mangold.
Stadthaus Ulm: Ausstellung Boxing Cuba
Kurator Tommi Brem zur Ausstellung Boxing Cuba mit Fotografien von Katharina Alt
Stadthaus Ulm Exhibition Tour Part 1
ULM | Baden-Württemberg | Alemanha ???????? Deutschland (Aéreas Drone)
Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, em Stuttgart – Alemanha. Nas margens do rio Danúbio.
Local de nascimento de Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Prémio Nobel de Física de 1921.
80% do centro histórico da cidade foi bombardeado em 1944.
Uma história fez do pardal símbolo da cidade, o encontramos por todos os cantos.
A lenda nos conta que enormes vigas de madeira vinham de longe para a construção da catedral, porém, devido ao seu tamanho, não passavam pelo portão da cidade. Já prestes a arrombarem a porta, foi visto um pardal, que carregava uma longa palha em seu bico, para construir seu ninho. Este pardal voou com o ramo através do portão em sentido longitudinal o que repentinamente trouxe a solução para os trabalhadores entrarem com as vigas, pois insistiam entrar com elas no sentido transversal.
Atrações / Turismo:
Catedral de Ulm - Ulmer Münster - Estilo gótico, é o símbolo da cidade.
“Solar Equation”. Elaborada pelo artista mexicano Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, e localizada no hall de entrada da catedral.
Ulmer Rathaus
Relógio astronômico na Prefeitura de Ulm: Obra-prima da relojoaria medieval, construído em 1581, pelas mãos do relojoeiro mais importante da época, Isaac Habrecht. Pelo menos 15 diferentes dados e eventos astronômicos podem ser lidos – isto se você souber como interpretar a posição do ponteiro e o anel do zodíaco corretamente.
Stadtbibliothek Ulm - City Library Ulm
Kunsthalle Weishaupt - Galeria de arte, no coração da cidade na Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl-Platz.
Muralhas de Ulm - século 15
Fischerviertel – Bairro dos Pescadores: Rio Blau / Construções típicas e muito antigas, Schiefes Haus - Catalogada no Guiness Book, como o hotel mais torto ainda em funcionamento do mundo.
Fonte de Einstein (Einstein Brunnen): Localizada na Zeughausgasse.
Stadthaus, moderno edifício localizado ao lado da Catedral, mistura o passado e o futuro.
Title: The Age Of Wood
Artist: Savfk
Genre: Cello
'The Age Of Wood' by Savfk is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
Die Stifter-Schule stellt Ulm vor: Stadthaus
Gefilmt und vertont von acht Schülerinnen und Schülern der Stifter Schule im Rahmen der Ungarn AG im Schuljahr 12/13, begleitet durch Wolfgang Frank (Schulsozialarbeit AWO) und Isabell Glöckle-Hagg (Medienpädagogik Stadt Ulm).
Stadthaus Ulm Exhibition Tour Part 2
Des Volkes Stimme | Bürgerbegehren Ulmer Münsterplatz 1987
Über Geschmack wollten sich die Ulmerinnen und Ulmer gerne streiten, als im Jahre 1986 der endgültige Entwurf für ein Stadthaus auf dem weitläufigen Münsterplatz feststand.
Stadthaus Ulm Feuerwerk & Musik
Feuerwerk & Musik am Stadthaus Ulm
Fuegos artificiales y musica en Stadthaus Ulm
Places to see in ( Ulm - Germany )
Places to see in ( Ulm - Germany )
Ulm is a city in the south German state of Baden-Württemberg, founded in medieval times. In the center is the huge Gothic Ulm Minster, a centuries-old church. Its steeple has views of the city and, in clear weather, the Alps. The Town Hall has an early-Renaissance facade, murals and a 16th-century astronomical clock. Half-timbered houses line the narrow alleys of the Fischerviertel, an area close to the River Danube.
On the Danube in Baden-Württemberg, Ulm will forever be synonymous with its epic minster. The city, also the birthplace of Albert Einstein, is a heady juxtaposition of Medieval and modern: Dating back hundreds of years are the city’s walls by the Danube and the quarter where fishermen and tanners used to live.
The half-timbered houses and traditional German restaurants on these streets clash with avant-garde new monuments to replace architecture lost in the war. And back to that minster, which soars over everything else in the city. Until the 1900s this church was in the top five tallest buildings in the world and has enough room for 20,000 worshippers.
To set the scene, Ulm Minster has the highest steeple in the world, is officially the tallest complete church in the world and coming into the 20th century it was the 5th tallest man-made structure. From the tower, 768 steps and 143 metres up, there’s a panorama of the Alps far in the distance to the south. Ulm Minster was started in 1377, but partly because of its extreme dimensions was only officially completed in 1890. In the western portal take a moment to study the tympanum, filled with 14th-century carvings of scenes from the book of Genesis.
Where the channels of the Blau Stream enter the Danube is the Medieval waterside quarter for Ulm’s tanners, fishermen and shipbuilders. The neighbourhood reached its zenith in the 1500s when trade on the Danube was roaring. As a testament to this high demand, the streets are tightly packed with cantilevered timber-framed houses, some so close to each other that they sometimes touch in front, like on the appropriately named Kussgasse (Kiss Alley).
What could be the cutest building in Ulm is the Schiefes Haus, a rickety inn from the start of the 15th century. The museum for bread culture has an apt home in a Renaissance granary that was built in 1592 and was in use until the start of the 19th century.
Some way south of Ulm, near the confluence of the Iller and Danube Rivers, is a former Benedictine Abbey of Wiblingen Abbey, now a department of the University of Ulm. Coated with trompe-l’œil frescoes, Ulm’s majestic old town hall has an Early Renaissance design and is composed of three buildings, the oldest of which dates back to the 1370. The oldest architecture is on the southeast side of the complex, while the gables and daintily ornamented windows are from the 15th century.
If you’re up for a restorative stroll you could make for the Danube bordered by a long remnant of Ulm’s defensive walls. One unforgettable element in the defensive system by the Danube is the Metzgerturm (Butchers’ Tower), a gate predating the current line, going back to 1340. The tower got its name as an opening had to be made in the wall to make it easier to reach the city’s slaughterhouse, which was built outside the walls.
In four adjacent houses on Ulm’s Marktplatz, the municipal museum is unmissable for its Gothic and Renaissance sculpture, but also a prehistoric statue that has no equivalent in the world. Take the Central Library, opposite the Old Town Hall and Minster, designed by Gottfried Böhm and in the shape of a glass pyramid.
That wave of architecture has given Ulm a private contemporary art museum. The Kunsthalle Weishaupt opened in 2007 in a cube-shaped building designed by Wolfram Wöhr. Under the Minster’s sky-scraping spire is another modern addition to Ulm’s cityscape.
The gleaming white Stadthaus by New York architect Richard Meier is an attention-grabbing landmark that opened in 1993.
Ulm’s zoo might be on the small side, but has a variety of regional and exotic animals for kids to get close to. At a spacious 28 hectares, Ulm University’s botanical garden is one of the largest in the country. Ulm’s annual city holiday falls on the penultimate Monday of July.
( Ulm - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Ulm . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ulm - Germany
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PERÜCKE, KOPFTUCH, ORDENSTRACHT - Aus meiner Sicht: Sr Elisa Kreutzer
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Hanna Münch:
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Perücke, Kopftuch, Ordenstracht
05. Juni 2019 - 08. September 2019
Das Stadthaus wirft einen neugierigen Blick auf Formen der weiblichen Kopfbedeckung im Islam, Christentum und Judentum. Denn gemeinsam ist den drei Religionen, jeder auf ihre Art, eine Vorstellung von weiblicher Sittsamkeit, die mit einer Verhüllung körperlicher Reize einhergeht.
Drei miteinander im Dialog stehende Teile bilden die Ausstellung.
ULM Activity Center
University Louisiana at Monroe Activity Center,
Monroe, LA, US
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Lothar Späth in Ullm, 2006
Lothar Späth erhielt im Jahr 2006 die Ulmer Ehrenbürgerwürde. Der ehemalige Ministerpräsident Baden-Württembergs hatte sich über viele Jahre für den Ausbau der Ulmer Wissenschaftsstadt eingesetzt. In einem Interview im Stadthaus, das selbst ein Symbol für den Aufbruch Ulms in den 90er Jahren ist, berichtete er von den Anfängen des Projektes Ulmer Wissenschaftsstadt. Erste Schritte war damals die Gründung des Science Parks sowie der ersten An-Institute. Produktion: protel Film und Medien, Redaktion Günter Merkle.
Ulms Neue Mitte besticht durch ihre außergewöhnliche Architektur. Münstertor und Sparkassen-Gebäude von Architekt Stefan Braunfels. Das Kunstmuseum Weishaupt von Wolfram Wöhr, einem früheren Mitarbeiter von Richard Meier. Ein hochrangiges Trio inmitten eines Architektur-Quartettes: Am Marktplatz kontrastieren das mittelalterliche Rathaus mit der Pyramide/Stadtbibliothek von Gottfried Dominikus Böhm. Am Münsterplatz trifft das weisse Stadthaus von Richard Meier auf Ulms Highlight. Das gotische Münster mit dem höchsten Kirchturm der Welt.
Film von protel film und Medien GmbH, im Auftrag der Stadt Ulm. Drehbuch: Günter Merkle
Ulm an der Donau, Sehenswürdigkeiten der Universitätsstadt
In der ehemaligen Königspfalz und Freien Reichsstadt Ulm, am Rande der Schwäbischen Alb gelegen, begeistert und das Nebeneinander historischer und moderner Architektur. Das gotisches Münster, das Schiefe Haus, das Schwörhaus und der Löwenbrunnen auf der einen Seite, die Zentralbibliothek (Glaspyramide), die Museumsgesellschaft (rote Lamellen-Fassade), die Kunsthalle Weishaupt und das Ulmer Stadthaus am Münsterplatz auf der anderen Seite.
Einzelheiten: siehe Untertitel oder Transkript
Rundgang durch Ulm
Rundgang durch die schönsten Ecken Ulms. Vorbei am Ulmer Münster, mit dem höchsten Kirchturm der Welt, weiter durch das Fischer- und Gerbeviertel entlang der Blau und zur Donau. Weitere Infos zur Donau-Doppelstadt unter