Surf Pacharacas Punta Hermosa Lima Peru for long board, sup surf, stand up paddle
How Pacharacas waves look like in a small swell 3.5 feet ( surfing day )
Surf trip to Pacharacas ( Viaje de surf)
My Surf Camp Peru surf travel adventure Lima , Mirafores , Barranco, Punta Hermosa, Chicama .
Stand up Paddle - Peru
Stand up Paddleboard 9'9 by Art in Surf
Oscar Point - Punta Hermosa
PHC - Paddle Surf Punta Hermosa Perú
VIDEO | Rui Baracco Lira - Caballeros Surf SUP - Peru Playa Punta Hermosa
Rui Baracco Lira - SEFON modelo Kompact Mayo 2017
SUP Surfer Sebastian Gomez Scores in Peru
Talented SUP surfer Sebastian Gomez rips on a few juicy waves during a recent session at El Paso, Punta Hermosa in Peru
Nuestro amigo Luis de España....
Stand Up paddle Surf Peru
Let get some paddle in Lima
Classes de Stand up paddle My Surf Camp Peru
Las clases de stand up paddle o SUP SURF,se pueden dar en la Costa Verde , Miraflores, Barranco , Lima , Punta Hermosa, San Bartolo. Con ejercicios funcionales de Jiu Jitsu y nado en aguas abiertas, hacen de estas clases tu mejor forma de entrenamiento. No te pierdas los viajes de SUP Surf con fotos y video coach .
SUP SURF - My Surf Camp Peru
No puedes dejar pasar esta experiencia en
Peru 2014 - SUP Stand Up Peddle
Transporte em Trujillo - Ricardo Taxi Surfs Peru -
Fotos em Huanchaco - Escopeta Fotos -
Fotos em Chicama - Wilson Flowers -
Transporte em Lima - Punta Hermosa - Cristobal Cirilo Ponce Ramos -
Hospedagem em Punta Hermosa - Bareo Surf -
13-year-old Daniella Rosas, protégé of the Proyecto Sofia Mulanovich coaching program supported by Swatch, made history today by charging solid 15ft waves at Peru’s fabled big wave break, Pico Alto. With a thick South Pacific swell lighting up the coast under perfect autumnal conditions, Daniella and fellow kids were offered the perfect opportunity to put the skills honed at Proyecto Sofia Mulanovich to the test in the most challenging of environments - paddle surfing big waves.
“We have been preparing since the start of the Project for this day, said former World Champion Sofia Mulanovich. All the time, effort and patience that went in to getting the kids ready really paid off. They charged.”
Peruvian charger and Hawaiian Triple Crown stand-out Gabriel Villaran has been coaching and offering specialised training with the kids specifically for heavy surf, including APNEA, safety, big wave training and board selection specifically for days like today. The course we've been conducting with the kids is more about understanding everything around big waves and not just surfing them. We have been focused on safety, breathing, equipment, analysing conditions, mental state and respect for the ocean. I was surprised and impressed with how well the kids responded,” said Villaran.
With only a handful of women ever taking on Pico Alto previously, Daniella became the youngest of them to ever tackle the break, catching a number of rides. “Peruvians are known for surfing big waves and I am honored to now be amongst them. There were good waves and it was crowded but this gave me the confidence that I could do it. Once I got my first wave all the fear and nerves were gone, and I was excited to get my next one.”
While the Sofia Mulanovich Proyecto aims to take promising Peruvian youth talent and offer them the tools and resources to help make their pro surfing dreams a reality, focusing on skills needed for a successful competitive world tour career, sponsorship and professionalism, the icing on the cake was seeing their talents come to the fore in headline-grabbing surf conditions. Paddling big waves remains the ultimate skill set in a modern surf career, and Daniella showed why women’s surfing has a bright future, as boundaries continue to be pushed.
For the kids who live here in Peru, Pico Alto has a mythical appeal - this huge wave that breaks a kilometre out to sea, that only shows up at certain times in the right swell, with the right wind. Its a wave where people have made their names and legends born and if you are a surfer here you know at some point you are going to have to see how you measure up against the beast of a wave.
Pico Alto es una de las olas mas legendarias e iconicas que tenemos en el Peru. Esta grande ola que revienta en el balneario de Punta Hermosa solo funciona pocas veces al año cuando el mar crece y las condiciones son favorables. En este video verán a los chicos del Proyecto que con mucha valentía y entrega corrieron esta majestuosa ola. Tuvimos la oportunidad de tener el mejor equipo que hizo todo esto posible, gracias Gabriel Villaran y Miguel Tudela Chiozza por guiarnos estos días y compartir con nosotros sus conocimientos.
También gracias Gabriel Aramburu Aguirre Harold Koechlin Joaquin Castagnetto
Andres Echecopar Jose Antonio Espejo Elespuru Mateo Prias Sainz Gabriel Vargas Corcuera Jhonny Guerrero Nadin Benites Estrada Daniella Rosas Lara Barrios Andres De la Cruz Sebastian Tello Byrn
Video Credits: Adam Brown / Jose Plaza / Camila Toro
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SUP Surfer Sebastian Gomez Scores in Peru
Talented SUP surfer Sebastian Gomez rips on a few juicy waves during a recent session at El Paso, Punta Hermosa in Peru
SUP surfing in Chicama - Peru. Уроки серфинга и SUP
The longest wave in the world in Peru, Chicama. Maximum incredible lenght is 4 km, left point break start working from 5-6 ft size. Russian Jimmy Lewis team came here first time.
Escuela de surf y stand Up paddle paddle My Surf Camp Peru
Alessandro en la escuela de Punta Hermosa
Peru surf trip Puerto Viejo beach
How it looks Peru without a swell - nice 2.5 to 3.5 swell every day in Punta Hermosa area.
Beginner surf experience ( Shaun Georgison 3 days surf lesson at
My Surf Camp Peru and see how he surf alone in our surf school.
Congrat Shaun!!
SUP Surfing Chicama Peru
A quick re-cap of my family's trip to Chicama in Peru in December. We stayed at the Chicama Surf Hotel and surfed the longest left hand wave in the world.
Peru surf trip playa Caballeros & Pacharacas
How it looks Peru without a swell - nice 2.5 to 3.5 swell every day in Punta Hermosa area.
My Surf Camp Peru
Señoritas - winter in Lima (english subtitles)
¡Hace frío, le entran las sureñas y el agua está helada, pero las olas siguen bombeando! Esta vez nos ganamos en Señoritas, izquierdas buenazasss
FACEBOOK: Surfeando Nando
INSTAGRAM sunasurfguide
GoPro HERO6 Black
Gabriel Soria droopy
Ricardo Soria cayo
Race Car - Rondo Brothers
Scanline - Mike Relm
Shawl Paul - Norma Rockwell
Never Sleep - Gunnar Olsen
Hands & Surf Perú
Project to bring education and support to the poorest kids in Perú through surfing.
Proyecto de tres amigos para llevar educación y ayuda a los niños más pobres de Perú a través del surf.
2007ko irailean hasi zen dena. Javier Gonzalez, Mikel Agirre, Rafa Martinez eta Jabi Iraizozek, Peruko haur behartsuenak gogoan, haientzako surfaren bidezko hezkuntza proiektu bati ekitea erabaki genuen. Nola? Materiala, begiraleak eta eskola autofinantzagarri bat eskainiz. Utopia ote? Mundua konpondu ez, baina gure hondar aletxoa behintzat ekarri nahi genuen, geure erara...
...eta ametsa errealitate bihurtu zen.
Ridding the longest waves of Peru. No crowds, good for paddleboarders!