Star Mountain In Costa Rica
Price: $9,900,000. 90.15 hectares. Five large 5-hectare lots are configured on the mountain with ocean-view plateaus cleared and ready for building
Star Mountain is a 90.15-hectares jungle oasis in the mountains of Mal Pais next to Cabo Blanco National Park in the most exclusive neighborhood in Costa Rica. Its extensive land forms a contiguous stretch of forest with Cost Rica's oldest nature reserve. Star Mountain is a lush mosaic of jungle, rolling hills, mountains, streams and hiking trails with many plateau views of the light sandy beaches of Mal Pais and Santa Teresa. The beach is only 2 kilometers away downhill and many of Costa Rica's finest surf breaks are within minutes. For people seeking a tranquil setting to decompress, Star Mountain offers a retreat where the only sounds you will hear are the grousing of howler monkeys and a symphony of birds. At night, the strategically planted Ylang Ylang trees emit a perfumed scent that surrounds the compound. Animal Planet has sent several teams to shoot footage of the abundant wildlife and stunning topography. The neighboring town to the north, Santa Teresa, is world-renown for great surf and magical beaches. A younger set of beautiful people surf and do yoga by day and party by night. In 2011 TripAdvisor rated the beaches of Santa Teresa as the best in all of Central and South America.
To the south, Mal Pais is bordered by Cabo Blanco National Reserve. In 1963 a Swedish couple donated the over 3,000 acre reserve to Costa Rica, creating the first national park in the country and establishing an eco-friendly tourist destination. To the east lie the seaside hamlets of Cabuya and Montezuma. Cabuya provides the main entrance to Cabo Blanco and includes some beautiful beaches and interior surf breaks. Montezuma boasts spectacular waterfalls and maintains a more Bohemian vibe. Star Mountain offers a rare combination of sheer size, elevation and pastureland, set within the context of the dry tropical rain forest. The highest elevations peak over 300 meters, overlooking the ocean as well as the dense jungle canopy of the valleys. Three rivers run within and along the property.
* Star Mountain has a total area of 90.15 hectares. Five large 5-hectare lots are configured on the mountain with ocean-view plateaus cleared and ready for building. These sites are ideal places to build several houses for a family compound.
* Infrastructure: The entire hotel compound is wired for electricity. There are 2 existing telephone lines, and an internet connection. Water is drawn from springs and wells around the property.
* Roads are established throughout the property.
* Water Concession: On October 20, 2006, the Ministerio del Ambiente Y Energia (MINAE) granted a 10 year renewable concession to Star Mountain. Numerous additional spring and well water sources providing some of the best water sources year round on the peninsula.
* Hiking and riding trails are maintained throughout the property.
* Several existing structures on the property comprise 600 square meters of construction under roof. The main house has a 100 square meter area with 3 bedrooms . The casita is a smaller 1 bedroom house. There are also 4 large individual guest rooms each with a bathroom. The lodge is a communal gathering and dining area with a very large grill. The attached kitchen has an oversized walk-in refrigerator and a complete set of appliances. There is a separate bathroom structure to service the lodge area. A large 4 room bodega is composed of a: dry storage room, tool room, laundry room and extra bedroom and bathroom room for a caretaker. The horse tack area was built in 2010 to care for the 11 horses on the property. A 64 square meter yoga platform has just been completed.
* Large pool, Jacuzzi and cascading waterfall.
* 2002 Toyota Landcruiser (50th Anniversary Edition) and 2005 Honda TRX ATV included.
* Furnishings and Equipment are included.
Star Mountain is a universe unto i
Star Mountain
Animals, trails, compound
The Trip House Mal Pais Costa Rica
Horseback riding by the beach in front of the Trip House.
Santa Teresa Panoramic Ocean View Acreage for Sale
Internet Web Code #1963
Size: 12+ Hectares (30+ acres). Electricity and abundant water
Price: US$4,250,000
Toll free USA and CANADA: 1-888-607-6772
Costa Rica: +506 2204-7025 (from the US & Canada dial 011 first)
Office Location: FORUM I Business Park, Building C, First Floor, Suite 3, Santa Ana, San Jose, Costa Rica
A private sanctuary with supreme panoramic views of the white sand beaches and the ocean surf of Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa and Mal Pais. The crown of this property is a generous 9-acre hilltop development platform with killer vistas! sitting at 700 feet above sea level and blessed by the ocean and mountain breezes, as well as the shade of impressive Guanacaste trees.
Santa Teresa is a vibrant town with a laid-back and relaxed atmosphere. Days and nights are filled with excitement and activities that will spice up your life. Here you can enjoy beautiful sunsets and get daily fresh caughts at the local Fish Market every day!
Santa Teresa is also a favorite getaway for the beautiful people of the world. Posh celebrities and supermodels come to surf, blend in and relax... Many are frequent visitors here, you may cross paths with them sometimes while riding a wave or enjoying a cup of coffee at the local bakery... This is truly a surfer's paradise!
The area of Santa Teresa and Mal Pais is known for its gorgeous white sand beaches where you can walk for miles, its great surfing waves year around -good for the experienced surfers as well as for beginners-
Be the King/Queen of the hill owning this exquisit ready for development land right on top of Playa Carmen, the famous crossroad between Mal Pais and Santa Teresa. This impressive hilltop is located at a safe altitude, with unmatched privacy. The ocean views are so close to the water that you can see and hear the crushing waves feeling like you can almost touch them!
For those who have dreamed about owning a nice property in Mal Pais or Santa Teresa, THIS IS IT... This is by far the BEST available PREMIERE land for sale and probably THE MOST BEAUTIFUL in the entire area!
Central location, just a very short drive to Playa Carmen commercial area (1 km or 0.6 miles)
The property has 2 abundant Water Wells providing 16 gallons per minute (enough flow for 30+ luxury homes).
The property has 3 public road access points
Access through gravel road accessible only by 4x4, for maximum security.
There is an important deposit of beautiful natural stone in the property that can be used to maintain internal and access roads as well as to build walls and plates...
Spectacular trees providing shade
Constant breeze from the ocean and mountain cooling down the coastal heat
Privileged topography perfect for development featuring a 9-acre platform on top of the hill.
THIS PROPERTY IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE CROWN JEWEL OF ALL SANTA TERESA AND MALPAIS AREAS... If you feel that you or someone you know may be interested in this property... contact us for details before it is gone!
The Sunset House in Costa Rica
An exotic place to rent for a luxurious vacation on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. Located on a mountaintop with spectacular views of the ocean and surrounding mountains, the Sunset House is surrounded by howling monkeys and tropical birds but yet is only minutes from a luxury resort where vacationers can take advantage of the amenities such as gourmet restaurants, pools, zip lining through the jungle canopy, horseback riding, golf and an ocean beach.
Raul and Jimmy Motorcycle Trip
One of the trails that Raul and I rode in the northern peninsula of Costa Rica. This is on one of the back roads from Montezuma to Malpais and Santa Theresa.
Gus & Ruby - October Birthday Weekend
Gus turns eight and Ruby turns 11! October, 2013 - Nosara, Costa Rica
Jeep on Saint johns road. Montezuma. Co
White Desert 4x4 Jeep - Egypt
Bahariya Oasis, Egypt 4x4 Jeep in the White Desert
Trolly in SF
Riding the trolly on California St. in SF
Cañón del Sumidero Chiapas, la guía definitiva
En esta guía acerca del Cañón del Sumidero, te contamos todo lo que necesitas saber para preparar tu viaje a Chiapas y vivir esta gran experiencia. Continúa leyendo para obtener los enlaces de los lugares que mencionamos en el video.
Los embarcaderos hacia el Cañón del Sumidero están en el pueblo mágico de Chiapa de Corzo, por lo cuál te recomendamos mucho hospedarte en el pueblito y no en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutierrez, ya que el Chiapa de Corzo tiene más que ofrecerte como viajero.
*Dónde hospedarte
-A dos cuadras de la plaza principal de Chiapa de Corzo, está ubicado el Hotel La Ceiba uno de los más completos del pueblo, que te aseguramos que te va a satisfacer en todos los aspectos de tu viaje, nosotros lo escogimos por ubicación y precio, revisa su página web para que conozcas sus paquetes y ofertas:
*Camino al Cañón del Sumidero
-Hay varias cooperativas turísticas que ofrecen el tour en lancha, nosotros nos fuimos con la cooperativa Grijalva y nos costó $190 pesos por persona. Te recomendamos que te pongas bloqueador de sol y que lleves sombrero o gorra. El recorrido dura aproximadamente 2 horas.
*El Cañón del Sumidero
-Durante tu trayecto puedes ver muchas especies de fauna y formaciones rocosas que, si dejas volar tu imaginación, semejan animales, rostros, y todo tipo de figuras. Los muros del Cañón llegan a medir más de 1000 metros de altura, lo demás te lo puede ir platicando tu guía, tampoco queremos platicarte todos los detalles para que los descubras por ti mismo.
*Recomendaciones durante tu recorrido
-No te quites el chaleco para nada, primero por tu seguridad, segundo por que si te ve una autoridad, te harás acreedor de una multa.
-Por favor, si generas desechos mientras navegas por el Cañón, guárdalos en tu mochila para tirarlos después en la basura.
-Disfruta primero, toma fotos después.
-Al terminar NO TE QUITES la pulsera, la puedes necesitar después.
*Dónde comer en Chiapa de Corzo
-Terminando el paseo en lancha, te recomendamos saciar tu apetito en el restaurante El campanario, ahí puedes probar los platillos más representativos de Chiapas, son deliciosos y la atención es muy buena. No es precisamente barato, pero el sabor de la comida y la abundancia con la que te sirven vale la pena.
*Los 5 miradores del Cañón del Sumidero
-A media hora de Chiapa de Corzo está el acceso al Parque Nacional el Cañón del Sumidero que debes de visitar para completar tu experiencia. El acceso tiene un costo de $31 por persona, pero es gratis si muestras la pulsera que te dieron durante el paseo de Lancha.
-Vale la pena parar en cada mirador para contemplar por un momento los diferentes ángulos de esta maravilla natural, sin embargo el 5to mirador, el que se encuentra en la cima del Cañón es el que tiene la vista más impresionante.
-En la tienda de artesanías que hay en este lugar, puedes comprar los Karushitos, una artesanía muy original de Chiapas, son animalitos hechos con semillas de distintos árboles y pintados a mano. Éstos personajes tienen un canal de Youtube, aquí está su enlace:
*Diviértete y baila en el parque de la Marimba.
-Antes de regresar al Hotel, ve al Parque de la Marimba en el centro de Tuxtla Gutierrez para disfrutar de una tarde de música viva, la orquesta toca todos los días de 6pm a 9pm, es muy divertido.
*Visita la Fuente Opilóna en Chiapa de Corzo
-Un monumento artístico, único en su tipo, dónde te vas a tomar unas fotos padrísimas para que te lleves un recuerdo magnífico de tu aventura en el cañón del sumidero.
Eso es todo lo que necesitas saber para tener la mejor experiencia cuando te decidas a vistar este majestuoso lugar.
Music by Joakim Karud
The Trail to Oregon!
Download Soundtrack on iTunes!:
Join our All-American family as they journey down the The Trail to Oregon!
The Trail to Oregon! is an original musical produced by Starkid Productions and was performed in Chicago in the summer of 2014. It is also the most historically accurate musical portraying the Oregon Trail to date; featuring 12 educational songs, a set precisely replicating the trail’s landscape, and appearances from famous historical figures, such as: Henry McDoon, Cletus Jones, and Cornwallis. Watch it if you want.
WARNING: “The Trail to Oregon!” contains adult language and adult content.
Здравствуй, Никарагуа!!!
Если бы я вел рейтинг самых ужасных границ, то #никарагуа была бы лидером (на сегодняшний день).
Несколько дней назад эту границу пересекали ребята, которых я встретил в Гватемале. Они сказали, что их там продержали 4 часа. Мол надо было сделать электронную регистрацию за неделю до пересечения границы! Но они сидели и ждали и их пропустили через 4 часа!
Я настроился примерно на такой же сценарий! Приехал около 18:00 и дал паспорт ( в интернете не пишут про регистрацию заранее).
Мой паспорт по несколько раз пролистал каждый ????
Потом начали рассматривать прошлые штампы ????
Потом начали вести хронологию и все это записывать в блокноте ????
А затем объявили мне, что им надо 2 фотокопии моего паспорта ????
Потом ещё куча странных вопросов и спокойно так: ждите!
Я ждал! Прошло 3 часа! Ко мне подошёл один из пограничников и сказал, что уже поздно и мне опасно ехать здесь по дорогам ночью! Поэтому я ДОЛЖЕН остаться здесь ночевать, а утром в 5-6 они ОТДАДУТ мне мой паспорт ????
Ладно! Я поставил палатку прямо на границе ????
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The Ultimate Gift | Award Winning | HD | Family Movie | Full length
The Ultimate Gift - A deceased billionaire leaves his spoiled adult grandson a series of odd tasks to perform in order to receive the ultimate gift, with the resentful grandson having no idea what that might be.
The Ultimate Gift (2006):
Director: Michael O. Sajbel
Writers: Cheryl McKay (screenplay), Jim Stovall (book)
Stars: Drew Fuller, James Garner, Abigail Breslin
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Runtime: 1h 54min
Country: USA
Language: English | Spanish
Release Date: 9 March 2007 (USA)
Also Known As: Das ultimative Geschenk
Filming Locations: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Jason thought his inheritance was going to be the gift of money and lots of it. Was he ever in for a big surprise. Based on the best-selling book The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall, the story sends trust fund baby Jason Stevens on an improbable journey of discovery, having to answer the ultimate question: What is the relationship between wealth and happiness? Jason had a very simple relationship with his impossibly wealthy Grandfather, Howard Red Stevens. He hated him. No heart-to-heart talks, no warm fuzzies, just cold hard cash. So of course he figured that when Red died, the whole reading of the will thing would be another simple cash transaction, that his Grandfather's money would allow him to continue living in the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. But what Red left him was anything but simple. Red instead devised a plan for Jason to experience a crash course on life. Twelve tasks, which Red calls gifts, each challenging Jason in an improbable way, the accumulation of which would change him forever.
I must say that this is one of the best films I've seen in my life. It proves a great movie does not need to involve violence and s*x... Plus, it makes you appreciate all the gifts you've got in your life. If Hollywood (and by these I mean the movie business) had more films like this one, it would have a nice positive impact on our poor and damaged society.
Maybe it doesn't have outstanding special effects, or a main-role actor or actress who deserves an Academy Award, but the plot it's so great, that makes you analyze your own situation and feel thankful for what you have and realize you're missing a lot of nice simple great things of life... and it even makes you want to be a better person! Written by ksequen.
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COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to:, Amogo Networx - The AVOD Channel Network,
Meet the Mormons Official Movie - Full HD
The Meet the Mormons movie examines the very diverse lives of six devout members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Filmed across the globe, Meet the Mormons takes viewers on a journey into the day-to-day realities of individuals living in the U.S., Costa Rica, Nepal and beyond. From their individual passions to their daily struggles, each story paints a picture as rich and unique as the next while challenging the stereotypes that surround the Mormon faith.
The official, full-length version of the movie will only be available on YouTube for a limited time. Learn more about Meet the Mormons at Meet the Mormons is also available on Netflix worldwide.
This is the official Meet the Mormons movie. To buy a personal copy visit Walmart ( Deseret Book ( or Amazon ( .
Meet the Mormons is available on YouTube in 29 languages or dialects!
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More about the unique the stories covered in the Meet the Mormons full movie:
Meet the Humanitarian -
After leaving his village to receive a degree in Engineering, Bishnu Adhikari returned to his home in Nepal with a newfound faith and a determination to help improve the living conditions of the area. Bishnu now travels to remote villages in the Himalayan Mountains to build roads, schools and water systems, all while living with his faith and respecting his culture and his family’s expectations.
Meet the Coach -
As Head Football Coach of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, Ken Niumatalolo balances the pressures of his high-stress job by putting his family and faith first. In the competitive, high-stakes world of college football, he made the shocking decision to cancel staff meetings on Sundays, traditionally seen as critical to the team’s success, to instead honor the Sabbath day.
Meet the Fighter -
With her husband’s help, extreme sports enthusiast Carolina Muñoz Marin has fought her way to the top of women’s amateur kickboxing in Costa Rica, challenging the traditional stereotypes of a Mormon woman. In between family time and training for competitions, Carolina and her husband run a charity to help those in Costa Rica who are less fortunate.
Meet the Bishop -
Jermaine Sullivan works full-time as an academic counselor to 200 students in order to support his wife and three kids. He also volunteers full-time as a Bishop of a Mormon church in Atlanta, Georgia. He leads his diverse congregation with youthful exuberance while shattering stereotypes of what it means to be a Mormon Bishop.
Meet the Mom -
Dawn Armstrong, a struggling single mother, had hit rock bottom and lost all hope. Then she met some Mormon missionaries who helped her and her son get back on their feet and start a new life. Her son is now older and ready to fulfill his two-year voluntary missionary work. As she helps him prepare to leave home for the first time ever, she also prepares to say goodbye.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Top 10 Craziest Events Caught Live on TV
Many witnessed these unforgettable events in real-time thanks to the magic of broadcasting. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 craziest events caught on live TV.
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Geography Now! Guinea
It's the Everything could possibly go wrong secret gem of Africa.
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Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road.
CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Email:
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
From an Atheist to Holiness. AllatRa TV
Programme Participants: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Zhanna, Tatyana.
The answers to main questions asked by atheists, believers, priests, and people who aspire to find the path of true immortality. Black and White. What is true immortality and how to attain it during one's life without intermediaries? Peculiarities of consciousness' work, its tricks and filters on the spiritual path. Consciousness' branding in the system's incubator. How to become free from the shackles of the system and gain spiritual Love and true happiness.
The programme features the movie Atlantis. The Elite in Search of Immortality. The TRUTH about the origin of the elite in contemporary society and their search for immortality. The elite are El's servants. The story of archaic highly developed civilization Atlantis, mentioned in the world's literary heritage of Sumeria, Babylon, and Hellas as well as in the myths of different peoples of the world. Highly developed technologies, fight for power, climatic weapons, nuclear war of the antiquity, megaliths, unique technologies of prolonging life beyond the limit of the species, immortality in the body for the chosen ones. Facts and evidence. How has the ideology of Atlantians' descendants affect the modern outlook of the humanity? The history of plot development of the world elite. SHARP AND RAPID CHANGE OF THE CLIMATE. The last threshold.
Programmes with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov in English:
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Official web-site of ALLATRA TV:
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#Allatra #allatraunites
Thorium is an abundant material which can be transformed into massive quantities of energy. To do so efficiently requires a very different nuclear reactor than the kind we use today- Not one that uses solid fuel rods, but a reactor in which the fuel is kept in a liquid state. Not one that uses pressurized water as a coolant, but a reactor that uses chemically stable molten salts.
Such a reactor is called a Molten Salt Reactor. Many different configurations are possible. Some of these configurations can harness Thorium very efficiently.
This video explores the attributes of Molten Salt Reactors. Why are they compelling? And why do many people (including myself) see them as the only economical way of fully harnessing ALL our nuclear fuels... including Thorium.
This video has been under development since 2012. I hope it conveys to you why I personally find Molten Salt Reactors so compelling, as do the many volunteers and supporters who helped create it. Much of the footage was shot by volunteers.
All music was created by:
To support this project, please visit:
Entities pursuing Molten Salt Reactors are...
Flibe Energy -
Terrestrial Energy -
Moltex Energy -
ThorCon Power -
Transatomic -
Seaborg -
Copenhagen Atomics -
TerraPower -
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre -
Chinese Academy of Sciences -
Regular Thorium conferences are organized by:
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Space
0:17:29 Constraints
0:28:22 Coolants
0:40:15 MSRE
0:48:54 Earth
0:59:46 Thorium
1:22:03 LFTR
1:36:13 Revolution
1:44:58 Forward
1:58:11 ROEI
2:05:41 Beginning
2:08:36 History
2:38:59 Dowtherm
2:47:57 Salt
2:51:44 Pebbles
3:06:07 India
3:18:44 Caldicott
3:35:55 Fission
3:56:22 Spectrum
4:04:25 Chemistry
4:12:51 Turbine
4:22:27 Waste
4:40:15 Decommission
4:54:39 Candlelight
5:13:06 Facts
5:26:08 Future
5:55:39 Pitches
5:56:17 Terrestrial
6:08:33 ThorCon
6:11:45 Flibe
6:20:51 End
6:25:53 Credits
Some of this footage is remixed from non-MSR related sources, to help explain the importance of energy for both space exploration and everyday life here on Earth. Most prominently...
Pandora's Promise -
Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson -
Dr. Robert Zubrin -
Mars Underground -
Andy Weir & Adam Savage -
Periodic Table Videos -
The Ultimate Gift | Romance Movie | Drama | Full Film | Free To Watch
The Ultimate Gift - A deceased billionaire leaves his spoiled adult grandson a series of odd tasks to perform in order to receive the ultimate gift, with the resentful grandson having no idea what that might be.
The Ultimate Gift (2006):
Director: Michael O. Sajbel
Writers: Cheryl McKay (screenplay), Jim Stovall (book)
Stars: Drew Fuller, James Garner, Abigail Breslin
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance
Runtime: 1h 57min
Country: USA
Language: English | Spanish
Release Date: 9 March 2007 (USA)
Also Known As: Das ultimative Geschenk
Filming Locations: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Jason thought his inheritance was going to be the gift of money and lots of it. Was he ever in for a big surprise. Based on the best-selling book The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall, the story sends trust fund baby Jason Stevens on an improbable journey of discovery, having to answer the ultimate question: What is the relationship between wealth and happiness? Jason had a very simple relationship with his impossibly wealthy Grandfather, Howard Red Stevens. He hated him. No heart-to-heart talks, no warm fuzzies, just cold hard cash. So of course he figured that when Red died, the whole reading of the will thing would be another simple cash transaction, that his Grandfather's money would allow him to continue living in the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. But what Red left him was anything but simple. Red instead devised a plan for Jason to experience a crash course on life. Twelve tasks, which Red calls gifts, each challenging Jason in an improbable way, the accumulation of which would change him forever.
I must say that this is one of the best films I've seen in my life. It proves a great movie does not need to involve violence and s*x... Plus, it makes you appreciate all the gifts you've got in your life. If Hollywood (and by these I mean the movie business) had more films like this one, it would have a nice positive impact on our poor and damaged society.
Maybe it doesn't have outstanding special effects, or a main-role actor or actress who deserves an Academy Award, but the plot it's so great, that makes you analyze your own situation and feel thankful for what you have and realize you're missing a lot of nice simple great things of life... and it even makes you want to be a better person! Written by ksequen.
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COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: