【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-스코페]돌다리 아래, 다이빙 동상/Stone Bridge/Statue of Diving Girl
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
시내 번화가와 구시가지를 연결하는 이 다리의 이름은 까멘 로스또. 돌다리란 뜻의 평범한 이름이다. 14세기경 세워졌다고 하는 이 다리는 최근 세워진 한 조형물로 더욱 유명해졌다. 다리 밑 강물에 재미있는 조형물이 서있다. 이제 막 강으로 다이빙하려는 여자와 이미 물속으로 들어가 남자인지 여자인지 알 수 없는 사람의 발이 조형물은 무슨 의미일까? “해마다 이곳에서는 바르다르강에 십자가를 던져 제일 먼저 건져오는 사람이 우승하는 행사가 있는데 그것을 재현한 것입니다.” “아무도 모르죠. 이것을 만든 정부도 모르고 사람들도 모르고 우리도 모릅니다.” 이름도, 만든 사람도 알 수 없는 조형물. 해석의 자유로움이 여행의 즐거움을 더한다.
[English: Google Translator]
The name of the bridge linking the city downtown and the old town is whether kkamen Los another. The common name is the meaning of the stone bridge. The bridge built jyeotdago 14th century became more famous recently built a sculpture. The interesting sculptures standing on the river under the bridge. Is it just a woman you want to dive into the water to the river and already a man or female foot sculpture of unknown whether people mean to me? There will be a yearly event that is coming here in person to deliver the first to throw a cross river Vardar won reproduce it. No I do not know. The government does not know who made it even knowing we do not know. Names, he also made sculptures unknown. This freedom of interpretation adds to the enjoyment of the trip.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Името на мост што го поврзува центарот на градот и стариот дел на градот е дали kkamen Лос друг. Заедничко име е значењето на камениот мост. На мост изграден jyeotdago 14 век стана попопуларен неодамна изграден скулптура. Интересни скулптури стои на реката под мостот. Дали е тоа само една жена сакате да се нурне во вода на реката и веќе некој маж или жена нога скулптура на непознато дали луѓе значи за мене? Нема да биде годишен настан кој доаѓа тука на лице место да ја испорача првата да се фрли крстот реката Вардар победи таа да се репродуцира. Не јас не знам. Владата не знае кој го направи дури и знаејќи не знаеме. Имиња, тој, исто така, направи скулптури непозната. Оваа слобода на толкување придонесува за уживање на патувањето.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-01 돌다리 아래, 다이빙 동상/Stone Bridge/Statue of Diving Girl
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
Vladimir Georgievski Speaks on the Placement of Statue of Alexander the Great in Skoplje 06 V 20
Vladimir Georgievski Speaks on the Placement of Statue of Alexander the Great in Skoplje 06 V 20
Originally created by Srbolog
【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-스코페]도시박물관, 지진의 흔적/City Museum/Earthquake/Station/Clock/Train
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
국립박물관인 이 건물은 1963년까지 수도 스코피예의 기차역이었다. 박물관 입구에 서로 다른 시각의 두 개의 시계가 있다. 현재의 시간을 알려주는 시계와 과거의 시간에 멈춘 시계. 1963년 6월 새벽에 일어난 지진으로 수도 스코피예는 폐허가 됐다. “원래 저 건물은 발칸에서 가장 멋진 기차역이었습니다. 1963년 6월 23일 새벽 6시경에 지진이 일어나서 무너졌죠. 그때 천명 이상이 희생되었고, 많은 사람이 베오그라드로 피난 갔습니다. 저도 많은 친척이 피해를 당했죠. 정말 기억하기 싫은 일입니다.” 박물관 옆 자식을 잃은 어머니의 마음을 표현한 조각상이 당시의 비극을 떠올리게 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
The National Museum building was also polite Skopje railway station in 1963. There are two clocks with different time to the museum entrance. Clock to hang on to tell the current time and past time clock. June 1963 also took place on the morning of the earthquake, was devastated Skopje example. That building was originally the most wonderful railway station in the Balkans. June 23, 1963 an earthquake destroyed prevailed at 6:00 a.m. arose. Then more than a thousand have been sacrificed, many people fled and went to Belgrade. I have many relatives danghaetjyo damage. I really do not want to remember the day. Statues representing the heart of the mother who lost a child reminds me of a museum next to at the time of the tragedy.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Зградата на Националната музеј, беше, исто така, љубезен железничката станица во Скопје во 1963 година Постојат два часовници со различно време на влезот на музејот. Часовникот да се откажам од се каже точното време и минато време часовникот. Јуни 1963 година, исто така, се одржа на утрото на земјотресот бил разрушен Скопје пример. Тоа зграда првично беше најубавото железничка станица на Балканот. 23 Јуни, 1963 година земјотрес уништени преовладуваше во 06:00 настануваат. Потоа повеќе од илјада се жртвувани, многу луѓе ги напуштија и заминаа во Белград. Имам многу роднини danghaetjyo штета. јас навистина не сакам да се сеќавам на денот. Статуи претставува срцето на мајката која го изгубила детето ме потсетува на еден музеј во близина во времето на трагедијата.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-02 도시박물관, 지진의 흔적/City Museum/Earthquake/Station/Clock/Train
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
【K】Macedonia Travel-Skopje[마케도니아 여행-스코페]발칸반도 최대 재래시장/Old Bazaar/Market/Traditional/Old Town/Fruit
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
재래시장은 사람들의 삶을 가장 깊숙이 들여다 볼 수 있는 유리창과 같은 곳이다. 구시가지 끝에 있는 스코피예 재래시장은 발칸반도 최대의 재래시장이다. 나무로 만든 그네의 모습이 정겹고 정육점 유리창에 걸려있는 양고기가 여기가 마케도니아임을 느끼게 해준다. 이곳에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 과일, 야채시장. 구 유고연방시절부터 마케도니아는 동유럽의 주요농산물 생산 국가였다. 마케도니아에서 가장 유명한 과일은 우리나라에서 비싸기로 소문난 체리. 체리 1kg은 과연 어느 정도 양일까? 손 크게 푹푹 담는 것이 혹시 관광객이라서 더 주는 것은 아닐까? 그러나 정확히 1kg이다. “얼마죠?” “100 데나르입니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
Traditional markets such as the windshield is where you can see most deeply into people's lives. The old town at the end of the Skopje For traditional market is the largest traditional market Balkans. The appearance of a swing made of wood hanging on butcher's lamb jeonggyeopgo the window makes me feel that here in Macedonia. It boasts the largest in fruit and vegetables market. Nine days from Macedonia, Yugoslavia was a major agricultural producing countries of Eastern Europe. The most famous cherry fruit in Macedonia is rumored to be expensive in the country. Is it cherries 1kg is indeed somewhat positive? I wonder if it would greatly pukpuk hand that holds yiraseo that more tourists? But exactly 1kg. How much? 100 to carry.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Традиционалните пазари како што се на шофершајбната е местото каде што можете да видите повеќето длабоко во животот на луѓето. Во стариот дел на градот на крајот на Скопје За традиционалниот пазар е најголемиот традиционален пазар Балканот. Изгледот на замав од дрво виси на јагнешко месо месар jeonggyeopgo прозорецот прави да се чувствувам дека овде, во Македонија. Тоа може да се пофали од најголемите во пазарот на овошје и зеленчук. Девет дена од Македонија, Југославија беше еден од главните земји земјоделско производство од Источна Европа. Најпознатите цреша плодови во Македонија е шпекулира да биде скапо во земјата. Дали е тоа цреши 1кг е навистина нешто позитивно? Се прашувам дали тоа во голема мера ќе pukpuk рака која држи yiraseo дека повеќе туристи? Но, токму 1кг. Колку? 100 за носење.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-04 발칸반도 최대 재래시장/Old Bazaar/Market/Traditional/Old Town/Fruit/Cherry
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
【K】Macedonia Travel-Ohrid[마케도니아 여행-오흐리드]세계에서 가장 오래된 자연호수/Lake Ohrid/Resort/Diving/Seaweed
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
오흐리드는 마케도니아의 진주라 불리는 아름다운 호수도시. 오흐리드호수는 최고수심 290m, 전체면적 450 km2의 세계에서 가장 오래된 자연호수중 하나다. 해발 700m의 이 산정호수는 여름철 마케도니아와 유럽의 많은 관광객들이 몰려드는 여름휴양지다. 다이빙 연습을 하나보다. 바다로 착각될 정도의 푸른 호수 물속으로 다이빙하는 소년들. 바다에서만 수영해본 나에게 고인 호수의 수질이 매우 궁금해진다. 바로 근처에서 무언가를 건져내는 사람들을 만났다. 이곳에도 오염물이나 쓰레기들을 건져내는 구나라고 생각했는데 “이게 검은 금이에요.” “검은 금? 어디에 사용하죠?” “밭에다 뿌릴 비료에요. 천연비료인데 아주 좋아요.” 호수에서 자라는 풀이란다. 의심스러워하는 나의 눈치를 읽어서일까? 노인이 직접 풀을 뜯어 보여준다. “이게 뭔지 아세요? 해초인데 햇빛을 받으면 잘 썩어요.” 마치 김이나 파래처럼 부드러운 초록색의 풀이다. “나무에 꽃이 피듯이, 이것도 물속에서 피어나 자라는 것이죠.” 오흐리드 호수의 맑은 물을 강조하는 노인의 친절한 설명이 계속되고 고인 호수의 물은 그리 좋지 않을 것이란 나의 상식은 여지없이 깨진다.
[English: Google Translator]
Oh blurry favorite jinjura beautiful lake city called Macedonia. Ohrid Lake is the best depth 290m, total area of 450 km2 in the world is one of the oldest natural lakes. The calculation of 700m above sea level, the lake is a summer resort during the summer many tourists flock in Macedonia and Europe are. More than one practice dive. Boy diving into the blue waters of the lake enough to be mistaken for the sea. The water quality of the lake or the deceased tried to swim the sea becomes very curious. Just met the rescue is something that people in the neighborhood. I thought to rescue the contaminant or waste is're here, What's black gold, black gold? Where do you use? I'm sprinkle fertilizer eda field. Natural fertilizers inde very good, Miranda pool that grows in the lake. Is my reading I noticed that suspicious? The old man shows grazing directly. Do you know what this is? John rotting seaweed inde well receive the sunlight. It's as if full of soft green, like seaweed and laver. The flowers are pideut trees, this also hers bloom growing in the water. Ohrid my knowledge rea friendly description of the elderly continues to emphasize the clear water of the lake water Lake of the deceased is not too bad breaks without choice.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-09 세계에서 가장 오래된 자연호수/Lake Ohrid/Resort/Diving/Seaweed
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
jumping from the big Bridge in Macedonia
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National awareness of the Macedonian people
I made this video with the main aim to show that the Macedonian awareness that we are descendants of Alexander the Great of Macedon and ancient Macedonians is not from yesterday, but for years ago have been firmly embedded in the Macedonian consciousness. These are just a few excerpts by some prominent figures who confirmed the continuity of Macedonian people throughout the centuries.
Ова видео го направив со главна цел да докажам дека Македонската свест што потекнуваме од Александар Македонски и античките Македонци не е од вчера, туку со години наназад е цврсто врежана во свеста на Македонците. Ова се само неколку извадоци од некои видни личности што го потврдуваат континуитетот на Македонскиот народ низ вековите.
Fountain Of Alexander The Great - Skopje
Fountain Of Alexander The Great - Skopje
What to See & Do in Bitola, Macedonia
What to See & Do in Bitola, Macedonia
In this episode, David takes us around Macedonia to show us what to see and do in Bitola.
The city of Bitola is a mix of ancient and modern traditions. It is small enough to easily explore by foot, and will give you the opportunity to get very familiar Macedonian culture. Heraclea Lyncestis is an ancient site just 2 kilometers from Bitola. It is known for its Greek and Roman architecture, especially its colorful mosaic floors, which are exceptional examples of early Christian art. Don’t forget to admire the amphitheater during your visit to the site.
Magnolia Square is the main square of Bitola. There are several landmarks surrounding the square: Mosque, the Clock Tower, statue of Phillip II of Macedon (in the center of the square) and the beginning of Sirok Sokak, the main pedestrian boulevard of the city.
While exploring around Bitola, you have to stroll through the Old Bazaar. This is one of the city’s most important cultural and social meeting points. Stop at the fruit and vegetable market of the Old Bazaar. It’s really quite colorful and lively. See what produce is in season when you go!
The Old Bazaar is a place to get daily errands done and a great opportunity to purchase souvenirs. Next up on David’s tour is the Museum of Bitola, which holds ancient artifacts and memorabilia from the Balkan struggle for independence. The museum itself used to be a military academy. There are several exhibits and halls dedicated to the academy's most famous student - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, also known as the first president of Turkey and “Father of the Turks”.
Sirok Sokak Street is the perfect place to get a coffee and people watch. It’s a Must-Do when in Bitola. If you don’t, it’s like you were never here.
Right outside the city (5-minute drive) is the village of Dihovo, which is a great place to visit on a day trip. Villa Dihovo is a unique experience for all who visit. If you choose to come here to dine, you’ll enjoy a pleasant array of Macedonian specialties and refreshing salads made from vegetable grown on the property. Villa Dihovo is also a bed and breakfast. The only thing with a fixed price here is the alcohol, which is definitely something you don’t see every day.
David also visited a bee farm in Dihovo and was able to try the honey straight out of the comb. The bee farm also sells honey in jars, which is a great gift to take back home with you. Give yourself an extra day in Bitola so you want to enjoy the flora and fauna of nearby Pelister National Park. Hiking is the most popular activity here.
So if you’re ready to dive into Macedonian history and cuisine, consider stopping in Bitola for a few days to take in its rich culture and friendly people.
What did you think of our episode of what to see and do in Bitola? Leave us a question or comment below!
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About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
What to See & Do in Bitola, Macedonia
マザーテレサ記念館(Memorial house of Mother Teresa) in Skopje, Macedonia,Part2
【K】Macedonia Travel-Ohrid[마케도니아 여행-오흐리드]나움교회 십자가샘물/Monastery of St. Naum/Pond/Spring Water/Lake
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[한국어 정보]
우렁찬 소리를 내며 호수로 흘러 들어가는 물. 하지만 작은 다리 하나 건너면 정 반대의 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 오흐리드 사람들은 이 작은 연못이 호수의 근원이라고 믿고 있다. “이곳은 나움교회의 연못인데 자연보호구역입니다. 이곳의 배들은 모두 모터 엔진이 없습니다. 모터 달린 배는 운행이 금지돼 있어요. 이 작은 호수에는 45개의 샘이 있는데 30개는 물속에 있고, 15개는 육지에 있습니다.” 이 작은 연못의 물만으로 넓은 오흐리드호수를 다 채울 수는 없겠지만 오흐리드사람들은 호수의 물이 깨끗한 이유가 바로 이 곳 때문이라고 믿는다. 1m 정도의 낮은 물속에서 맑은 지하수가 샘솟고 있다. 오흐리드가 고향인 뱃사공의 자랑은 계속되고 그렇게 맑은 물을 헤쳐 20분을 가면 작은 샘터가 나온다. “물이 3곳에서 흘러나와 한 곳으로 들어가는데 십자가 형태죠.”
[English: Google Translator]
Naemyeo water flowing into the lake loud sounds. However, the landscape unfolds in the opposite one just across a small bridge. Ohrid people believe that the origin of the lake is a small pond. This is inde nature reserve pond of naum church. This is not all the ships of the motor engine. Motor boat ran this operation got banned. There is a small lake and the water fountain 45 is 30, 15 are in the land. Needless to fill the water just wide of the Ohrid Lake Ohrid small pond is why people clean water of the lake believes that because right here. Clear water, groundwater is rising from a low of about 1m Sam. Oh blurry Degas pride of his hometown, the boatman will continue to be so small fountain that emerges go 20 minutes break through the clear water. The water's cross deuleoganeunde form to one that flows from the third place.
[Macedonian: Google Translator]
Naemyeo водата тече во езерото силни звуци. Сепак, на сцена се одвива во спротивна еден само во еден мал мост. Охрид луѓе веруваат дека потеклото на езерото е мала езерцето. Ова е Inde природен резерват езерцето на Наум црква. Ова не е за сите бродови на мотор моторот. Моторен чамец истрча на оваа операција беше забранета. Постои мало езеро и чешмата 45 е 30, 15 се во земјата. Непотребно е да се пополни со вода голот на Охрид Охридското Езеро мала езерцето е зошто луѓето чиста вода од езерото верува дека поради тоа што токму овде. Бистра вода, подземните води се зголемува од ниско ниво од околу 1 милион Сем. О матно Дега гордост на својот роден град, на лодкар ќе продолжи да биде толку мала фонтана која се појавува одат 20 минути се пробие на чиста вода. Крос deuleoganeunde форма на водата на еден што тече од третото место.
■클립명: 유럽086-마케도니아01-14 호수의 근원, 나움교회 십자가샘물/Monastery of St. Naum/Pond/Spring Water/Cross/Lake
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백항규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,마케도니아,Macedonia,Makedonija,Republic of Macedonia,백항규,2011,7월 July
Protesters clash with Greek police over Macedonia name agreement
Protesters clash with Greek police over Macedonia name agreement
Athens and Skopje reached a deal in June ending years of acrimony between the two countries over the name of the tiny Balkan state, but it has triggered a furious response from many Greeks. Protesters clash with police during a demonstration against the agreement reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve a dispute over the former Yugoslav republic's name, during the opening of the annual International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep...
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Ден за паметење, кој го поминавме на карпи кој одааваат и примаат енергија. Супер сончев ден со малку облачиња, зачинет со роденден и добри пејсажи.
Voice and effects
VOICED BY: Richard Vaughan
U-S President Bill Clinton is expected to meet with pleads of poverty from the authorities in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia when he visits the country on Tuesday.
The president will be meeting with leaders as well as touring refugee camps still full of refugees who have not returned to their homeland.
At the Stenkovic camp, preparations are underway for President Clinton's visit.
He's expected to arrive around midday local time on Tuesday, with his wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea.
The president will spend an hour meeting the refugees and will then make a speech.
It's believed he'll express NATO's thanks to Macedonia and Albania for their role during the Kosovo crisis, in which both countries took in thousands of refugees.
White House workers spent Monday installing telecommunications equipment for the president and his media entourage to use.
A giant television operation is being set up to transmit the pictures around the world.
Refugees at the camp say they don't mind the intrusion of workers and technicians, they're simply pleased the president is visiting them.
This ethnic Albanian from Kosovo says she's grateful for all the help President Clinton has given towards solving the situation in Kosovo.
And the younger generation is excited too.
In the school ground of the refugee camp, children have been painting pictures and some students have been rehearsing a dance routine - all to welcome the president of the United States.
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マザーテレサ記念館(Memorial house of Mother Teresa) in Skopje, Macedonia,Part1
The World’s Most Amazing Fountains
Manneken Pis
Merlion fountain Singapore
Digital fountain
Metalmorphosis, Charlotte, North Carolina
Giant Tap in Aqauland, Puerto
Banpo Bridge fountain, Seoul, South Korea
The Divers fountain Dubai, United Emirates
Old Piano Turned into Outdoor fountain
Mosacultures Internationales, Montreal, Canada(Currently Closed)
Rainman, Florence, Italy
Vortex fountain 'Charybdis', Sunderland, UK
Stockholm Sweden
Gian-Entrance to the Swarovski Kristallwelten(Crystal Worlds), Wattens, Austria
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara fountain, Ancient City, Thailand
Nine floating fountain, Osaka, Japan
Fountain at the Smithsonian National Museum of African, American History and Culture, Washington DC, USA
Crown fountain Chicago, USA
Vomiting fountain, London, UK
James Cook Memorial fountain. Newcastle NSW Australia.
La Source, By Riopel, In Montral, Qubec
fountain of Wealth, Suntec City, Singapore
Memorial fountain New York, USA
King Fahd's fountain(Tallest in the world), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
the dubai fountain, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
fountain of Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, Xi'an, China
fountain of Alexander the great, Skopje, Meacedonia
Unisphere fountain, New York, USA
Takashi Naraha-the power of water, Gelsenkirchen
Ship fountain in Valencia, Spain
Toilet Bowl Waterfall, Foshan, China
Pineapple fountain, waterfront park in charleston, South Carolina
Cascades of Hercules Monument, Kassel, Germany
fountain stravinsky, Jean Tinguly, 1983. Paris
Stravinsky fountain, Paris, France
Swarovski fountain, Austria
Alexander the great, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Trevi fountain, Rome, Italy
fountain of Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Singing fountain at Republic Square(yerevan)
Julie Penrose fountain Colorado Springs, USA
Mustang by Robert Glen, Las Colinas, Texas, USA
Vaillancourt fountain, San Francisco, California, USA
Volcano fountain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates(Demolished)
Oval fountain in Villa D'este, Rome, Italy
Cordoba, Spain
Waterfall Graphic paint, Japan
Keller fountain, Portland, Oregon, USA
Rose fountain, Tbilisi, Georgia
71 fountain, Ohio USA
Chicago Navy Pier Park fountain
Disney's fountain of Nations, Florida, USA
National Park Eduardo Ruiz, Uruapan Michoacan Mexico
Music: The World’s Most Amazing Fountains
Towards The Sun. Episode 0. SKOPJE (Macedonia)
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Назустріч сонцю автостопом. Епізод 0. Скоп'є, Охридське озеро (Македонія)
Towards The Sun by hitchhiking. Episode 0. Skopje, Ohrid Lake (Macedonia)
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EXPLORING Ohrid and Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia
SUBSCRIBE: - A collection of my best pictures from my August 2011 visit of the area. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com. Lake Ohrid straddles the mountainous border between southwestern part of North Macedonia and eastern Albania. It is one of Europe's deepest and oldest lakes, with a unique aquatic ecosystem of worldwide importance, with more than 200 endemic species.
North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country in the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in September 1991 under the name Republic of Macedonia.
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